Personal journal Mindfulness Studies

Question Description

Must be 10 Journal entries from half a page to 1 page each

Each journal entry must talk about your personal experience with meditating

For example, start out the first couple of journal entries obviously talking about how meditating might not work for you or that you are still getting used to it

and with each journal entry progress and talk about how it’s starting to get better.

Label as Week 1, Week 2, week 3, week 4….. and so on up to week 10

Weber Forum- Week 5

Question Description

Discussion Forum

What can Weber tell us about modern politics and political candidates? This week, go to a website of ONE person who is running for President in 2020. Post a link to the website and then answer the question, “What would Weber think?”. Use examples from the website to support your answers as well as outside sources that support your interpretation of Weber’s theories. Remember, this isn’t about how you view the candidates but rather, how would Weber view them…..

Readings Response E:Trachtenberg :Suger’s Miracles,Branner’s Bourgeois: Reflections on “Gothic Architecture” as Medieval Modernism <

Question Description

—every thing in the file

Readings Responses: Complete the assigned reading and write a 150 – 250 word (1 page) response. This response should include 1- 2 sentences for each of the following prompts:

• Argument: What is the author’s main thesis argument.

• Evidence: What types of theories, sources or methods does the author use?

• Analysis: What does this article add to the topic that is important or new?

•Evaluation: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article?

— read the file

Answering the question

Question Description


Then, write a response paper addressing the following elements:

  1. What is disease mongering? What does the author suggest about the connection between disease mongering and drug companies?
  2. Why does the author argue SCT is an example of disease mongering?
  3. What is your assessment – is SCT a “real” disorder?
  4. Many psychological disorders have faced similar criticisms to the arguments presented against SCT. Why do you think that is the case?
  5. What are the benefits and dangers associated with labeling behavior as disordered?

Psychology Discussion

Question Description

Our textbook discusses a number of ideas that may help explain how spiritual development takes place in childhood. In your initial thread use at least 250 but no more than 400 words to describe one of these ideas and tell why you believe it is valid. Use information from our textbook, personal observation/experience, and Scripture to support your position. Be sure to identify your source(s) with at least two APA citations (one from our textbook and one from Scripture).

phl101 article reframing

Question Description

For this assignment, you are to choose any article written within the last month, and consider how certain words and tone are utilized to direct your opinion.

In one to three brief paragraphs, identify any biases or fallacies you detect and any words the author uses to impart a certain message. What words or phrases could you replace to change the reader’s opinion? APA is not required, but remember to provide the title, date, and source of your chosen article.

ENG, STCC, 3-4 page paper

Question Description

length: 500 words type

Effective descriptive essay offer precise, evocative details that help readers thoughtfully experience the essay’s topic. At its base, description identifies things and appeals to senses through concrete details that may be precise but also rich in connotations and associations.

prompt: Assume you are a travel agent. stressing the benefits write a descriptive essay to bring tourists to the lake. Remember to include parenthetical documentation for references to white’s essay and to include a works-cited page.( MLA format)

Graphing Quantitative Data

Question Description

Take a moment to consider your quantitative data that you will be graphing. Then respond to the following questions:

1. Do you anticipate any changes from the baseline to the intervention section of your data? If so, what is the trend?

2. How can visual inspection of data be used to make classroom based instructional decisions?

3.Were there any changes experienced in collecting these data? If so, what might you do differently the next time you collect data in your action research.

Writing an essay

Question Description

What is a contemporary fear in our society?

2. In light of Furedi, what does that fear say about our culture?

3. In light of Romanticism, how does Frankenstein reflect what is ongoing in that culture?

4. How does Frankenstein connect with what is taking place in our society? In other words, how can we read our society in the same way that we read Frankenstein?

Example prompt: Describe and contextualize a fear in contemporary society and loosely connect it to Frankenstein.

The Conquest of Mongo Empire: The Art of Destroy or Build?

Question Description

Citing specific examples, defend or refute one of the following statements:

Question: The Mongol Invasions of the 13th Century CE positively impacted humanity

Positive argument: The Mongolian Expedition organically linked Eurasia for the first time and promoted cultural and economic exchanges.

Negative argument: Mongolia destroyed a large number of countries and cities during the Western Expedition, bringing indelible pain to the civilization of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

I will provide you with a essay, please follow the pattern of this essay