Creative Project

Question Description

Creative Project Journal, Creative Project Essay, And Creative project itself. As part of the Creative Project you have selected an art form withwhich you have created an artifact. You have also been required to keep ajournal of the process used to create that artifact. This essay requires thatyou take that journal and morph it into a process and reflection essay. If youhave done a good job with your journaling, your essay should be a snap.

Father of Self Psychology

Question Description

In Chapter 13 of the textbook on page 482, Heinz Kohut (the Father of Self Psychology) is credited with expressing the notion of a “joyful creative activity” as important for analytic success. Given Kohut’s ideas, what do you believe are the best ways to achieve this state? Support your position with relevant literature and specific “real world” examples. (Be sure not to present information that might specifically identify any individual.) 300-350 words

Read Chapter 13.

Western history

Question Description

  1. How did nationalism affect European nations during the late 19th century?What role did nationalism play in the start of World War I?
  2. What were the origins of World War II?What were the direct and indirect causes? Was it possible for the world to ever be the same following World War II?
  3. Trace the economic development of Post World War II Europe. Beginning with the end of World War II, trace the demise of the Soviet Union.

News report

Question Description

a. Offer a brief introduction and rationale for the focus of the reports you collected during the term. b. Select one story of particular interest for you. Present it and explain why you chose it.

c. What is one meaningful connection that you can make to course material, preferably to a relevant concept?

d. Include a “Works Cited” page that includes the sources for your news items. e. Formatting should be 12pt Times New Roman, single-spaced, 1” margins.

Research in Public Administration : Response Strategies

Question Description

Based on the attached document, answer the following section in no more than 250 words:

Response Strategy Choices

A. Objective of the study : describe how the questions in our measurement scale are designed to reveal attitudes of the students toward their academic program.

B. Level of information and thoroughness of prior thought : discuss how the participants possess the appropriate level of information for participation in the study and that they have developed an attitude on the issue.

Describe the theories of each of these figures and why this shift occurred.

Question Description

The last quarter of the 19th century saw a shift within the art world from male-dominated history and genre scenes to female-dominated interiors and landscapes, along with a shift in artistic discourse from the theories of John Ruskin to those of James Abbott McNeill Whistler. Describe the theories of each of these figures and why this shift occurred. Then discuss the differences between the two types of art associated with these theories, using specific examples.

Child Development Discussion

Question Description

What are some of the benefits of youth engagement in activism? How do we reconcile the positive impact of youth engagement in activism with findings that queer youth of color engaged in activism also experience feelings of burnout? Use the readings to support your response. Try to limit your response to 250 words or less.

Please answer the prompt above using the articles posted in the files section below. PLEASE CITE and no plagarism!

Homework help

Question Description

1 – How would you summarize the state of the field of health psychology? Why? (500-700 words)

2 – On their website, the American Psychological Association, Div 38 ( lists important knowledge and applications that an entry-level health psychologist researcher should have. Choose two of these and explain why they are so important. Include how you can focus your training to include these requirements.( Min 700 words)

List 3 References for each post in APA style.

Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions: Is the USA a patriarchal, matriarchal or gender-egalitarian society? Why?

Question Description

Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions:

  • Is the USA a patriarchal, matriarchal or gender-egalitarian society? Why?

Your answers to the questions must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them. Your answers must be original, use your own ideas and words. Do not copy from any website or written material from another person.

module 5 needs to be completed as well as the midterm

Question Description

Good Day Team,

Please note there are instructions for the Journals with a theme for the module included at the end of the instructions. Thus far, I have not been strict on this issue. We are starting Module 5, thus check your grades for progress through the course.

Prof Caren

lease note the Midterm is due by November 15th. There will be a delay in your grade since I must grade the short answer portion.

Prof Caren