DQ #12-5000-Hill

Question Description

What is the difference between process and outcome measures? Which is more important, if any, and under what circumstances?

Next, explain what is meant by the assessment-evaluative cycle? Why is this important?

250 words in APA format

Persuasive Research essay

Question Description

6 pages total 1 cited and 5 credible sources. My thesis is ” The death penalty is the worst form of punishment and should be abolished” Use Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. And include counter argument

Quiz Question worth 5 points (Short Answer)

Question Description

Provide 2 separate examples for why both the Byzantine and Sassanid Empire had such difficulty in dealing with the expansion of Islam in their respective territories.

Use evidence from the learning activities to support your answers.

A short research paper essay

Question Description

A short (no more than 5-page typed double-spaced pages) research essay on one of the topics covered in the course (30%) [due date December 5].

Here is the topic:

Discuss the relationships between sociocultural and biological evolution.

One page reflection

Question Description

I need a reflection for chapters 12.1 and 12.1.2(attached) on one page(each chapter should have a separate reflection).


The reflections should answer all the questions attached to chapters file.

My question is listed below. It needs to be answered in complete sentences, 2 paragraphs please. Thank you!

Question Description

1. Compare the values of the 17th century Dutch Republic to 17th century France.

2. How did their different values affect the art created in each culture?

One paragraph for each question please. Thank You!

Case study and Analyzes

Question Description

The book for this case study is introductory psychology by Spencer Ruthus (psych 6)

Basically all references needed for this assignment is from the book.

Sorry but currently I don’t have the ebook for this assignment.

Artwork essay

Question Description

Word count 200 – 250.

Chose two works of art in Chapter 10 “Mind and Body”. Note artist and title with page number.

Compare and contrast them in all the ways you can think of.

Only summarize

Question Description

The Loss of Vision

History shows, then, that as a result of these unusual forces in the education of the Negro he easily learns to follow the line of least resistance rather than battle against odds for what real history has shown to be the right course. A mind that remains in the present atmosphere never undergoes sufficient development to experience what is commonly known as thinking. No Negro thus submerged in the ghetto, then, will have a clear conception of the present status of the race or sufficient foresight to plan for the future; and he drifts so far toward compromise that he loses moral courage. The education of the Negro, then, becomes a perfect device for control from without. Those who purposely promote it have every reason to rejoice, and Negroes themselves exultingly champion the cause of the oppressor. A comparison of the record of the spokesmen of the race today with that of those of the eighteenth century shows a moral surrender. During the prolonged struggle between the French and English in America the Negroes held the balance of power at several strategic points and used it accordingly; today the Negro finds himself inconsequential because he can be parked on one side of the fence. The same balance of power was evident also during the American Revolution when Negro soldiers insisted on serving side by side with others; today many Negroes are content as menials in the army. At that time Negroes preached to mixed congregations; today we find Negroes busy separating them. The eighteenth-century Negro resented any such thing as social distinctions; today Negroes are saying that they do not want social equality. Negroes of that epoch said with the ancient poet, “I am a man and deem nothing that relates to man a matter of indifference to me”; today, however, the average Negro says, “Now, I am a colored man, and you white folks must settle that matter among yourselves.”

At a still later date the American Negro showed more courage than he does today with all of his so-called enlightenment. When the free Negroes were advised a hundred years ago to go to Africa they replied that they would never separate themselves from the slave population of this country as they were brethren by the “ties of consanguinity, of suffering, and of wrong.” Today, however, the Negro in the North turns up his nose at the crude migrant from the South who brings to the North the race problem, but along with it more thrift and actual progress than the Northern Negro ever dreamed of.

When, again in 1816, free Negroes like Richard Allen, James Forten, and Robert Purvis, were referred to as a foreign element whose social status might not be secure in this country, instead of permitting the colonist to shove them aside as criminals to be deported to a distant shore, they replied in no uncertain terms that this soil in America which gave them birth is their only true home. “Here their fathers fought, bled, and died for this country and here they intended to stay.” Today when such things come up you find Negroes appearing upon the scene to see how much pay they can obtain to assist in the proposed undoing of the race.

