Write a persuasive speech

Question Description

I want to write a persuasive speech. I don’t have a topic yet so please decide a topic. Make sure the topic is meaningful and there is call to action to convince people to do something. The speech has to be 3 minutes long so write accordingly. i have attached the assignment info if you want to look it over. Once you have come up with a topic please run it by me.

Integration Essay

Question Description

Final Integration Essay: Integrate Becker, Sogyal Rinpoche, Thich Nhat Hahn,Levine, Castaneda and the other materials addressed during this section of the course around a core theme. Be comprehensive but also precise. Use precise citation machinery and a bibliography. 3-5 pages

Simply, Integrate all materials attached in a core theme, then address it. (you have to make the core theme)

1- be comprehensive of the readings attached and films.

2- ASA format

3- 3 pages

Films: Flight from Death

Specifically address both the pre-9/11 style terrorist means of communication and influence

Question Description

For your forum post, distinguish the way the media was utilized by terrorist organizations in the past to advance their objectives to that being employed today. Specifically address both the pre-9/11 style terrorist means of communication and influence and contrast them with the current day terrorist internet/social media based methods.

Initial Post: 800 words.

Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside Terrorism (Vol. Rev. and expanded ed). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/logi…

Complete Short History Discussion (PETERSON)

Question Description

respond to BOTH of the following:

  • Describe the changing role of the federal government in the 1960s. What new roles and responsibilities did the government assume? In your opinion, can the government affect permanent social change? Why or why not?
  • In your opinion, what is the most effective method for changing society—voting, challenges in court, nonviolent civil disobedience, or violence? What evidence can you provide from actual events in the 1960s to support your argument?

wildfires in amazon rainforests

Question Description

https://www.google.com/search?biw=1440&bih=821&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=7U7kXeGgB4iStQXAnqy4CQ&q=amazon+rainforest+wildfire+drawings&oq=amazon+rainforest+wildfire+drawings&gs_l=img.3…26988.38599..38756…1.0..0.111.2337.26j2……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i8i30j0i24j0i30.u-WqYbG8QTw&ved=0ahUKEwihy8aqz5XmAhUISa0KHUAPC5cQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgdii=dbdjSOzpgiN5NM:&imgrc=mUF1w33OY53z0M: i have an original art project and i have to write an essay about it. In your essay, you should include an explanation of why you chose your respective topic, style, and why the style relates to the topic on which you are commenting. You are encouraged to use examples from this course to justify your use of that style and to help explain why that style matches up with your topic.

answer with 300 words

Question Description

Think about the reading and videos you’ve looked at in this unit. How have the arts, whether visual art or literature, played a role in establishing an awareness of nature in the human mind? Provide an example or two of works that do so. You might want to focus on the idea of the power of nature or the romantic movement idea of “awe” in nature.

This should be a short essay of 200-300 words.

Discussion 1

Question Description

Invasive methods such as lesioning and stimulation are used within biopsychology to answer certain questions about function within the brain. After reading about these methods in your text and conducting additional research on the effectiveness of the methods, discuss the pros and cons of these methods in terms of their effectiveness and potential side effects. What are some of the disadvantages to using these invasive methods? Include citations to support your claims.

Gender and Power Research

Question Description

1). Do some of your own research on different ways that gender is regulated and restricted in the contemporary landscape

2). Cite and describe what you found in your brief research

3). Using the terms “transgender” and “sexual identity”, and the articles given, explain why these attempts too regulate and restrict gender role are misinformed. Clearly identify and define your terms, as well as providing clear citations to the assigned articles.




redo the essay make it better

Question Description

The essay needs to be made better. Everything has to be done well.

This essay has a lot of promise, but it felt very disorganized. You need basic paragraphing, MLA format, an overall organization to your paper, specific evidence from the readings, better proofread sentences, and you need more complex analysis. I would highly encourage you to revise this essay for a better score.

This is my teachers note.

Complete 2 Page Merchandising Planning Store Essay (SNHU)

Question Description

In 2 to 3 pages, provide an overview of your store. Please include the following information:

  • The type of retailer, product line(s) carried, price points, target market, and location (based on demographics)
  • The overall goal of your retailer, including a mission statement
  • Your competitive advantage over other retailers
  • Prediction of the volume of sales that you intend to have

For each part include explanation for your decisions. Be sure to consider industry standards when developing your product.