I need someone to complete a 3-4 paragraph response


To complete the assignment: you will write a response to the question below. You are to do the reading first, and use only the materials in the reading to help you with the response.

Respond to this question: How does Durkheim’s conception of the division of labor differ from that of Marx? How do the implications/consequences differ for politics and conflict?

Here is an example of a good response question:(DO NOT USE THIS RELATE IT TO THE REST)

Marx argues that ownership of the means of production is the primary source of inequality in capitalism. The Weber readings from this week suggest that other forms of ownership and control over scarce resources remain equally, if not, more important than one’s relationship to the means of production. How would each explain the tremendous economic power generated by Silicon Valley firms in recent years?

The file is too big so here is a link to a google doc with the reading: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-3e4gpOA9P00PNdHvNtTvkbw8h97UXHP

Methods of structured english emersion for elementary


1. In your readings and research, you will find a variety of terms used to describe an English language learner. For example, terms such as English language learner (ELL) and English learner (EL) are often used interchangeably.
What additional terms have been used to describe these learners? What accounts for the evolving terminology? How does the use of particular terms affect schools, teachers, and learners? What is the term used in your area (school/district/state)? What do you think is the reason this term was selected?

Arizona’s Language Development Approach (pptx) – Course Sidekick

EL Instructional Services | Arizona Department of Education (azed.gov)

2. Based on what you now know of ESL, bilingual, sheltered English instruction, and structured English immersion (SEI), which models do you prefer to see implemented and why?

CAL Two-Way Immersion Home Page

Full article: What is student agency and why is it needed now more than ever? (oclc.org)

Student Success Center – Page: esl-database-esl-5000-v2.1 (gcu.edu)

Clinical Field Experience C: Comprehensive Discipline Management Plan Investigation help me fix my grammar and english


Setting clear behavioral expectations and having a plan to respond should those expectations not be met are both essential to establishing a positive school culture. Articulating those carefully crafted behavioral expectations to members of the school community is integral to students’ success in meeting them. Equally important is having a plan to support students who have challenges demonstrating the expected behaviors.      

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Comprehensively review and evaluate your school’s student code of conduct and discipline management plan in terms of how they both promote student success and ensure social justice, equity, confidentiality, cultural diversity, acceptance, and respect between and among students, faculty, and staff within the school.

Determine how the student code of conduct and discipline management plan are communicated and administered by interviewing 2-3 staff members and reviewing any additional documents and artifacts.

Use any remaining field experience hours to observe or assist the principal mentor.

Discussion Questions from Special Education Law


Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of I Q tests and testing?

  1. Why is the medical definition of intellectual disabilities of little use to teachers?
  2. Adaptive behavior is the degree to which an individual meets the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and social group. What are some specific examples of adaptive behavior? Why is adaptive behavior difficult to measure? Why is  it necessary to include adaptive behavior in the definition of intellectual disabilities?
  3. How might a child appear intellectually disabled in school but not in the community? How might a child appear intellectually disabled outside his or her social group?
  4. How can an individual’s interaction with the environment cause intellectual disabilities?

What are the most important curriculum goals for children with intellectual disabilities?

  1. What supports do you think are necessary for successful inclusion of a student with intellectual disabilities in a general education classroom?

Power point presentation to one specific chapter from the book 18-20 Slides.


Midterm Presentation: I will be asking for you to choose one specific chapter, choose a sub-section within the chapter, and create a PowerPoint with at least 18-20 slides in total on the specifics including a title and reference slide. As long as the presentation is detailed and creative based on the topic that you choose, that is what I will be looking for. The last slide should be a reference page formatted into the proper APA format. Detail the specifics of the topic that interests you. Make sure that your presentation is creative use color, pictures, graphs, and video clips. You can choose any ONE chapter from the textbook and within the chapter, choose a subtopic (an important 1 topic from a section/issue). The textbook should be one of the sources used. You are free to go outside of the textbook and use other outside sources. I am looking for 3+ sources (cited). 

