Finishing up both courses

Question Description

in this question please complete modules 3,4,5&6 completely look over 1,2,3 and make sure everything is completed and good to go. After you complete up to module 6 completely on both courses please let me know and I’ll send you the $150 if you have any questions or need any help please message me.

The Motives of the American Revolution

Question Description

History 117 essay about the Motives of the American Revolution. Papers will be graded on how well they are organized, and how well they are argued. Your essay should be 6 to 8 pages in length, double spaced, Arial or Times Roman font 12 point, and one inch margins. Please follow the outline attached.

parenting style

Question Description

  1. People often say that parents are the first and most influential teachers of the children. Discuss how your parents or caregivers have contributed to your growth and development, including leadership development. Please use your own examples or observations to illustrate your claims, but be sure also to make appropriate references to the reading assignment.

Do you think that the original meaning of Buddhism taught by the Buddha himself can be lost or even die

Question Description

Please discuss the following prompt: Although Buddhism is able to change, adapt, and be adopted by other cultures and lifestyles, with all these changes, do you think that the original meaning of Buddhism taught by the Buddha himself can be lost or even die? Does the original meaning even matter if it loses its relevancy?

Strengthen my writing

Question Description

hello, i have written an essay that needs some imporvements (grammar/vocab/sentence structure) wise. It would help me a lot if someone has the time to fix anything that isnt right 🙂 I havent uploaded the file yet but as soon as i get a tutor i will post it. Its around 1000 words.

World Religions, Islam, 5 elements of faith

Question Description

Imagine that you are giving a presentation on Islam to a group of high schoolers and, for some unknown reason, could only talk about five elements of the faith. What would be those five things and why are they important? Write one and a half to two pages and include at least three paragraphs.

A paragraph with title: The art of Feng Shui less than 200 words with at least 25 vocabulary words included.

Question Description

Write a short Paragraph of 200 word to describe topic The Art of Feng Shui. The paragraph should be captivating astounding, interesting, entertaining, illustrative. You will use words from the studied in class. Please find attached the vocabulary words

Please, you must use the following words: Preferred ,Heard

Please, find attached the “Feng Shui reference text.

Write a research proposal

Question Description

Write about “art education” the research proposal should have:

1/ Abstract

2/ Literature Review

3/ Analysis Finding


5/References & APA Style at less 11 reference.

Include pictures in the research With total of 600 words

I will attach the instructions and the Rubric to follow .

I need an outline with details and how we get everything done ” steps “

Religion unit 6 journal

Question Description

Reflect on either your own religious beliefs or that of a friend. Have modern times influenced the time you, or they, spend practicing religion? Do you believe that technology is getting in the way of spirituality? Why, or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

I need someone to revise one page. The paper is alredy written i just need a few changes

Question Description


Type of service:

Double spacing

Paper format:
Other (add to details)

Number of pages:
1 page

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Please choose atheme/topic from Parable of the Sower by Butler. Also please use some ofthe quotations from the book. Write about specific topic that is goingthroughout the book.