Into to business law

Question Description

There are 6 questions. complete each questions

1.James, a businessperson, is a friend of Laura, the owner of a coffee and baked goods store. Every day, James spends around ten minutes in Laura’s store, looking at the baked goods and usually buying one or two items. One afternoon, James goes into the store, looks at the items, and picks up a $1 chocolate chip cookie. James waves the cookie at Laura without saying a word and walks out. Laura sees James wave the cookie and says nothing. Is there a contract? If so, how would it be classified in terms of formation, performance, and enforceability?

2.James, a businessperson, is a friend of Laura, the owner of a coffee and baked goods store. Every day, James spends around ten minutes in Laura’s store, looking at the baked goods and usually buying one or two items. One afternoon, James goes into the store, looks at the items, and picks up a $1 chocolate chip cookie. James waves the cookie at Laura without saying a word and walks out. Laura sees James wave the cookie and says nothing. Is there a contract? If so, how would it be classified in terms of formation, performance, and enforceability?

3.James, a businessperson, is a friend of Laura, the owner of a coffee and baked goods store. Every day, James spends around ten minutes in Laura’s store, looking at the baked goods and usually buying one or two items. One afternoon, James goes into the store, looks at the items, and picks up a $1 chocolate chip cookie. James waves the cookie at Laura without saying a word and walks out. Laura sees James wave the cookie and says nothing. Is there a contract? If so, how would it be classified in terms of formation, performance, and enforceability?

4.Dixie, a driver for Express Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while she makes a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a nearby gas station pump, igniting a fire that spreads quickly to a construction site a block away. A burned wall collapses onto a crane, which falls on Fazio, a bystander, and injures him. What must Fazio show to recover damages from Express Delivery?

5.Bob is shopping in Carl’s Hardware Store when a nail gun in use by Dan, one of Carl’s employees, fires without warning and hits Bob in the leg. Carl checks the gun and discovers that it was assembled improperly. Bob files a suit against Eagle Tools, Inc., the manufacturer of the gun, for product liability, on the ground of strict liability. What are the elements for an action based on strict liability? In whose favor is the court likely to rule and why?

6.Recreation & Sports Equipment Corporation sells a product that is capable of seriously injuring consumers who misuse it in a foreseeable way. Does the firm owe an ethical duty to take this product off the market? What con­flicts might arise if the firm stops selling this product?

Confidence Intervals

Question Description

This is a two part paper.

Course Project Part I

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 8
  • Lesson


You will complete a Course Project in this course that will span twoweeks. The final project is due the Sunday of Week 7. The project isbroken into two parts and it would be most effective to complete Part Iin Week 6 and Part II in Week 7. In Week 6, Confidence Intervals will be explored and in Week 7 Hypothesis testing will be explored.

A confidence interval is a defined range of values such that there isa specified probability that the value of a parameter lies within theinterval.

In Part I of this project, you will pick a topic, complete research and provide a write-up that includes calculations. Round all values to two decimal places when appropriate.


  1. Choose a Topic where you can gather at least 50 pieces of data.

Examples of Topics

  1. The Golden Gate Warriors Points Per Game in 2016 (use the points scored in the first 50 games).
  2. High School Graduation Rates by State (use the graduation rates for all 50 states)
  3. Average Tuition Rates in the US (You have to find the tuition rates of 50 college/universities).
  4. The prices of a hotel room per night in a major city (You have to find the price of the same night of hotels in one city).
  5. Weights of 50 babies at birth.
  1. Write at least a 1-Page Report

Open a Word Document

  1. Introduction–Provide a description of your topic and cite where you found your data.
  2. Sample Data—Include a 5×10 table including your 50 values in your report. You must provide ALL of your sample data.
  3. Problem Computations—For the topic you chose, you must answer the following:
  • Determine the mean and standard deviation of your sample.
  • Find the 80%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals.
  • Make sure to list the margin of error for the 80%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval.
  • Create your own confidence interval (you cannot use 80%, 95%, and99%) and make sure to show your work. Make sure to list the margin oferror.
  1. Problem Analysis—Write a half-page reflection.
  • What trend do you see takes place to the confidence interval as theconfidence level rises? Explain mathematically why that takes place.
  • Provide a sentence for each confidence interval created in part c)which explains what the confidence interval means in context of topic ofyour project.
  • Explain how Part I of the project has helped you understand confidence intervals better?
  • How did this project help you understand statistics better?

