Synthesis matrix


Please read and study how to write synthesis matrix for your literature review by using/reviewing the following documents:

Literature_Review_and_Synthesis.pdfDownload Literature_Review_and_Synthesis.pdf

Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes01.pdfDownload Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes01.pdf

Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes02.pdfDownload Synthesis_Matrix_Sample_themes02.pdf

Here is another example “Synthesis Matrix: Research on Study Abroad Outcomes Download Synthesis Matrix: Research on Study Abroad Outcomes.”

Then, please write your own synthesis matrix based on the literature you have found and read.

McDonald fries 17


Introduction: A bibliography is a list of sources, and annotations are relatively short (one page, in our case) QUESTIONs and analyses of those sources. The annotated bibliography is an interesting genre, because it can be a process document (one that helps you complete a specific larger project, as it is meant to in our case) and an end in itself (it is possible to publish annotated bibliographies as books for researchers interested in academic conversations on particular topics). As a process document, the annotated bibliography offers us the opportunity to gather information about our sources (standard stuff like author, title, medium, etc.) and become familiar with (through summary, analysis, quote, paraphrase, etc.) how we might use them in our own writing. It also gives us a format to organize our research information, so that it is more easily accessible as we write.



Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography

1. Search the existing academic literature related to the topic you chose last week (following guidelines described in Module 2).

2. Identify 10-15 peer-reviewed academic articles you believe are particularly relevant to your topic. 

3. Skim these articles by looking at the year they were published, reading the abstracts, and looking for the central findings and theoretical contributions of each.

4. Identify 3 of these articles which are the most relevant for you and your topic. All 3 articles must meet the following criteria:

  1. All three must be published in a Sociological academic peer-reviewed journal OR be a Sociological book or book chapter published by an academic press.
  2. Two of the three articles must have been published since the year 2000, and at least one must have been published since 2015.
  3. At least  two of the three must report findings from original empirical research. 

Western theory


Write a brief statement of the meaning of social contract theory. This assignment can take two tracks: 

Write this statement as if you were taking a test and this was one of the short answer questions. This means that you can refer to key theorists and/or events that help to underpin your argument about social contract theory, but you are not to take this information from another source. It is to be in your own words. 

Write this statement as if you were writing your essay, had found a source related to the social contract theory and were planning on paraphrasing the information and including it in the body of your paper. This means that you are to actually paraphrase the information, rather than just changing some words around, but nevertheless keeping the structure and tone of the source you are using. 

Workforce Planning


Because of the stress on call center representatives, the call center also wants to reduce the number of weekly calls per representative from 250/week to 200/week by the end of the 12-month period.

How many call center representatives, supervisors, and managers will be needed at the end of the next 12 months, assuming the same ratio of supervisors-to-representatives and managers-to-supervisors? Round to the nearest whole number.

Assuming a turnover rate of 20% per year for call center representatives and 10% for supervisors based on current roll levels, how many representatives, supervisors, and managers will have to be hired over the next 12 months to meet the projected call center demand? Round to the nearest whole number.

  1. What staffing challenges do you see in meeting the call center’s staffing requirements for the coming year? What can be done to meet the projected staffing requirements?

hum2023 religion and happiness


  1. In this module, you have learned about different religions and philosophical views of happiness. It can be difficult to talk about religion in today’s culture. However, most religions have more commonalities than differences. This assignment provides the opportunity to learn about a religion with which you are not familiar, as well as the role it plays in being happy.
    Choose from the list below a religion that is NOT your own: 

    • An Ancient Egyptian belief
    • Hinduism
    • Greek or Roman Polytheism
    • A Native American religion
    • Buddhism
    • Taoism
    • Judaism
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Write an essay answering the following:
    • Describe three features or tenets of the chosen religion.
    • Mention any written works and prophets.
    • Share how this religion compares to your religion (or beliefs if you do not have a chosen religion).
    • What role does religion play in being happy? Provide detail and examples.

Support your position by providing three pieces of evidence from the readings and lesson content.

Stay Motivated, Organized, and On Track


Now that you have read Dr. Padrón’s personal story, list at least 5-7 things you have learned about Dr. Padrón and that you found motivational.  Add your own comments/reflection about his success story: Write a few sentences. How can Dr. Padrón’s story be motivational for you? 

  • Discuss 3 Motivational and 3 Time Management success strategies that you will incorporate after you have read this week’s chapter and watched the videos. How do you plan on implementing the strategies in school and beyond? 
  • Describe how you will apply the SMART strategy to set your short-term academic goals (for this semester). Provide specific examples.   
  • Use the example below to begin writing your motivational academic long-term goal and describe how you will apply the SMART strategy to achieve your long-term academic goals (graduating from Miami Dade, entering the workforce, etc.).   

JOURNAL – Chapter 5.4-5.5


Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer.

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook

Is Sartre exaggerating the extent to which people can define themselves when he says “existence precedes essence”?

Which seems more likely to you: that your path in life is determined before you were born, or that you are born and then you determine how your life will go? Why? Is there a middle ground on this issue?

What is your reaction to Sartre’s perspective on freedom? Do you find his view liberating and inspiring, or do you think it is disheartening and forlorn?

JOURNAL- Chapter 6.1-6.2


Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer.

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook

According to Plato, are the ideas of Beauty and Courage objectively real, or are they notions that we invent in our minds whenever we want to? Do you think these ideas are objectively real? Provide an argument to back up your answer.

Is there any way that you can tell whether you are awake or dreaming? Is Descartes right that he cannot tell the difference? Try to identify and explain at least two ways that dreaming experiences and waking experiences are different.

Society Reflection



Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. It allows us to learn more about ourselves, and the subject matter we are learning and improves academic skills. You will have the opportunity to reflect on the content you learned in this course and apply it to the real world. Remember to view the assignment rubric (see below) before completing the assignment.

Assignment Instructions

Review the module activities and resources.

Write a reflection that includes the following information:  

  1. What did you learn about society, social structure, social institutions, and socialization in this course? 
  2. How can you be a change agent and part of social change?  

Have you been part of any social movements in your lifetime?  

  • What social movement stood out the most to you? 
  • How will you apply this knowledge to your courses and future career?