Watch the following videos and summarize each of them.


Do not attach your answers in a Word document or PDF. Just type your responses in the space given.

Video 1: What is Plagiarism?

Video 2: Paraphrasing and Avoiding Plagiarism

Please, reply to two of your peers, and make sure to document the sources using

Once you have watched the videos follow these steps:

1- click on share (under them)

2- go to and click on MLA8 

3- paste the link to the videos on the bar

4- click on online video, then on the magnifying glass

5- the citation will appear there

6- you can copy and paste the citations at the end of your paragraphs.

LAPC East LA Walkouts Discussion


Identify and analyze the 2 (of the many) forms of racism/discrimination faced by students at the East LA high schools. (275 minimum word count)

Watch the video on the East LA Walkouts.  There is a movie called “Walkout” which was written by Moctezumah Esparza, which tells the story of the students. 

The East LA 13 (once you watch the documentary) includes Moctezumah Esparza (writer/producer/activist, also worked on the movie Selena) Sal Castro (teacher/counselor who passed away), Harry Gamboa (artist/Chicana/o studies Professor at CSUN) and was also my professor as well, among others.  Please take note of how these these students fought for a good education.

Homework help


You will write a reflection on the PDF i have provided. This
assignment aims to help you practice identifying and understanding the main argument in complex texts,
articulating your evaluation of the argument, and supporting it with well-argued reasons. You will briefly
analyze what you take to be one of the central arguments of the reading and then raise a positive or
negative critique of it.
Skills & Knowledge
• Practice the ability to evaluate academic texts and complex arguments critically.
• Practice articulating your view clearly, concisely, and with the support of well-argued reasons and
• Practice the ability to recognize connections and contrasts between different philosophical
Criteria for Success
• Formality:

Hist-2020-M55 The Us Since 1877


Answer two of the following questions: one from Section 1 and one from Section 2 (and please make it obvious which questions you are answering). Explore each question fully in an essay of about 800 words (so, about 1600 words or five to seven typed, double-spaced pages total). Be sure to get to the point quickly and concentrate on the essential points. Obviously, you have access to a variety of sources in preparing your answers, but your answers must be yours alone. Avoid long quotations and do not plagiarize. Mark all quotations and cite the sources you used in preparing your exam. 

Humanities-DBX-DL01 Discuss the importance of these five competencies and explain how can healthcare workers use


My job philosophical foundation of medical care in the United States is a type of Cartesian reductionism that views the body as a machine and medical professionals as technicians whose job is to repair that machine. There are five major clinician competencies necessary for clinicians to participate in healing relationships: self-confidence, emotional self-management, mindfulness, and clinical knowledge. Click on the link below:

Discuss the importance of these five competencies and explain how healthcare workers can use Philosophy to demonstrate sensitivity, honesty, and compassion in difficult conversations, including death, end of life, adverse events, bad news, disclosure of errors, and other sensitive topics.

Select Answerable questions


Explain the key components and considerations for this step using your textbook.

Create and present 2 case vignettes pertaining to your PCF. (I attached my word doc that contains my PCF)

  • Formulate 2 answerable questions for each vignette that are examples incorporating the information you provided in your presentation.
  • References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources.

The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

learning activity


International Human Services

[WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4]

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, read Chapter 15 of the text and The Generalist Model: Where Do the Micro and Macro Converge?

Summarize one of the crimes against women and children described in the readings, and explain how you could approach this crime as a human services professional from a micro standpoint or a macro standpoint. Explain how you would choose to work with individuals if you selected micro practice. Explain how you would choose to work with communities and organizations if you selected macro practice. 

A Body of Research on Asian Americans


Chou and Choi identify three main areas of research on Asian Americans: discrimination, the model minority myth, identity and racial domination, and intersectional oppression. In a paragraph (or two) share your impressions of the material covered under one of those areas. Where you familiar with this, and it is through research, experience, observation, or some combination of the three? Do you think the issue is specific to Asian Americans and Asians or do you believe other minorities have comparable experiences? Do you have ideas about other topics that could be explored. There are no correct or incorrect answers.

portfolio questions and references


Add a Page to your portfolio titled “Images to Promote Story Telling and/or Writing”

Add pictures to this Page that might stimulate children to tell or write their own stories. Include an explanation of why you chose each picture and how it will help children in your classroom.  Include, at least, 10 pictures.

  1. Add a Page to your portfolio titled “Digital Resources for Developmentally Appropriate Literacy Instruction”
  2. Compile a list of websites and digital resources that provide developmentally appropriate practices for providing literacy instruction to students you hope to teach. Include, at least, 10 websites or resources and a QUESTION for each.

soc 120 wa


QUESTION:  When most students initially enroll in an introductory Sociology class, they have little or no knowledge of what Sociology is about as a social science.   Sociology is the scientific/systematic study of human society, social behavior, human social interaction.  With this limited information, indicate why you think sociology may or may not be important, relevant or necessary to study as a social science.  Based on your perspective, what purpose might it serve for humanity?  Identify a social construct that may be enhanced or a social problem that you believe needs to be resolved by sociologists .