PSYC 791 Culture & Human Development Thought Paper #3 (2 pages)

Question Description

I attached the instruction of this assignment below, please read those requirements carefully. There are two required reading that you need to roughly read. I attached one of them, another is Rogoff (2003)– Course Textbook –Chapter 8, you can find this chapter through your own way.

Find sources and write anotatedbiliography

Question Description

find 4 credible sources. Then write annotated bibliography for each.

I want to use those sources to support my debate side which is ( Face to face classes are better than online classes)

I will attach Evaluation form you can use for each source.

From slavery to freedom

Question Description

Chapter 8: Antebellum Free Blacks

Essay Response (2 Paragraphs)

Read the entirety of the posted lecture for Chapter 8 titled, “Antebellum Free Blacks.”

Write a two-paragraph response essay related to the following question:

What were some of the opportunities (paragraph 1) and challenges (paragraph 2) facing Free Black Communities?

Social Policy Week 8 Discussion

Question Description

Post a description of how social workers use power resources in their social work practice and advocacy. Select a type of power resource you would use in your practice and advocacy. Describe the ethical issues or concerns in using the type of power resource you selected.

personal statement

Question Description

i dont know if anyone can do this.

I am applying for an intern position at a marketing company and want a personal statement. I am a marketing major, please assist me in getting this done.

it should be very brief.

thanks in advance

Summary of Article about Ari Adut

Question Description

Please provide a half-page brief summary about the article attached. Use 12 point Times New Roman font single-spaced to create the summary. Show engagement of the reading and highlight key points. No need to sound sophisticated or use complex words, a simple summary is preferred.

Hello bro, can you help with adding some more details to a paper

Question Description

We have a report written and I need you to add details to 2 sections only:

1- Problem explanations.

2- Solution.

Please check attachments for the report, and for the instructor feedback.

Make sure you leave everything else the way it is, because we are working as a group.


Write 4 pages essay for Philosophy 202

Question Description

Hello, I would like to write an essay with 4 pages based on the file attached. Please read the file and follow instructions.

All the books will be here so whatever book you need will be there.

Add my portion to Group Paper (UOP)

Question Description


  • How are emotions linked to memories? Provide some examples to support your answers.

Needs to be at least 3-4 paragraphs of information with at least 2 references

Add to existing paper please

Search for and view the following video: “Man without a Memory – Clive Wearing.”

Proof read and edit essay

Question Description

Ashley, your essay recieved a high rating in the Vericiteplagiarism checker. I can see that you have some in-text citations and alengthy works cited page.

Lots of research, but more

of the info needs to be framed in your own words, understanding, and
