summary and critique

Question Description

Read this article:…

1. A brief summary of the article. Please include questions below in the summary. ( 1 and half pages)

  • What is the main topic of the article? What issue/problem/question does the article address?
  • Why is the issue/problem/question important? To whom?
  • What is main argument/ conclusion of the article?
  • How is the argument/conclusion supported?
  • What are the implications of the article for theory, research, and instruction?
  • What are of the some questions that remain unanswered?

2. Come up with 2 or 3 questions and answer it.

This is a discussion question it should not be longer than a page

Question Description

Supreme Court Responsiveness to Public Opinion ” Please respond to the following:

  • Take a position on whether or not you believe the Supreme Court is responsive to public opinion. Examine the extent to which public opinion should affect Supreme Court decisions. Support your response with at least three (3) examples of the perceived effects of public opinion on Supreme Court decisions.
  • Summarize three (3) Supreme Court decisions that you believe have had the most impact on our society. Provide a rationale for your response.

english discussion

Question Description

  1. Discuss three (3) reasons for utilizing professional networking during the job-hunting process. Note: Some potential points to consider include: developing a professional network, experiences you had presenting your resume at a job fair, or interaction on professional networking websites such as Linkedin.
  2. If you do not have experience with professional networking, you should do some light research into your intended career field and discuss three (3) relevant professional organizations that may be a benefit to you when looking for a job following graduation.

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting conformity and obedience. After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your report: Me

Question Description

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis

This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting conformity and obedience.

After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your report:

  • Mention the name of the movie.
  • Describe the setting and overall storyline of the movie.
  • Describe the main characters in the observed movie section.
  • Describe the situation that you analyzed and interpret the action of the characters depicting conformity and obedience.
  • Draw conclusions based on social psychological concepts and theories.

Final Project Milestone Two: Research Design Reflect

Question Description

For this milestone, you will participate in a discussion in which you develop a research study design in preparation for your final research investigation and also assist your classmates in refining their own proposed studies. This assignment involves giving and receiving feedback to your peers, who are a valuable resource to tap as you move one step closer to successful completion of your final project.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document.

World Civilizations: Globalization Introduction and Outline (Milestone 2)

Question Description

I need an introduction, outline, and bibliography for a research paper. I will attach the guidelines and rubric as well as the template and my topic/thesis proposal (Milestone 1).

“In this module, you will build upon yourfoundation to craft the introduction of your final project and a topic outline. In addition, you will need to support your ideas with at least three reputableresources; these resources need to be presented in a bibliography using Turabian format.”

Double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman, Chicago/Turabian format.

Experiential Paper on abstaining from something for 72 hours.

Question Description

Write a 750-word paper detailing your experience of giving up something of value for one weekend. You will select some substance, food, behavior, or habit and abstain from it for 72 hours. Record your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to the abstinence process and chronicle it in a paper. This exercise must be performed during this class and is not a recount of a previous experience.

  • Format
    • Separate title page (not part of word count)
    • 12-point font
    • Numbered pages
    • One-inch margins
    • Double spaced

public speaking

Question Description

Please I need help with public speaking presentation

This presentation will be about a job interview I will be a business women and I will be asked these questions.

Please answer below questions short answers ( 2 lines for each question) and very simple words

1. What kind of business experience do you have?

2. What type of position are you looking for?

3. Why did you apply with this company?

4. What do you like about this company/do you know about any of our recent initiatives?

final paper

Question Description

i have the final paper already, but need to be fixed in 8 pages

you can do the research on linear perspective in this painting, cruciform halo, goldfinch(bullfinch).

1. iconography; 2. humanity naturalism vs holy figures; 3. emotion in face; 4. you can also add like baby’s body more 3d; 5. maybe compare the time to another similar painting

formal analyze the painting, don’t be too much detail about the painting

there are some information on my paper use the ideas to fix the paper

SOC111 How Social Media Influences Crime/Deviant Behavior

Question Description

I have a 4-6 page research paper due on Friday December 6th on any major topic related to sociology, I was planning on researching how social media affects the deviant and/or criminal behavior that the social media culture may be promoting. But this topic can easily be changed to just about any topic about sociology if need be. There also needs to be six scholarly sources from the Furman University library base. The rubric for the research paper is attached below.