milestone 5


Milestone 5 Assessment

Submit a document answering each of the following questions.

On which (if any) social categories do you categorize others? Why do you (or don’t you) categorize? Is your behavior fair or unfair to the people you are categorizing?

Consider some of the important social groups to which you belong. Do your group memberships lead to ingroup favoritism or even prejudice?

What are some of the ways that prejudice can be combated?  Which do you think would be most successful? Why?

Have you ever confronted or failed to confront a person who you thought was expressing prejudice or discriminating? Why did you confront (or not confront) that person, and how did doing so make you feel?

Week 9 – Writing Response: Alain Locke


Writing Response Reading:

Read: Enter New The Negro by Alaine Locke in the African American Literature Anthology digital course textbook, pages 149-156 

Please respond using your own original writing voice and from your personal informed perspective (first person point of view).

Step 1 Directions: Carefully read the above pages. After you have a firm understanding of the assigned reading, write a one-page response (200 words) to the writing prompt below:

Step 2: Based on your comprehension of Locke’s extended discussion of the New Negro, which of the assigned authors in this course–James Weldon Johnson, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. Du Bois, MLK, Malcolm X–best represents Locke’s definition of the New Negro and how so?

EDG2941: All About Me Teacher Board and Teaching Philosophy


Could you please help me with 3 paragraphs on teaching style? I would say I’m a facilitator and believe in learning through play and helping students come to the correct answers through gentle guidance. .Personal histories and teaching autobiographies help students and families get to know you and understand the source of your beliefs. Create a board that will help your students, families, and colleagues get to know you. You must include three typed paragraphs describing your teaching style based on course-related readings (you might consider theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Gardner, and the like). Be sure to complete the module readings and consider your values to help you with this. 

Teamwork and Collaboration Lessons Discussion

Question Question

I’m working on a humanities discussion question and need support to help me learn.

tell me about a past role where you led/manage others and had to make a decision that was unpopular amongst the team. What strategies did you use to align with the team?what did you learn from this experience?

Tell me about a time when you were working with a diverse group of people, and
you had to make a decision that not everyone was on board with. What did you personally do in this situation, and what was the outcome? If you have not worked in a diverse team, what would you do to achive the best outcome?

Spring 2024 Music Appreciation (MUS-110-2904)


The Discussion Assignment

Please watch the embedded YouTube videos entitled “John Cage about silence” and “John Cage – Branches” before completing this discussion board. In your opinion, what characteristics differentiate sounds from music? Does music have to be pleasing? Is an element of human organization necessary for something to be called music? Do you agree, or disagree with the thoughts of the composer John Cage, and would you consider his piece Branches music? This all leads to the very important question: in your opinion, what is the function of music? Please elaborate in a post giving YOUR opinion to this question, regardless of what you think the textbook would say.

Final Discussion


To culminate, let’s go back to the beginning and re-assess.

View TEDx: Conscious Empowerment and Collective Liberation.Links to an external site.

Answer the following:

1. After viewing the TEDx now compared to at the beginning of the semester, how does the message land differently? What newly stands out and/or stands out differently?

2. Identify 3 ways this talk has wound it’s way through the material you’ve read and learned over the arc of the semester. Please number your points in your discussion post.

3. Finally, answer the questions I pose at the end. Type them into your discussion post and answer each one to the best of your ability.

Intro to Psyo – lab2


Find and read the following article:

Dawda, D., & Hart, S. D. (2000). Assessing emotional intelligence: Reliability and validity of the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I) in university students. Personality and Individual Differences, 28, 797–812. 

Question of article: As described in your textbook, emotional intelligence is the ability to understand the emotions within yourself as well as others. This describes how we are able to show empathy, control our own emotions and respond appropriately in different situations. It also helps us understand social relationships and its cues (Parker et al., 2009). In particular, this article looks at the reliability and validity of a measure of emotional intelligence in university students. 

African American Studies


ASSIGNMENT: Write your personal thoughts on what we have discussed in class so far.  Look at the syllabus for clues on works we discussed this week. These assignments should have a personal, not scholarly, tone. 

Suggested topics: (These are just suggestions, so you are not required to use all or any of these prompts) 

What did you like/not like about any of the works? 

Did anything you learned last week surprise you about Black Horror? 

What do you believe was the artist’s message in the works?  

Have you had a personal event in your life that reminded you of any of these works? If so…how? 

Please write about “Us” by Jordan Peele

book and film review


Victor Rios guides readers through his journey navigating structural poverty, gang involvement, and ultimately, earning a Ph.D. Explore two to three key concepts from Rios’ book that resonated strongly, examining their implications for the intricate relationship between schools and youth crime. Rather than providing a summary, focus on elucidating the ideas that have personally impacted the understanding of how schools and youth crime intersect or diverge. This analysis will be juxtaposed with concepts discussed in this week’s lecture to enrich further how we speak about the educational system’s role in addressing or perpetuating youth criminality. Cliff notes included and cite the videos.…



Post a two (2) to three (3) paragraph discussion where you define the difference between the “validity” and “reliability” of an investigation. Then identify the factors that impact the validity and reliability of psychological research. Finally, explain how a psychologist can increase the validity and reliability of research.

Be sure to back up your arguments with this week’s assigned readings and cite sources using APA (Seventh Edition) formatting and style. Your post should be thoughtful and promote critical discussion with your peers and the class instructor.

Book:  Shaughnessy, J J., Zechmeister, E.B., & Zechmeister, J.S. (2015). Research methods in psychology (10th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education