Required Software

Microsoft Office: Word and Excel

Use a personal copy or access the software at (Links to an external site.).


This activity will be graded based on the Course Project grading rubric. You can view the rubric below.

This is a two part paper, APA format

Response to an outline minimum 100 words

Question Description

Review at least 1 other student’s Key Assignment Outline and provide meaningful feedback. Refrain from general feedback, such as simply stating “good job.” Your feedback to other students is most helpful if you not only point out weak areas but also offer suggestions for improvement. The best feedback takes a three-stage approach to identify what was done well, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Student paper down below:


1. Michigan state court management policy proposal – There will be changes prescribed to the existing ways in which the Michigan state court provides incarceration, rehabilitation, life imprisonment as well as detention of criminals.

2. The infrastructure of the Michigan state court with respect to juvenile justice department – The Bureau of Juvenile Justice (BJJ) has been designated with the responsibility to ensure the resolution in case of decision-making dilemmas arising in Michigan state courts for juvenile justice cases (Carp et al. 2019).

3. Policy-orientation to be discussed with existing and retired judges of Michigan state courts to juxtapose experience with innovation.

4. Experienced arbitrators and mediators to be taken into confidence to make them comprehend the proposed changes in judicial court proceedings and court agenda for juvenile justice system. Proposal of a more intervention-oriented and rehabilitative approach to accommodate juveniles to be again associated with the normalcy of the social world (Carp et al. 2019).

5. Management of past records via stare decisis to be analyzed and made a component of training.

6. Case flow to be introduced and learned as well.

Reduction of Case Backlog

1. Victim offender mediation (VOM) – There would be lower percentage of costs incurred to implement VOM rather than court-expansion. This is because there could not be many individuals required to be hired to be mediators.

2. Court cases can be reduced in large numbers.

3. Provision for enhanced levels of security by hiring security personnel/intervening officials.

4. Resolving disputes in a constructive and rehabilitative manner to be concentrated more.

5. Juveniles would be considered to be given opportunities to return to normalcy by giving their existence back to the society.

Management of Calendaring of Hearings

1. Court-expansion staff members to be avoided to be hired by cutting down expenses.

2. There has to be construction/delegation of more detention officers to facilitate detention of juveniles.

3. Partnership with charitable institutions to provide individuals to be delegated free of cost or at low rates of remuneration for purpose of mediation.

4. Collaboration with governmental agencies to enhance chances of policy approval.

Work Overload in the state of Michigan

1. In-home probation for juveniles will the major area of concentration by the BJJ for actualizing cost-cutting measures (Carp et al. 2019).

2. Courthouses will be set up by hiring buildings within a year.

3. Contribution to societal welfare.


In-home probation will be more effective to not spend much but utilize VOM.

Deliverable 4 – Code of Ethics Intake Packet

Question Description

The CEO and the Board of Directors has tasked you with developing an intake packet for new patients that will reestablish patient trust in the facility, employees, and staff. The patient packet will address new patient concerns by including information about HIPAA, informed consent, a confidential health history report, and a living will. The new packet will also include the values of the organization and a code of ethics.

Your intake packet will start with the Hospital’s Code of Ethics that includes at least 10 ethical points. The code of ethics should include (at a minimum):

  • Patient relations
  • Physician activities
  • Billing for services
  • Political activities
  • Conflict of interest
  • Communication, including social media
  • Privacy

The Code of Ethics should be submitted in bullet format in a Word document with an introduction. APA formatting for the ethical points and proper grammar is required.

