Japanese Internment


Write a post on the following:  Pretend that you are a Japanese-American living at one of the internment camps at Jerome and Rohwer.  Write a journal entry or a letter describing your experiences.   For this assignment, please use material from the film Time of Fear 


Superstitious Behavior Discussion


1. watch the video above and review the information on “superstitious behavior” in the 2nd part of the video.

2. Briefly explain the behavior analytic account of superstitious behavior.

3. Provide an example of superstitious behavior and explain how this behavior was conditioned.

last week dis


What are some of the legal issues faced by counselors? Find  a good example of an ethical case. You can use the resources in the Code of Ethics folder, or other on line resources i. How should one prepare to respond to these kinds of issues? 

2 history reading questions


1- what were two significant reasons birthday parties for children began to be common by the mid-19th century, whereas they had been rare before. In other words, what changes helped cause this change?

2- What is “instrumentalism” at work, and what does it suggest about happiness at work?

Etchis discussion


Despite the best efforts as professionals, everyone at some point, makes an ethical error. What are some techniques that you would use or recommend to individuals who have committed ethical errors. Please use any websites, ethics based research or class information to inform your discussion.



. Case study on price controls

QUESTION: Choose a country and a specific time period where price controls were implemented. Research and write a case study that describes the reasons for the price controls, the intended results, the actual results, and any unintended consequences.

Reading Response #3 – Culture


Write a response of the sample culture essay. In your response, you should discuss what you found interesting and/or memorable about the essay, how you find it useful for writing your own essay, and any emotional reaction you had to the essay. 

Writing Prompt Week Seven (Chapter Three, pp. 191-249)


Please explain what is meant by the system of knowledge, “empiricism” and then comment and react to John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Why is this such an important work in framing empiricism? This is to be your own original posting. 

Soc 421 discussion


Choose a political issue (e.g., immigration, taxes on the wealthy, abortion, gun rights, prayer in schools, etc…) and consider how the exercise of interests through the power of class, status, and party has shaped action on this political issue over time.

AU Ethics Laws and Morals Discussion

Question Question

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Based on your readings, are ethics, laws, and morals the same thing? Why or why not? Be sure to cite
your sources and provide examples.