Race, Ethnicity, & Music Discussion Forum

Question Description

Pick a song that illustrates a theme or raised controversy about race and ethnicity. Include a link for the video/lyrics/articles. What are the lyrics? What, if available, background can you find about the intentions of the artist?

Plan to write approximately one paragraph of sociological analysis.

Do not write about a song covered by another student – find a different one!

researched argumentative article

Question Description

I want you to do researched argumentative article:

In 1250-1500 words (give or take), you must make an interesting, complicated argument that inspires a change regarding your research topic that I chose and you did for me summary for the sources.

this is the 4 source


Please add some “quote” from each source add an analysis.


Question Description

GOVT 2305 current event assignment

Question Description

Write your paper in paragraph form using good sentence structure with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Write the paper in your own words. If you need to use a short quote, cite properly. The paper should be approximately two pages in length, double-spaced, one-inch margins, and 12-point font.

Requirements and examples are on the file and pictures below.

assignment quiz

Question Description

  • Clearly introduce the study you have chosen and provide a rationale for this focus
  • Explain the cultural, social and political circumstances outlined in the study and examine how these relate to discourses about ‘childhood’
  • Identify and explain the perspectives of children/young people within the study
  • Debate the impact of ideas about ‘globalisation’ on this topic
  • Incorporate relevant academic literature to support your discussion

This course is a study of the development, structure and functioning of African American society with special emphasis on African American communities’ social problems. I hope that you have had an introduction to ideas that can potentially change the way

Question Description


Minimum 5 pages

5 peer reviewed articles

Double Space, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1 inch margins

Works Cited page

Then discuss the social problem’s historical roots, societal consequences, and

individual consequences

Be as specific as possible. Details! Details! Details!

In 300-500 words submit a political science thesis statement, a research problem,

empirically driven research question(s), and

at least three testable research hypotheses.

Child Development

Question Description

Please submit the paragraph you will use for the review of the RESEARCH article for the final paper.

Here is the link to my research article. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-018-0297-9.epdf?referrer_access_token=2uVAWLvqCkx9yHSMfS06ZdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0On1VZFwSntpJDZw05jQH0yMn4D0pB_OakA4cp1wbPOKo_Hm8CBogllVGSBL7MYsuTHGGg2Zv7ITZTzEjw60jQmsiIsg_OFOG3pJgHcfOwx-EHos3_sX1zsk7H-39dg6ZvS20Unznb2zhqfNV3o0XcMigqQmNEagi–3AvmUEEDfr1aDpa2dZX5bSFza0gcel7f5kgAA-fiMuCY6jpO1VCj&tracking_referrer=time.com

Write one paragraph about the research article. I will use that paragraph in my final essay. Make sure you add in-depth details from the article. No plagarizing.

Discussion Post about Civil War

Question Description

Question: Who was responsible for the coming of the Civil War? Was it the South’s fault? The North’s? Were strong personalities important? Was the war inevitable?

Post must be between 200 and 350 words (max) and show a thoughtful consideration of the assigned material. The post should be your thoughts, do not use direct quotes on the discussion board.

Revolution history

Question Description

responde to each questions with at least 200 words for each answer

1-how and why did different groups of revolutionaries try to push the Revolution in more radical directions?

2-how did the first phase of the french revolution enshrine liberal values?

3-how did a new way of seeking knowledge during the scientific Revolution and the enlightenment promote political and social change?

Assume you are the human resources (HR) manager at ABC Publishing…The company has recently received several complaints of sexual harassment.

Question Description

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Assume you are the human resources (HR) manager at ABC Publishing. The company has recently received several complaints of sexual harassment. The HR department has decided to create a sexual harassment policy.

Discuss what key elements the policy should include. Explain how the policy should be implemented and enforced.