American Studies Question


The response papers are on the readings.  So, you can respond to what you read by saying whether you like what you read (if so, why did you like it, or if not, why you didn’t like it), and also by saying whether you agreed with it (and why or why not), or by indicating which parts you agreed with and which parts you didn’t agree with (and why or why not 

DSU Gender Roles in Saudi Arabia Discussion

Question Question

I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me learn.

Prompt: In the Belhaven Library database, Academic Search Complete, research gender roles in one of the following countries: India, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Nigeria, Thailand, Norway, or any country of your choice. Research and discuss how males and females experience life differently in the country you chose. You may cover more than one topic in your paper. 

Democracy in Ancient Greece


After reviewing the section “Athenian Democracy”(attached), think about the similarities between ancient democracy and modern American democracy.

– Why do you think a representative system of government developed in Greece? 

– And why do you think over two thousand years later the founders of the United States chose to copy elements of Greek democracy?

– Think about factors like geography, the existence of money, and leadership to compare why you believe democracy developed in Greece.

Write about your favorite dish.


1- first word file, see the picture of plan and write and solve them using same style . ( Don’t give long answers )
2- second word file, make paragraph about same subject ( your favorite dish ), you must use at least 5 words of the attached words ( I have attached 19 words ) also, at least one sentence in the paragraph should use the attached grammar rule.

Sociology- Create a tweet and Diagram


Question 1:…

After watching this animation, create a tweet that offers a sociological reaction and summation of Du Bois’ concept of double consciousness in the everyday lives of Black Americans. 

Note: The brevity of a Tweet requires succinct communication. We are abiding by the 280-character limit (including spaces).

Question 2: Create a Venn diagram or other illustration to reflect key distinctions and overlaps between sociology and at least two other disciplines.

Social theory reading and discussion post


This weeks reading is on Critical Theory. The reading is textbook pages 397-430. 

Reconstruct and present a synopsis of the readings, and highlight arguments you found compelling (that is, they help you understand social phenomena) or interesting (that is, the thought is provocative and makes you think differently) and explain why that is the case. Finally, try to pose one question about the text either seeking clarification or raising a criticism. 

DSU English Question


  • Journal prompts provide an opportunity for self-discovery and critical analysis of your own habits and ways to enhance them. For each Journal entry, delve deeper into your thoughts to create a meaningful and reflective response.
  • Prompt: Review the suggestions in your text for taking care of your brain in “Your memory and your brain—6 key principles.” Then write a reflective Journal Entry that addresses each of the following sentence starters. 

Week 4 Abnormal psy


This week, you became acquainted with how clinicians go about assessing clients for possible psychopathology. For this discussion please choose to address ONE of the two questions presented below and SPECIFY WHICH YOU ARE ANSWERING:

A) What does a mental status exam tell you about pursuing particular questions in your assessment?


B) How might using a combination of projective and objective tests provide a more comprehensive picture of a client’s functioning?

WCU Intersectional Analysis: Millennial Perceptions of Rap Questions


Here is the link for the article:

1.Describe the theoretical framework that helped shape this research.

2. How is independence defined by the students in this study; and how does rap music address this independence for female artists?

3. Highlight and share an example of an independent woman in hip-hop or other genres of music. Provide the URL for the rest of us to enjoy what you share!

wriring ent


Discussion 4: Identify Interventions

Contains unread posts

Must post first.


Compare and contrast the organizational structures of street gangs and OMGs that you have learned from this week’s resources. Explain how they are similar and how they differ.  Explain how the structure of each gang lends to its hierarchy, revenue model, and recruitment efforts.  Be sure to draw on your readings and this week’s videos to inform your discussions.