Answer 10 reading questions about postwar Japan History

Question Description

After reading two articles, answer 10 questions. You ONLY need to write maximum 4 sentences for each answer.

Please give a quality work, my previous tutor who worked on this got a really bad feedback from my teacher.

Questions and readings are attached below. I also attached the bad answers I got in case you’ll need for help. These answers are not even close ( from my teacher’s comments).

Due in 1hour

Question Description

in the case of prosecutors, think about what their job is. If they go to trial, their goal is to convict the defendant of the crime they have charged them with. How might anticipatory thinking help them to do that. What types of things might they want to anticipate? 150words

: what are your thoughts on anticipatory thinking? How might criminal justice agencies use this?150words

Journal entry (What have the materials covered in class this week prompted me to consider?​ )

Question Description

Be sure to answer the question: What has the materials covered in class this week prompted me to consider?

Sources to use to answer the question:

Chapter 8 in the Cities of the World textbook “Cities of the World: Regional Patterns and Urban Environments 6th edition” BOOK “How to Build with Clay.. and Community”

Writing after reading

Question Description

I have uploaded files that has two stories and an example for how to be writing. I need a 3 pages for story#1 and 4 pages for story#2. Writing the main point for each story separately, so the total will be 7 pages. you do not have to write a reference because it will be from these pages.

“No out Sources”

“Do not comping the two stories together”

MLA Style

HUM06 Painting: A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, related to The Yellow Wallpaper

Question Description

-at least 2 pages (3 max.) typed, and double-spaced

-Research what the artist is trying to say in A Bar at the Folies-Bergère painting (using academic sources and proper citation, minimum of 2 citations) and compare it to The Yellow Wallpaper. Make sure to also use the theme of a man’s relationship to society to connect your understanding of the work to that of the short story

Must be familiar with Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Question Description

For this essay, you will need to expand upon your “Response Paper” for Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Take the ideas that you are dealing with for your response paper and write a minimum of 3-pages, remembering to use the conventions of a scholarly essay. Paper should be double-spaced, using the correct MLA heading. Your thesis should be clear, and your writing should be concise.

​please read chapter on Socialization and PowerPoint Presentation on Course Homepage to address the following: Discuss the concept of socialization. What do you understand socialization to be? What is resocialization? Compare and contrast two of the

Question Description

please read chapter on Socialization and PowerPoint Presentation on Course Homepage to address the following: Discuss the concept of socialization. What do you understand socialization to be? What is resocialization? Compare and contrast two of the five major socialization theories proposed by Freud, Mead, Erikson, Piaget and/or Kohlberg.Genie – the wild child:

see video on Genie on course homepage



favorite women founders

Question Description

In a book called women’s Founder talk about many women , Choose one of these women that you liked the most and write one full page who and why is she you liked her the most? ! i will provide summery about each women below and according to that Do :

one full page: WHO was your favorite woman founder and WHY?

Thank you 🙂

English Journal Entry

Question Description

Reflect on your experience writing your academic essay. What did you learn about your academic essay draft from the peer reviews you received in the Unit 7 Discussion Board? What strategies did you use to balance the use of paraphrased research with your own analysis? How might you apply the skills you learned this unit to writing for other classes and other academic writing situations?

Follow introctions

Question Description

this paper should be done in APA format.

don’t include the question in the paper just the answer and you can explain it better I just I answer them soo you can have an idea, one of the questions I didn’t answer you should answer for me but if you have any questions you Can ask me.

attachment bellow with the answer and interactions for the paper