your supervising attorney asks you to prepare a memo discussing all potential privacy-related issues in Dr. Plum’s case. You are to advise your supervising attorney on the likely outcome of each issue, citing appropriate authorities.​

Question Description

You have been working at a law firm for the past five years. Your primary responsibility is to interview new clients, obtain basic information about their case and report back to your supervising attorney regarding the merits of the case.

One day, a client named Dr. Peter Plum walks into your office. After taking down some basic information about Peter, he begins to explain his problems to you. He explains that he is a licensed psychiatrist in the state of Freedonia. He has been practicing for the past 15 years and that he has run into some issues with one of his patients, Susan Scarlett. Dr. Plum has been seeing Susan for the past 7 weeks. Susan is a troubled girl in her mid-twenties. During the course of her treatment, Susan revealed many details about her life that she was embarrassed about. This was good for Susan since she suffered from severe depression and needed someone she could trust to talk about her problems.

One of Susan’s biggest problems was her boyfriend Mark. Susan explained to Dr. Plum that her relationship with Mark has always been a roller coaster. Some days the relationship was great, others days, not so much. On the bad days, Mark would be verbally and physically abusive towards Susan, which sent her into a tailspin of severe emotional distress. Thankfully, Susan sought help from Dr. Plum. Susan often expressed her fear of trying to break up with Mark, that perhaps he would hurt her. Dr. Plum was concerned about Susan’s safety and reported the issue to police. Mark was not arrested as a result of Dr. Plum’s report.

After 7 weeks of successful therapy, Susan moved from depression to an angered state. She repeatedly told Dr. Plum that she “wished he was dead.” On another occasion, she asked Dr. Plum whether she knew anyone who could help her learn how to fire a 9 millimeter pistol, the same type of gun Mark kept in his sock drawer. When Susan asked this of Dr. Plum, Dr. Plum asked her why she wanted to learn how to shoot a gun. Susan replied, “Because I want to shoot him in his sleep with his own gun.” Dr. Plum didn’t think Susan was serious, so she did not feel the need to call the authorities. The very next day, Susan shot Mark while he was asleep with his own 9 millimeter pistol. Susan was arrested by the Freedonia Police Department for Mark’s murder. She has denied any involvement in the murder.

The police decided to call Dr. Plum in for questioning. Specifically, the police wanted to know the nature of the discussions regarding Susan’s therapy. Dr. Plum refused to provide any details on the nature of Susan’s therapy, citing the Hippocratic Oath as well as Current Opinions of the Judicial Council of the American Medical Association Canon 5.05. After realizing that they were getting nowhere, the police decided to release Dr. Plum, threatening her with an obstruction of justice charge if she decided not to answer their questions regarding Susan’s therapy. The police also suggested that Dr. Plum may be forced to testify in court regarding the nature of her conversations with Susan.

The next day, Dr. Plum returned to her office, only to find a message from Susan’s insurance carrier, JKL Insurance Company. JKL has decided to deny Susan’s claim for medical services rendered by Dr. Plum. The only way JKL would pay up is if Dr. Plum provided JKL with details about what was discussed in their sessions. JKL claims that it needs this information to verify that Susan did not engage in insurance fraud, something she has done before. Dr. Plum agreed to send a file to JKL containing all of Susan’s personal information via regular email. Unfortunately, the file was accidentally sent to another doctor’s office, who called Dr. Plum to advise her of the error in transmission and that the file was immediately deleted once the error was realized.

After Dr. Plum leaves your office, your supervising attorney asks you to prepare a memo discussing all potential privacy-related issues in Dr. Plum’s case. You are to advise your supervising attorney on the likely outcome of each issue, citing appropriate authorities.

Answer these exam questions for me?

Question Description






Summarize the underlying philosophy of libertarianism? compare libertarian vs utilitarian on punishment and crime!!

1.Why do individuals obey the law? What is the purpose of individual punishment?

2. Why did colonial Americans rely on corporal punishment more than imprisonment? What social forces were responsible for this reliance on corporal punishment? Hint: How the Quakers and Puritans viewed punishment

3. Aside from the taxpayer expense of building, operating and maintaining prisons, describe a financial cost to society of using prisons as punishment. How would you put a value on this cost?

4. Slacker Sam, 22, an unemployed alcohol and heroin addiction with a seventh grade education is convicted of burglarizing a dollar store for the second time. From a classical school of criminology perspective, what causes Sam to do this?

