Discussion of 600 words


Week 5 Discussion

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? Why is the United States resistant, and does non-membership serve U.S. interests?

If you support American membership, explain why in the U.S. In the ICC thread; if you oppose U.S. membership, explain why in the U.S. Out of the ICC thread. Defend your position with either logical arguments or contemporary or historical facts. Post your essay no later than midnight on March 16.

Respond to the postings of a least two other students, one from each of the two threads, no later than midnight on March 18. What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students” arguments? How could their arguments be strengthened? 

Letter to advocate


Choose  some other issue in counseling that you would like to advocate for.  Send a letter or email to your local politician (state or federal) to share your opinion and encourage her or him to take action.

Be sure to include the following:

1.  Clearly state the issue and your position.

2.  Support your position with at least two facts, perhaps pulled from the readings.  (In other words, don’t just suggest that AA meetings should be held in jails.  Provide some evidence that it would be an effective and legal thing to do.  By the way—several state Supreme Courts have suggested that it isn’t legal to mandate 12-step meetings in jails because of the references to a Higher Power)

3.  Call the politician to a specific action—ask her or him to do something specific.

Student Code of Conduct help me fix my grammar and english


Acting as the new principal of your school, and incorporating your Clinical Field Experience information, develop an original student code of conduct that aligns to the school’s vision and mission, promotes every student’s academic and social success, and establishes a positive learning environment conducive to protecting students and school personnel.

Include the following sections in your Student Code of Conduct:

Background: A brief QUESTION of the school, including grade level range, student and staff numbers, and geographic location such as rural, urban, or suburban.

Student Code of Conduct Values Statement: A one-page outline describing specific school values that promote positive behaviors and a school culture that align to the school’s vision and mission. Include a list of 4-5 specific behavioral expectations for all students (e.g., “All students will respect the rights of others.”).

Answer 5 Questions


Please answer these 5 questions that I will post below. The last two questions require a short video to be watched which I will attach as a link. 

Part I

1. What are some of the main factors that are associated with health disparities?

2. What are some of the major differences in the health of populations living in high income countries compared with the health of populations living in low-income countries?

3. How do structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interaction help us understand illness and health care?

Part II

According to the short videos below answers questions 4 and 5.



4.  How do you explain the rising death rates among middle-age white Americans, especially those with low education? 

5. How can we relate deaths of despair with American capitalism?



1. As discussed in the book and in the powerpoint presentation, there is the myth of adolescence being a time of strife and turmoil,. Do you agree? What was your adolescent period like?

2. Additionally, review the information below as well as the powerpoints. Share your thoughts on identity crisis, parental involvement, substance use, eating disorder, and suicide. How would you address these issues with teens and parents, especially now during COVID-19 restrictions? How useful was the information in the twelvetalks link (review the wheels and gender identity sections? How would you use those resources to talk to teens, parents, and your family members?

teen suicide prevention.pdf

adolescence and identity crisis marcia erickson.pdf

stages of development teens.pdf


Module #3 DQ Case Studies


Case # 5 – “Post-Interview Surprise” – page 70

1. How might a positive decision impact the internal culture of the school?

2. How might a positive decision impact the relationship between the school and its community?

3. Is it appropriate based on the criteria of merit and worth to consider these types of behaviors in making a hiring decision (and is it ethical and is it legal)?

Case #6 – “New Teacher Induction” – page 73

1. In what ways does the culture of the school impact what a new teacher experiences during the first two years in a school?

2. What are some steps a school leader might take to make the experience of newly hired teachers positive?

3. What role do professional teachers have in making the experience of newly hired teachers positive?

Policy Evaluation of Chicago’s, IL 20 Plan to combat and end homelessness


The major assignment will eventually be a 12-14 page formal program evaluation using the CDC evaluation framework.  One of the first steps in this process is to develop a proposal. The proposal will center around the program evaluation of Chicago, IL 2.0 Plan to combat and end homelessness. I am including a hyperlink to the CDC evaluation framework for your review on what the 6 steps of evaluation are.

4. Please use 3-5 sources. You must use the source which is attached below. Even though you are citing sources- it should not take away from your writing. The majority of your paper should be writing and not cititations.

  • 5. Your paper should pay special attention to APA formatting. And will be organized in the following way:


2 Discussions


Week 6: For this week’s discussion, complete these tasks:

Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study.

Identify two advantages and two disadvantages of a longitudinal study and a cross-sectional study, giving examples of each.

Then, provide a specific example of a question that could be addressed with a longitudinal study and explain why that developmental design is preferred.

Week 7:For this week’s discussion, you are to find an experimental research article in the University library. After reviewing the article, you need to provide an annotation to the class. In the annotation, be sure to include the hypothesis/hypotheses, methodology (i.e., including participant pool, measurements, data collection process, data analysis process), results, and discussion. You will also need to attach the article to your posted discussion.

Answer 10 questions using only the textbook link.


2. How has the presidency developed over time? How has the office become more powerful?

3. Why is the presidential veto so powerful? How is it used to shape legislation?

4. What is Going Public? How does it work? Why and how has it changed over time?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of executive orders and executive agreements?

6. What is the bureaucracy? What are its chief characteristics as described by Max Weber?

7. How did the bureaucracy evolve over time? What were the three major stages of its development?

8. What were the first cabinet departments? How many agencies are there today?15. Describe the three eras of judicial review.

16. What is the structure of the federal judiciary?

17. What are the jurisdictions of the federal courts?

18. Describe judicial decision making.

Week 11 and 12


1- For this discussion board, do all of the following:

  • Define a negative correlation, and provide a real-world example
  • Define a positive correlation, and provide a real-world example
  • Explain why two variables could be significally correlated with each other, but that we should not interpret that as a cause-and-effect relationship ( 300 words )


A social psychologist conducted a study of the effectiveness of a local campaign to persuade people to recycle. The report of the study noted that “The overall R2 for predicting degree of recycling was .31, which was statistically significant—the betas were .03 for exposure to television advertisements, .02 for exposure to newspaper advertisements, .12 for having been contacted personally, and .28 for having a neighbor who recycles regularly.” Explain what these results mean.