Visualizing Your Action Research Study

Question Description

Action research is ongoing and begins when a practitioner has a concern about his or her practice. The goal of action research is to examine professional practice in a way that brings about change.

In this course’s assignments, you will complete an individual, descriptive action research study on a topic, issue, or problem impacting your professional practice. From the presentations, recall that the purpose of descriptive research is to describe the situation; it does not provide guidance on what to do or establish causality. As you consider study ideas, keep it simple – an idea manageable in a four-week timeframe.

During the study, which will span Modules 1 through 4, your goal is to obtain a good grasp of a topic, issue, or problem of concern to you by working through the research steps. On the Learning Objects pages, you will find action research information and other useful links to provide guidance as you undertake your project. Articles on action research are also included in your course readings.

In the course, the action research study will progress as follows:

Module 1: Visualize your action research study by thinking through the process. Decide on a problem, issue, or concern as the focus of your study. Develop an annotated bibliography, or survey of available literature.

Module 2: Begin your action research report: Purpose, problem statement, question(s), and literature review.

Module 3: Continue work on your action research report. Design your data collection plan. Complete two data collection activities.

Module 4: Continue work on your action research report. Analyze the data from the two activities. Draft and share the complete action research report with colleagues. Use feedback as appropriate to revise the report.

Module 5: Reflect on the action research study and future applications.

The goal of this Module 1 assignment is to help you prepare for your action research study. In preparation, you will complete a “Thinking It Through” activity, in which you will visualize the problem, issue, or concern and how the action research study might unfold. Then you will search for sources that provide information on your research idea and create an annotated bibliography of the sources. In Module 2, you will write a formal literature review. You may decide to use some of the sources from your annotated bibliography in your literature review, or you may decide to do a new search.

Course Objectives

 Explain basic research concepts and the role of theories and frameworks in the research process.

 Describe action research, its process, and relationship to practice.

 Describe research dimensions, purposes, methods, designs, and paradigms.


1) Review the Module 1 Analysis PDF.

2) Create a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. Follow APA (6th edition) format.

3) Create a title page and references page in APA (6th edition) format for your research paper.

4) Follow the directions to complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the assignment.

5) Before you submit your document, save a copy. You will refer to this document in Module 2’s assignment.

6) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.

Part 1: Thinking It Through Paper

1. Before you begin work on your action research study, read this “Thinking It Through” scenario. The goal of the scenario is to help you better understand the process of action research; determine an issue, problem, or concern of interest to you, and draft a potential question or questions (no more than three) for your action research project.

Thinking It Through Scenario

I am a teacher in a classroom for 3-year-olds, and I have been concerned that fewer girls than boys select the computer center during free choice time. This question keeps gnawing at me: Why do fewer girls than boys choose to participate in the computer center?

To answer the question, I decide to engage in individual action research that has a descriptive purpose. At this point, I am not concerned with promoting girls’ participation in the center or finding interventions to increase girls’ activity. I just want to describe the situation…to answer my “why” question. From participation, I confirm that three times as many boys as girls select this center by examining how many times this center is selected on the childrens’ free choice charts, so I know my idea has data support.

After collecting background information from the literature, I map out a data collection plan to answer the research question about my observations. I decide to collect qualitative data from three sources: A survey of girls who are in my classroom, a structure observation of the type of activities available on the computers, and an interview with other teachers of 3-year-olds in my area. From the survey tool, I gain children’s opinions about why some girls choose to play in this center and others don’t. From the observations, I study the types of games and activities offered as well as the themes and learning focus found in the activities. From the interview with the other teachers, I gather their observations about their female students and their interest in the computer center.

After collecting the data, I use the technique recommended for organizing qualitative data: I focus on the words or phrases expressed during the research collection process to look for patterns and themes. (NOTE: If I had used a quantitative, or numeric, source, I would have displayed my data in a table or graph.) From the organized data, several patterns or themes emerge. Girls say they don’t select the computer center because they see it as “a boys’ activity,” that the games available do not have themes which would attract their attention.

After summarizing the patterns and themes, I compose a one-page summary of my research. At this point, I am not ready to share my findings with a large group. I just want to meet with a few colleagues to get their ideas, input, and suggestions for future direction. My colleagues like what I have done so far and suggest that I next pursue the question: How can I modify the activities in the computer center to appeal to girls?” A couple of colleagues volunteer to help me with the next phase of my research…Looks like my individual efforts will become collaborative.

2. Thinking It Through Paper: Compose a “Thinking It Through” scenario of 1 to 2 pages for your specific situation. Visualize the problem and how the action research will unfold.

Part 2: Literature Search: Annotated Bibliography

1. In preparation for your action research study, search the Ebsco database for peer-reviewed articles related to the issue, problem, or concern you will address. Locate at least 3 peer-reviewed articles that help you better define your study. When you search, be sure to place a check on the box for “peer reviewed,” so you are sure to use only peer-

reviewed studies. Articles reporting on one or more empirical studies will likely be the most useful, but there are theoretical articles describing

programs, interventions, and methodologies to help you decide on the

appropriate action to take or propose.

2. Develop an annotated bibliography to provide examples of the sources available. You may or may not use these sources in your Module 2 literature review. An annotated bibliography, a preliminary step to a research study, includes a summary and evaluation of each of the sources. For each annotation entry, use the following criteria:

 Organization: List each source in APA (6th edition) format alphabetized by the author’s last name

 Length: One paragraph of 100-150 words

 Person: Third

 Language and vocabulary: Ideas and language of the author; quotation marks for direct quotations

 Format: One paragraph of complete sentences

 Elements:

o Qualifications of author if available (Based on a 10-year study…, Smith suggests…)

o Purpose/Scope

o Audience (Smith addresses organizational leaders interested in employee motivation.)

o Findings/Results/Conclusions

Answer the question below

Question Description

Which of the following are the basic visual elements?

Question 25 / 5 pts

What do you get when you combine the three light primaries red-orange, green, and blue-violet in an additive color mixture?

IncorrectQuestion 30 / 5 pts

What type of color mixtures are produced when pigments of different hues are mixed together?

IncorrectQuestion 40 / 5 pts

What is the name of the position in the Linear perspective system from which the entire picture is constructed?

IncorrectQuestion 50 / 5 pts

What are background areas of a composition commonly referred to as?

Question 65 / 5 pts

What is another name for the achievement of equilibrium in a visual composition?

UnansweredQuestion 70 / 5 pts

What types of color mixture do artists use when dots of pure hues are placed together so that they blend in the eye and mind.

Question 85 / 5 pts

What are the three basic variables which are used to identify colors?

Question 95 / 5 pts

What is hierarchical scale?

