Essay on Julius Caesar

Question Description

Discuss the 3 Most important concept/event/ on Julius Caesar. You’ll need to explain what they are and why they’re important. “show me you fully understand each one and their significance.”

Need a strong thesis and well elaborated informations to support.

Geography assignment

Question Description

Detailed assignment instruction is post in the attached file. Need to answer all these questions.

Supportive materials are attached. Please read these ppt, will be very helpful for this assignment.

Here is the example question:

Part I: Strike-slip faultFigure 1 shows a strike-slip fault that has two offsets in it. Such offsets are commonon strike-slip faults. At the two offsets the topography is modified; in one case thereis a mound (right), and in the other there is a depression (left), which has filled withwater, shown with blue.1) Which way is the “X” moving relative to the “O”? You can show that by drawingan arrow below the “X.” (5 points)

Can you do this exam correctly please

Question Description

Can you do this exam correctly please.

Answer each part of the question. Do the internet search and cite the sources. Write you answers in your OWN language, not the language of the source. So please do not copy from google

SOC100 I need some some to do this research paper for me please.

Question Description

I am downloading all you will need to complete this assignment,It is a small research paper it may take about 30 mins. to complete but I will need it in 4 days.If you need anything else just let me know.

Assignment adjustment

Question Description

I got a feedback on this assignment that you did for me need to be adjusted little bit

There are 3 files number 1 is from the teacher focus on it more number 2 and 3 from other peers

CTVR7 Cross Cultural Cinema

Question Description

Answer This two questions. One paragraph for each question. Around 250 words total.

  1. In what ways is sexuality still considered a taboo subject?

2. What films have you seen that tackle social problems, engendering a sense of activism in the viewer?

Critique a key concept, theoretical framework and policy/program, as well as its relation to other course materials covered.

Question Description

Hello there,

Thank you for your help once more. Please follow the guidelines closely, and using 3 of the reading critique a big topic which is discussed. All of the instructions are in the paper that I attached.

ENC1101 Topic: Internet Sub-Topic: Hacking Thesis: The U.S. government needs to increase its cyberspace defenses.

Question Description

(4-5 pages)

Pertinent background information to help the reader understand the assigned topic, sub-topic, and thesis. Relative research information from at least five academic sources. Address at least one counterargument to establish a strong ethos. Use Chicago formatting style.

How does the Black Arts Movement and Harlem Renaissance lay the foundation for Afro-futurism?​ How does African American literature relate to the theme of African American Resistance?​

Question Description

How does the Black Arts Movement and Harlem Renaissance lay the foundation for Afro-futurism?

How does African Americanliterature relate to the theme of African American Resistance?

no less than a page for each answer

Real Life Approach #5

Question Description

Write a reflection after visiting the Islamic Cultural Center of New York. I will provide notes and pictures. There is a outline that need to follow. For the third part of the outline, choose 2-3 questions to answer