Through our reading and writing over the next few weeks, we will be considering and discussing the following: What are ingroups and out groups? How do ingroups and outgroups shape how we discriminate? What is the difference between conscious and unconscio

Question Description

Who can help me for works Essay About three article (Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED. 10 Mar 2014. Web.), (Allport, Gordon W. “Chapter 2: Formation of In-Groups.” The Nature of Prejudice: Unabridged. Basic Books, 1979. ), and (Sapolsky, Robert. “This is Your Brain on Nationalism: The Biology of Us and Them.” Foreign Affairs,March/April 2019 Issue.). Make sure Hook, Background, Thesis , 3 body, 2 quote for each body , and conciliation.

2019FS H_D_FS Intimate Relationships and Marriage Final project

Question Description

The topic is how to maintain a good relationship with roommates in collage if you are a man and your roommate is a woman.

In this assignment, it should has two points and each point should have one citation. Each point should have at least 250+ words.

This assignment should be no less than one full page, and no more than 1 page plus 5 additional lines on page 2. Double-spaced, with Times New Roman font (12pt.) throughout.

fix a final paper

Question Description

this is a 8 pages final paper need be fixed

you can do the research on linear perspective in this painting, cruciform halo, goldfinch(bullfinch).

1. iconography; 2. humanity naturalism vs holy figures; 3. emotion in face; 4. you can also add like baby’s body more 3d; 5. maybe compare the time to another similar painting

formal analyze the painting, don’t be too much detail about the painting

there are some information on my paper use the ideas to fix the paper

market babysitting services

Question Description

for this assignment follow instructions: please respond with 250 words

To get babysitting jobs you will need to market your services. For this assignment write out the ad that you would want to post on a grocery store or daycare center bulletin board. Include what you are offering, how they can contact you (for the assignment purposes you can use a made up name and contact info), and why you are the right person for the job.

Medical School Admission Application

Question Description

I am going to upload a couple of admission applications. If I have already answered the question, I need you to fix the grammar, rewrite some sentences in an academic manner, and add more sentences to fulfill the maximum allowed characters or words. If there’s no answer, you can answer it with fulfilling the requirements.

Also, I am going to upload my personal statement as a reference for the ideas, because the answers cannot contradict with my story.

THE LIFE-SPAN counseling

Question Description

Career Counseling Across the Life Span

For this discussion, synthesize your understanding of career counseling as an integral part of human development. From the perspective of your specialization, how does the developmental life span perspective influence career and educational planning, placement, and evaluation?

Discuss the influence of career counseling when working with children (elementary school) and adolescents (secondary). Identify models that would be appropriate for children and adolescents in the school setting, including identity models such as Erik Erikson.

Complete short Psych Discussion (UOP)

Question Description

Explore the etiology, symptoms, areas impacted in the brain, and treatment options for Schizophrenia. Bring in examples of how sociological factors impact Schizophrenia. Be sure to include references.

Use clear examples. Expected word-count for substantive participation is between 175-275 wordsExplore the etiology, symptoms, areas impacted in the brain, and treatment options for Schizophrenia. Bring in examples of how sociological factors impact Schizophrenia. Be sure to include references.

Use clear examples. Expected word-count for substantive participation is between 175-275 words

Etiology of the Problem of homelessness in the state of NY

Question Description

Please prepare one full page single spaced, (size 12 font) paper on the question posted.

Provide proper citations from references used No videos

No cover sheet, Simply answer the question with the relevant information.

Etiology of the Problem in NY state

1. Currently held psychological and political theories or perspective of causation of the problem.

2. In what ways does the problem’s existence result from the existence of structural inequality? Are there ethnic and gender considerations?


Moral Judgements and Mass Killings in World War II.

Question Description


After reading the primary documented testimony on Nazism and Fascism andthe debate about dropping the atomic bomb, explain the differencesbetween fascist perpetrated genocides and the mass killing produced bythe atomic bombs. Do you think it is correct from a legal and moralpoint of view to consider both events war crimes? In your response,consider intent of the Nazis and the intent of Harry Truman. Considerthe time of the events, not just our moral sensibilities of today.

research paper online classes vc traditional classes

Question Description…

The link attached are the instructions for part 3. I have attached part one and part two so you can get an idea of what this research paper is about. Please follow the instructions listed on the link.