Further emphasizing this thought of resistance a few years later, Nathaniel Paul, a Baptist preacher of Albany, informed the colonist that the free Negroes would not permit their traducers to formulate a program for the race. You may go ahead with your plan to deport this element in order to make slavery secure, he warned; but the free Negroes will never immigrate to Africa. “We shall stay here and fight until the foul monster is crushed. Slavery must go.” “Did I believe it would always continue,” said he, “and that man to the end of time would be permitted with impunity to usurp the same undue authority over his fellow, I would disavow any allegiance or obligation I was under to my fellow creatures, or any submission that I owed to the laws of my country! I would deny the superintending power of divine Providence in the affairs of this life; I would ridicule the religion of the Savior of the world, and treat as the worst of men the ministers of the everlasting gospel; I would consider my Bible as a book of false and delusive fables, and commit it to the flames; nay, I would still go farther; I would at once confess myself an atheist, and deny the existence of a holy God.”

And these Negroes of a century ago stood their ground and fought the pro-slavery deportationist to a standstill, for with the exception of a few pioneers the emigrants to Liberia were largely slaves manumitted on the condition that they would settle in Africa. These freedmen, then, could have no ideals but those of the slave-holding section from which they were sent. They established, therefore, a slavocracy in Liberia. If Liberia has failed, then, it is no evidence of the failure of the Negro in government. It is merely evidence of the failure of slavery.

The Negroes attacking Jim-Crowism almost a century ago fearlessly questioned the constitutionality of such a provision. Speaking through Charles Lenox Remond of that day, they said, “There is a distinction between social and civil rights. We all claim the privilege of selecting our society and associations, but, in civil rights, one man has not the prerogative to define rights for another. These [race] distinctions react in all their wickedness—to say nothing of their concocted and systematized odiousness and absurdity—upon those who are illiberal and mean enough to practice them.”

In our day, however, we find some “highly educated” Negroes approving such Jim-Crowism. For example, not many years ago an outstanding Baptist preacher, dabbling in politics in West Virginia, suggested to the whites that they enact a Jim Crow car law in that State, and we had difficulty in crushing that sentiment. A few years thereafter the author heard one of our bishops say that we should not object to such separation, for we want to be by ourselves. When this distinguished churchman died the traducers of the Negro lauded him to the skies; and thoughtless members of the race, thinking that he deserved it, joined in the loud acclaim.

In this way, the large majority of “educated” Negroes in the United States have accepted segregation, and have become its fearless champions. Their filled but undeveloped minds do not enable them to understand that, although an opiate furnishes temporary relief, it does not remove the cause of the pain. In this case we have yielded on principle to satisfy the mob, but have not yet found an ultimate solution of the problem at hand. In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them. We do not show the Negro how to overcome segregation, but we teach him how to accept it as final and just. Numerous results from this policy may be cited. The white laboring man refuses to work with Negroes because of the false tradition that the Negro is an inferior, and at the same time the Negro for the same reason becomes content with menial service and drudgery. The politician excludes the Negro from the councils of his party and from the government because he has been taught that such is necessary to maintain the supremacy of his race; the Negro, trained in the same school of thought, accepts this as final and contends for such meager consideration as the bosses may begrudgingly grant him. An irate resident in an exclusive district protests against an invasion by Negroes because he has learned that these poverty-stricken people are carriers of disease and agents of crime; the Negroes, believing that such is the truth, remain content in the ghetto. The irrational parent forces the separation of the races in some schools because his child must occupy a seat next to a pupil of “tainted” African blood; the educated Negro accepts this as inevitable and welcomes the makeshift for his people. Children of Negroes are excluded from the playgrounds because of the assertion that they will contaminate those of the whites; the Negroes yielding, settle down to a policy of having their children grow up in neglected fashion in the most undesirable part of the city. The Negro is forced to ride in a Jim Crow car to stamp upon him more easily the badge of his “inferiority”; the “educated Negro” accepts it as settled and abandons the fight against this social proscription.

And thus goes segregation which is the most far-reaching development in the history of the Negro since the enslavement of the race. In fact, it is a sequel of slavery. It has been made possible by our system of mis-educating innocent people who did not know what was happening. It is so subtle that men have participated in promoting it without knowing what they were doing.

There are a few defenders of segregation who are doubtless sincere. Although nominally free they have never been sufficiently enlightened to see the matter other than as slaves. One can cite cases of Negroes who opposed emancipation and denounced the abolitionists. A few who became free re-enslaved themselves. A still larger number made no effort to become free because they did not want to disconnect themselves from their masters, and their kind still object to full freedom.