5. Slacker Sam, 22, an unemployed alcohol and heroin addiction with a seventh grade education is convicted of burglarizing a dollar store for the second time. From a classical school of criminology perspective, what should be done about Sam?
6. Slacker Sam, 22, an unemployed alcohol and heroin addiction with a seventh grade education is convicted of burglarizing a dollar store for the second time. From a classical school of criminology perspective, what could be some unintended consequences in punishing Sam’s behavior according to your response in Question 9?

7. The victim reported that at approximately 1:00 A.M. Sunday morning, September 28, 2014, he was riding the RTD light rail train, which stopped at the 10th & Colfax Light Rail Station. As the train stopped, Sam Green took the victim’s backpack by force from his hands and ran from the train. No weapons were involved. The victim attempted to chase the suspect, but could not keep up with him. The victim reported that the backpack contained his laptop computer, a textbook valued at $200 and $37 in cash. Police arrested Green several blocks away and recovered the backpack and its contents.

The defendant pleaded guilty to Robbery. The penalty for this conviction is a sentence within the presumptive range of 2 to 6 years with 3 years of mandatory parole and a fine of between $2000 and $500,000. The imprisonment sentence, mandatory parole, and fine may be suspended and the defendant may be placed on probation for a term of 1 to 5 years.

His prior criminal history includes a Shoplifting conviction six years ago for which he was fined, and a Driving Under the Influence conviction two years ago for which he received one year of probation. The defendant said he committed the instant offense because he needed money right away to pay his debts. He is 22 years old and his parents were divorced when he was born. At the age of 6, he began living with his maternal grandparents because his mother worked nights at a bar. He has been employed as a laborer for three different companies with his longest term of employment being eight months. He was terminated from two of these jobs for absenteeism. He has a GED. The defendant has acknowledged prior thoughts of suicide. He began smoking marijuana in high school and reported using cocaine and methamphetamine. The defendant is not married and has no children.

The defendant is before you, the judge, for sentencing. Decide on the sentence and explain how your decision addresses each of these sentencing goals of retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation and restorative justice outlined in sentencing statutes. Justify your response according to EACH of these goals.

Write a 6-7 page paper arguing for either the moral or economic view of negligence.

Question Description

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of negligence law and the philosophical issues that it raises. I’ve written the following document to help you get the most out of the assignment and to make the expectations for the assignment as clear as possible. Questions are welcome.

Part A. Setup — what is negligence law and is it justified. If so, how and in what respects?

  1. In part A you will be setting up the first half of a paper, the second part of which will be arguing and expanding on the claims you have made.
  2. First, write an introductory paragraph. This should be about half a page or less. The paragraph should end in a thesis about what you will argue. This should be short and clear and need not be groundbreaking. An examplemight be

“Negligence law is on the whole justified, but not in terms of redressing a particular kind of wrong, but rather as a tool of economic optimization. Evidence for this claim is that negligence law assigns liability to persons for conduct that cannot be considered morally wrong but that is economically wasteful.”


“Negligence law is aimed at redressing a kind of moral wrong, but its proximate cause element is poorly tailored to that end, because defendants who act wrongly may escape liability due to circumstances that are morally arbitrary.”

Thesis statement is very important. Outlines the whole argument you are going to present.

Your thesis can be original or draw on what we have read. It may be useful to position yourself within a debate or issue others have raised.

In this paragraph, you should try to summarize negligence law and the questions that it raises. This is hard because you should not go into detail and so the skill being tested here is how well you understand the basic question we are asking about negligence and so how clearly you can convey this question in a limited space.

  1. Next, you should dedicate some space (~2-3) paragraphs to describing how negligence (the tort) works and how you see it’s role in a society. It will likely be useful to use a case we talked about as a way of setting out its main features. Try to focus on giving helpful/relevant details, and not just every detail you can think of about negligence law.
  2. Next, you should try to explain how you see the role of negligence law and explain the general shape of your thesis. This depends on what your thesis is. You should try to explain the difference between negligence being a tool of economic advancement and as a response to a moral wrong. Which do you think it is? Then explain the argument you will offer for this claim or the argument you will defend it against. You may also at this point want to explain more about whether you think negligence law as currently constituted does a good job serving as an economic tool or moral response. Try to hone in on some area where you can defend these claims in depth. You should cite appropriately.

Part B. Explain and elaborate your thesis.

This will come in ~3 pages where you try to isolate what the issue is that you have pointed out and make your argument. How easy this is to do will depend on how well you have crafted your thesis.

The paper as a whole should ultimately answer the question “is negligence law justified?”


