Need help writing personal insights

Question Description

Need help writing a 350 word personal insight for UC applications. My major is sociology. Below is the question. If any further questions let me know.

“Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.”

Anna Cooper’s Gain from a Belief

Question Description

In what ways does Cooper argue that religion is pragmatically better than lacking religion? After summarizing, evaluate Cooper’s argument.

Research the following information and answer the question

Please use simple grammar as my first language is not English

The answer does not have to be lengthly, once as you answer the question

its my important work

Question Description

View video (43 min)

and type a 1 page journal, double spaced and attach and submit here.

Journal will include:

Identify at least 2 concepts and/or terms discussed in class from the video and share any connections you made, new learning; feelings you had and remaining questions you may have.

its my imp work

Question Description

View video (43 min)

and type a 1 page journal, double spaced and attach and submit here.

Journal will include:

Identify at least 2 concepts and/or terms discussed in class from the video and share any connections you made, new learning; feelings you had and remaining questions you may have.

Need help writing a one page sociology essay due today!

Question Description


Directions: Watch the movie “ The Notebook” and write a reflection paper.

Make sure to state struggles that the elder person experiences and how would you address similar issues if she was your client? Use your Social Worker glasses to see the struggle that the hero of the movie experiences.

Political Science Research paper: Abortion

Question Description

Subject: Political Science -Introduction to American Government and Politics

Research paper—20%

The research paper will account for 20% of the overall grade. The paper should be 9 to 10 pages long(double spaced ).

Due: December 7th (by the end of 12/7/19 Saturday)

Please note that it’s a research paper about Abortion in Political science!!!


Final sample question

Question Description

Please finish those all questions on this PDF, including short answer. This practice exam has 33 total questions. If they appeared on the real final exam, they would be worth 1 point each. For this “Writing 3” Practice Final Exam, you will get credit for answering all of the questions.

Experiment Assignment for Sociology

Question Description

Write a page or two pages about what is listed in the attachement below. Follow all the directions and it should be a personal essay so no references or any out sources.

In the attachement there is a sample as well so you can get an idea about it.

Philosophy Discussion board question

Question Description

Please answer this question: After watching “Minority Report” , if a system like Pre-Crime could ever be perfected, would it be something you think society should have? Moreover, if it could be perfected, what would that mean for free will?” within 150-200 words *MUST HAVE WATCHED THE MOVIE MINORITY REPORT*

Evidenced-Based Practice Nursing Protocol.

Question Description

Develop a power point presentation with at least 10 slides, comparing between 2 Evidenced-Based Practice Nursing Protocol.

Please use the following book : Middle Range Theories fourth edition by Sandra Petersson and Timothy S Bredow.

Also use at least 3 articles about the topic no more than 3 years old.
