antecedent interventions


. Antecedent interventions

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AntecedentBehavior ConsequenceTold no to buy ice cream at the ice cream truckCryingReceived ice-creamMandy sees a sink filled with dirty dishes.Insults ( Mandy calls family members names like “lazy, spoiled, selfish”)Family members argue that they do the dishes all the time. They point out that they have a lot of work and do not feel well.

View the presentation titled “Antecedent Interventions” before completing this activity.

For each problem behavior:

1. What antecedent intervention to help improve the problem behavior.

2. What makes the intervention you identified an antecedent instead of a consequence-based intervention?

Ethical Systems, Moral Dilemmas.


Select a dilemma related to one of the moral dilemmas we have recently discussed in class: Voting, Vegetarianism, Experimentation on Animals, Capital Punishment, Trolley Problem, or Distribution of Public Resources.

– Select a moral theory: Utilitarianism, Kant’s Principle of Universalizability or Humanity from the Categorical Imperative, or Scanlon’s Contract theory.

– Write an essay in which you apply your chosen moral theory to your chosen dilemma, defending a position about what the moral theory entails about how the dilemma should be resolved.

1- chosen Dilemma : The Trolley Problem

2- Chosen moral theory : Utilitarianism–Z~HO4sJWN9V0smwokE0b361mlPqK4ewUf3aQky26jNe7hYojPh~z5j0UnCpafanq68da9yVq5t2bcpZhVb4YdyW8M5DjRxWAxXLPMPGxXrOPq-eKNzI7TUvkY0HSBiP7vnz4tRwZBCOGhvcaL2PictmtWIcIIb829DZR4hNejaD4IMG9r28~3i13-BJ78PFIDMFT9p~nfnJq493dXn7n3tkGA__&Key-Pair-Id=K2PZFX9H2TL8YQ

AAPI Question


Scholar David S. Roh defines techno-Orientalism as “imagining Asia and Asians in hypo- or hyper-technological terms in literary, cinematic, and new media representations.” “To judge from many speculative fiction films and books, from Blade Runner to Cloud Atlas,” he explains, “the future will be full of cities that resemble Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, and it will be populated mainly by cold, unfeeling citizens who act like robots.”

Based on our discussions and readings this week, give another example of techno-Orientalism and explain why such a vision may be harmful to actual AAPI persons.

Exploring Early Civilizations



We have learned about three of the world’s earliest civilizations. For this assignment, you will compare and contrast two of these civilizations.


– Research the two civilizations: Egypt and China.

– First, discuss why you think the two civilizations developed where they did.

For example, why would civilization develop in the northeast corner of Africa but not farther west?

What role did rivers play in the development of civilization?

Was climate a factor in early civilizations?

– Compare and contrast the two civilizations you have chosen in these three areas: political structures, writing, and the organization of their society.

Compose a written response to the given prompt containing a minimum of 150 words.


Prompt: (150-word minimum)

  1. Read the following article from Brown University that discusses if and how some social media sites and designed to create a possible kind of “addiction.”
  2. After you have read the article, write a post you feel is safe to share with everyone about what parts of the article resonate with your own social media use. If possible, see if you can recognize various fields of psychology mentioned, such as emotions, cognitions, the unconscious, memory, attention, biology, community, etc, and bring that into your reflection.



Offer a brief critique of the group counselor’s facilitation of the group, drawing on the readings from this class so far, including the fundamentals of group counseling, group facilitation, legal and ethical issues, cultural and social issues, therapeutic factors, and group theories/techniques. Be sure to cite at least three of the readings, videos, or Powerpoint presentations from this course to support your critique.

What are three things that went well for this group, and what are two areas in which the facilitator could have done something differently?

Taste Aversion


Have you (or someone you know) ever had the experience of eating a particular food, then becoming ill, and then avoiding that food at all costs in the future?  In learning theory terminology, this is known as “taste aversion.” 

Using your specific experience as an example, discuss how classical conditioning principles can be used to explain the development of taste aversion, and contribute to your behavior following the conditioning experience.

In addition, explain two ways that taste aversion differs from typical classical conditioning paradigms.  Again, use the experience described above as your specific example.

Legal and Ethical Matters to Considered


In advocacy work, the impetus for new legislation can often be due to an illegal or unethical issue. For instance, lawsuits have been brought against state’s Departments of Health and Human Services by disability rights advocates, citizens, patients, and family members due to a wrongful death from care or lack of care in an institution or practice.

1.Research a case that resulted in a lawsuit, see below. 

2.Discuss how an advocacy agency might prevent this lawsuit from occurring, and indicate the specific codes of ethics and standards that could be violated.

Touchstone 1.1: Engage with a Work of Research


ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the articles provided below and engage in a summary and response dialogue with the source (not including cover pages, headings, reference lists, or reflection questions). This will involve providing a detailed summary of the source’s argument and responding to that argument with your position based on the information provided in the source.

Article Option 1: “The Recess Debate: A Disjuncture between Educational Policy and Scientific Research”
Article Option 2: “Sugar in School Breakfasts: A School District’s Perspective”

Santa Monica College fantasy art 3


Fantasy Art Collection  

art collection

Just as you did before you get to select two more works from the last week to add to your “fantasy art collection.”  Your new works may have something in common with the works you chose before or nothing at all.  The key thing is that you write a paragraph about each work that explains why it is important or culturally significant. Please remember that subjective beauty and monetary value are not good justifications for acquiring works.  The grading rubric is below.