Ever since the Civil War when Negroes were first given a chance to participate in the management of their affairs they have been inconsistent and compromising. They have tried to gain one thing on one day by insisting on equality for all, while at the same time endeavoring to gain another point the next day by segregation. At one moment Negroes fight for the principle of democracy, and at the very next moment they barter it away for some temporary advantage. You cannot have a thing and dispose of it at the same time.

These timorous men were very much like some Negroes who were employed near the author’s home in Virginia by a Northern farmer, who had moved into the State after the Civil War. When breakfast time came the first morning he called them in to eat at the table with his family. These actual slaves, however, immediately lost their appetite. One finally called the employer aside and settled the matter in another way. He said:

“Now boss, you ain’t used to de rules ob dis country. We just can’t sit at de table wid wite folks. We been use ter eating a cake er bread out yonder ‘tween de plow handles. Les us go out dar.”

The system, therefore, has extended from one thing to another until the Negroes today find themselves hedged in by the color bar almost every way they turn; and, set off by themselves, the Negroes cannot learn from the example of others with whom they might come into contact. In the ghetto, too, they are not permitted to construct and carry out a program of their own. These segregating institutions interfere with the development of self-help among Negroes, for often Negroes fail to raise money to establish institutions which they might control, but they readily contribute large sums for institutions which segregate persons of African blood.

Denied participation in the higher things of life, the “educated” Negro himself joins, too, with ill- designing persons to handicap his people by systematized exploitation. Feeling that the case of the Negro is hopeless, the “educated” Negro decides upon the course of personally profiting by whatever he can do in using these people as a means to an end. He grins in their faces while “extracting money” from them, hut his heart shows no fond attachment to their despised cause. With a little larger income than they receive he can make himself somewhat comfortable in the ghetto; and he forgets those who have no way of escape. Some of these “educated” classes join with unprincipled real estate men in keeping Negroes out of desirable parts of the city and confining them to unsanitary sections. Such persons help the profiteer to collect from Negroes thus cornered a larger rental than that exacted from whites for the same property. In similar fashion a Negro minister sometimes goes into a community where the races are moving along amicably together in their churches and rents a shack or an old empty store to start a separate church for “our people,” not to supply any practical need but to exploit those who have never learned to think. Professional men, too, walking in their footsteps, impose also upon the poor innocent Negroes who do not know when they are being treated properly and when they are not, but high fees may be obtained from them inasmuch as they cannot always go to others for service.

Settling in a community with mixed schools, the educated Negro often advocates their separation that his daughter may secure a position in the system. The Negro politician is accustomed to corner the Negro vote, by opening a separate office from which he may bargain with the chieftains of the machine for the highest price available. When paid off by some position, which is not very lofty, this office-holder accepts such employment with the understanding that he will be set off by himself as if he were destructive of the rest of mankind.

In the present crisis, however, the “highly educated” Negroes find very little to exploit, and in their untoward condition they have no program of finding a way out. They see numerous instances of Negroes losing their jobs in white establishments. In fact, these things occur daily. Janitors who have been giving satisfaction are abruptly told that they will no longer be needed. Negro waiters in hotels are being informed that their places will go to white workers. Negro truck drivers are ordered to step down and let the needy of the other race go up. We hear so much of this that we wonder what the outcome will be.

In this readjustment, of course, when there are fewer opportunities left for those who cannot or do not have the opportunity to operate machines the Negroes will naturally be turned out of their positions by their employers who think first of their own race. In the ultimate passing of the depression, however, Negroes will not be much better off when some of the whites now displacing them will rise to higher levels. In the economic order of tomorrow there will be little use for the factotum or scullion. Man will not need such personal attention when he can buy a machine to serve him more efficiently. The menial Negroes, the aggregate of parasites whom the “highly educated” Negro has exploited, will not be needed on tomorrow. What, then, will become of “our highly educated” Negroes who have no initiative? We have appealed to the talented tenth for a remedy, but they have nothing to offer. Their minds have never functioned in this all-important sphere. The “educated” Negro shows no evidence of vision. He should see a new picture. The Negroes are facing the alternative of rising in the sphere of production to supply their proportion of the manufacturers and merchants or of going down to the graves of paupers. The Negro must now do for himself or die out as the world undergoes readjustment. If the whites are to continue for some time in doing drudgery to the exclusion of Negroes, the latter must find another way out. Nothing forces this upon one more dramatically than when he learns that white women in Montgomery, Alabama, are coming to the back door of Negro homes asking for their washing. If the whites have reached this extremity, and they must be taken care of first, what will be left for the Negroes?

