Curriculum coordinator


So, I landed a job today and I need help ! they want me to come up with weekly lesson plans (curriculum wise) 

circle time, story, Art, social studies, math and science, langage and arts. for ages 6 weeks to 12 years old

Reading review for set #12


Weekly Review for Set #12 will be different from all others that followed. 

For Weekly Review # 10, you will:

1. Explain how the document “Martin Luther King Jr. Explains Non-violent Resistance” supports my lectures on the Civil Rights Movement. (1 page)

Psych 106 developmental psychologist

Question watch the video

1- If you had to choose, which one or two factor(s) do you take away from this video? (Please explain your position in detail using terminology, referencing material and incorporating personal observations and experiences. 

Short Summary


What does the story of Candido da Fonseca Galvão, Dom Obá II tell us about slavery, race, and citizenship in Imperial Brazil (1822-89)? What was unique about him? How was he constrained by the society in which he lived? 

African American question response



How did the struggle to abolish slavery change between 1830 and 1850? Why did it change

Was a civil war over slavery inevitable by the late 1850s? Why or why not?

Turn Rough Draft into Final Draft


Attached below is an annotated version of the rough draft (with notes and corrections from Professor). Please refer to it, as well as the two attached sources, to complete all the corrections for a Final Draft of this essay.



Need to develop a chapter summary for chapter 2.

You had sent as chapter 2 summary a brief synopsis of the threats to validity and ethical sections. However, you need to summarize the entire chapter, not just two sections.

Critical Thinking Activity 4 week 11


Read the suggested forms of inquiry discussed in chapter 17. Use at least three sources of inquiry to research an issue of your choice and describe which source you found to be the most useful and why.  

Week 4 Discussion 2: US Supreme Court

Question Description

Using the Supreme Court’s website, research one case that deals with a contentious issue of your choice. (These issues can be racial discrimination, right to bear arms, same-sex marriage, hate speech, suicide, etc.) After finding a case, describe the Constitutional issue at the heart of the case. Summarize the points, the opinion, and at least one dissent used to come up with their conclusions. Did you agree with the majority opinion or the dissent?

US Supreme Course Case Search Job Aid

Gross Development in Infants/Toddlers

Question Description

A description gross development in infants/toddlers and why it is important to infant/toddler development.

  • Known or suspected causes for a delay in gross development
  • How a delay in this area of development might impact an infant/toddler’s functional skills
  • Describe at least 2 treatments or interventions for infants/toddlers who might be experiencing a delay in this area of development
  • Find at least 1 website and provide a summary of the site that provides parents and/or providers with information about this developmental area and ideas to help their child.