Question 10Not yet graded / 10 pts

This is an image of the Pieta, by Artist Michelangelo (1501)

Michelangelo, Pieta, 1501

In the text box below, briefly explain, in 100 words or less, how Michelangelo altered proportion to create a serene composition in his famous Pieta (1501).

Michelangelo altered the human proportions of Mary’s figure. He made the heads of the two figures the same but greatly enlarged Mary’s body in relation to to that of Christ, disguising her immensity with deep folds of drapery. This makes it possible for her seated figure to seem to be able to support a fully grown man.

IncorrectQuestion 110 / 5 pts

What are the three ways of creating implied depth in a composition?

Question 125 / 5 pts

What type of colors are white, black and gray?

IncorrectQuestion 130 / 5 pts

This is an image of the outdoor sculptures, Shuttlecocks, created by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen. They are in the Collection The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City (1992)

Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Shuttlecocks, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City (1992)

What principle of design is represented in the image above?

IncorrectQuestion 140 / 5 pts

This is a diagram that represents the visual weight of 2D form

Diagram that represents one of the principles that controls the visual weight of form.

What principle that controls the visual weight and balance of form is represented in the diagram above?

Question 15Not yet graded / 5 pts

This is an image of the etching, titled Taormaquia, by Francisco Goya This is a diagram that represents a type of balance Francisco Goya, Taormaquia (1816) Visual Balance diagram

In the text box below, clearly state the type of balance represented in the two images above. Then, briefly explain what that means.

Both of these images are examples of asymmetrical balance. With asymmetrical balance, the left and right sides of the composition are not identical, or the same. Although the two sides are not the same, the compositions feel balanced because the artist has applied principles of visual weight. For example, in the diagram at the right, the three small blue forms on the left balance the large blue form on the right. And with the etching by Goya, the complex mass of figures on the right edge of the print balance the large open space on the left.

IncorrectQuestion 160 / 5 pts

How do artists keep us from being distracted from areas of emphasis in a composition?

Question 17Not yet graded / 5 pts

This is an image of a sculpture, titled 'Caballo con bridas', by Fernando Botero (2009)

Fernando Botero, ‘Caballo con bridas’, Bilbao, (2009)

In the text box below, clearly state the type of 3D form represented in the image above. Then, briefly explain what that means.

Botero’s sculpture of a horse is an example of closed form. Closed form refers to any form that does not openly interact with the surrounding space. For example, in Botero’s sculpture, the mass of the figure has an inflated look, the legs are in a position of rest, and the head points down.

IncorrectQuestion 180 / 5 pts

What Italian Renaissance technique is used to create the illusion that objects depicted on a flat surface are three-dimensional?

Question 19Not yet graded / 5 pts

This is an image of a painting created by Edward Hopper, titled Early Sunday Morning (1930)

Edward Hopper, Early Sunday Morning, Whitney Museum of American Art (1930)

The image above is a good example of the use of repetition to unify a painting.

In the text box below, state (in 50 words or less) how this artist avoided the boredom of too much sameness in his composition? Please be clear and concise.

In his painting Early Sunday Morning, Hopper avoided the boredom of too much sameness in his composition by introducing variety into the composition. For example, although the windows repeat, each one is slightly different. The same is true for other parts of the composition, such as the different sizes and colors found in the row of doors and windows on the first floor of the building.

Please read all instructions carefully (You only do par 1 )

Question Description

(a) Using at least ERIC, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO (or equivalent), search the literature for information relevant to your problem. This will be a literature-based needs assessment to examine your problem and to identify a learning gap in professional development.

(b) Select, locate, and photocopy or download as PDF eight (8) research articles related to your research problem. At least five (5) of these articles must be research journal articles published between 2013-2018 (present and analyze new data). Post the articles in Blackboard. (ISTE-c, 4.a, 4.b)

(c) Prepare a one to two page summary of four (4) of the articles selected and then prepare a one page critical review (see tables 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 in your text) of the four (4) other articles you have selected for your paper and post in Blackboard. (5-6 pages total; submit all together as 1 word doc.; 8 separate articles reviewed.) (ISTE-c, 4.a, 4.b)

I have attached the book, example and my topic with information needed

Again Please read all instructions carefully before you to get this work.

You only do part 1 than I’ll ask for the other parts after having the first part

Each part is worth 50 points for a total of 200 points. This will be the major project of the course.See rubric below for grading requirements.

*You will develop a research question relating to technology in the classroom or in a corporate work environment with the goal of designing, developing, and implementing technology-rich adult professional development.

*You will research literature to develop your needs assessment.

*You will design, develop, implement, and evaluate the professional development program in terms of deepening teacher knowledge, improving pedagogical skills, and increasing student learning.

*Finally, you will write a research paper synthesizing all the steps and you will communicate findings throughout the project via a blog on Blackboard.You must consult state educational policies/standards or corporate policies (mission statements, vision, etc) and incorporate findings into your final projects.

Example:Are autograding programs (i.e. “robo-readers”) beneficial to teachers who are grading student essays?(Topic) I would then locate at least 8 articles and create a needs assessment from the literature and write a review (Part 1).I would then create a professional development opportunity for colleagues (ex. lunchtime meeting to explain research, etc.) I would ask teachers to use a robo-reader tool for grading a written assignment (Part 2). After 3 weeks, I would have the teachers attend a focus group regarding their experiences. I would research Ohio writing standards and policies for various grade levels.A research paper would be written synthesizing my findings (Part 3).Finally, a blog detailing all parts of this assignment, along with the findings will be maintained on Blackboard (Part 4).

Topic due second week of class:The statement of an educational research problem related to a question that you would like to know the answer to in the area of teaching or training that implements technology.This should be a question in interrogative form.This need not be exclusively educational. State below your research problem why you are interested in this topic and why this is a significant problem. Include your hypothesis (suspected results). Please put this information in a Word document (Do not PDF) and post in Blackboard. (ISTE-c, 4.a)

Part 1:

(a) Using at least ERIC, Google Scholar, and PsycINFO (or equivalent), search the literature for information relevant to your problem. This will be a literature-based needs assessment to examine your problem and to identify a learning gap in professional development.

