I need help with discussion


Please review:  Required and recommended readings and videos for Module 2 and also find your own sources that discuss the US foreign policy commitment to human rights, democracy and preventing Genocide and mass atrocities.

Respond to only one of the following prompts: 

How do U.S. grass roots diplomacy through U.S. embassies and strategic programs from Washington, DC – the CSO Bureau and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice contribute to preventing Genocide and mass atrocities?  (Interviews with Ambassadors Kozak and Williamson and also Assistant Secretary Faucher) 

Reading Guide


Cunningham & Kelsay, pp. 25-34 

Read the pages and answer the reading guide sheet.

Identify and briefly describe the main arguments or central ideas in the reading. 

  • Highlight key concepts or themes that stand out and relate them to broader coursecontent.
  • List any unfamiliar terms or concepts encountered in the reading. Provide briefdefinitions for these terms and consider their significance to the author’s argument.
  • Craft questions that can stimulate class discussion and encourage critical thinking.
  • Highlight any aspects of the reading that you found particularly interesting or thought-provoking. 

week 4 assign


By now you have learned that it is vital to be aware of oneself and ones biases in order to grow as a good clinician.

emphasizes the importance of being culturally sensitive and diverse as well as being aware of one’s own identity and biases.

How would you describe yourself culturally?

What biases can you admit to that might need confronted in order to improve your skills?

  • What about the “positive bias”?
  • Part I: Reawaken Native Roots: Values

Correct Demonstration of Cross-Cultural Counselling

PSA – Counseling Diverse International Populations

Activity 34: Final Project Checkpoint #2



This activity helps you get started on your final project due week 6 where you will look at three countries or regions of the world to gain an understanding of the cultural value dimensions and behaviors that predominate there. Periodically throughout this course, there will be a checkpoint designed to help you make some step-by-step progress toward your final paper. These checkpoints are worth 10 points. These are great opportunities for you to receive feedback from your instructor about your ideas.

Erie Canal Primary Sources


The New York State Library cultivated a collection of 120 images and documents related to the Erie Canal that you can find on the website linked below. Scroll through them and choose an image or document that stands out to you in some notable way. Include a copy of the image or link in your discussion board and tell why you selected that image. Discuss how these images help enrich our understanding of the construction of the Erie Canal.


Reading questions and insights


Create two questions about the reading and write one insight you gained from the content of the article. Questions and insights must refer directly to specific information in the relevant reading, with citation.

The questions you can ask should be thoughtful. Not yes or no answers. 

The insight needs to reflect what you’ve learned from the reading. It’s not a summary. 

Article can be found on Google scholar: Haslam, N., & Loughnan, S. (2014). Dehumanization and  infrahumanization. Annual Review of Psychology, 65, 399-423.

SWK 4480 Pre practicum


Changes have been made to the CSWE Competencies, focusing more on Anti-racism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ADEI). In order to expand your knowledge on this specific competency, each student will choose a current and/or historically oppressed group/population. You will then conduct research on services provided to this group within your local community (city/state). You will identify at least 2-3 agencies, the services they provide to the population you have chosen, and how these services are geared towards this oppressed population/group. 

Fantasy art 4


How’s your collection evolving?  Now it’s time to choose two more artworks to add to your “fantasy art collection.”  Your new works may have something in common with the works you chose from previous chapters or nothing at all.  The key thing is that you write a paragraph about each work that explains why it is important or culturally significant. Please remember that subjective beauty and monetary value are not good justifications for acquiring works.  The grading rubric is below.

Literature Review Rough Draft


Synthesize scholarly, academic, professional, government, and non-expert, reputable sources. • Practice writing the academic genre of the literature review to organize and integrate your own ideas with reputable sources, in order to suggest an intervention, a solution, or an area that requires further research. You will be establishing an exigence and writing with a specificpurpose in mind. • Write for a specific audience (stakeholder) that can make decisions about your suggestion orrecommendation. You will be making a new offering. 

Homework 1


Turn in answers to the italicized, blue questions for credit. Use complete sentences and fully explain your answers. Please do this in a separate word document (I included a Word document with just the questions listed that you can use as a template). For the graph you can insert a photo of a hand drawn graph or copy and paste an excel plot into word.

Be succinct but give enough information that you fully define or answer each prompt/question