ARU Bridging Legal Studies Business Coaching and Education Discussion



Bachelor In Legal Studies,Kaplan University 2014

I have  worked 25 years  in Advocacy Work And protecting rights.2009 thru currently 


Masters In Business Grantham University 2016

15 years experience  I have Worked as a business  and career coach, and business consultant.

I have been a life coach for 15 years  encourages clients through personal or career challenges.2018. thru. currently 


Education Specialist Degree instructional leadership  Liberty University 2021

I Have Worked in the education sector  For 3 years providing instruction as an educator 2021 thru currently

I have been a tutor For 10 years helping people  learn and understand new concepts and complete assignments 2014 thru currently 

Discussion Journal



Describe a nurse or other health care worker you have worked with that you admire. Describe their role the traits you admire. Reflect in 200 words.


Explain how the traits you admire in this person makes them more effective in their role. Reflect in 200 words.


When working with this professional, how did they make you feel? How did you interact with this person? What did you learn from them? Reflect in 200 words.


What characteristics and behaviors about this individual will you take with you in your nursing career and incorporating into your nursing practice? Reflect in 200 words.

Activity 43: Reflection


Activity Instructions

Brian was not culturally prepared to work with Ahmed and his culture. Write a response to the forum activity where you answer the following questions:

If you received an assignment to work with another culture, how would you prepare yourself?

At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

Please give clear question-sample, accurate answer, with supporting details



1) What does the following statement mean to you?  

“The gendered roles we play in adulthood are affected by situations, opportunities, and constraints that can alter the path established by socialization.” 

2)Cohabitation has become increasing accepted over the years.  What was your view on cohabitation coming into this course?  Has it or has it not changed since reviewing the course material?  If so, how?  

3)Why is it so difficult to know exactly how much intimate partner violence is in society? 

4)Compared to other countries, the divorce rate in the United States is among the highest, what is happening? 

Module 3: Perceptual Awareness of Music


Listening to music is something everyone does. Some people listen to music constantly, while others listen to it situationally, such as when driving, studying, exercising, or relaxing. Different playlists can be made for these different tasks. But how carefully and deeply does the listening experience go? This assignment requires you to delve deeper into one of your favorite songs to maximize appreciation of it through achieving an understanding of the complexities that go into the creation of your preferred music. In doing so, you will increase your perceptual awareness, not just for music, but for all things!

International news



1) 10  News Articles of events, situations and incidents in a foreign country (any country outside the U.S.) within the Month of FEBRUARY (2024).

2)  You will provide the following:

• Title of the story

• DATE of the publication

• Source of the story (Company name, and also give the URL)

• Author of the story (reporter, correspondent, writer) – if no name is given mention the newswire service (eg. AP, Reuters, UPI)

• Foreign Country where the event has taken place

• Capital of the country

• A brief summary of the news story

Make a powerpoint on the “The Contributions of Immigrants: Through and Beyond Economics”


Make a powerpoint slides on the “The Contributions of Immigrants: Through and Beyond Economics”

1. The project/ powerpoint looks at immigrants’ contributions to society in a variety of ways, not only just in terms of their financial situation. (however do mention how they contribute financially to our society) then illustrate the cultural, social, and innovative effects immigrants have done here and on their host nations. possibly through interviews, research, and stories, highlighting their role in enhancing communities, promoting diversity, and advancing development.

2. 3-5 references must be included.

3. doesn’t need any designs can literally be plain white and black 

Deep creek Select any journal article


Select any journal article of interest that uses one of the five approaches indicated in Chapter 4 of the Creswell text. Make sure you have access to the full text of the article.

Offer a brief summary of the article’s purpose and major conclusions. For the remainder of the narrative in your paper, identify the defining features of the approach from the chapter that are present in the article, ending your paper by discussing how strongly or poorly you believe those features helped the researchers reach the conclusions they arrived at from their findings.

Listening, Taking Notes, and Remembering Taking Notes


Discuss the Cornell note-taking method (based on the activity in this lesson).  Also, discuss  2 other note-taking success strategies you learned.  How will you incorporate these note-taking tools in school and beyond after you have read this week’s Lesson and watched the videos?

  • What are the principal reasons you take notes? 
  • How do you use your notes to identify key points, important terms, definitions, and synthesize information as you prepare for study and examinations?  
  • How are you strengthening your listening, concentration, and organizational skills so that note taking is becoming an active, valued activity for you?  

Nashville State Community College PSY 3590-Personality


Your task is to describe and explain yourself according to the trait and situational concepts discussed in Chapter 4.

First, you should provide a summary Question of your personality. Then, choose some of the the concepts covered that seem to best apply to you. Describe what these concepts and approaches have to say about your own “personality.” In other words, answer the question “Who am I?” from these trait and situational perspectives.In answering this question, be sure to provide a Question of your own personality and apply the theories and research to your “personality.”