(b) Select, locate, and photocopy or download as PDF eight (8) research articles related to your research problem.At least five (5) of these articles must be research journal articles published between 2014-2019 (present and analyze new data). Post the articles in Blackboard. (ISTE-c, 4.a, 4.b)

(c) PhD Students:Prepare a one to two page summary of four (4) of the articles selected and then prepare a one page critical review (see tables 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 in your text) of the four (4) other articles you have selected for your paper and post in Blackboard. (5-6 pages total; submit all together as 1 word doc.; 8 separate articles reviewed.) (ISTE-c, 4.a, 4.b)

Part 2:

(a) Design, develop, and implement professional development to test your hypothesis in part one.The professional development should promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment.Answer the following questions and submit together as 1 word doc. in Blackboard. (ISTE-c, 4.b)

  • To whom will the professional development be implemented?You may use adults at your school, at your workplace, or another suitable group of adults who will benefit from your research.Depending on your topic, you may use graduate students.
  • What components will your professional development include?
  • How will you deliver your information to your colleagues?(Meetings, documents, one-on-one conferencing, computer-assisted instruction, etc.)In other words, how will you ‘spread the news’ regarding the findings from your literature review in Part 1?
  • What are you asking your colleagues to change about their instruction, knowledge base, or methods of increasing students’ learning?
  • Methodology:How do you plan to evaluate the results of your professional development in terms of teachers’ knowledge, pedagogical skills, or students’ learning? (survey, interviews, pre-post assessments, focus groups, etc.)How will you test your hypothesis and why did you select the method chosen? (Justify your choice – use the textbook for this.)

Part 3

(a) Evaluate the results of your professional development.What is the effect on deepening teachers’ knowledge, improving teachers’ pedagogical skills, or increasing students’ learning?(Incorporate findings into part (b) below.)

(b) Write a research paper regarding your research problem (10-12 pages MED students; 12-14 pages PhD students), double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 point Times Roman font. The paper should be in APA 6th Edition Style Manual. Paper should contain a reference list at the end of the paper, which counts as one of the required pages and APA style citations within the paper. Copies of the journal articles (8) must accompany the paper. (Paper should be submitted as a Word doc. on Blackboard and also uploaded to your online portfolio for MED students.)(See Tables 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 in your text for more details.)

The paper should have the following components (see APA on structure):

  • Introduction to the Problem/Research
  • Significance of the Problem
  • Research Questions– From week 2
  • Literature Review-Use Part 1, but rewrite as a synthesis.Be sure to include the needs assessment used to identify the learning gap in professional development in your technology rich environment
  • Methodology:Describe the professional development that was designed, developed, and implemented using the research from your needs assessment and final study design. Describe participants, sampling method, context, etc.– Use Part 2
  • Identify and describe the assessment tool that was used to assess learning in your technology rich learning environment-observations, surveys, interviews, focus group, control group, etc. – Use Part 2 (Attach surveys or question protocols at the end of your paper.)
  • Results:Describe the evaluation results in terms of effectiveness of deepening teachers’ knowledge, improving pedagogical knowledge, and/or increasing students’ learning (quantitative studies will want to include tables, charts, etc./qualitative studies should have quotes)
  • Discussion: Identify from your findings, the policies, procedures that will need to be considered as part of the development of a technology rich learning environment– See state policies/standards or corporate missions/visions.On the last page of the paper, please reflect on the overall value of the assignment. (ISTE-c, 4.a, 4.b, 4c)

Part 4

Part 4 serves as a way to share your project and overall findings with your classmates.Throughout the term, you will be maintaining a blog.Cumulatively, the blog point total will equal 50 points.Many of the blog assignments will be worth 5 points.Your final task will be to create a very brief (2-3 minute) video discussing your findings.This video will be worth 20 points.Our final online class meeting will be used to discuss the projects.Your blog should serve to communicate all processes, decisions, and findings from parts 1 – 3.Please include any charts, graphs, tables, etc that you may have used in Part 3 to communicate your findings.


Question Description


I would like to work with abused children or children who may have a disability ages 6-12. I reviewed the LEC, Life Event Checklist, however, it does not seem to be kid friendly or cover the sexual abuse or neglect that is considered to be traumatizing(SAMSHA,nd).

Youth instruments ranged from 21-24 items and were intended for administration in youths 2-18. Both youth instruments could be used as screening tools; only the Child PTSD Symptom Scale could be used for diagnostic purposes. Both instruments could be used for treatment monitoring/evaluation purposes (Beidas et al, 2015). This tool is used to assess symptoms of trauma.

By completing the above mentioned assessment, I will gather information that will explain the level of anxiety symptoms that the client is encountering. In addition, the assessment will assist me with diagnoses and treatment monitoring (Beidas et al, 2015).

Beidas, R. S., Stewart, R. E., Walsh, L., Lucas, S., Downey, M. M., Jackson, K., … & Mandell, D. S. (2015). Free, brief, and validated: Standardized instruments for low-resource mental health settings. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 22(1), 5-19. Retrieved from

SAMSHA. (n.d.) Screening tools. Retrieved from


Assessment is understanding and learning about personal issues. Assessment is described as a method of issue determination and particular that is guided in social work by an individual in a situation frameworks direction (Congress, 2013). The screening tool is for assessing the conceivable presence of a specific result.

The population that I would like to work with is child abuse. The tools I would use in practice with this population are trauma-informed care. These tools include a Stressful Life Experience checklist, Primary Care Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Screen and Anger, and Numbness tool.

These particular tools with this populace can be useful since they are short and won’t keep going long enough for the child to progress towards becoming re-traumatized. Using the screening tool will enable the social worker to consider the client’s perspective on the effect of the trauma occasions on life working, discover trauma-related signs, and to support the client and social worker distinguish the trauma in their past that is distressing. This evidence is indicated on the (, 2019). It is significant that the screening tool tends to be both external and internal assets. For example, it shows ways of dealing with stress and strengths.

When working with a child who has been abused, it is imperative to ensure the child is agreeable and comfortable. If the child can read or write, I will let the child fill out the screening tools him/her self. If the child can’t read or write, at that point, the social worker can explain the screening tool to allow the client to have an understanding of the screening tool. When working with a child who has been abused, it is critical to instruct the child on the traumatic stress and trauma-related effects they are encountering (, 2019).

These three tools may not decide the presence and full level of trauma side effects and traumatic encounters. I would oversee these tools toward the start of the 1st session. This will enable me to distinguish what trauma the child has encountered and what side effects they are encountering. These screening tools will likewise enable me to build up a safety plan with the child and provide the services that the child needs.


American Psychiatric Association. (2018). Online assessment measures. Retrieved from

Congress, E. (2013). Assessment of adults. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 125–145). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

SAMSHA. (n.d.) Screening tools. Retrieved from…


The act of being resilient is the ability to “bounce back” or recover from situations that may have occurred in the past. I not only completed my fieldwork in a correctional facility; I currently work with women that are incarcerated. Talk about being resilient. The ladies I work with have overcome such trauma ranging from physical and sexual child abuse to domestic violence to having caused the death of others. These ladies are the true definition of resiliency.

The presenting problem is being able to come to terms with the fact that my client caused the death of her child by taking her to a drug house to purchase drugs. The toddler touched the walls and then put her hands in her mouth. There was meth residue on the walls due to manufacturing drugs in the home. The toddler immediately overdosed on methamphetamines.