At this moment, then, the Negroes must begin to do the very thing which they have been taught that they cannot do. They still have some money, and they have needs to supply. They must begin immediately to pool their earnings and organize industries to participate in supplying social and economic demands. If the Negroes are to remain forever removed from the producing atmosphere, and the present discrimination continues, there will be nothing left for them to do.

There is no reason for lack of confidence because of the recent failure of Negro enterprises, although the “highly educated” Negroes assert the contrary. This lack of confidence is the cause of the failure of these enterprises. If the Negroes had manifested enough confidence in them and had properly supported them, they would have been strong enough to stand the test in the crisis. Negro banks, as a rule, have failed because the people, taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere, withdrew their deposits. An individual cannot live after you extract the blood from his veins. The strongest bank in the United States will last only so long as the people will have sufficient confidence in it to keep their money there. In fact, the confidence of the people is worth more than money.

The lack of confidence of the Negro in himself and in his possibilities is what has kept him down. His mis-education has been a perfect success in this respect. Yet it is not necessary for the Negro to have more confidence in his own workers than in others. If the Negro would be as fair to his own as he has been to others, this would be all that is necessary to give him a new lease on life and start the trend upward.

Our minds must become sufficiently developed to use segregation to kill segregation, and thus bring to pass that ancient and yet modern prophecy, “The wrath of man shall praise thee.” If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto. This assumption of Negro leadership in the ghetto, then, must not be confined to matters of religion, education, and social uplift; it must deal with such fundamental forces in life as make these things possible. If the Negro area, however, is to continue as a district supported wholly from without, the inept dwellers therein will merit and will receive only the contempt of those who may occasionally catch glimpses of them in their plight.

As Frederick Douglass said in 1852, “It is vain that we talk of being men, if we do not the work of men. We must become valuable to society in other departments of industry than those servile ones from which we are rapidly being excluded. We must show that we can do as well as they. When we can build as well as live in houses; when we can make as well as wear shoes; when we can produce as well as consume wheat, corn and rye—then we shall become valuable to society.

“Society,” continued Douglass, “is a hard-hearted affair. With it the helpless may expect no higher dignity than that of paupers. The individual must lay society under obligation to him or society will honor him only as a stranger and sojourner.”

Outline the steps you would take to assure that P. remains at his work station

Question Description

For this assignment you are a job coach and your job is to create an outline to help P keep his job. Please respond with 500 words,and follow the instructions below : I attached some resources that may help

P. has a job at a new national hardware/building material store. His job is to load large outdoor garden materials/plants/furniture into the cars/trucks of customers. He is strong and does his job quite well. The problem is that during slow times at the store, he often wanders into the store to look around and is not near the garden department when he is needed. While he can be paged to come back to his work station, this takes extra time and slows the customer’s exit from the store. Efforts to talk to P. have resulted in an initial behavior change but it wasn’t long before he left his work station again during a slow time. P.’s supervisor has called you and requested your help.

Outline the steps you would take to assure that P. remains at his work station and does not lose his job.

How Do I Teach Someone the Work and Work-Related Skills Important for His or Her Job?

Based on knowledge about discovering individual strengths, we will review some more specific ways to assist individuals in developing skills on the job. Components of good instructional programs include:

  • Task analyses and instructional objectives
  • Probe/baseline assessment procedures
  • Instructional strategies and procedures
  • Reinforcement strategies
  • Fading strategies to ensure maintenance and generalization of skills

The use of instructional strategies for individuals who are supported in employment has been well documented and specific strategies have included all of the above. Critics of providing instruction at job sites have, however, argued that training by an employment specialist or job coach draws attention to the individual and isolates him or her from co-workers and supervisors. Well-designed instructional programs, which are individually driven, do not separate people with disabilities from others. Employment specialists and job coaches must have knowledge of training strategies, the individual’s support needs, employer support needs, and the demands of the workplace in order to select the least intrusive method for providing support.

Task Analysis

Before the individual begins working, you must analyze the job and organize the daily routine. This includes identifying the areas in which various job tasks are performed, determining the essential and non-essential job functions, establishing a work routine, identifying supports in the workplace and designing appropriate training and support strategies. Usually, working one shift prior to introducing the individual to the position will be adequate for completing these activities. When you have performed the job, you can note the specific duties and estimate the amount of time required for completion of each task of the job.

