4 C’s Connection


Directions: After reading and watching the videos from Simple Interactions, please respond to the following questions:

  1. What connections can you make between this module and your own life or other learning?
  2. What ideas or positions do you want to challenge in this module?
  3. What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to?
  4. What changes in your thinking have occurred as a result of this new information?

You may choose any of the following ways to submit your assignment:

  • Video yourself answering the questions
  • Write a response to each question
  • Create a PowerPoint with each of the 4C’s discussed on individual slides
  • Create a Popplet (popplet.com)
    • Place in the main popplet “Simple Interactions”.
    • Then, create another 4 popplets around the main one that answer each of the 4C’s

short answer art questions


Discuss, with specific examples, three aspects of early twentieth century avant-garde art movements

Many of the avant-garde movements shared the belief that bourgeois society imposed stultifying and conventional ways of seeing and knowing the world, thereby limiting our ability to challenge existing systems of political domination. Compare and contrast the manner by which the Cubists (Picasso, Braque) and the Surrealists (Dali, Ernst, Kahlo, Varo, etc.) sought to challenge or subvert conventional ways of thinking and seeing through their art.

  1. Compare and contrast three types of Dadaism, using specific examples.
  2. Discuss four key characteristics of Constructivism, using specific examples.
  3. Compare and contrast the murals of Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros, both in their technical production and in their relationship to the political and cultural dynamics of the 1930s.

soc 120 American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services Race and Racism discussion


homeeee honeeeeee77777


This is a homework assignment to reinforce what you have learned from the reading for module number Seven. 

The Homework Assignment is due on Sunday, March 17 by 11 pm Pacific  Standard Time.


This assignment is a homework assignment. Download the assignment, do the reading, and fill it out. The assignment consists of one section.

Section One is Huston Smith.

Answer the questions from the reading.

After you are done filling out the homework assignment, please upload the file by using the submit assignment on this page. For instructions on how to upload a file use this link. Assignment Submissions (Links to an external site.)

  • Links

Reading Schedule


WWC Dominican Racial Identity Discussion


A. Answer the following question with information from Winn’s chapter, “A Question of Color”. Your answer should be about a paragraph long (a paragraph that is carefully built and well thought through): In what ways would you say Dominican racial identity is complex and unique? Make reference to three different historical moments for the Dominican Republic that Winn speaks of in his text.

B. Read the extract from Carolina Maria de Jesus’s memoirs, “Growing up Black in Minas Gerais.” Write a short response (a paragraph or two) to the text, exploring what you think we can learn from de Jesus’s writings that can be relevant for a reflection on current issues of race and class in our country and around the world.

journal hum


Design a Personal Self-Care Plan

[WLO: 1] [CLO: 4]

Prior to beginning work on this Journal, read The Importance of Self-Care in the Epilogue in your text and Self-Care in The World of Empirically Supported TreatmentsLinks to an external site.. Locate, read, and cite a credible article on burnout in the helping professions. What are some signs to watch for when working in the helping professions that might indicate that you or a colleague may be experiencing burnout? Describe your self-care plan to help alleviate stress and ward off burnout while working in the field of human services? (Note: this is your self-care plan; write as much as you need). Your journal entry should be at least 300 words long.

reading respoonse


Reading responses should be no more than two pages. the reading response should be in a short essay format (including an introduction and a conclusion paragraph). It has to be single-spaced and the title page and/or references do not count against the page limit. Here is what needs to be answered.

a) Identify and discuss the main thesis of the author(s): what they are arguing and what they found.
b) Why did the author(s) write this material?
c) What competing perspectives might exist to this reading response? Have others found similar results and/or arrived at similar conclusions? In particular, how does this reading compare to other assigned readings?
d) Did the reading lead you to have broader questions (e.g. about transportation policy)? 



This week you were introduced to the practice of qualitative research by reading three contemporary examples. Your assignment this week is to reflect and analyze the methodological approaches of these three researchers in the form of an analytic memo.

This assignment should be approximately 5 paragraphs and should NOT be a summary of the works. Instead, focus your discussion and analysis specifically on the methodological approaches of these researchers. Some questions to get you thinking:
What do these approaches have in common and how are they different?

Why are the research questions at the heart of each of these pieces best answered through a qualitative approach?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the researchers methodological approaches?

What do these works reveal about qualitative work?

5 Historical events that shaped the culture of spain


The pdf is about the United States. MY COUNTRY IS SPAIN. Include citations throughout the assignment just like in the pdf example. Please DO NOT utilize AI or Plagiarism, this is for a final project. Here are the exact instructions that the professor explained: Significant Historical Factors that Shape the Culture. Describe at least 5 events that have changed the way the culture, citizens, and consumers behave. Be able to explain why this factor is critical to consumers and the marketplace. Do not simply recite 5 events that occurred in the country’s recent or ancient history. You are most likely to get this section wrong….it is not just facts. Analyze,
describe, and evaluate and employ a chronological approach as much as possible.

Counselling session


Record 3 audio in which you and a partner (friend, classmate, acquaintance, etc) have “counseling sessions”. Here’s the catch—you may ONLY ask a question to get started (maybe “what would you like to talk about today?”) and then you’re limited to your basic skills that we’ve addressed so far: basic attending skills, encouragers, paraphrases, and summaries.

After completing these audio, write a one page double spaced assignment about your experience. Explain the following that is listed below.

-How did it feel to be practicing counseling/interviewing?

-How did you feel about utilizing ONLY the skills that we have been studying in this class (encouragers, paraphrases, and summaries)?

-Explain what your confidence levels are relating to the skills that we have studied thus far in this class.