An intervention that I would use would be to focus not only on the grief and loss of a child but would also want to work on responsibility and forgiveness. The intervention I would use is an assignment called The 20 Irresponsible Behaviors. This intervention is to list 20 behaviors that have had consequences in your life and who was affected by your actions. Then the social worker and client can begin to work on accepting the choices that the client made, how to learn from those choices, forgiveness of self and move on to make better choices and have an improved life.

I would use the Resilience Scale for Adults. According to the Smith-Osborne and Whitehill Bolton article, this RSA consists of 33-items that address six factors: positive perception of self, positive perception of future, social competence, structured style, family cohesion, and social resources. This scale will be beneficial because it hits all aspects of how we can forgive our self for the actions of our past, how we view our self, how we see our future and how society and our family will react to the new and improved person.

Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton, K. (2013). Assessing resilience: A review of measures across the

life course. Journal of evidence-based social work, 10(2), 111-126.


The case was about a 12-year-old Hispanic girl sexually molested by her father since the fourth grade until the sixth grade. The client had many stresses of continuing with school and being in the home with father. Osborne, A. (2007 pg. 152), “This theoretical framework addresses health development of at-risk populations, and overcoming stress and adversity to achieve functional outcomes either during a life stage, a specific trajectory (e.g., educational or deviancy), or throughout the life span”.

An intervention I would implement would be social support for the client. An example of this would be connecting the client to a mentor on the school site and able to visit outside of school time to do positive therapy activities with the client. Activities would be to uplift the student self-respect, trust, self-esteem, and counseling. “(2007 pg. 157), “Resilience among children,

Adolescents and young adults have found positive relationships between spirituality, social support, and social capital.”

The chosen instrument is Read (2006), due to its focus of personal & social competence, family cohesion and social resources. (Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton K. (2013). This instrument was researched and studied on around the same age and sex. The instrument showed data based on short mood, feelings, and the Read intervention was stated to appear reliable and valid. (2013)


Smith-Osbourne, A. (2007). Life Span and resiliency theory: A critical review. Advances in Social Work, 8(1), 152-168. Retrieved from

Smith-Osborne, A., & Whitehill Bolton K. (2013). Assessing resilience: A review of measures across the life course. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10(2), 111–126. doi:10.1080/15433714.2011.597305

past and future psychology assessment paper APA style

Question Description

This paper is an opportunity for you to apply some of the psychological principles taught in this course to your own life. It is a reflection paper where you can demonstrate what you have learned by looking at either your past life experiences, or your life in the future. You will then be asked to discuss what information from the course you used to make any changes in your life. It is less of a biography and more analytic—as you look at your life use the guidelines for whichever aspect you choose to focus upon and fully explore them.

First, after some reflection, decide if you want to focus on your past or your future. Use the questions in the sections below to assist with your introspection. As you write it, reference at least three different theories, concepts or processes presented in the textbook or other course materials that have impacted your views on your past or how they will affect your future.

Evaluation: Your work will be evaluated based on the rubric provided. Points will be awarded based on the depth of your insight as you tell your story, the analysis you provide, use of the resources from the course (the textbook, videos, articles, discussions), and the mechanics or construction of the writing of the paper (grammar, spelling, syntax, formatting, APA style use). Review this rubric prior to writing the paper to be sure you address all the areas to be assessed.

Paper Instruction and Content:

This paper will contain 2 major components: 1) an analysis of your past or an application of your future, and 2) a discussion of those items throughout the course that led to some change in you.

#1 Understanding My Past Life Experiences – or how the knowledge you gained through this class helps you to understand you from the past


#2 How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life – a look at how the knowledge you gained from this class can be applied to your future.

In the final section of your paper, you will discuss how this course has changed you. Here you will summarize how the activities and specific assignments, readings, videos, speakers, discussions may have changed your perspective or behaviors. Use the questions in the sections below to help guide your thinking and writing for this assignment. Remember, you will be citing your resources (like you did throughout the course in the discussion boards).

Instructions: Write in specific, thorough details being sure to relate your story with information you learned throughout this course.


  1. Understanding My Past Life Experiences-How does what I have learned in this course help to be understand my past?
    1. How has what happened in your life affected who you are today?
    2. We are all shaped by our experiences. The purpose of this topic is not to tell your life story but to explain how the events in your life story influenced your life. Be sure to relate your life story with at least three topics in this course and how you have gained a better understanding of your past because of learning psychology.
    3. For example, if your parents were divorced when you were 10, how did that affect you?
      1. How did that change the relationship you had with one or both parents?
      2. How did it change your attitude regarding intimate relations with others?


  1. How I Can Apply Psychology to My Future Life
    1. How can the information you have learned in this class play a role in your future life.
    2. Describe how this new knowledge could be applied to your role or future role as a parent.
    3. How could this information be applied in your career choice?
    4. How could this information be applied to your personal relationships?
    5. How could the information help you with self-acceptance?

Then, conclude your paper by considering the following:

  1. How This Course Has Changed Me– You will be using specific information from the textbook, videos, or other elements of the course for this section.
    1. How has the information you learned in this class changed you?
    2. How has your viewpoint on certain subjects changed? Which subjects specifically did your viewpoint change? How is it different now? What materials (videos, articles, textbook subjects, and class discussions) helped you make the change or changes?
    3. How has the information made you reassess different aspects of your life?
    4. How has it changed how you relate to others?

Be sure to use in-text citations for those concepts from the textbook such as (King, 2019, p. 332). Note: For information on how to correctly do in-text citations and listings on the References page, see the website – Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) – APA style. (Links to an external site.)

All papers are submitted through the Turnitin software to check for possible plagiarism.

  • Formatting: APA style
  • Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • APA format (1 inch margins, double-spacing, indention of paragraphs)

Lay-out of Paper

  • Title Page
  • Content – Minimum of 4 to 5 pages in length (Content does not include title page and references page.)
  • In-text citations in APA style (see the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
  • References page where your resources are listed in APA style.


Self-Assessment Paper Rubric

Self-Assessment Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of self-assessment

50.0 to >44.0 pts

Excellent, clearly articulated and well thought out analysis.

44.0 to >35.0 pts

Good solid effort, but could have been a little more fully developed.

35.0 to >20.0 pts

Good solid effort, but could have been a little more fully developed.

20.0 to >0 pts

Falls short of one or more minimum requirements for this section, or writing is so poor that it undermines clarity of summary.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of textual evidence to support analysis

30.0 to >26.0 pts

Used specific and convincing examples from the text or other sources that supported claims in the analysis, making insightful and applicable connections between the sources and the analysis.

26.0 to >20.0 pts

Used relevant examples from text or other sources to support claims in the analysis making applicable connections between the sources and analysis.

20.0 to >10.0 pts

Used examples from the text or other sources to support some claims in the analysis with some connection between the sources and the analysis.

