400-600 words Law Enforcement Services for Crime Prevention

Question Description

Students will be expected to post their first initial discussion board posting by Friday of each week. Discussion posts will be graded and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Students are expected to post their responses to peers by Tuesday. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.

Primary Task Response: The Individual Project for this week involves giving a presentation to a city council and city manager in a public forum regarding their consideration of transition from traditional policing to community-oriented policing & problem solving (COPPS). Review the Unit 4 Individual Project and then explain how you would prepare for the upcoming presentation in the city council meeting.

In your response, answer each of the following questions:

  • Would you use PowerPoint or other electronic aids in your presentation? If so, which would you use and why. If not, why not?
  • What kind of research would you engage in to provide the information and analysis that the city manager and city council have requested? Why?
  • Would you meet with anyone as part of getting this presentation ready? If so, who and why?
  • Would you make the presentation to the city manager and city council alone, or would you bring others with you to brief and/or answer questions? If so, who and why? If not, why not?

CPP: Response to Final Project Outline

Question Description

Using 100 words or more please provide meaningful feedback to the following Final Project Outline. Your feedback is most helpful if you not only point out weak areas but also offer suggestion for improvement. The best feedback takes a three-stage approach to identify what was done well, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Final Project Outline


A. What is Policy Option Analysis?

1.Define the Problem

A. What is the problem in criminal justice policy?

B. How can we solve the problem of crime?

C. What assumptions can we use to solve the problem?

2.Construct Alternative Solutions

A. What are the solutions?

B. How would you reduce alternative solutions?

C. Who would pay for the cost of the solution?

3.Criteria for judging the success of proposed solutions.

A. How effective will the policy be?

B. Does the policy and the means to implement it comply with the law and the constitution?

C. Is the policy fair?

4. Project Outcome from Alternative Solution.

A. Use models to project results.

B. Who will enjoy the benefits or bear the costs of the policy?

5. Analyze Trade-Offs Between Outcome.

A. Compare projected outcomes.

B. Comparing mixed outcomes

C. What is the baseline?

6. Choose the Best Solution:

A. What is the best solution for this policy?

7. Explain Your Recommendation.

A. What would you recommend and how would you explain how you recommend this solution?


Colorado Technical University. (2019). Policy Options Analysis (M.U.S.E.). Retrieved from Colorado Technical University Virtual Campus, CJUS615-1903B-01: http://campus.ctuonline.ed

Can you help with this paper CURRENT CONDITION PAPER

Question Description



To properly understand the concepts in this course and make them meaningful, you must apply what you learn to your life. The place to start is knowing your current condition in the areas of finance, time usage, and talent investment.

Leading During Crisis

Question Description

For this discussion, first find and select a current event that involves a crisis in the public safety sector. For example, an active shooter at a school, an officer-involved shooting, a riot at a prison, a terrorist attack, and a barricade situation are all relevant public safety crises you could select. Then analyze the crisis and the response in order to discuss these questions:

  • What is the crisis?
  • From a public safety administrator’s perspective, what was the tactical response to the incident? In your response, focus on the policy, addressing bad press, personnel, and the community.
  • From a public safety administrator’s perspective, what steps did the agency take to mitigate the crisis? What steps should it have taken? What do you recommend to mitigate the crisis?

As an optional task, you may also consider the following:

  • What kinds of plans were or should have been in place before the incident happened? Social media? Internal investigation? Partnership with other agencies?

Give a link to the current event you refer to in your discussion post.

Respond to at least two peers with reasons you agree or disagree with their analyses of the particular crisis and the plan that was in place. Did they identify the root causes or other relevant factors that could affect response tactics?

Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

In 5 pages explain

Question Description

  • Part 1: The first section of your paper will be based on research.
    • How prevalent is the incidence of prisoner suicide? Explain in detail.
      • What factors seem to contribute the most to prisoner suicide? Explain in detail, and use scholarly and academic resources to fully support your arguments.
    • What are the characteristics and histories of victims of prisoner suicide? Explain.
    • Where and under what circumstances is prisoner suicide likely to occur? Be detailed in your response, and provide examples to support your arguments.
    • Why are prison officials obligated to address the problem of prisoner suicide?
      • You must research and identify studies of both state and federal inmates.
  • Part 2: Develop a policy/program aimed at prevention of inmate suicide in your prison.
    • Identify and describe key correctional departments and others, such as line staff, who should be involved in implementation of the policy and the role they should play.
      • Be specific and detailed in your response when explaining the importance of line staff.
    • The policy should address major components such as:
      • Training
      • Identification
      • Referral
      • Assessment
      • Intervention
    • In your policy, identify the types of records that are to be maintained.
  • The policy should reference state and national standards.
  • The policy should also reflect staff and budget considerations.

You should research standards set by the American Correctional Association, American Medical Association, and American Public Health Association, National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards.