Please give clear desciption, accurate answer with support details.


Describe the history of the same sex marriage movement.  Examine stereotypical or false beliefs, values, and opinions that resulted in misinformation leading to the oppression of this category.

MUST include a reference page.

*Academic integrity requires students to refrain from engaging in
or tolerating acts including, but not limited to, submitting false academic records, cheating, plagiarizing,
altering, forging, or misusing a college academic record; acquiring or using test materials without faculty
permission: acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonest grades, honors, or awards. *

Citing a Book


Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Author’s middle initial. (Year of publication). Title of work. Publisher.


James, Henry. (2009). The ambassadors. Serenity Publishers.

Citing a Website


Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Author’s middle initial. (Year, Month Date published). Article title or page title. Site Name. URL


Limer, E. (2013, October 1). Heck yes! The first free wireless plan is finally here. Gizmodo. https://gizmodo.com/heck-yes-the-first-free-wireless-plan-is-finally-here

Humanities Discussion


Visit this website: Three Native American Creation MythsLinks to an external site., and explore creation from the perspective of three Native American tribes: the Iroquois, the Yakama, and the Cherokee. Review the creation myth from the Mayan civilization you already experienced in the Unit 3 learning content.

  • In your first paragraph
    • Compare and contrast the creation myths of ancient North America to the creation myths of two of the following.
      • Mayans from Meso-American including Mexico
      • Guatemala
      • Northern Belize
      • Western Honduras.
    • Look for the underlying universal truths shared in these myths and the cultural, geographic, and climate structure that may have added to differences.
  • In your second paragraph
    • Explore how ‘myth’ might have impacted the people of that historical time period and reflect on these myths from your modern American perspective.
    • What are your feelings about the myths, and how do they compare to your understanding of the creation of the universe?

Letter of recommendation


My friend needs a letter of recommendation to get into a program for her Bachelor of Science. 

She would like to add these main points:

I would also add my work ethic, determination to find answers and resources to assist, my kind and caring nature to always be generous and give back to my community. I serve in support of my local church participating in harm reduction and peer support groups. I would be an asset to the psychology degree program because I have a desire to help others find their way and heal from the traumas of the world

I’ve volunteered working with children at preschool level, I’ve worked with special education students for several years at the high school level. I’ve done peer support and led mental health advocate groups. Personal information of how I may have supported you in a way that would suggest I’m good at support peers through difficult times.



A good friend of yours has just met someone she thinks you would really like; she claims you and this new person have much in common and wants to arrange a lunch meeting. Because you trust your friend’s judgment, you agree to lunch. How might your lunch meeting unfold?

For this Discussion, you will analyze the effect of self-fulfilling prophecies on education, careers, and relationships.


Think of a time when you expected a new acquaintance to act a particular way.

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider how self-fulfilling prophecies could affect your own education, career, and relationships.

  • Post a QUESTION of how your expectations might influence your behavior toward a new acquaintance. Explain whether self-fulfilling prophecy made it more likely the new acquaintance would be just the kind of person you had expected him or her to be. Explain the implications of the self-fulfilling prophecy for your own education, career(s), and relationships.

The Totalitarian Invasion



1. How did Columbus use propaganda to support his own needs?

2. Columbus used what group of people to make money?

3. How much gold did Columbus extract from the Caribbean?

4. What was De las Casas’s occupation before becoming a priest?

5. As a priest, De Las Casas wrote to Queen Isabella, asking what about Africans?

6. What social climatic event happened in 1518?

7. What events caused the extinction of the Taino people?

8. What two animals were pivotal in the conquest of the Americas?

9. Indigenous people of the Americas were decimated by what European import?

10. What system did the Conquistadors use as an incentive?

11. Latin America was based on what social structure?

12. How many enslaved Africans were transported to Brazil?

13. Based on the Columbian Exchange, what product from America became a staple in Europe?

14. How many years after the conquest of Tenochtitlan was San Diego founded? 

15. Who were the people indigenous to San Diego?