10.0 to >0 pts

Few examples from the text or other sources with little support or connection between sources and the analysis.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting, grammar, and formatting.

20.0 to >17.0 pts

Well written, with good APA formatting and completed using proper grammar.

17.0 to >10.0 pts

A few writing, APA formatting and/or grammar issues.

10.0 to >0 pts

Some writing, APA formatting, and/or grammar issues.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

Racial Inequality

Question Description


What do you conclude about racism and racial identity in reading “Showing my Color” by Clarence Page? Do you think the reading is still relevant today? (3 pts)

The sociologist, William Wilson, argues that social class is more important than race in determining the life chances of African-Americans.
Quoting the textbook chapters 12 and 13 and/or the Reader &/or current events, please present Wilson’s argument and state if you agree with him or not and why. (5 pts)

Reply to anther student in a meaningful way using your sociological knowledge. (2 pts)

1. In “Showing My Color,” Clarence Page discusses the existence of racism and racial identity. He begins his essay by introducing himself as a child. He did not yet know about race and even thought that the water fountain labeled “colored” would produce colored water. This shows how racism and racial identity is a social construct that children learn from an early age. It is not a natural thing. Still, the children learn very quickly as they do everything else. He and his schoolmates quickly learned that they were in different worlds. This was only amplified as they got older. Page writes, “Anyone who tried to break out of those stereotypes was trying to break the code, meaning that a black or Latino who tried to make good grades was ‘trying to be white’” (Page 366). This still going on today as well. Even though it is not as bad as before, there are still many people that discriminate and are prejudice against other races. Some people claim that they are colorblind like some of the whites in Page’s essay. It is impossible to be colorblind unless you have a physical ailment. Instead of trying to tell everyone to ignore color, it may be better to see it and call it as it is. Instead of trying to create one race that includes everyone equally, which is practically impossible, it may be more realistic to accept the difference. I think the mulligan stew is a great idea. Page writes, “Each maintained its distinctive character. Yet each loaned its special flavor to the whole, and each absorbed some of the flavor from the others” (Page 368). Racism and racial identity still exists and the only way to deal with it may be to make some mulligan stew.

William Wilson argument that the social class an African American belongs to will have more of an effect on the life chances. The textbook states, “The upward mobility of millions of African Americans into the middle class created two worlds of African American experience – one educated and affluent, the other uneducated and poor” (Henslin 354). I agree with his argument. Although it is true that young African Americans, especially males, may be faced with less opportunities, it may be that the social status is more significant. For instance, if the father was a doctor and the mother was a lawyer, it would not matter that the child was African American. The child will have better life chances than most Americans of all ethnicity because the child will likely grow up in a nice neighborhood and go to a nice school. If the child has trouble at school, the parents can afford to get him the help his needs. Even the teachers will be attentive to the child’s needs since the classroom would likely not be overcrowded. Worst come to worst, even if the child does not do very good in school and ends up getting a job at the company that one of the neighbors own, the parents will be able to provide for the child while they are alive and when they die through their life insurance.

2. Clarence Page, the author of “Showing my Color”, explains how “race has long had a rude presence” in his life (Page, 364). It’s difficult to watch caucasian friends come up in a wealthier upbringing. After reading what Page had to say, it became transparent that times have changed. We do not face the same deal of racism as we did before, but of course the problem has not completely gone away. Page places emphasis on the fact that he doesn’t want color to be denied. He wishes “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”, as do all colored people (Page, 363). There are people who still put a difference when it comes to people of color. Many of my friends have told me that they have experienced discrimination in different ways. Many African-Americans feel this way and even though there has been a decrease in stereotypes, the issue has never completely disappeared as it should. I believe the reading is applicable today because I experience my own struggles as a woman of color. It is noticeable that I am not white and for that, there have been times where people would look at me differently. As much as my white friends attempt to show me that we had the same upbringing, I often notice that we were brought up with different values. I am not the same as them, and they most certainly are not the same as me. I can easily say that we face discrimination to this day, whether it should have gone away or not. Just as Page mentions in his last line, “I can defy it, but I cannot deny” the fact that I am different (Page, 368).

Sociologist William Wilson argues that determination of importance for chances of African-Americans does not depend on race but rather social class. Many people have difficulty finding jobs due to the fact that “African Americans were excluded from avenues of economic advancement”, such as “good schools and good jobs” (Henslin, 347). The basis of Wilson’s argument is the fact that many African Americans had entered the middle class. They had moved up the social ladder and found better lives for themselves by living in more secure areas. It’s very possible that the environment had some to do with the way people are treated. Essentially, Wilson is debating on nurture as opposed to nature. He believes that the way people are treated aren’t completely dependent on race, but the setting and habitat of an individual as well. Personally, I think that no one wants to live in a difficult setting and it is not a personal choice that everyone gets the privilege of making. Of course, people who live in more impoverished areas have a difficult time as opposed to people in affluent spaces, but it has to do with the peers around us as well. I cannot say I completely agree with Wilson’s argument, although I do understand why he would have such a theory. It makes sense to say that the affect our surroundings have are crucial in our lives but it is not always in our own hands. Some are close minded people who have decided what they feel is correct based off of their own beliefs.

Week 3 Discussion – Vector and Raster Files

Question Description

22 unread replies.44 replies.

