Observation Techniques: Film Analysis This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting group behavior in organizations. After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your rep

Question Description

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis

This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting group behavior in organizations.

After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your report:

  • Mention the name of the movie.
  • Describe the setting and overall storyline of the movie.
  • Describe the main characters in the observed movie section.
  • Describe the situation that you analyzed and interpret the action of the characters depicting group behavior and organizations.
  • Draw conclusions based on social psychological concepts and theories.

Complete Adult Education Task 1 (AIU)

Question Description


Prepare an APA formatted manuscript report discussing at least one contemporary issue not covered during the unit DB. A contemporary issue is a controversy that has experts on opposing sides, it is not a problem in developing your project. Research information on the selected topic from professional organizations and related professional journals.

Discuss both sides of the issue and describe how researching the controversy has impacted you, personally, as an educational leader.

Answer the following

Question Description

Find one example from a newspaper, magazine, television or online report of behavior that appear to be caused by a psychological disorders. For each for your example, 1) describe briefly the symptoms identified in the story, 2) identify whether or not there was an official diagnosis – if so, what was it and who provided it?, and 3) discuss what impression of abnormal behavior is created. Lastly, comment on whether you think this article reinforces stigma associated with mental illness and explain your position.

geog term paper

Question Description

3 to 4 pages

You will write a research paper on one of the topics listed below. Your essay should discuss three connectionsto at least two different world regions, but the connections must be to specific places in those world regions(for example a specific country or a specific city). The paper can be descriptive, meaning that you do not needto provide a thesis statement or formulate an overarching argument. Please use cases or examples that werenot covered in lecture.List of topics to choose from:

Speech- Week 3 discussion

Question Description

Initial post instructions :

* How can you mange your emotions in a conflict situation so that you remain aware ………
* When you have a conflict with someone with whom you only ………..
* When you have a conflict with someone …………….

Follow up instructions ( will provide 2 classmate post)
Respond to atleast two peers or one peer and the instructor ……….by providing more information and clarification in responses ( please don’t restate the same thing peer’s has posted).

Please check the attach image for full sentences/instructions.

Cultural Topic Presentation

Question Description

This is a 2-3 minute video presentation, on a cultural topic. I personally like these three from the choices presented: body image, cultural attitudes towards health and illness, and mental health. You can select the one you find the most interesting and can find substantial information on. I personally like body image since it’s very present and you can tie in how Social Media has played a role in influencing such topic. The presentation source would be either to use Powerpoint or Prezi.


Question Description

After reading the lecture in this Module, doing the assigned book reading, and viewing Natural Born Killers (1994), please post one initial post responding to the prompt below.

In a MINIMUM of two FULL paragraphs, explain what you think Oliver Stone’s message was in Natural Born Killers (1994). Additionally, analyze how the following applies to this film:

-Left-Center-Right Model

-Art’s double function

-The three categories of ideological explicitness

Be sure to organize your post clearly, showing the three responses to the three separate points in this prompt.

Exam3 essay

Question Description

Writ an essay about (Despite unimaginable hardships, slaves were able to maintain a sense of identity and a determination to attain freedom. Describe how slave culture aided those endeavors and drove the slaves’ desire for freedom. Be sure to consider African heritage and slave family life, folklore, and religious life in your response) WRITE A FULL AND COMPLETE ESSAY. BE AS SPECIFIC AND AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE IN YOUR ANSWER! No need for sources because it has to be your own words

Hello there, I need some help with this following assignment: Find out more about the Supreme Court, who is currently on the Court, and the cases that the Court is hearing this term. After visiting and browsing https://www.supremecourt.gov/: 1. Who are t

Question Description

Hello there, I need some help with this following assignment:

Find out more about the Supreme Court, who is currently on the Court, and the cases that the Court is hearing this term. After visiting and browsing https://www.supremecourt.gov/:

1. Who are the nine justices currently sitting on the Supreme Court? Who is the newest Supreme Court Justice

2. What were the two most recent oral arguments heard by the Court? What were the cases about?

I would really appreciate help with this assignment, kind regards.

stock certificate for the 1876 Centennial International Exhibition in Philadelphia by F. O. C. Darley and S. J. Ferris

Question Description

Discuss the ways in which the history of the U.S. was presented in the stock certificate for the 1876 Centennial International Exhibition in Philadelphia by F. O. C. Darley and S. J. Ferris. Compare it with the overall narrative of nationhood contained in the early 19th century relief sculptures above the doorways in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D. C. Be sure to comment on the ways in which these images would have been influenced by the locations in which they were viewed.