The entire Chicago data repository is at your disposal, and there is no limit on what you can study. You can access all areas, years, offenses, or other aspects, like library activity, women’s centers etc..

Question Description

The entire Chicago data repository is at your disposal, and there is no limit on what you can study.You can access all areas, years, offenses, or other aspects, like library activity, women’s centers etc.. Review the class presentations as needed to refresh your memory.

I will expect you to provide me the following:

1.Your proposal – What do you plan to study?How do you plan to conduct your study?What data will you use?What will you produce that will address your project goals?

2.Your spreadsheet – This should contain an organized arrangement of the steps you went through in acquiring, shaping, and processing your data to meet the needs of your project (do not physically include your raw data)

3.Your write-up – provide an executive summary of the problem, the analysis, the findings and conclusions/recommendations. (5-page limit, and no raw data, but tables and graphs are fine.)

Here’s the link for the Crime Data. District 10 is what I’ve been focused on.

We’ve used the data to do 3D maps in excel. Teacher is just wanting the above. Excel charts and diagrams can be added to the paper.

Administrator Challenges Pape

Question Description

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on present-day challenges for criminal justice administrators.

Select a functional role in one of the three major areas of criminal justice administration–corrections–and describe what you consider the major issues and satisfactions of that particular role. Do not write about corrections officers generally, courts generally, or police generally; this assignment is to describe issues that administrators of one of the major areas of criminal justice have. Please note that there are significant differences between administrators and supervisors. Administrators are executive-level positions such as court administrators, police chiefs and assistant chiefs, sheriffs and chief deputies, and wardens of correctional institutions. These positions usually oversee the development and execution of agency budgets along with the operations of the agency as a whole. Do not describe roles played by deputy court clerks, sergeants, or other supervisory positions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and use a minimum of four peer-reviewed sources no older than 10 years that discuss criminal justice in the United States to support your analysis. Additional resources are highly recommended. Fonts must be Arial or Times New Roman, 10pt or 12pt.

Information Systems (IS) Risk Management Paper

Question Description

Resource: Overview of Information Systems and Technology Paper assignment from Week One.

This assignment is based on the Riordan Manufacturing Network Diagram that you chose for the Week One assignment.

Review the information selected for the Overview of Information Systems and Technology Paper assignment from Week One.

Using the information from your Week One Assignment, Explore your system’s vulnerabilities, and address the nature of potential internal and external threats and natural or unintended events that may jeopardize it.

What methods of attack could be used against your system?

What could happen as the result of those attacks?

How can you prevent such attacks?

Determine what levels of security are appropriate to secure the information system while allowing a maximum amount of uninterrupted workflow.

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper that describes principles of risk management as they pertain to the chosen system and its associated technology.

DO NOT write about the products or history of Riordan Manufacturing from the information at the home page. This is an assignment about Information Technology.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

answer this short answer question.

Question Description

George wants to fund a new invention he has created that will identify extraterrestrial aliens. His rich Aunt Sadie is willing to give him money for college tuition but he knows she will never go for this invention. So he tells Aunt Sadie he has been accepted at Princeton and needs $20,000 for tuition. She agrees to give it him but before she pays him, George’s cousin Frank spills the beans at Sunday dinner about the invention. Aunt Sadie refuses to give George the money. George claims he had a contract and wants to sue Aunt Sadie.

Discuss two possible defenses that may be available for Aunt Sadie. Use the defenses to contract article within the Judicial Education Center in the required readings. You must properly cite to the article in your essay and provide the full reference.

You must provide APA in text citations in your essay and full APA citation references at the end. Failure to provide reference sources will result in a -0- for this question

300 word count discussion post

Question Description

In 2014, the home of Miami Heat player, Ray Allen was broken into by 7 teenagers. A short article on the break-in can be found here:

Based on your research, and utilizing the proper terminology from Chapter 7, answer the following questions:

    1. Based on the initial article linked above – would you have charged burglary or trespass? Explain.
    2. Did it matter that Mrs. Allen was home with her children at the time of the break-in? Why or why not?
    3. If this event had occurred under a common law jurisdiction, would your answer be different? Why or why not?
    4. Do you agree with the charges that were ultimately filed under Florida law? Why or why not?
    5. Do you think that the punishment was sufficient? Why or why not?