Initial post due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) Week 3
Two replies due by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) end of Week 3 (60 pts)
Due Dates and Participation Requirements
Learning Objectives Covered
1. Distinguish the similarities and differences between raster images and vector graphics
2. Distinguish the differences between Pantone, RGB and CMYK gamut
It is very important to understand what vector and raster images are, not only as it relates to using the right type of file for the task but also related to scaling and resolution issues that can be caused when outputting them for digital or offset printing. As designers, we must be able to articulate to a client why several different file types are necessary for different platforms, output devices, and media.
Vector art is resolution independent while raster art is resolution dependent. Vector art is created in a program like Illustrator, where each and every line, curve and solid are plotted on an x/y coordinate grid. That grid can be resized, up or down, to any dimensions and the artwork will always come out perfectly. By contrast, raster art is pixel based meaning each pixel has a particular size and color based on resolution and pixel depth. Photographs are raster art. When it comes to resizing when we shrink raster art, it becomes clearer, and when we enlarge raster art, it becomes fuzzy. When a piece of raster art has been enlarged too much, you see the actual edges of the pixels and it looks like stairs or zig-zags on the edge of the subject matter.
Another important factor is that we can easily change vector art to any size of raster art we want, but going the other way is not easy at all. Imagine drawing a photograph in Illustrator, articulating every change in color and shade – No way! That’s why we have both.
It is for this reason that two things are important to keep in mind while working in the field:
1. When doing a logo for a client, create it in Illustrator. From the vector art, you can go anywhere and do anything.
2. When purchasing photographs for a client, get the highest resolution possible. You can take resolution out, but you can’t put it back.
Another important discernment that graphic designers must be able to articulate relates to the different color spaces that we work in, and how the ranges of colors available within them. Our eyes can see millions of colors, but computer screens and inks can recreate a relative few. The technology and study of these color ranges is called gamut. This short video will help you understand what color gamuts are and how they work:
What is Color Gamut? (Links to an external site.)
(4:15 min)
Imagine that you have just landed a great design job. The client would like you to produce a billboard for his company, along with a brochure and some promotional items like embroidered hats and jackets. The company has a logo that they have used for years, and they are sticking with their current brand. The client instructs you to go to their website and grab the logo from the homepage – saying that is where others have gotten it from in the past, and that is the only logo that exists.
For your initial post, address the following questions:
1. Will this logo work for the projects you have been hired to do? Why or why not?
2. How do you explain your dilemma to the client?
3. How does color gamut figure into this?
For your citation, you might use articles that describe the vector vs. raster artwork, print vs. web resolution and color, or which file type is best for which job.
When looking at your fellow student’s discussion posts, you might consider addressing which points that they made came across well, and which need further explanation. What might help clarify their points? Can you help them expand their explanation? Can you share some resources that you found helpful while researching this discussion?
Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.
Reply Requirements
Per the Due Dates and Participation Requirements for this course, you must submit 1 main post of 150+ words, 1 IWG citation, and reference, as well as 2 follow-up posts of 50+ words. Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be your own words (no copy and paste), each reply unique (no repeating something you already said), and substantial in nature. Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time (20%) and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. (20% per post).
First reply:
Olivia Isleman
YesterdaySep 17 at 11:55pm
Manage Discussion Entry
Because my client’s logo is old and only exits in internet form it would be very simple to just go with CMYK with a basic printer for such a large job. CMYK is cheaper and more common place so more people know how to print with it. However the client is looking for an exact match to their logo and CMTK can have some color variation due to the limited colors. In this case I feel it could be better to print in Pantone colors because they have the ability to be more exact. Unfortunately Pantone requires a more expensive printer that is less common and therefore more niche skillset will be needed to print with this method. I would also expect the image to be a raster image because of its age. If that were the case I would want to convert it to a vector image for more precise printing as well. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Second reply:
Kenya Cromwell
10:08amSep 18 at 10:08am
Manage Discussion Entry
I don’t think this idea is a very good one. I thought that the client would have to send the logo to the designer in some type of file, package, or folder in order to make changes to blow it up for a billboard, or the clothing and the brochure. Just plainly grabbing it off the company’s website wouldn’t be enough to get the best resolution for this project. You would need to see everything that was done to make the logo so you can do it correctly, the other way sounds like a shortcut. If it’s the only logo that exists, they would just have to get what they paid for. I tried placing a logo on Illustrator and it was pixelated; it didn’t look clean when I zoomed in. If I were to get the logo from the homepage, it’d be in the form of a raster image, and my no one would be getting the best quality. I would explain that to my client.
Since I would have to get the logo from the homepage, I would have to change the RGB color gamut (what computer monitors can see) to the CMYK color gamut (what printers can see) so that it can be printed for the billboard and brochures.

What is Color Gamut?(2012). Retrieved from

Action Research: Purpose, Problem Statement, Question(s), and Literature Review

Question Description

Action research is generally associated with education, but in recent years, more organizations and disciplines are using this approach to solve problems. The ultimate purpose of action research is to assist a school or organization in developing a culture that relies on data collection and analysis to make decisions.

In Module 1, you considered a problem, issue, or area of concern for an action research study relevant to your school or organization, completed a “Thinking It Through” activity, and developed an annotated bibliography to locate potential literature sources.

You will use your work in Module 1 to begin development of your action research study. In this assignment, you will describe the purpose and problem statement for your action research study. You will also identify 1 to 3 research questions, issues, problems, or concerns; compose a question(s) to guide your action research, and conduct a literature review to help you answer your research question(s). You may use the sources from the Module 1 annotated bibliography or search again for articles that better align to your research in progress.

Course Objectives

  • Explain basic research concepts and the role of theories and frameworks in the research process.
  • Describe action research, its process, and relationship to practice.
  • Describe research dimensions, purposes, methods, designs, and paradigms.
  • Directions:

    1) Review the Module 2 Application PDF.

    2) Create a Word or text document for your response. Use 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font. Follow APA (6th edition) format.

    3) Create a title page and references page in APA (6th edition) format for your research paper.

    4) Follow the directions to complete Part 1 and Part 2. You should begin your three to five-page research paper in this module and include the purpose of your research (to describe), problem statement, one to three research questions, and a literature review of three peer-reviewed articles.

    5) Before you submit your document, save a copy. You will refer to this document in Module 3’s assignment.

    6) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.

    Research Methods for Early Childhood Education

    Part 1: Purpose, Problem Statement and Research Questions


    1) Review “Thinking It Through” in the Module 1 assignment.

    2) Access the article, Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning, by Roberta Ross-Fisher in the Ebsco-Proquest database. This article describes the steps of action research, including the development of a problem statement and research questions. While the article is focused on education, it provides guidance for action researchers in any discipline.

    3) Read through the bulleted questions and explanations in Part 1 below this set of directions to find more assistance in generating a problem statement and research question(s) for your action research paper.

    4) Compose an introductory paragraph in which you grab the reader’s attention and state the purpose of your research. Remember, your research purpose is to describe the situation.

    5) Compose a problem statement for your research paper. Summarize the problem and the setting and context for the study. Support the problem with data.

    6) From your problem statement, generate from one to three research questions. Questions should not have yes/no answers, and they should require research to answer.

  • What wonderings do you have about your professional practice? What do you need to know more about to be optimally effective? What situations need to be examined? Think specifically about your specific school or organizational situation, and avoid outside issues and conditions over which you have little control.
  • From your wonderings and thoughts about what you need to know or examine, select an issue or concern and explain why it is important to you. Clearly articulate your concern or issue as a problem statement. How do you know it is a problem? What evidence do you have that the problem is worth investigating? What are the chances an investigation might lead to action on your part to improve or resolve the problem?
  • There are times when it is difficult to clearly state a problem because you don’t yet know enough to do so. This may dictate the first phase of your action research project will involve gathering data leading to a clear statement and suggesting appropriate action to be taken in a follow-up phase. If this characterizes what you are contemplating, then the research you carry out will be exploratory and problem-defining, and your final action research report in Module 5 will need to include a detailed description of phase two complete with action to be taken and data-gathering methods to assess the effects of this action.
  • In contrast, what you are contemplating may allow for a final problem statement and definitive action from the outset with your initial round of data gathering designed to assess action effects. In these cases, your description of next steps in your final report in Module 4 will not have to include an additional action to be taken and could describe some type of expansion, extension, or replication.
  • From your problem statement, formulate researchable questions – at least one and no more than three for the purposes of this assignment. Each question should be narrowly focused, specific, and researchable. You will need to consider your student population, your desired outcome, and how you might bring about that outcome, assuming enough is known about the problem to spell all of this out. For example, you may have noticed that girls are not performing well in science. The problem is reasonably clear, so you can ask, “Will grouping by gender during science work improve the participation of female students?”
  • Research Methods for Early Childhood Education