Question Description

Part 1:

Under current law, an unnamed state can seize property simply by establishing it was “connected” to a crime by “a preponderance of the evidence”. Preponderance of the evidence means” more “more likely than not”, which is far lower than the burden in a criminal case where the burden of proof is “beyond a reasonable doubt”. To obtain ownership of the property, the state can file a civil case. It is not required that the owner is ever convicted of an underlying crime. The owner must establish that she/he/it is an “innocent owner”. To win an innocent owner claim, property owners bear the burden of proving their innocence. All that the state has to prove is that it was more likely than not that a person committed a crime and that the property was either used in the crime or was purchased with the proceeds of “criminal activity”. If the property is forfeited, the police department which seized the property becomes the owner of the property.

You are the US Supreme Court for purposes of this part of the assignment. Assume that all provisions of the US Constitution apply to the states.

1. Set forth any and all US Constitutional provisions which may be violated by the above forfeiture situation and the facts which constitute the potential violation(s).

2. Set forth specific constitutional provisions for each of the potential violations and explain why these are violations. Also, set forth any counterarguments to your positions.

3. Vote on each potential violation. Majority wins.

4. Write a majority opinion agreed to by all members of the group. The opinion must state the legal reasons for each specific violation.

5. Feel free to elaborate on the general implications regarding the ownership of private property in the US if these procedures are constitutional and there is no limitation on amounts that may be forfeited.

Part 2:

Tyson Timbs pleaded guilty in Indiana state court to dealing in a controlled substance and conspiracy to commit theft. The trial court sentenced him to one year of home detention and five years of probation, which included a court-supervised addiction-treatment program. The sentence also required Timbs to pay fees and costs totaling $1203. At the time of Timbs’s arrest, the police seized his vehicle, a Land Rover SUV Timbs had purchased for about $42000. Timbs paid for the vehicle with money he received from an insurance policy when his father died. The State engaged a private law firm to bring a civil suit for forfeiture of Timbs’s Land Rover, charging that the vehicle had been used to transport heroin. After Timbs’s guilty plea in the criminal case, the trial court held a hearing on the forfeiture demand. The trial court held that Timbs’s vehicle had been used to facilitate violation of a criminal statute and should be forfeited to the state. Timbs argued that the maximum fine for the crime was $10000 and that forfeiting the vehicle constituted an “Excessive Fine” under the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution. The state argued that the Eighth Amendment does not apply to the states.

You are the US Supreme Court. Decide the following:

1. Should the excessive fines clause apply to the states? Set forth legal reasons as to how it could or should not apply.

2. Assuming that the Eighth Amendment does apply to the states and that the Indiana forfeiture laws were otherwise constitutional, was the forfeiture of a $42000 vehicle when the maximum fine for the crime was $10000 an “Excessive Fine” under the Eighth Amendment? Set forth legal reasoning for your conclusion.

Historical Analysis of drugs in sports relating to criminal theory

Question Description

Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Five, you will submit a 2–3 page draft of your historical analysis as well as your analysis of criminological theories relevant to your public policy issue selection. You will analyze the history of the public policies (related decisions, actions, laws, and or positions of both the state and federal government) related to your selected public policy issue. This draft should be as detailed as possible in order to allow the instructor to provide significant feedback, which you can incorporate into your final project.

Completing an analysis of the history of your selected public policy issue and analyzing the criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to it in this milestone will lay the groundwork you for your Milestone Three submission in Module Seven, where you will identify the specific public needs that are targeted by the issue and determine how well the policy addresses those needs. You will then be examining how the policy can be changed or improved upon to continue to address the identified need and how these changes can be accomplished while at the same time improving upon the delivery of necessary criminal justice services.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Historical Analysis: To inform your recommendations for the departmental public policy, you will analyze the history of the selected public policy issue, identifying key influential trends, and predict the potential future direction of the state or federal policies in supporting this issue. Specifically:

a) Identify key trends, both modern and historical, that have shaped the evolution of the state or federal public policies surrounding your selected public policy issue, justifying your identifications. How have the policies around this issue evolved, and what trends have influenced this evolution?

b) Identify court cases that have shaped the evolution of the public policies related to your chosen public policy issue, justifying your identifications.

c) How have the previously identified historical events impacted the public’s perception of the relevant state or federal public policies? Provide specific examples. How has public perception evolved in relation to these specified events?

d) Predict the potential future direction of the state or federal public policies based on the previously identified historical and modern trends. How might the state or federal public policy continue to evolve?

