Trojan war discussion board


Part 1: Compare and contrast the two brothers, Hector and Paris. Start with a thesis paragraph, develop your points comparing the two, and then have a concluding paragraph. Use MLA-cited examples from the text (Please use book and line numbers)!

Suggested criteria can be:

  • Bravery
  • Honesty
  • Personality
  • Honor
  • Fate
  • Relationship to the gods
  • Skills
  • etc.

Part 2: Then, compare yourself to one of the brothers. What characteristics do you, personally, share with either of them? How are you different? How would you have handled the situation they find themselves in because of those similarities or differences?

*Turnitin plagiarism and AI detection software is active for this assignment. I want to hear YOUR voice, not someone else’s or artificial intelligence!

you will be given a link for the book with line numbers

Theories of counseling


  • Review the Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization Example found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this document to prepare your initial Discussion post.
  • Select one of the case studies presented in this week’s Learning Resources, and answer the following points as if you were a person-centered counselor. Use your Learning Resources and the notes you took on language and technique from the person-centered expressive arts therapy video to support your conceptualization and integrate examples from the case to support your post. Include the following:

HUM 2213 brit&amir lit


This essay will follow the dictates of the Essay 1 Prompt; however, you’ll be responding to the following specific question: 

Focusing on a single text from our Modernism unit (i.e. a single poem or novel),

Second coming poem

how do one or more of its formal elements respond to the crisis of representation? 

Formal elements refers to structural features of the literary work in question. Some (non-exclusive) formal elements that we’ve discussed in class include: parataxis, fragmentation, changes in perspective, stream of consciousness, focalization, and the use of foils or repeated elements. You may use your knowledge of other formal elements to answer this question. You should not repeat any analysis that you’ve done in any previous part of this exam.

PSY 3590: Personality


According to Freud’s theory of personality development, the “core” of who we are is set by the time we are 5 or 6 years of age. Erikson’s theory of development proposes that personality continues to develop throughout our lives. These theories are not necessarily in opposition. It could be that certain “core” aspects of personality are indeed formed early in life whereas other aspects of our personality change in later life. Based on your own experiences and observations, as well as the theory and research discussed in Chapters 10 & 11, do you think the “core” of personality is or is not formed in our very early years (by the age of 5-6)? Why/why not?

WST3641 Introduction to LGBTQ+



  1. Choose one LGBTQ person of color in the media (NOTE: this person might identify as LGBTQ in their personal lives or they may depict an LGBTQ person as a made-up character on a TV show or movie). Describe your reaction to their character/persona, and reasons why you believe this depiction is helpful or harmful to the LGBTQ community (or both). {300 words}
  2. LGBT rights differ depending on the country and even the state in which you live in. Choose two countries OR choose two states. List and then describe two areas in which LGBT rights differ in those two countries or those two states. Make sure to explain why these differences are important. {300 words}

Fill in the blank


Following the successful mapping of the human genome in April of 2003, gene editing has become possible. Using CRISPR-Cas9, scientists can edit genes in order to prevent and cure once debilitating and lethal diseases and disorders. 

Look at the following video to see how Dr. Neville Sanjana, an assistant professor at New York University, explains CRISPR to five very different audiences: a child, a high schooler, a college student, a graduate student, and an expert in the field. As you watch, notice how Dr. Sanjana shifts ethos, pathos, and logos in ways that are appropriate for his listener. 

Biologist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty – CRISPR | WIRED 

Week 7 Discussion


Discussion Question

This week is about the intersections between research questions/hypotheses and research methodologies. Please post something to the discussion board related to the content covered this week.

Note: Do not create your post as a reply to the pinned post. Instead, use Yellowdig’s Create option to create a new post.

Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

Consider a topic that you might want to study. Try creating a research question you might address. How might your research question change depending on which direction (methodology) you select?

After completing the readings for this week, share which reading most interested you or you felt was most immediately relevant to your own professional or academic career.

East Los Angeles College Metaphysics discussion post


This Wednesday we’ll examine two popular theories of causation: regularity theory (Mackie) and counterfactual theory (Lewis). Both papers are powerful and influential, and they are fun to read.

  1. Mackie’s paper is long, but his idea of INUS condition for causation is simple. Use your own words to explain this idea as clearly as you can. Do you have any objections to it as a definition of causation?
  2. Lewis’s theory looks simple but it is theoretically complex, as it involves some difficult philosophical concepts like possible worlds and dependence relation. Again try your best to use your own words to recap Lewis’s theory, as clearly as you can. How do you think of this theory?

Community-centered approaches to conservation


First one. Due March 15:

Select an African country you have not looked at so far, and look out for either an Ecotourism Project, Community based Tourism Initiative, or Community based Tourism Enterprise and find out about its premise to achieve conservation objectives in that country

Second one. Due March 12 11:59 Washington time

You have been assigned a country/region in Africa. Using RELIABLE academic sources, select one CBNRM, eco-tourism, or CCE Project in the country/region assigned to you and discuss the following;

a. describe the project

b. why you chose the project

c. why was the project started, and who started it,

d. achievements of the project

d. failures of the project

e. way forward – what can be done

Biology psychology research


To complete this assignment, open this Google Doc.

Go to File → Make a copy.

Read the instructions for each part, including any advice you may need on finding and classifying your sources using BEAM.

Fill in the grid on page 4 of the doc with your own sources and classifications.

If you get stuck, the document contains a section with advice on choosing a topic on page 2. There is also an example assignment by Dr. H at the end of the doc–you should NOT “borrow” any of these ideas, but you SHOULD consult the example if you are unsure about the style, structure, level or detail, etc. for this assignment.