2 page essay “single spaced” on Communication

Question Description

‘2 pages, single-spaced and effectively formatted. Your memo will be assessed on howwell you evaluate the skills you employed this semester and your ability to communicate them inan appropriately formatted and concise memo.’ I will send full instructions when I chose a tutor 🙂

Descriptive Statistics Worksheet, 6 questions, 1. A researcher is interested to learn if there is a linear relationship between the hours in a week spent exercising and a person’s life satisfaction.

Question Description

Answer each question completely, showing all your work. Refer to the SPSS tutorials if needed. Copy and Paste the SPSS output into the word document for the calculations portion of the problems. (Please remember to answer the questions you must interpret the SPSS output).

I have an assignment

Question Description


Refer to the link above of Langston Hughes’ biography.

Langston Hughes published “I, Too” in 1932.

How has America’s view of African Americans changed? How has it not?

Write an 8 to 9 sentence paragraph. (Keep it at this length, and MLA format please!

Thank you

Whether transgenderism is good or bad?

Question Description

I want you to give proofs that transgenderism is either good or bad. I want you guys to use scholarly article to back up any claims and the Bible can be quoted as well. I attached the rubric paper in the description below

Please answer two question

Question Description

Please answer ONE essay question from each of the sections.

or each individual essay question you will write 500 words each, minimum.

Please Read the book and finish the question.

the reading resource is here https://workupload.com/archive/WjXbEfSJ

and the questions are in the files.

Answer 3 questions (legally- where are zoomers?)

Question Description

1. When someone is using Zoom (a Zoomer) where are they legally?

2. If someone has a dispute arising out of a Zoom call, which court (or alternative venue like arbitration) would an action have to be in?

3. Which jurisdiction’s would govern the action?

Workplace violence against nurses?

Question Description

Expand discussion of your chosen topic with information from the literature and includes two citations of paraphrased content.A major purpose of this paper is an opportunity to demonstrate thecorrect use of citations in a paper. Integrate paraphrased or quotedcontent logically into your writing.

PHIL3240 phil 123

Question Description

There will be one graded assignment this week. Please read the excerpt Those Who Walk Away from Omelas. Please respond the the questions at the end of the short story. There will be a Turnitin link in the folder to upload your assignment.

Watch the supplemental videos by gerontologist Ken Dychtwald (see Module 6 materials). How does Dr. Dychtwald suggest that individuals could better prepare for older adulthood? Where possible, support his recommendations with material from Chapters 15-16

Question Description

  • No title page, just your name at top of page
  • Double spacing
  • 2-3 pages (please stay within this limit; points will be deducted for going under or over)
  • Well organized paragraphs
  • Sentences that are clear, correct, and concise
  • Correct use of sources
  • APA format

Video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX-zU9svReI



Week 12

Question Description

Answer the question with short answer ( 5-6 sentenc)

-Doyou think Reagan’s econmoc policy wasn;t very succcessful, as people benefited from it espacially rich people. and on the other side, poor people were harmed from it as poverty rised and the number of homeless growed.