  • Another example may be low journal-writing production, and you have read in the literature that word walls may help. This problem is also clear, so you can ask, “Will interactive word walls improve the journal writing of my kindergarten students?” If you still have “why” questions, they will need to be recast to make them researchable beginning with “how,” “what,” “does,” “will,” etc. If formulated correctly, these are essentially hypotheses.
  • Part 2: Literature Review

  • In Module 1, you completed an annotated bibliography to help you firm up your ideas for your action research study. Some or all of these sources may be appropriate to your literature review. However, if your research has taken off in a new direction or you’ve decided you need different perspectives, use the Ebsco database to
  • locate additional peer-reviewed articles.

  • For your literature review, you need at least three professional, peer-reviewed articles related to your concern, problem statement, and specific question(s). Good, relevant articles will help you to begin answering your questions and solving your problem.
  • Tutorials for conducting research are available: Digital Learning Connections Resources and Tips

    o Remember, when you search, be sure to place a check on the box for “peer reviewed,” so you are sure to use only peer-reviewed studies. Articles reporting on one or more empirical studies will likely be the most useful, but there are theoretical articles describing programs, interventions, and methodologies to help you decide on the appropriate action to take or propose.

  • Compose a brief overview of each article synthesizing common and differing points.
  • Cite your sources using APA (6th edition) style, and reference all three in an APA-style reference list at the end of your paper. Place titles in your reference list only, not in the body of your paragraphs.
  • Privatization

    Question Description

    Part I

    The mythology of privatization in contracting for social services (Links to an external site.).”

    Reflect: Approximately 1.2 million organizations are registered with the IRS as nonprofit organizations. It is estimated that millions more small formal and informal associations exist that do not register with the IRS because they have revenues of less than $5,000 per year. Nonprofit organizations in America have combined revenues of approximately $621.4 billion, which represents 6.2% of the nation’s economy (Luckert, n.d.). Congress developed the Top Tier Evidence standards for nonprofit organizations, defined as: Interventions shown in well-designed and implemented randomized controlled trials, preferably conducted in typical community settings, to produce sizable, sustained benefits to participants and/or society (“Top Tier”, n.d.).

    In Oregon they have developed an intervention for parenting training for recently separated, single mothers with sons aged 6-10 years. It is administered by Implementation Sciences International, Inc. (ISII), a research-based, non-profit organization providing training for community practitioners in Parent Management Training – the Oregon Model (PMTO®). The cost per family to the organization is $1000 to $1500 dollars. The meetings teach five core parenting practices: appropriate, noncoercive discipline (e.g., setting limits, following through, reinforcing prosocial behavior); skill encouragement (e.g., breaking tasks such as homework into achievable steps); monitoring; problem solving; and positive involvement. They also teach skills tailored to divorcing women, including (i) emotional regulation (e.g., recognizing negative emotions, and practicing techniques to help regulate them); (ii) managing interparental conflict (e.g., through problem solving and negotiation); and (iii) addressing children’s divorce-related concerns (e.g., through active listening, problem solving, and recognizing and managing emotions). (“Parent Management Training”, n.d.).

    Write: Imagine the Lovely People County Board of Eastern Kentucky are considering developing a program such as the ones rerferenced above for their county. The board is split, particularly around money and other resources, as to whether the county itself should implement the program or to take bids from other agents operating in the county. They have tapped you, as a county director of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), to help them make the best choice. You are ready to give them a report based on your research. Utilizing the readings and your own sources, discuss what issues might be involved in your determination of your recommendation to the county board. Based on this analysis let us know what you would recommend. These are some helpful resources that may help guide you in your recommendation:

    Use the following questions to help direct you in your response:

    • Describe the advantages and challenges of the choice you are recommending over the other.
    • Given your counties special needs what recommendations would you give for constructing this program in your county?
    • Briefly, how would evaluate the success of the alternative you are recommending?

    Guided Response: As a board member, what questions would you have given your fellow peer’s recommendation? What recommendations would you have regarding their decision. What suggestions can you give that would address concerns you might have given the constituites you represent? Your post should contain a minimum of 400 words.

    Part II

    Mental health clinician attitudes to the provision of preventive care for chronic disease risk behaviours and association with care provision.

    Reflect: Health Care Reform has, for a long time, been a hot topic. Costs of Medicare, loss of jobs, increased costs of doing business, are all part of the problem/need. Consider the two citations below:

    We have invented more health care than we can afford to deliver….We already ration. The United States denies more health care to more people than any other developed country in the world. We did that by leaving 50 million people out of the system (before the Affordable Care Act).

    [For example] I don’t believe you should give any extensive operations to anybody over 85. You should make sure that they’re clean, they’re loved, they’re comfortable, they’re pain-free, but we shouldn’t be doing high-technology medicine on people over 85. (Lamm, 2015)

    A rising proportion of medical expenditure is now devoted to prolonging the lives of the very old and the terminally ill. The costs of this are potentially unlimited.

    We should pause to ask ourselves the questions raised by the surgeon Atul Gawande in his book, Being Mortal. Perhaps the greatest challenges in modern healthcare are not those of meeting the spiraling cost of advanced medical technologies. They lie in accepting that we are all going to die, and learning to do so with dignity.

    Efforts at cost containment and the rationing of medical services are impinging deeply on the elderly and placing physicians in roles that may interfere with the covenant of faithfulness that exists between physician and patient. Physicians must examine negative societal images that may influence the care of the elderly and hold firm to the commitment to respond to the needs, values, and best interests of the elderly in the face of changing health care policies and constraints of one kind or another. Further, a major ethical imperative for physicians relates to making themselves available for the treatment of the elderly in the context of an appreciation of these patients’ tasks in the final stage of development.

    Write: As an assistant in arranging discharge planning with a social worker and a multi-disciplinary team, you are asked for your professional input as an elderly woman living alone is being discharged to a long term facility. A high risk procedure and expensive procedure is being suggested for this 87 year old woman. The issue of cost for such procedures for the elderly has surfaced among the team. The team is discussing the decision of the procedure and social services is consulted for a full consideration of the patient in her context.