In order to develop and use task analyses; you must follow these steps:

  1. Identify the specific task(s) needed to complete the activity.
  2. Observe and or perform the identified task(s).
  3. Develop a task analysis for each task.
  4. “Field test” your task analyses.
  5. Revise the task analyses as needed.
  6. Set a performance criterion for the individual.
  7. Determine the baseline for the individual’s current performance level.
  8. Begin skill acquisition training using the task analysis.
  9. Probe/test the individual’s performance on a regular basis.
  10. Provide skill acquisition training until performance criterion is met.

Characteristics of a “Good” Task Analysis:

  • The targeted behavior is specified.
  • Steps are stated in terms of observable behavior.
  • Steps are written with adequate detail and one behavior per step.
  • Each step results in a visible change in the task or process.
  • Steps are ordered from first to last.
  • Steps are worded in the form of a verbal cue.

Helpful hints for developing task analyses:

  • Make modifications: Do a written description of initial ideas, implement them, modify as needed, and rewrite them.
  • Through the use of discrimination, you can find ways to systematize tasks to fit the individual and the work site. For example, vacuuming in a pattern results in a clean rug and eliminates the need to discriminate where the rug is dirty.
  • By using the most efficient method of getting the job done, you can reduce the amount of movement required.
  • When you write cues or think about using cues, be clear, concise and direct to keep the individual aware of what he/she must do.

Sample Task Analyis

The following task analysis was developed for cleaning a bathroom toilet. The coach/specialist developed it from watching a co-worker perform the duty:

  1. Pick up the bucket, brush and cleanser.
  2. Fill bucket with clean water.
  3. Go to the first toilet.
  4. Put cleanser in the toilet.
  5. Set down container.
  6. Dip brush in bucket.
  7. Tap brush.
  8. Brush top of toilet.
  9. Brush sides of toilet.
  10. Brush front of toilet.
  11. Dip brush in bucket.
  12. Tap brush.
  13. Brush lid of toilet.
  14. Raise lid of toilet.
  15. Raise lid and brush.
  16. Brush inside of toilet.
  17. Dip brush in bucket.
  18. Tap brush.
  19. Lower lid of toilet.
  20. Brush outside of toilet bowl.
  21. Put brush in bucket.
  22. Get cleanser.
  23. Go to next toilet.

When observing an individual following these steps, it is important that you watch to see if he/she can follow them in an efficient and appropriate manner. For example, if the individual does not understand how many times to “tap the brush”, you could modify the instruction to say: “Tap the brush 3 times.” This is a very short example and it would need to be modified depending on the individual and the exact expectations of the employer for getting the task done.

Data Collection Guidelines

Recording and graphing data is critical to the success of job–site training. Measurement procedures are vital, because they allow the employment specialist/job coach to monitor the employee’s progress and determine whether a particular training strategy is effective or needs modification. Data collection also can provide documentation for continued funding of supported employment for the individual.

Measurement procedures continue throughout initial job training and into long–term support. They assist the employment specialist/job coach in identifying additional training or retraining needed by the individual. Baseline, probe and prompt data are based on the task analysis of each major job duty and indicate the level of independence reached by the individual.

Initial data collection before instruction is called baseline and should be conducted at least once prior to the initiation of a new skill acquisition program. Data collected after training begins is probe data. The procedures for baseline and probe data are essentially the same and provide information about how well an individual performs in the job without prompting or reinforcement. Probe data should be collected at least once each week.

Another form of instructional strategy is the collection of probe data in order to find the appropriate level of instruction needed for the individual. You can construct a single opportunity probe or multiple probes. The specialist/coach shows the individual how to perform the specific job duty prior to conducting the baseline assessment. After training begins, the individual is asked to perform the duty without any prompting or demonstrations. The steps for performing a single opportunity probe are listed in the following table.

Single Opportunity Probe

  • Have the individual move to the appropriate area unless movement is part of the task analysis.
  • Stand beside or behind the individual so that data collection does not interrupt the task.
  • Tell the individual that he or she is going to work without assistance to see how much he or she can do independently.
  • Provide the instructional cue (i.e. fold the towels”).
  • Do not provide any prompts or reinforcement.
  • Wait 3–5 seconds for the individual to make a response.
  • If he or she does not begin the task or makes an error, discontinue the probe and score “–” for all steps on the task analysis form.
  • If the individual begins the task, allow him or her to continue as long as correct responses are being made. Score a “+” for correct performance on the task analysis form.
  • As soon as an error is made, discontinue the probe and score a “–” for all remaining steps in the task analysis.