Upon completion of your code of ethics, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or other shareable Webware/software you prefer) with narration in which you explain each ethical point and its relevance in the healthcare industry with examples to the CEO, so that she can answer questions from the Board.

  1. The PowerPoint should have a minimum of 5 slides and a maximum of 12.
  2. Describe each ethical point in the Code of Ethics.
  3. Use the notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
  4. You may use a free screen capture site such as Screencast-O-Matic to record a video of your presentation. Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and can be utilized on a Windows or Mac computer. (Note: You can use another, similar program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is only a suggestion). Make sure that both your voice and the PowerPoint slides are captured on the video.

Your audio presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. The presentation should demonstrate your overall knowledge of the content, pronunciation of words, organization, proper recording, professionalism, and clarity.

Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Be sure to include the following:

  • Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the CEO of your facility.

Save both your Word document and PowerPoint presentation to a folder on your computer. Then zip or compress your folder. This resource from the Library and Learning Services offers help with zipping your folder. Upload the zipped folder to the assignment drop box.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.

Needing some help

Question Description

Jendall Kenner came into our office today to ask for representation on a recent burglary charge. Jendall says that last month, a friend called him sometime in the afternoon and invited him to a party that night at 128 Oakland Street. He knows now that he mistakenly wrote the address as 182 Oakland Street. He admits that he was already really drunk when he caught a city bus to the party.

When he arrived at 182 Oakland Street around 6:00 p.m., he wasn’t surprised that the party had not yet begun. It was still early. He didn’t see anyone at the house and the door was unlocked, so he went inside to wait for other people to show up. While he waited, he helped himself to a few more beers from the refrigerator, and he turned on the stereo to help “get the party started.” He suspects he then must have passed out, because he woke up on the kitchen floor with a police officer standing over him with a gun pointed at him. The arrest report says that the police arrived at 8:43 p.m. after the homeowners arrived home and called to report an intruder.

Jendall explains that he feels really bad about the whole incident, but he isn’t a criminal. It was all just a big mistake that he doesn’t want to ruin his life. He has asked that we represent him to try to get the burglary charge dropped.

Jendall has been charged under the burglary statute located at Code of Virginia § 18.2-92.


Draft a legal memorandum to your supervising attorney regarding this client’s matter. Research the burglary statute indicated above and any case law related to this issue that you find helpful. Be sure to cite your sources. Accurately identify the elements of burglary contained in the statute. Compare the facts above with the elements of burglary to see if the client has been charged correctly. Make a recommendation as to whether we should accept this client’s case and what result we should expect if we take this case to trial.

Required Criteria:

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

  • Length should be 1-2 pages, excluding cover page and references page.
  • Double-spaced and in a 12-point font
  • Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained
  • Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
  • Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • Appropriate citation style should be followed.

Respond to digital forensics in the criminal justice system discussion

Question Description

Analysis on a digital evidence must never be conducted on the original evidence if possible as alterations to the data may occur. This being said, write blockers are used to prevent contamination to the original evidence during a capture, analysis, and control (CRU, n.d.). Write blockers are software or hardware that enable read-only access to data within a storage drives while keeping the integrity of the data (Cybrary, 2016). As the name says, write blockers prevents writes to a storage device. Using this tool, analysts are able to access the data within a storage device without altering the data.

Upon receiving the evidence from the detective, a computer forensic examiner would first review the chain of custody log and ensure all information are correct. Then, all appropriate information will be filled out on the log to update the chain of custody and ensure its validity in court. Next, a hash of the original evidence will be taken for later comparison. Following the hash, the acquisition process is started where data from the digital evidence is acquired without altering the data within the original evidence (InfoSec, n.d.). This can either be done with a physical acquisition where an image is captured from a physical storage device or through logical acquisition where a sparse or logical image is captured from a storage device (InfoSec, n.d). A write blocker is used during this process to prevent alteration to the original evidence.