    Utilizing what you have learned in the program and including extra resources, address the following:

    • Evaluate the value assumptions that influence your recommendation.
    • Describe how you would respond to these values as you self-reflect.
    • Describe how much cost of the procedure would influence your recommendation.
    • Should you consider what your client wants? How does this weight against professional values and opinions?
    • Explain your recommendations to the team.

    Guided Response: In responding to your classmates, are you in agreement with the values they proposed? What input would you give to the treatment team based on their recommendations? Would you suggest a different perspective? If so, describe your perspective and why you would suggest this as a fellow team member. Your post should contain a minimum of 300 words.

    Exceptional Needs Children

    Question Description

    Assignment Details

    The Final Assignment is a 4- to 6-page paper that analyzes the following case study:

    Case Study

    Mr. Knightly has been a Special Education teacher at Jackson Elementary School for seven years. Every five years, he must renew his teaching license and, to do that, he must complete 6-semester hours, or 90-clock hours, of Continuing Education during the five-year period. Recently, he took a course called, “Diversity in the Special Ed Classroom.” Having taught at Jackson Elementary School for so long, he felt he had a pretty good understanding of the disproportionate representation of minorities in the elementary school special education classroom. But, his professor discussed a recent Penn State study that indicated that minorities were actually underestimated in terms of being identified as needing special education services in elementary and middle school. The conflicting reports made his head spin. He decided to talk with his co-worker, Ms. Dailey.

    Mr. Knightly and Ms. Dailey sat down for coffee in the teacher’s lounge to discuss this discrepancy in reports.

    Ms. Dailey: “I think we need to focus on what we can do for all students instead of hoping we get it right in identifying those in need of special supports through special education. I mean, we have federal laws that provide criteria for special education services, but we are still failing to meet the needs of many students.”

    Mr. Knightly: “Yeah, I know that there are students who arrive in my class that could probably have stayed in the general education classroom if help had been given in time.”

    Ms. Dailey: “Have you heard about Response-to-Intervention?”

    Mr. Knightly: “Actually, I just read an article about a school in Florida that has had real success with the program.”

    Ms. Dailey: “You know, many of our students’ interfering behaviors impact their success with academics. We may want to consider a combination program that deals with academics, interfering behaviors, and social skills.”

    Mr. Knightly: “It sounds like you’re thinking of RTI and a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program. If we could bring in a social skills program too . . . .”

    Ms. Dailey: “I’d have to do some research, but I believe many SWPBS programs bring in specialized social skill programs under the “Behavior Education Program” in Tier 2.”

    Mr. Knightly: “Would you want to work with me to put together a proposal for the school district on bringing in RTI, SWPBS, and social skills training?”

    Ms. Dailey: “Let’s get started!”

    Prepare a 4-6 page proposal (not including title and reference pages) that Mr. Knightly and Ms. Dailey can present at the next School Board meeting that covers the following topics:

    Part I

    Introduce the Response to Intervention (RTI) program and the School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program to the School Board members by defining these programs.

    • Explain the evolution of RTI and its purpose
    • Explain how RTI meets IDEA 2004 criteria for “Early Intervening Services.”
    • Explain the purpose of SWPBS
    • Relate the ways in which the combination of RTI and SWPBS can support student success in academics and promote socially acceptable behaviors conducive to learning.
    • Explain how the addition of a social skills program to Tier 2: Targeted Intervention (SWPBS) can provide an extra layer of training for socially significant behaviors in the Behavior Education Program.

    After providing the School Board with basic information regarding RTI and SWPBS, and discussing the advantages of adding the social skills program to Tier 2 of the SWPBS plan, you will present a demonstration model of an RTI and SWPBS, with a social skills program, to the Board.

    Part II

    Develop a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support plan for Jackson Elementary School. Include the following:

    1. Tier 1: Universal Interventions
      1. Devise and operationally define three (3) culturally responsive school rules.
      2. Develop positive reinforcement strategies aligned with the three (3) rules.
      3. Develop consequences for students who do not comply with the three (3) school rules.
      4. Explain how you will teach students the three (3) rules, and how students will earn positive reinforcement (and what those reinforcements will be) and what the consequences will be for not complying with the rules.
      5. Prepare data collection devices to record data from universal screening and continuous progress monitoring to make decisions regarding students’ progress.
    1. Tier 2: Targeted Interventions
    1. Tier 3: Individualized Interventions
      1. Summarize the selection process for placing at-risk students in Tier 2.
      2. Explain how RTI can be integrated into Tier 2.
      3. Develop the Behavior Education Program:
        1. Construct a reinforcement system for appropriate behaviors
        2. Explain the essential elements of the Behavior Education Program
        3. Select one social skills program from the following list to incorporate into the Behavior Education Program and explain the components of the program and how it will be implemented.
          • Skillstreaming
          • ACCEPTS
          • ACCESS
          • Stop and Think
          • Replacement Behavior Training
          • Social Stories
          • Videotherapy
      1. Summarize the criteria for placement of students in Tier 3.
      2. Develop the system of supports that Jackson Elementary School will provide at this level.
      3. Explain the assessment approaches that will be used. How will the assessment results guide the selection of needed supports?
      4. Explain how wraparound services can support not only the student but also the family.

    Papers should incorporate information from your readings with ideas of how those concepts can be applied to Jackson Elementary School. Your Assignment should be double-spaced; in 12-point, Times New Roman font; and in APA format. Please use your textbook as your main source for this paper, but you may include other sources as needed to support your plan.

    Please consult the Writing Center sources if you need assistance with APA format. All information written in the paper must be in your original words. Paraphrased and quoted material must be cited in the body of your paper and listed on your reference page.

    Final Assignments are due on Tuesday at midnight, ET, of this unit, so plan your work accordingly.


    Shepherd, T. L. & Linn, D. (2014). Behavior and classroom management in the multicultural classroom: Proactive, active, and

    reactive strategies. Thousand Oaks, CA.

    Reading and Resources

    Chapter 13 in Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom: Proactive, Active, and Reactive Strategies: “School-Wide Positive Behavior Support”

    Chapter 13 introduces you to School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). This approach to classroom and school management focuses on reducing interfering behaviors and increasing desired behaviors so teachers can expend their energies on academics, rather than reacting to interfering behaviors. This program has a hierarchy of levels; each higher level provides more intensive supports for the student. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) has been shown to reduce problem behaviors and is particularly useful in reducing behavior problems associated with cultural and linguistic diversity (Shepherd & Linn, 2014).

    Chapter 14 Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom: Proactive, Active, and Reactive Strategies: “Social Skills Training”

    Chapter 14 introduces you to many social skills programs that can be used in the classroom and, more importantly for our focus in Unit 9, in a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program. Increasing students’ social skills – and social competencies, has proven to improve “students’ problem-solving skills, interaction skills, and cooperation skills” (Shepherd & Linn, 2014, p. 287).