Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness Program Evaluation Bibliography


The end goal is to conduct a successful program evaluation of Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness. Before you do that you must compile peer- reviewed journal articles on the topic- or similar topic (perhaps the same program but in another state).

I am attaching an example of how your paper should look like below as well as Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homeslessness

In this paper please do the following:

Conduct independent research to locate and review a number of peer-reviewed journal articles related to your Evaluation’s topic (The topic is Chicago’s 2.0 Plan to end Homelessness)

Select four (4) peer-reviewed journal articles that you feel should be included in a literature review for your paper. Pay particular attention to key scholars/researchers whose names are repeatedly mentioned in the Reference lists of the articles you find. You will want to carefully select articles published in the most prestigious journals in the field. Three must be 2020 or more recent.

Compose an annotation for each peer-reviewed article that follows the guidelines herein and clearly label each section with the headings below:

Part of a group project. Gentrification


I have a group work project that is halfway done. I need you to add 100 words for each of the picture or a map. It should be the continuation of the writings that are already there. Half is written for each I will attach it. I will also attach the instructions for the project for you to understand what to add.

Instructions for the project:

Your presentations must engage with Boston’s critique of gentrification as a process of “racialized neglect” and “racialized reinvestment.” As you choose your images and create your maps, think about the history of your chosen neighborhood and city, as well as the social composition (race, class, ethnicity) of its residents. Your Story Map must consist of no less than four images.

Make sure to provide proper citations for all maps and images used, as well as a list of references at the end of your stories. You must use either a current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the summarized and abstracted version by Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab 

Choosing your Focus


Prior to beginning this assignment, review all the required readings from the first three weeks. During this course, you have been developing your knowledge in the area of learning and cognition and in the final week of this course, you will develop a Final Project based on the topics we will explore throughout the course. This writing assignment supports your success on the final project. Prior to beginning this assignment, review the components of an annotated bibliography

For this this Annotated Bibliography, you will research at least five peer-reviewed articles published within the last ten years to support your analysis of one of the following topics:

Behavior Analysis (previously known as behaviorism)

The topic you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career or personal goals.There are 4 components to this assignment:

Introduction: Include your chosen focus area and your motivation for choosing this area to study further

  • The Annotated Bibliography itself
  • A Conclusion

PSYC 410 Psyc of Emotion Emotional Intelligence – Neurological QUESTION


Assignment Instructions

Chapter 2 of the Goleman text describes what happens neurologically when an emotional hijacking takes place. Using Goleman’s text as a guide, describe what happened during your conflict within you personally (the conflict described in the attached file ) from a neurological perspective. Using the Brain Template (also attached ) provide one paragraph for each part of the brain listed, describing what was taking place in your brain during your identified conflict. The exception is for the amygdala, which requires two paragraphs.


Limbic system

  1. Hippocampus

Right prefrontal lobe

  • Left prefrontal lobe
  • Neocortex (AKA neocortical area)
  • Thalamus
  • Follow the QUESTIONs used in your texts from this course (as opposed to searches from the internet). Citations are not required for this assignment, as you should only refer to content from the weekly resources.
  • Example: I saw his car pull up to the driveway. The view of the car was received by my thalamus. Here, this information was “translated into the language of the brain” (Goleman, 1995, p. 19). Since there is an emotional tie to that car, the amygdala was activated.
  • Assignment Requirements
  • Citation Requirements: n/a

PSYC 410 Psyc of Emotion Emotional Intelligence – Neurological question-sample


Assignment Instructions

Chapter 2 of the Goleman text describes what happens neurologically when an emotional hijacking takes place. Using Goleman’s text as a guide, describe what happened during your conflict within you personally (the conflict described in the attached file ) from a neurological perspective. Using the Brain Template (also attached ) provide one paragraph for each part of the brain listed, describing what was taking place in your brain during your identified conflict. The exception is for the amygdala, which requires two paragraphs.