There is one major benefit to using a single opportunity probe for data collection. Specifically, assessment is not time consuming and does not interrupt the natural flow of the workplace. The use of multiple opportunity probes shows which steps the individual is having difficulty performing without assistance, prompting or reinforcement.

Multiple Opportunity Probe

  • Have the individual move to the appropriate area unless movement is part of the task analysis.
  • Stand beside or behind the consumer so that data collection does not interrupt the task.
  • Tell the individual that he or she is going to work without assistance to see how much he or she can do independently.
  • Provide the instructional cue (i.e. “fold the towels”).
  • Do not provide any prompts or reinforcement.
  • Wait 3–5 seconds for the individual to make a response.
  • Record a “+” for correct performance or a “–” for incorrect performance on the task analysis.
  • If correct, “set up” the individual to perform the next step in the task analysis. If the individual is not ready for the next step, repeat the step.

What is Systematic Instruction?

  1. Cues/prompts may be instructional or natural.
    1. Instructional cues are provided by the job coach/employment specialist and are faded during skill acquisition.
    2. Natural cues are already available in the environment and remain after the individual has acquired the necessary skills.
    3. External cues/prompts are added to the environment and may remain after the job coach/employment specialist has faded.
  2. Cues include (but are not limited to):
    • gestural cues
    • indirect verbal
    • direct verbal
    • physical prompts
    • pictures
    • written information
    • color cues
    • materials
  3. Cues/prompts must be applied systemically to promote skill acquisition.
    • Select cues that are customized to the needs of the individual and the environment.
    • Begin with natural types of cues at natural intensities, durations, and frequencies before adding instructional cues.
    • Always give the individual the opportunity to perform independently before providing a cue.
    • Be consistent in the type and frequency of cues given.
    • Continually re-evaluate to ensure skill acquisition.

Prompt Examples

Indirect Verbal Instructions: What do you do now?
What do you do next?
What happens now?
Direct Verbal Instructions: Get the timecard.
Stock the cart.
Fill the containers.
Indirect Nonverbal
A blinking light on a copy machine is natural cue that can prompt the individual to push the button to make copies.
A dryer buzzer is a natural cue to unload the towels and fold them.
Gestures: Point to the time clock (to prompt the individual to clock in).
Tap a wristwatch (to prompt the individual to take a break).
Touch a stack of aprons (to prompt the individual to put on an apron).
Model Prompts: Co-worker shows the individual how to get to the employee break room.
Supervisor demonstrates how to turn on the machine.
Partial Physical Assistance: Coach/Specialist taps the individual on the arm to pick up time card.
Coach/Specialist guides the individual’s elbow to prompt him/her to pick up towels.
Full Physical Assistance: Coach/Specialist, with hand over the individual’s hand, selects time card from the rack.
Coach/Specialist, with hand on the individual’s hand, guides him/her in placing a towel on top of stack.

Guidelines for Using a Least Prompt Hierarchy

How do I use a system of least prompts to provide instruction?

  1. Have the individual move to the appropriate work area unless movement is part of the task analysis.
  2. Stand behind or behind the individual so that you can quickly provide prompts when necessary.
  3. Provide cue to begin the task (i.e., “pick up towel”)
  4. Wait 3–5 seconds for self-initiation for step 1 in the task analysis.
  5. If the individual completes the step independently, proceed to step 2 of the task analysis.
  6. If the individual is incorrect or does not respond within 3-5 seconds, provide a verbal prompt specific to step 1 of the task analysis.
  7. If the individual completes the step independently, reinforce and move to step 2.
  8. If the individual is incorrect or does not respond within 3-5 seconds, repeat the verbal prompt (i.e. “pick up towel”) and simultaneously model the response (job coach/employment specialist picks up towel).
  9. If theindividual completes the step independently, reinforce and move to step 2.
  10. If the individual is incorrect or does not respond within 3-5 seconds, repeat the verbal prompt (i.e. “pick up towel”) and physically guide the individual through the response (coach/specialist guides the person’s hand to pick up the towel).
  11. Reinforce and move to step 2.
  12. Repeat the procedure for each step in the task analysis until the task is completed.
  13. Always immediately interrupt an error with the next prompt in the least prompt system.

Helpful Hints in Using Least Prompts:

The interval time between each level of assistance should not be too long. It may vary with the physical capabilities of the individual. The interval time between each level should remain constant, i.e. 3 seconds or 5 seconds. Interrupt all errors immediately even if they occur during the period between prompts. Do not repeat the same prompt more than once.