II. Criminological Theory:
Now that you have analyzed the related state or federal public policies, you will analyze relevant criminological theory.

a) Select a criminological theory that best explains the development of the public policies related to the issue, justifying your selection. Consider how the theory explains the previously identified influence of the trends or court cases on the development of the policies.

b) Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the departmental policy. Where are there specific connections between the theory and the departmental policy?

c) Draw connections between the selected criminological theory and the related state or federal public policies. Where are there specific connections between the theory and the selected state or federal policies?

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission needs to be 2–3 pages in length (excluding reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

I will include the preceeding paper for this topic and issue. Thank you in advance

Employment Interview

Question Description

Overview: Imagine yourself being interviewed for an entry-level police officer position by three high-ranking members of a police agency. You will respond tothree different situations involving corruption. This assignment will help you apply what you have learned about ethical leadership to real-world situations. Youwill need to consider the scenarios carefully, craft an answer to each scenario, and have research to defend your answer. In an interviewing situation, theinterviewer may challenge your answer, even if it is the appropriate answer. That is why it is important to have a prepared argument that includes supportingresearch.You will need to respond to the following three situations.Situation AAs a newly hired police officer, you respond to an alarm call at 3 a.m. with your field training officer. Upon arrival, you find that a pharmacy has been broken into,and when you walk inside, you see another officer already on scene. This officer, who you know has 30 years on the job, takes a candy bar worth $1 off the shelfand begins to eat it. It is clear that he did not pay for it and has no intention of leaving money behind.Will you do or say anything about this situation? If you decide to do something, what will your action entail? If you decide to not react, provide a rationale foryour choice.Situation BAs a newly hired police officer, you work daily with a field training officer as well as three other officers on the 11 p.m.–7 a.m. shift. You have noticed on severaloccasions that there is an odor of liquor when one particular officer comes into the locker room before the shift. You have had conversations with him and hehas told you that he goes out to dinner before he comes into work and has a couple drinks but that it is no big deal. This particular field training officer has a lotof experience and is trusted within the community and organization. When you were hired, you were told that the organization is implementing a plan to weedout corruption that is occurring in the field. The plan being implemented is not about officers drinking on the job, but you are concerned that if you do not saysomething regarding this behavior, he is going to hurt someone. You are worried that if you do say something, there may be retaliation against you.Explain what you will do in this situation. Will you say something to your field training officer? Why or why not?Situation CFor the final question of your interview, the interviewers tell you to pretend for a moment that you are the new chief of police in their police department. You areaware that the department has had numerous substantiated cases of corruption ranging from officers taking bribes from drug dealers to more minor offenses ofofficers accepting free food and coffee while they are on duty. You are also aware that one of your executive officers, a member of your management team, hasbeen the subject of the highest number of investigations of corruption, but each time he has been exonerated.Explain what actions you will take that will make an immediate impact on changing the culture of corruption within the department. What will you do long-termabout this issue of corruption in your agency? Also explain how your actions in your professional and personal life will make it easier or more difficult for you tochange the culture of corruption that exists in the agency.

5–7 pages Law Enforcement Services for Crime Prevention

Question Description

Key Assignment Draft

Clermont, a rapidly growing southern city of approximately 100,000 residents, is predominantly a suburb to a much larger tourist area. The population can rise to as many as 120,000 during the winter months. The demographics have been changing rapidly, especially its minority population. There has been a substantial increase in the crime rate and a general deterioration in some sections of the downtown areas.

During the last election, voters approved a reduction in the property tax cap, and this has resulted in a significant reduction in revenue for the city, especially the police department’s budget. The current staffing level within the police department is 100 sworn and 25 nonsworn personnel. The previous chief retired after more than 30 years in office, and the traditional method of policing is still being practiced.

The morale of the department is poor due to the increased workload as a result of the reduction of personnel from the budget shortfall. As the new chief, you have been called to an emergency meeting with the city manager and city council to discuss ways in which the department can become more innovative in its policing methodology and address the growing problems within the community.

Some of the council staff have just returned from a state conference and heard a presentation related to community policing and problem solving. They want to get your ideas on the viability of a program like this and whether or not it would be beneficial for the city and community. They also want to know how you might approach implementing the program if approved by the city council.

Based on your meeting, how would you respond to the following questions? You will need to utilize credible research, including peer-reviewed journals, to support your responses to the questions posed.