The Mentally Handicapped/Ill Inmate

Question Description

A significant number of inmates at all levels of corrections is made up of the mentally handicapped. What is the impact of the mentally handicapped on the operations of a corrections facility, how many are there, what are their crimes? What is being done to properly treat the mentally handicapped? What legal requirements are in place to ensure proper treatment of the mentally handicapped? What is a proper disposition for a mentally handicapped offender? As one of your references use “The mentally ill offender treatment and crime reduction act of 2004″.

Write a 2 page APA style paper. In your paper include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may be found on the internet. The other references must be found in the online library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement and the references must be cited in the body of your essay.

View your assignment rubric.

Discussion: Technology in Public Safety

Question Description

Do some research on a public safety agency and find out what types of technologies it uses. Select an agency and a technology it uses in its organization. For example, some fire departments use the social media application Twitter to report fires. Based on your selected agency and technology, build a case for how and why this particular technology is used. Consider answering these questions:

  • What is the public safety agency?
  • What is the technology you are focusing on?
  • How is this technology managed and leveraged in the organization?
  • Where does it fit into the overall mission and vision of the organization?

Respond to two peers and discuss why the selected technology is important for the particular organization. Address any potential maintenance that this technology may require, such as employee training or cost. As a public safety administrator, would you consider continuing to use this technology?

Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

community based corrections

Question Description

Answer each question minimum of 350 words. Use provided material (PDF book) as well 2 additional sources to help support answers. Remember to use in-text citations in each new paragraph. Reference/cite in APA format. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Here is the reference for the PDF :Latessa, E. J., & Smith, P. (2011). Corrections in the Community (5th ed.). Cincinnati Ohio: Anderson Publ. Co.

1.) Research offender reentry in the U.S. at THIS LINK. In a narrative format of 500 or more words, outline the issues, problems and concerns pertaining to offender reentry in the United States. Cite relevant changes, trends and other information to give an accurate overview of the current situation.

2,) Are significant changes needed in regards to offender reentry into the communities? Discuss?

3.) As a member of the criminal justice system, discuss the pros and cons of a half-way house being opened in your neighborhood. Would you support or oppose this venture?

Consultation and Testimony

Question Description

In two paragraphs each, answer the four questions below. I have included the book names along with the associated chapters where the answers can be found. For Posey and Bernstein you will need to locate the books yourself. I have uploaded the PDF for Melton.

Does trial consulting help to achieve the goal of justice? Posey, A. & Wrightsman, L. (2005).Trial consulting.Oxford University Press.ISBN -10: 0195183096.ISBN – 13: 978-0195183092 Chapter 1

Select a step in the criminal case process and describe the possible roles of the forensic expert. Bernstein, B. & Hartsell, T. (2005). The portable guide to testifying in court for mental health professionals: An a-z guide to being an effective witness.John Wiley and Sons.ISBN – 10: 0471465526.ISBN – 13:978-0471465522 Chapters 1-4 and Melton Chapter 2

How do lawyers prepare witnesses? (Posey – Chapter 2)

Describe the impact of opening statements. (Posey – Chapter 5)

250 Word Crime Discussion

Question Description

Imagine that a new curfew law was passed in your jurisdiction aimed at reducing youth crime and that you have been asked to evaluate its effectiveness. Describe the type of evaluation you would conduct. In your post, consider and discuss: (a) who your comparison group would be to determine whether the curfew law is effective; (b) the data you would collect and/or analyze to measure changes in crime rates; and (c) how you would investigate the degree to which the curfew law was being implemented and enforced as intended.

Your initial must be a minimum of 250 words. Support your post with examples from scholarly sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document. Provide in-text citations in APA style.

**Plagiairsm will not be accepted. Please write in your own words.