short criminal justice


I would like to look at the concept of immunity. (in the criminal justice system)

Should absolute immunity exist? Why or why not? I would like for you to answer this in a 2 3 page review while also comparing it to qualified immunity and diplomatic immunity as well. 

Havard university Verified partnership structure


A partnership is owned by two or more individuals.

a. True

b. False


A business refers to an entity that performs activities, professional or commercial, with the purpose of generating and selling goods or services to earn profits. Partnerships, sole proprietorships, corporations, and limited liability companies are types of businesses.

Oklahoma University Limited Liability Company question


Coming Up Daisies is a successful florist shop owned and operated by its sole proprietor, Petunia Grove. Petunia has decided to seek investors in the business, but she wants to maintain primary control of the business. Petunia realizes that this will require a change in business format.

Havard university Known by the terms “straight bankruptcy” or “liquidation bankruptcy,” question


What is chapter 7 bankruptcy?

New Start:

When people file for bankruptcies, they wish to relieve their debts that have amassed to amounts so great that they cannot pay them. Filing for bankruptcy is legal, and it helps to give people a fresh start.

Oklahoma University law question


In a partnership structure, how are profits taxed and allocated?


The term “partner” refers to one of the business owners in a partnership, and the partners divide up the firm’s assets and obligations in accordance with the terms of the partnership agreement

Criminal Confessionns


Option #2: Criminal Confessions

Identify and describe the three types of false confessions. Discuss some of the reasons why a person would confess to a crime that they did not commit. Explain some ways in which false confessions can be prevented.

pols 210 politica science


Extra Credit: Article on Political Culture and the US Supreme Court

Extra Credit: Supreme Court Decision in Trump Insurrection Case

a) What are the main points of the reading? 

b) What did you like or not like about the reading? 


Juvenile Justice History

Question Description

Identify and discuss the five periods of juvenile justice history and which period you think was the most influential to the evolution of the juvenile justice system.


  • 2-3 pages double spaced
  • Use at least two reliable sources other than the text (not Wikipedia)

Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20
Clearly present well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30
Mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling that affects clarity, and citation of sources as needed 10
Total 100

Need a spanish expert to do 1 page

Question Description

Please, write a reaction orresponse text in Spanish to recently published news articles on currentevents (15 days ago from today, or more recent) in Paraguay.

Please, include the link, the name of the article, and the source you are writing about.

Both the article, and your response should be written in Spanish.

Thesereflections will be graded according to quantity (minimum 250-300 wordseach) and quality of language, as well as on their content, vocabulary,and grammar.

Make sure writing is presentable as it is being discussed in class.

Week 4 CJ Chat: Victims’ Rights Legislation

Question Description

Schlossberg: Protect Rape Survivors

Duration: (2:31)

User: Pa. House Video –Added: 2/12/15

Victims’ rights legislation has grown over the last few decades in an effort to enhance victims’ rights in the criminal justice field. Pick one aspect of victims’ rights legislation and discuss the impact that it has had on the criminal justice field. Please give a case example in your answer and be sure to cite your answer in APA format.

must be a minimum of 350 words