“What Michael Sam Has Taught Us”

Question Description

1.) First Impressions

2.) Essential Message

3.) What has society taught us regarding Michael Sam and others like him about homosexuality and black masculinity?

4.) Should one’s sexual orientation be a factor in determining their athletic ability? Why or why not?

5.) Significance for African American culture through sports

6.) Points of agreement/dissension

7.) Summary/closing

2 page

Chinese Culture final essay question concerning The dream of red chamber.

Question Description

Hi: how are you doing?

As for the requirements in detail, please see the attachments and the essay must be related to the chapter 22 (I attached as pdf.) and the ppt is what we discussed in class related the dream of red chamber.

If you have some questions, please message me.

The MLA is recommended. Thanks so much!

sociology response9

Question Description

Students should strive to identify the main concepts and arguments presented in the assigned readings, while also considering the strengths and weaknesses of each theorist’s analysis. Ideally, responses should offer thoughtful criticisms, and if possible, raise insightful questions that can be utilized for class discussions.


Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann (pgs. 262, 277-296)

Harold Garfinkel (pgs. 292-311)


Introduction to Twentieth-Century Art

Question Description

  • Discussion Topic: Introduction to Twentieth-Century Art

https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-history/art-history-basics/art-1010-ddp/v/20-century-art (Links to an external site.)

  1. Please post your responses (20 sentences or more, not including websites and/or visual examples) on the topic or reading material Please share what you learned, did not know, how the topic/learning changed your view toward the topic now, possible questions,

one page essay Thomas Nagel

Question Description

Please I need you to answer this question in one page essay

Question: Thomas Nagel in ” What is it like to be a bat ” says ” without consciousness the mind-body problem would be much interesting. With Consciousness, it seems hopeless, ” Why does he think that? What exactly is the problem about consciousness according to Nagel?

Synthesis Paper #4

Question Description

– Design

Type of service:
Case Study

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
1 source

Paper detalis:

Please followthe requirements to write the paper. There is a PowerPoint from ourclass lecture in the file, please choose one of the chairs inside towrite the paper. Remember to find 2 hands/manual-drawn sketches. Thankyou

Character Chart For Hamlet Act I and II

Question Description

PLEASE BE VERY FAMILIAR WITH HAMLET AND THE CHARACTERSCreate a chart that identifies theinitial character traits of the major players introduced in Hamlet Act I andII. Please Provide specific evidence to support your descriptions and citeyour quotes/paraphrases.

Please use this chart to fill in and convert to a word doc and submit back to me.

Program analysis

Question Description

  1. Review the Office of Justice Programs website.
    Analyze one program that is working and one that is not working.
    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing the two programs. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two programs. Determine why one program is successful and ther other is not.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

in the study I stated that I would distribute a survey. I need a survey completed for me to give to the subjects. I also need a questionnaire to screen the person trying to find out if they’re eligible to take my survey. 2 hours ago done seen 1 hour a

Question Description

in the study I stated that I would distribute a survey. I need a survey completed for me to give to the subjects.

I also need a questionnaire to screen the person trying to find out if they’re eligible to take my survey.

2 hours ago


that’s as much detail as I can give.

Complete the questions

Question Description

This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation, follow the directions in your online course.