400 Word Discussion Answer

Question Description

The Prompt:

Provide a comprehensive, primary response to the following discussion topic: Targeting of Crime Prevention Programs. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a crime prevention strategy focused at the community (chapter 5)(attached below in a word doc). How will the crime prevention strategy contribute to social and criminal justice?

Also, watch Victimization Triangle—Remove Opportunity for Criminal (Links to an external site.), review Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps (Links to an external site.), and review The Media, Crime Prevention and Urban Safety: A Brief Discussion on Media Influence and Areas for Further Exploration to help with your paper.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 400 words in length. Support your post with examples from your required reading material and/or additional scholarly, peer reviewed, and other credible sources, using the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for guidance. Provide in-text citations according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) and provide APA style references at the end of your initial post. Plagiairism will not be accepted. Please write mostly in your own words.

New Security Employee Paper / Employment Application and Background Check Critique

Question Description

New Security Employee Paper

You manage a security team that is responsible for protecting a centralized warehouse that distributes electronic equipment to a chain of electronics stores. You have been tasked with creating a guide for new security employees.

Write a300- to 350-word paper in which you cover the following topic from outline:

•Evidence acquisition and management

Employment Application and Background Check Critique

Obtain an employment application and background check policies and procedures from your employer or a company with which you are familiar.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company’s employment application and background-check policies and procedures.

Answer the following questions regarding the employment application:

oDoes the application provide sufficient information to conduct a background investigation?

oWhat waivers does the application contain?

oWhat waivers not reflected need to be addressed?

oIs the same application used for all positions?

oWhat revisions would you make to the application?

Answer the following questions regarding the organization’s background check policies and procedures:

oWhat checks are conducted?

oWhat is the policy on drug testing?

oIs a credit check standard?

oDo background checks include interviewing previous and current neighbors?

oAre references contacted and interviewed?

oIs the background check procedure in place adequate?

oHow could the process be improved?

oWhat are the EEOC restrictions which includes criminal records in conducting background employment checks?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

course project

Question Description

lable the running head and title policy paper submission and see attatchments

Now that you have completed your interview and your research, please submit your completed Policy Paper.

Please be sure to proofread your paper before submission.

Check for spelling, grammar errors and double-check all references.

In addition, be sure that your policy paper is aligned with the Policy Paper Outline that you previously submitted.
As a reminder, your policy paper should encompass the following:

  • Policy Paper clearly follows the Policy Paper Outline and isrepresentative of the original policy as presented in the interview.
  • Policy paper includes title of policy, policy number; date policy takes effect, responsible office or individual.
  • Paper includes a clear policy statement that outlines the policy for the students chosen topic area.
  • Paper clarifies the reason for the policy, including introduction,background information, list of reasons for the policy, conclusion.
  • Detailed explanation of the persons affected by the policy.
  • Paper contains ideas for implementing the policy.
  • Paper includes comparison with at least two other policies.
  • Paper includes references to other research about the policy issue.
  • Brief summary of the interview contact or other contacts from research or personal recommendations.
  • Paper includes references in APA format.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Definition of Terrorism

Question Description

Difficulties of Defining Terrorism

There is no universal agreed-upon definition of terrorism. Terrorism means different things to different people, governments, and organizations based upon context.

Write a 2-4-page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Summarize, with citations, at least four different definitions of terrorism. Note: The definitions must come from sources such as U.S. government agencies (e.g., FBI, DOJ, CIA, DOD, DHS, DOS, DIA, NSA, etc.), international agencies and / or foreign governments (e.g. United Nations, England, Israel, etc.), or terrorism experts (e.g. Bruce Hoffman, Walter Laqueur, Brian Jenkins, Paul Pillar, etc.).
  2. Compare and contrast two of the four definitions summarized in Question 1. Provide a rationale for the differences between the two definitions based upon the context of the people, governments, and / or organizations that developed the definition.
  3. Select one of the four chosen definitions of terrorism that you believe most accurately defines terrorism. Recommend at least one change or enhancement that you would make to the definition. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Create your own personal comprehensive definition of terrorism. Identify the key criteria inherent in your personal definition, and explain their importance.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Internet Article Analysis

Question Description

Locate a news article published by a formal news organization (no blogs, personal websites, government press releases, policy center reports, etc.) on the Internet that addresses a current (meaning within the last two years) budgeting issue for an area of criminal justice administration in the state of California. Criminal justice administration means the administration of a corrections, court, or law enforcement agency. This assignment is an analysis of the news article, and how the issue is presented within the article.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on the following:

  • The main idea of the article and reasons for your choice
  • The author’s conclusions and recommendations
  • Your own conclusions and recommendations

Identify in the first paragraph of the paper the name of the article you used as the basis for the assignment, along with the author, cited in proper APA style.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and use a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources no older than 10 years that discuss criminal justice in the United States to support your analysis. Additional resources are highly recommended. The article under examination is not counted toward the minimum of peer-reviewed sources. Fonts must be Arial or Times New Roman, 10pt or 12pt.