Least prompts can include:

  • indirect verbal instructions (i.e. “what do you do next?”)
  • direct verbal instructions
  • gestures
  • model prompts
  • partial physical/touch
  • total physical assistance

Usually three types of prompts are sequenced in least to most assistance strategy.

Reinforcement Procedures

Selection of reinforcers as well as the systematic delivery of reinforcement can assist an individual in becoming successful in the workplace. The most effective reinforcers are those that occur as a natural consequence to a given task or situation within the work environment. Therefore, your role is to begin by identifying items that are available on the job site. This includes things like co-worker praise, supervisor approval, positive written evaluations, pay raises or bonuses, etc. Remember that not all people are reinforced by the same items and that even the most preferred reinforcement, if used too much, will lose its effectiveness. Only after having tried to identify and use a natural reinforcer in the worksite should the coach/specialist select a more artificial one. Think about the following issues and what is important to you:

What’s Reinforcing To You?

Your supervisor is very pleased with the work that you have been doing. She has given you the following list and asked you to rank the items in order from the one you would most prefer to least.

  1. One week of paid vacation from work
  2. A monetary raise each month
  3. A weekend at the hotel of your choice in a city of your choice
  4. Tickets to an event of your choice, i.e. play, baseball game, concert
  5. Paid class at the local university
  6. One month of getting to work one hour late

More than likely, employees would have varying preferences

How Do Items Develop Reinforcing Properties/Value?

  1. Not just anything can be used as a reinforcer.
  2. A reinforcer should have properties that are valuable to a specific individual under specific conditions
  3. Unconditioned Reinforcers are:
    • food when you are hungry
    • drink when you are thirsty
    • heat when you are cold
  4. Conditioned Reinforcers are:
    Those items that become reinforcing to an individual based on events in his/her life. Usually an unconditioned reinforcer is paired with a previously neutral item that then acquires reinforcing value. i.e. paycheck, supervisor praise, coworker approval, etc.For example, if a job is done well, the individual may receive praise which he/she was not conditioned to expect. Once given, praise can be used to reinforce the behavior because the person values it. It gives him or her some purpose and meaning for doing a good job.

How To Get The Most Out Of Reinforcers:

  • The reinforcer should be delivered immediately following the behavior you want to increase.
  • An individual can “satiate” or get tired of a reinforcer. Always have a variety of reinforcers available.
  • The amount of reinforcement delivered and the level of individual “deprivation” will effect the power of a reinforcer. A LITTLE CAN GO A LONG WAY!
  • Gradually change the requirements in your program to fade the reinforcement.
  • Pair reinforcers that you have added to the job site to those found naturally. This will help the individual continue performing after your have faded from the job.

Using Reinforcement For Instruction:

Get a schedule for reinforcement. Decide upon the number of tasks or behaviors that must be performed correctly (i.e. the number of pots washed or the number of towels folded) in order for the reinforcement to be provided. This number can be fixed (provided after the set number of correct tasks are performed) or variable (provided when the task can be performed a set number of times on the average). The schedule may also be either fixed (ever five minutes, every three days, once a week) or variable (on the average of every five minutes, every three days, or every hour).

Regardless of the schedule being used, set a criteria and gradually increase the requirements in order to fade the reinforcement.

Compensatory Strategies

Using compensatory strategies during job site training can enhance a person’s ability to learn and perform independently. In some instances, compensatory strategy can reduce or eliminate instruction and allow the individual to participate in activities that he or she otherwise would not be able to do. For example, an individual may use a money card to purchase a soda from a vending machine. This can eliminate the need to distinguish between coins or the actual amount that is required to access the machine. The steps to use the strategy may require instruction and should be included within any task analyses that are developed.