  • In your meeting, how will you respond concerning whether community policing is the panacea for the city’s problems?
  • Since the police department has been operating with a traditional law enforcement mentality for more than 30 years, do you envision any problems with officers and supervisors within your department in moving toward a community policing and problem-solving approach in performing their assigned duties?
    • If so, how will you handle their concerns?
  • Using specific elements of the police organizational structure, where does it appear that you would need to reorganize the department, especially to accommodate this change in policing philosophy? Explain.
  • Do you foresee a change in the officers’ workload as a result of the proposed changes? Would the workload be reduced or increased? Explain in detail.
  • What types of information would you use to evaluate the progress of your new policing initiative?
    • Identify, cite, and discuss the most recent research, both pros and cons, related to community policing and problem-solving techniques.
  • What is the importance of planning with regard to crime prevention? Explain in detail.
    • What types of crimes are the most difficult to plan for with regard to prevention? Explain.
    • How would you improve the planning process to further prevent crime? Explain in detail.
  • What is the importance of personnel management with regard to crime prevention? Explain in detail.
    • What do you recommend to effectively manage, train, and retain personnel to improve crime prevention? Explain.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Canadian Commercial Law Assignment

Question Description


1. Read the following scenario carefully

2. Once you have read the scenario, use your knowledge of contracts and dispute resolution to analyze the facts and provide your opinion to Bob and Linda on their legal position and how they may best go about resolving their legal issues.

3. Your answer should be 1,000 words in length. Use 12-point, Times New Roman font. Single Spaced

4. Make sure you thoroughly address all of the steps in the IRAC formula providing complete explanations for each issue.

Assignment 1 Scenario

Bob and Linda are married. They own and operate a hamburger restaurant in Vancouver. Bob recently hired a contractor to renovate the restaurant. Bob and the contractor discussed the terms of the contract, but unfortunately nothing was ever put into writing. The renovation went very badly, and Bob has decided not to pay the contractor any money. The contractor threatened to sue Bob and Linda for payment of the agreed upon contract price. The contract itself called for the installation of a new hardwood floor; however, the contractor installed an inferior laminate floor. When asked why he deviated from the terms of the contract, the contractor explained that he had thought the hardwood floor product identified in the contract would be available; however, he later found out it had been discontinued, so he installed the laminate flooring product. In addition to the laminate issue, the contractor installed the floor improperly so Bob is going to have to hire another contractor to fix the many mistakes that were made.

Using your knowledge of contracts and dispute resolution, analyze the facts and provide your opinion to Bob and Linda on their legal position and how they may best go about resolving their legal issues.

The IRAC Formula

The method you will use to answer spot the issue(s) questions in this course is known as the IRAC formula. The IRAC formula presents a structured way for you to organize your thinking and your answer. The formula contains the following steps:

F (FACTS): Read the case and state the facts and nothing but the facts.

I (Issues): Identify the legal issue(s) succinctly, each in one short sentence. Sample wording could be: “…whether or not there has been a breach of contract…”, etc. Use a bullet format. Use citations were applicable. No further comments are required.

R (RuleTHE LAW): Identify the law that applies to the issue(s). This may arise from legislation or from common law. For example, negligence.

A (Critical Analysis): Apply reflective thought and critical analysis to the facts and the application of the law. (This is where the money is!!!) For example, if the tort of negligence was an issue, e.g., “…whether or not there was negligence…” you would have a discussion proving or disproving there was 1) a duty owed, 2) that a breach of that duty took place, 3) and that as a result, damages flowed – three essential elements of negligence.

C (ConclusionFINDINGS/RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSIONS): In succinct, short sentences, state your findings for each issue. An “executive summary” of a few short sentences containing the key points supporting your position for each of the issues, is expected.

The IRAC formula is used in the grading rubric for all of the “spot the issue(s)” assignments.

Case Study for Business Law

Question Description


Imagine yourself as a paralegal working in a law office that has been tasked with reviewing three current cases. You will review the case studies and compose a short report for each, applying your legal knowledge and understanding of the types of business organizations. In each of the three reports, you will focus on areas of law covered in this course. Case Study One focuses on the legal system, criminal law, and ethics.