Following the acquisition process, the analysis phase starts. During this process, the examiner conducts analysis on a copy or image of the original evidence, analysis should not be conducted on the original evidence (InfoSec, n.d.). Various actions can be conducted during this phase to find evidence and help reconstruct actions or events that occurred relating to a case (InfoSec, n.d.). After the analysis phase, reporting must be conducted on the results and process. The reports will include a detailed step by step list of the process and information regarding the acquisition phase such as who conducted it, when it was conducted, and what software/hardware tools were used (InfoSec, n.d.). In addition, the report will include a comparison of a hash of the original evidence and a hash of the image/copy where the analysis was conducted on and ensure the hashes match (InfoSec, n.d.). This comparison will show alterations were not made to the copied/imaged device. Finally, the original evidence and the imaged/copied evidence will be securely stored with access control policies in place within a climate-controlled area free from magnetic fields (Forensic Magazine, 2010).

Response to discussion post minimum 100 words

Question Description

You just basically responding to the student of what you felt compelling and enlightening

Student paper down below:

When I was getting ready for this course I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was surprised at the amount of detail that this class went into. I found Alternative Dispute Resolution, to be interesting due to the amount of different ways that this process. “Dispute resolution processes can be used to resolve any type of dispute including family, neighborhood, employment, business, housing, personal injury, consumer, and environmental disputes.” (staff, 2019) Learning how these different processes are less costly and usually faster that traditional court processes was interesting to learn about. One good thing about these processes is that they are less formal and a lot of the times, the traditional court rules are flexible. As someone who has worked in the criminal justice field for several years, it was interesting to me because I located some alternative dispute resolution options that I have never heard of before. This will give me a leg up if I encounter these type of alternative dispute resolution options, in the future.

I have gone through a few elections, and changing leadership in sheriffs office, but learning how some states, and municipalities have dealt with change was interesting. A lot of the information I found there was no issues in the transition, I only found a few examples where there was animosity and people leaving due to the change in leadership. I found this especially interesting as someone who recently ran for public office and lost, it made me look at the way it effects those that already work in that particular agency. I also found it interesting with the amount of state and local agencies that have position specific training for all newly elected officials, such as judges, sheriffs, and court personnel.

The discussion boards I feel are key to the online learning process, it helps answer any questions you may have. Every student is given the same question, and it is intriguing how many different answers to the same questions you will receive. These different answers are key to the learning process, due to the different points of view and experience of the particular students. If you have any questions are unsure of something in the assignment reading others discussion board posts can and most likely will answer those questions. The use of the individual projects and the discussion board, I feel was the best use of assignments for this particular course.

CPP: W5 Most compelling subjects in Criminology and Public Policy

Question Description

Using 100 words or more, please respond to the following post concerning the most compelling subjects in Criminology and Public Policy.

This was the hardest class I have had since I being here at C.T.U. for one I could not check my originality verification, and then when I put it in submissions it would give me a high score even though I put it in my own words, and then I had to do the assignment all over. And then there come annotated bibliography and after I say ok that was hard but then came the literature review and I start stressing again I was stressing and calling everyone at CTU to help me to understand this course more, and everyone was a big help, so I think them all. I cry, pull my hair out, wanted to give up but my family would not let me, and my adviser coach would not let me quit. I know by taking this subject it helps me to understand what they are and if I have this in another class then I will know what to do.

The discussion board helps me understand what I have to do with this course because it helps me to understand what my other classmate had to say about the subject. And I want to thank each one of them I did not read all the classmate assignment but the ones that I did they gave me a better understanding of the course. And thanks to our teacher and all the CTU staff that help me with this course. The live chat was great because I got to ask questions even though the time was early but by getting up early on a Saturday morning was hard, but I got to understand what I had to do. I want to thank everyone again for their help. The MUSE helps me a lot but when it came to the eBooks, I was more confused than ever because I could not understand the eBook. I know I might have to take this class over, but I will take whatever I learn with me.

