Fire Protection Technology


rationalize the decision to use the foreign-made pump in order to provide fire protection to the distribution warehouse. Rationalize why this was the right thing to do versus the right ethical action and professional behavior. Identify the fundamental values of using the pump. What are the short-term and long-term impacts? Review the Unit I Lesson about the dilemma of two rights before responding to this discussion question.



QUESTION: Select a specific psychopathological disorder common in childhood or adolescence (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).   It investigates and evaluates two evidence-based remediation strategies or interventions used to treat this disorder. It discusses the strengths and limitations of each approach and considers the cultural, social, and individual factors that might influence its effectiveness.

Objective: To acquire knowledge about various intervention strategies and critically evaluate their applicability and effectiveness.

Architecture The Proposal / 1 slide / power point


Note /

– please use one slid – 11″x17″ and design writing information and the pictures as the picture that attachet

– Please add a gutter to the left side of the slide

– In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear QUESTION of what duties each consultant provides for the project.

– Example _ Proposal for Architectural Services




Week 7 Intro to Computers


I want to see what skills you have mastered in word processing and desktop publishing while demonstrating creativity and learning about each other. Use different fonts [Home tab Font Group], WordArt [Home tab Font Group – Text Effects button], page borders and page colors [Design tab Page Background Group]! Open the attachment to see an example of what your BioPoem should look like.  

DSU The Big 5 Personality Question


Take the Big 5 Personality Test at Links to an external site.“> to an external site..

After completing the assessment, record your score percentile for Extroversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Intellect/Imagination. Do you think that we are likely to reflect consistent personality in our behaviors, or do you think that context influences our personality? Why? 

Discussion 8 – Social Loafing


Discussion 8 – Social Loafing

There is a new term out these days – Quiet Quitting. It reminds me of the idea of Social Loafing

in your chapter. Think about the following:

Have you ever engaged in social loafing, and why did you not pull your own weight in that

particular group? What are your thoughts on social loafing as a personality characteristic versus

loafing in a particular situation?

Film Review SOC 442


Explore this film and tell me how the police are targeting the crisis; also, how are the police officers defined as the crisis in this film? The crisis is usually defined by groups that promote trouble and disorder. Please write one page, watching the whole film is not required but please reference the film as much as possible.

Need quick response for these questions



Tell us your name, a little bit about you, and one thing that makes you unique or special.

What are your future educational/career plans?

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Who has served as a hero for you? What did they do to make them a hero and how has that affected your life?

Two discussion responses., topic 2, and6 student responses.


DQ1 -Using your own research and the topic Resources, identify a technology application or multisensory approach you could use to help students with dyslexia learn vocabulary. Explain why this would be effective for students with dyslexia. Support your explanation with research.

DQ2-Explain the importance of background knowledge and embedded/indirect teaching of vocabulary. Support your ideas using the topic Resources and a real-world example. 

Discussion 0201


Ashraf Rushdy believes that Denver is the “site of hope” in Morrison’s novel. Let’s continue our discussion of Denver’s role in this novel. How does it change in the last two parts of the work? In what sense is she the “site of hope?” How does she bring hope and to whom? Hope for what? Cite from the readings to support