ECPI Accuracy Brevity and Completeness and Illustrate Sulivan Discussion


Discussion Topic

In your original post, answer the following:

  • Explain the following terms: accuracy, brevity, and completeness, and illustrate, in writing, how each term is significant in report writing.
  • In your own words, do you feel it is important to document the actions witnessed/taken at an incident (regardless of your criminal justice profession)? Defend your response.
  • Discuss the concept of “if it isn’t written down, it doesn’t exist.” How does this concept apply to the criminal justice field?

pols 210 intro to law and courts


The Dynamics of Law, Chapter 7

Before class Wednesday please answer the usual police reform questions regarding:

Illinois v. Chicago (Consent Decree) (2019). “Impartial Policing.” pp. 15-24.

The Lone Liberal Republican, A Politically Moderate Guide to Police Reform, including Things You Can Do to Help, Reform #6: Provide Mental Health Support for Officers throughout Their Careers.

a) What are the main points of the reading?

b) What did you like or not like about the reading?

Adis Ababa University law question


Explain how finding solutions to environmental problems involves making trade-offs. Explain why individuals matter in dealing with the environmental problems we face.

Environmental Problems:

Environmental problems refer to issues that arise from human activities and their impact on the natural world. These problems can include climate change, deforestation, pollution, habitat loss, species extinction, and depletion of natural resources, posing significant challenges to the health of ecosystems and the well-being of both humans and wildlife.

LEG 420 Limitations of the Fourth Amendment Week 8


Analyze the following U.S. Supreme Court case:

Carpenter v. United States [PDF]

  • Prepare a two-page case brief of Carpenter v. United States and the Supreme Court’s extension of Fourth Amendment protection to cell phones and locations
  • Explain the dissenting opinions of Justices Gorsuch, Alito, Thomas, and Kennedy, including your understanding of their arguments and whether the arguments are valid.
  • Support your writing with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate academic sources. 

Urbanism and Sprawl


This assignment is an essay assignment of two questions for which you are expected to develop a 2-3-page essay that fully responds to the questions being posed.

1. Describe the concepts of neighborhood, new urbanism and sprawl as they relate to CPTED best practices.

2. Describe, in detail, the application of landscaping utilizing CPTED best practices.  Be sure to include at least five landscaping CPTED tips in your response.  

CJA 3230 NSCC Police Orhanization and Administration Quesitons


Use the provided WordDoc to help answer these 3 questions.

Only use the WordDoc as reliable source.

Answer each question with 5-7 senteces each.

1. Define community policing.

2. Describe the four-step problem-solving model commonly referred to as SARA.

3. What is the CAPS program? Discuss some of the key features aimed at improving and expanding the overall quality of police services in the City of Chicago, as well as reducing crime.



Table of Contents

Course Outcomes 1-4 Part 4: Searches

Milestone 2

Milestone 2: Cause for Search and Arrest

Milestone 2: Cause for Search and Arrest


Again consider Officer Stone investigating burglaries by contacting Jarod on the street. Identify 5 actions that Jarod might do to establish reasonable suspicion.

Identify 10 circumstances that may provide cause for arresting Jarod. Place them in rank order, placing the most incriminating first and so on.

Extrapolating Rules from Johnson, Davis, and Miller Cases




  1. Miller

Read each case slowly and carefully.  Brief them if necessary.  Your assignment this week is to extrapolate the Rule from each case.  Then, using those rules, draft a synthesized rule for use in your memorandum.   

  1. Your assignment should include the following: rule from Davis; rule from Johnson; rule from Miller; and your synthesized rule.    

Compare and contrast jury trials and bench trials


Watch the following video:“The problems with jury selection, explained”Links to an external site.

Compare and contrast jury trials and bench trials. Discuss which type of trial you think is fairer. Support your stance with relevant research. Your initial post should cite at least one credible resource (e.g., the textbook, module lecture, and required and recommended readings are excellent resources). 

crij 2451


Do you believe that the “ruling class” (decide for yourself who these persons may be) unfairly pass laws favorable to themselves and that are a detriment to the rest of the population? Why or why not? Defend your position. If your answer is yes, what can be done about it? 

Discuss the power of Judicial Review? How was it developed?