I don’t feel there is nothing need to be added to this course, even though it was hard I really got something from this course.

I will take everything that I learn in this class into my next class, and in the future class because I will be having the same teacher again in my next class.

Industrial Psychology hiring process selection ratio base rate

Question Description

please review the Case Study below and submit answers

Real Estate World: Real Estate World is trying to improve their selection process for hiring real estate agents. A successful real estate agent, according to the company, is one that can sell a minimum of 50 houses per year. The company believes that the key to successful real estate is perseverance. To test this hypothesis the company administers The Perseverance Assessment (TPA) to 75 applicants holding a proper real estate license. The company hires all of the applicants that scored higher than 3 on the TPA and gives all of them one year to see how they perform on the job. Given below are applicant scores on the TPA as well as how many houses each sold in the year. Answer the questions that follow.

TPA score # houses sold in the year

10 78 67 65 59 55

9 79 61 61 61 58 56 56 50 48 47

8 69 65 64 63 59 56 50 50 50 49 45 44 42 41 31

7 72 66 56 55 54 53 52 51 51 51 50 43 42 33 21

6 62 61 60 59 52 49 48 45 44 43 42 40 40 29 20

5 55 52 51 50 50 43 41 33 29 18

4 57 49 40 27 22

Provide definition and numeric answers for the following questions.


  1. If 150 applicants scored 3 or lower on the TPA and thus were not hired, what was the selection ratio for this job?
  2. If 50 houses sold per year is the criterion for success, what is the base rate for real estate agents with Real Estate World?
  3. If the company decides to use 8 as the passing score on the test, how many:
  • True positives? _____
  • False positives? _____
  • True negatives? _____
  • False negatives? _____
  1. What percentage of the 75 employees were correct selection decisions, and what percentage were incorrect decisions. What do these results suggest about the value of the TPA test to select real estate agents?
  2. Briefly describe the pros & cons to using a cut score for selection based on these results.

Respond to 2 classmates ?

Question Description

1.I think differential association explains how and why some people join organized crime groups. Childhood is a crucial time in any person’s life. Without getting too much into psychology, there is consensus that at certain stages of development, children are already molded into what they will become as adults. Part of this influence is a person’s environment and another is a person’s biology. If a child grows up around crime, poverty, or general disregard for accepted social norms, they have a very high chance of repeating and mirroring this behavior. In the biological sense, we can refer to family and/or friends. Children that are born into crime families will most likely take over the “family business” when the parents pass away, or at least join in. For those who are not biologically related, they may have grown up in the neighborhood, witnessed the goings on of the organizations, and possibly taken part in its activities from a young age. Differential association explains that you tend to be like the people you hang out with, or associate with, whether family or friends, because you are trying to fit in, or be accepted by the group. In the case of organized crime groups, instead of conforming to good, law-abiding, upstanding moral behavior that is most desirable in a person, they will conform to being criminal beings within the organized crime group.

2.There are many various groups of organized crimes. Such as social control theory, delinquent subcultures, and differential association. The social control theory entails that people don’t break the laws due to the relationships, commitment, norms, and beliefs. It is considered a code of honor a bondage to not be broken unless compromised. The organizational theory is the core of the organized crime group. It is the concepts of the behaviors of the groups or subgroups and how they perform and accomplishments their set goal. The organizational theory is important because it is the pattern and structure that is used to maintain the group. The differential association is the most common theory used to explain entry into an organized crime. It explains how people adapt to their environment. It informs that people become who they associate with. Their values, attitudes, techniques, and criminal behavior become learned. The theory explains how people learn to become criminals. It is a form of communication. This same theory can be used and applied to the juveniles of today. This theory is very informative and important.