If you choose to use compensatory strategies, it is advisable to design them with input from the individual, employer and co-workers. You should be careful in the selection and design of the materials to ensure that they do not stigmatize the individual nor get in the way in the workplace environment. The following list offers some examples of compensatory tools:

  • Written list
  • Digital voice recorder
  • Picture book
  • Assignment board
  • Flow chart

If the individual has difficulty reading requests to determine work assignments, you could:

  • Provide in/out boxes for each co-worker requesting work with name or picture of the co-worker on the box to personalize the requests and allow the individual to follow-up if necessary
  • Provide a special form highlighting relevant features of the task such as a thick out-lined box where number of copies is located
  • Provide a digital voice recorder which requests copy work

If the individual can’t count to package work materials, you could:

  • Use strips of tape on the table that corresponds to the number of items in the package
  • Use pictures of the number of items in the package
  • Use a box with the number of dividers that corresponds to the number of items in package
  • Use a sample of package for matching work

Whenever you use pictures to design a compensatory strategy, be sure:

  • Size is appropriate. Could it be made small enough to fit in a pocket?
  • Pictures are concise and eliminate unnecessary information.
  • Evaluate the number of pictures in the booklet. Too many may distract or confuse the individual rather than assist task completion.
  • Evaluate the size of the book. Does it draw attention to the individual?
  • The materials are those that any adult would use.
  • The booklet is durable. How often will it need to be replaced? Who will be assisting the individual after the coach/specialist has faded from the workplace?
  • The materials are simple to use. Be sure to use the least complicated strategy possible.

All compensatory strategies should be simple to use, concise, and as inobtrusive as possible.

Compensatory Memory Strategies

Individuals with brain injury may have specific memory difficulties. This may include problems with auditory and visual memory and learning, as well as short and long-term memory. The following strategies for dealing with such issues are adapted from material compiled by Virginia Commonwealth University:

  • Imagery: the process of using mental pictures/images of information to be recalled.
  • Mnemonic: impose an organizational structure of verbal information to cue recall of several elements. For example: C= clock in, O= open mail, D= deliver mail, E= enter data.
  • Number Grouping: recalling numbers by perceptually reorganizing them into fewer elements.
  • Memory Notebook: maintaining written cues systematically in a log to keep up with things that have been done or need to be accomplished.
  • Verbal Rehearsals: repeating key information to facilitate memory recall.
  • Assignment Board: a graphically presented list of task assignments.
  • Location and Place Markers: a visual cue physically placed at some point in a task sequence indicating where the task is to be resumed.

What do you do if training does not result in achievement?

If you have used all possible compensatory strategies and you still find the individual does not know how to complete the job duties, you must revise your training program. First review the data and pinpoint the changes that need to be made. In some instances, you could ask other persons in your agency or fellow job coach/employment specialists for other possible solutions. The following questions can assist in modifying the training program:

  • Does the prompting procedure match the learning style of the individual?
  • Is the individual responding to the type of prompt(s) selected?
  • Do noises or people in the environment distract the individual? Is he or she attending to the job task? Can the location of the task be modified to decrease distractions?
  • Can you reduce the number of job duties being taught in order to provide repeated practice on a specific job duty?
  • Has the task(s) been analyzed to match the individual’s abilities?
  • Can the steps be broken into smaller components?
  • Have the physical abilities of the individual been taken into consideration? Can the task analysis be modified to match the motor skills of the worker?
  • Does the task analysis eliminate the need to make quality judgements?
  • Do the steps in the task analysis include any added cues or compensatory strategies that have been added to the job duty?
  • Can several steps of the task be taught rather than the whole task?
  • Are the naturally occurring reinforcers meaningful to the individual?
  • Does the individual need additional reinforcement to learn the job duty?
  • Has a program to systemically fade reinforcement been designed and followed based on data collection?
  • Is the selected reinforcer(s) motivating to the individual?
  • Is the timing of reinforcement correct?
  • Does the schedule of reinforcement meet the support needs of the individual?
  • Has the reinforcement been faded too quickly?
  • Is the individual’s mobility/agility affecting his or her skill acquisition?
  • Can the individual physically perform the job, although unable to meet production demands?
  • Does the worker become fatigued when attempting to perform the motor demands of the task?
  • Has the work site been modified to meet the physical support needs of the individual? Are the work supplies positioned for maximum accessibility?
  • Would the individual’s level of independence be increased by use of assistive technology?
  • Is the work site supportive of technology?
  • Will co-workers be available to provide assistance during a difficult portion of the task?
  • Can the job be restructured to better match the physical abilities of the individual?

Sometimes, in spite of efforts to change the training program, modify the workplace, or add assistive technology devices and services, the individual will still have difficulty performing a job duty. In these instances, the coach/specialist may need to negotiate with the employer to determine if a co-worker can share the job duty or switch for one that is of equal responsibility. The individual, employer, co-worker(s), and employment specialist should meet to discuss the alternatives. A change in the worker’s responsibilities will require the implementation of a new training program for helping him or her perform the new job duties.