Week 4 Changing Behavior


Write a paper addressing the following: Think of a behavior you engage in you would like to change. Describe the behavior then explain how you would use positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment to reshape that behavior. For the last part of the paper, write a paragraph or two describing how operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning. 

How AI can affect the current business in todays world


annotated bibliography Apa format, annotated bibliography, you will select 4 sources Provide the citation of each source (properly formatted in APA), and then provide your notation which summarizes, assesses, and reflects on each source. A notation is usually 150-200 words so the word count for your annotated bibliography can range between 750-1000 words. Your sources should be alphabetized. 

GCU Critical Thinking Applying the Four Steps of Vigilance Essay


Consider student debt. Applying each of the four steps found at the end of chapter 1, explain how you arrived at your thoughts and opinions on this issue. Keep in mind that the four steps are listed as guidelines to being vigilant and thus maximizing our individuality when it comes to formulating an opinion or belief.

Anthropology Punnet Square Worksheet


You will be given a list of problems and you will need to find the answers by creating a Punnet Square.  You will either use a simple Punnet, Sex-Linked Punnet or Multiple Trait Punnet.  You can always take a picture of your work and send it to your instructor to verify that you are completing it correctly. 

Prepare 2 debates


Sanguine Versus Melancholy Personality: The better option for effective organisational leadership

Debates has to be related to this role:

CEO of Oxfarm

One of the debate, you will be arguing that Sanguine Personality is more effective.

The other debate, you will be arguing that Melancholy Personality is more effective.

No need Introduction just go straight to the point.

Maybe a super short conclusion.

CAU Differences Between Piagets and Vygotskys Views on Cognitive Development Question

Question Question

I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please review textbook Educational Psychology 12th edition, Chapter 2 Theories of Piaget and Vygotsky in preparation for this assignment. How does Vygotsky’s view of cognitive development differ from Piaget’s in the importance and emphasis placed on a person?

Pick a Japanese film


The final paper is sort of your response paper to the course you can take liberty to suggest your favorite films to me. No formal requirement, such as length and format. Just suggest a film that you want me to think of including in the future class and your favorite one in this class. Thanks!

The effects of Athletic After School Programs in Middle School Education in Chicago, IL


Post and find one peer reviewed article abstract about the topic above (The effects of Athletic After School Programs in Middle School Education in Chicago, IL). Why did you select this article? What was the theory? What was the data?

Cite a quote from this video–>  https://youtu.be/RxyQNEVOElU to enhance your post.  

Analyzing how important one third of the worlds population is poor evaluating what can be done about it



Analyze how important is it that one-third of the world’s population is poor. Evaluate what can be done about it.

Evaluate how do (a) natural environments affect human actions and (b) human activities affect natural environments. Refer to recent events to illustrate your answer.

Infer what are some examples of renewable and non renewable resources.

Introduction to Health Humanities-DBX-DL01


Look at this Plant Humanities Lab platform to learn about the unparalleled significance of plants to human culture.

Choose one interdisciplinary field of plant humanities and explain how it seeks to highlight the enduring significance of plants to human cultures.

Describe the importance of plants to fields as diverse as medicine.