Case Study One Chris, Matt, and Ian, who live in California, have decided to start a business selling an aftershave lotion called Funny Face over the internet. They contract with Novelty Now Inc., a company based in Florida, to manufacture and distribute the product. Chris frequently meets with a representative from Novelty Now to design the product and to plan marketing and distribution strategies. In fact, to increase the profit margin, Chris directs Novelty Now to substitute PYR (a lowcost chemical emulsifier) for the compound in Novelty Now’s original formula. PYR is not FDA approved. Funny Face is marketed nationally on the radio and in newspapers, as well as on the web and Facebook. Donald Margolin, a successful CEO and public speaker, buys one bottle of Funny Face over the internet. After he uses it once, his face turns a permanent shade of blue. Donald Margolin and his company, Donald Margolin Empire Inc., file suit in the state of New York against Novelty Now Inc. and Chris, Matt, and Ian, alleging negligence and seeking medical costs and compensation for the damage to his face and business reputation. It is discovered that PYR caused Margolin’s skin discoloration. The website for Funny Face states that anyone buying their product cannot take Chris, Matt, and Ian to court. Novelty Now’s contract with the three men states that all disputes must be brought in the state of Florida. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

A. Apply the rules of jurisdiction to the facts of this case and determine what jurisdiction(s) would be appropriate for Margolin’s lawsuit against Funny Face and Novelty Now, respectively. Consider federal court, state court, and long arm principles in your analysis.

B. Assume all parties agree to pursue alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of two types of ADR appropriate for this case. Be sure to define the characteristics of each in your answer.

C. Applying what you have learned about ADR, which type would each party (Funny Face, Novelty Now, and Margolin) prefer and why?

D. Apply concepts of criminal law and discuss whether or not corporations and/or corporate officers may be held liable for criminal acts.

E. Identify, per the classification of crimes in the text, any potential criminal acts by Funny Face and/or Novelty Now.

F. Assume the use of the emulsifier PYR, at the direction of Chris, is a criminal offense. Apply concepts of criminal law and discuss the potential criminal liability of Funny Face, Chris, Matt, Ian, and Novelty Now. Include support for your conclusion.

G. Apply at least three guidelines of ethical decision-making to evaluate ethical issues within the case study.

Paper must be APA format, have a cover page, introduction, conclusion and citations.

SPE-350 Special education Law

Question Description

Case Study and Individual Education Plan Template:

Case Study

Susan is an 8-year-old third grader at Sunshine Elementary School. Susan has a diagnosis of Down syndrome. She is functioning in the moderate range of intellectual disability. Susan has a heart condition, atrioventricular septal defect, and had surgery shortly after she was born to repair the congenital defect. Susan also wears glasses and requires some accommodations for her vision such as preferential seating and enlarged print.

Susan spends most of her day in a self-contained setting, but does attend lunch, recess, assemblies, and special classes with the third grade homeroom teacher’s class. Susan does have motor delays, speech and language delays, and is eligible for speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy. She has difficulty with fine motor tasks and writing. Susan is not decoding words yet, but recognizes 10 functional sight words. She knows her colors, basic shapes, rote counts to 20, and recognizes numerals to 20. She demonstrates 1:1 correspondence to 10 items. She can label many pictures and uses pictures to help her read modified text such as Mayer-Johnson symbols and rebus books. She also uses Mayer-Johnson symbols to keep track of her daily schedule. Staff frequently use the daily schedule to redirect Susan and keep her on task.

Susan is not toilet trained, but does assist in removing her pull-up and putting on a clean one. She washes hands with verbal prompting and a checklist that uses pictures to cue the task. Susan loves messy activities such as finger painting, water play, playing in the sand, and shaving cream. Susan is also friendly and seeks human contact. She lacks awareness of dangerous situations and easily approaches strangers. Staff is working with Susan on appropriate space. She loves to sit on laps, stroke hair, and stroke different textures of clothing. The teacher uses a social story to cue her to keep hands to self and sit on a chair in school next to others (instead of on a person’s lap). Peers get annoyed with her constant stroking of hair and clothes, and it is not appropriate for the school setting.

Susan is currently enthralled with the characters from Disney’s latest movie and likes to look at books with the characters. She attempts to sing the Disney songs, and her parents report she has the latest dress-up clothes and dolls from the Disney store. Parents report that Susan is mostly well behaved in restaurants and will sit in church as long as she has a favorite toy or sensory item to stroke. When Susan becomes frustrated, or does not want to do something, she will sit on the floor and refuse to move. This is a problem during transitions, especially unexpected ones such as fire drills. Susan also needs assistance in resolving conflicts with peers that involve access to tangibles (a toy or food). Susan will grab and run instead of requesting a turn or the wanted tangible.

IEP Template:

Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance:

Measurable Annual Goals: (Must include condition, content, criteria expressed in observable, measurable terms.)

Reading Goal(s):

Written Expression Goal(s):

Mathematics Goal(s):

Communication Goal(s):

Fine Motor Goal(s):

Social Skills Goal(s):

Adaptive/ Daily Living Goal(s):
