Discussion Belove 11


Because of the title of the novel, the character of Beloved tends to grab and hold our attention, but what role do you think Denver plays in this novel? She is, after all, the living daughter in a novel largely about motherhood. Cite from the readings to support your response.

homework numerber one


Task 1: Understanding the Components of Emerging Literature

Objective: Deepen the understanding of the fundamental components of emerging literature.

Assignment: Write a literature review on the components of emerging literature, focusing on phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, and narrative skills. Discuss how these components contribute to the development of literature in young children.

Chicano Studies 101 Los Angeles Pierce College Watch two videos and give a reflection in 250 words or monsre


write a reflection paper on the events that devastated the community at Chavez Ravine. (Include one quote from the article provided)

A reflection paper is a reflection (your perception) of the events which includes your opinion and thoughts on the subject. (250 word count minimum not including the quote) nmsnms

Understanding the Components of Emerging Literature


Task 1: Understanding the Components of Emerging Literature

Objective: Deepen the understanding of the fundamental components of emerging literature.

Write a literature review on the components of emerging literature, focusing on phonemic awareness, vocabulary development, and narrative skills. Discuss how these components contribute to the development of literature in young children.

Global Experiences: Food & Sport Discussion Question


What are the economic, political and social processes  that have impacted the globalization of food and sport? Describe them in detail and cite the module content and chapter/articles. How has the transformation of food and sport impacted cultural and national identities? Provide at least 3 examples of each.

EAB 3002 Behavior Analysis


1. Review the presentation titled “Conditioned reinforcement” in chapter 10.

2. Identify a behavior that a chaining procedure would be appropriate to use to teach an individual to engage in this behavior. Why is the behavior you selected amenable to a chaining procedure?

3. Provide a task analysis of the behavior.

The swana political stracture


Over the 70 years since the colonial power started ending in Africa, many African communities have been adopting Western political systems, however, the Swana community of Botswana have been hesitant to adopt these changes. Briefly describe their leadership stracture before and how it was affected by colonization

Larry P v. Wilson discussion


Discuss the results of Larry P v. Wilson Riles and whether or not you believe the ban on using IQ tests for assessing African American students is still appropriate given the changes that have been made to IQ tests and testing procedures.

Required podcast listening:





Post a two (2) to three (3) paragraph discussion answering the following questions: Discussion 1 

• How do history, society, culture, and morality influence psychological research?
• What detrimental impacts might these contexts have on psychologists’ research practices?
• What steps can psychologists take to protect themselves from biased research practices?

Demonstrate understanding of the various stages of socio-emotional and moral development in young children.


Escribir un ensayo que describa las etapas clave del desarrollo socioemocional y moral, citando teorías y teóricos específicos (por ejemplo, las etapas del desarrollo psicosocial de Erikson, las etapas del desarrollo moral de Kohlberg). Incluye ejemplos para ilustrar cómo estas etapas se manifiestan en el comportamiento e interacciones.