Limbic system

  1. Hippocampus

Right prefrontal lobe

  • Left prefrontal lobe
  • Neocortex (AKA neocortical area)
  • Thalamus
  • Follow the question-samples used in your texts from this course (as opposed to searches from the internet). Citations are not required for this assignment, as you should only refer to content from the weekly resources.
  • Example: I saw his car pull up to the driveway. The view of the car was received by my thalamus. Here, this information was “translated into the language of the brain” (Goleman, 1995, p. 19). Since there is an emotional tie to that car, the amygdala was activated.
  • Assignment Requirements
  • Citation Requirements: n/a

I need this asap


Chapter 3 Culture

Today we will watch the film Welcome to North Korea in order to explore the concepts presented in Chapter 3 on culture.

As you watch the film, identify examples of ten of the following vocabulary items that pertain to culture. 


Counter Cultures

Cultural genocide

Cultural relativism


Culture shock



Feeling rules


Institutionally complete subcultures


Linguistic relativity hypothesis

Material culture


Nonmaterial culture


Reentry shock

Reverse ethnocentrism

Social emotions





In addition, identifyfive of the following core concepts as presented in the film. 

1. In the most general sense, culture is the way of life of a people.

2. Culture consists of material and nonmaterial components.

3. Geographic and historical forces shape culture.

4. Culture is learned.

5. People are products of cultural experiences but are not cultural replicas of one another.

6. Culture provides formulas that enable the individual to adjust to the problems of living.

7. People borrow material and nonmaterial culture from other societies.

8. The home culture is usually the standard that people use to make judgments about the material and non material cultures of another society.

9. In every society, some groups possess distinctive traits that set them apart from the main culture.

PSY 3230-Psychological Disorders


This chapter covers Health Psychology. Basically, the topics look at the relationships between our emotional states and physiological health.  Other terms that have been used for this area include “wellness”, and “holistic health”.  Psychological interventions in this area are usually covered the topic of “behavioral medicine”. Since one of the big topics in this area is stress, this discussion focuses on the management of stress.  I assume everyone knows at least some strategies to manage their stress (e.g. exercise, good diet, relaxation).  For the discussion, please write a bit about your attempts to bring more stress management strategies into your life.  What has helped the most?  What gets in the way?  How have you overcome whatever gets in the way?  If you have never tried any stress management….why not?  In addition, since good stress management involves both mental (e.g. change your thinking about a stressful situation) and physical interventions (e.g. exercise), give me one of each if you can. Maybe we can help each other find more effective ways to manage stress & pressure.

I need help with discussion board please


Please review:  Required and recommended readings and videos for Module 1 and also find your own sources that discuss the US commitment to human rights, democracy and preventing Genocide and mass atrocities. 

Respond to only one of the following prompts: 

What is the role of human rights in American foreign policy and diplomacy? Why is it important to promote human rights internationally? Do you think the US and other Western powers promote these rights to an appropriate level? Why or why not? 

Human rights were originally written to apply in all contexts equally and to apply a higher standard for all individual governments. However, this can challenge state sovereignty. What is the relationship between state sovereignty and human rights? Ultimately, which is more important? How can states best navigate the potential disagreements between sovereignty and human rights? 

*Discussions are worth 60 % of your final grade. 

Discussions will serve as writing practice for your other major assignments. 

Your writing should be direct and succinct.

Your statements or points of view should be supported by evidence from the required and recommended readings.



At times, we all ponder the world around us. We ask questions like: “How does THAT relationship work?” and “What might be the cause of THAT?” and “How can THAT situation be explained or defined?” Believe it or not, these are the types of questions that drive the work that researchers do. 

Imagine for a moment that you are a researcher, and that you have all possible resources available to you for research. What would you want to know about the world around you? About relationships? About people? What phenomena might you seek to understand or to explain?

If you were to be able to uncover the answers to your questions, what would that mean for you? How would the ability to do that influence your identity as a professional counselor? How would it influence your counseling practice?

Finally, to what extent do you see yourself as a future researcher-practitioner? Is this an identity that you think you can integrate into your overall identity as a professional? Is it even important to try to do so? 

political opinion


A). Public opinion is very important in any democracy. Citizens should have the right to voice their opinions and have their leaders listen to their opinions. However, we know that many Americans do not care much about politics and government and do not voice their opinions. Why do many Americans not care about politics? What can be done to get more Americans involved in the political process? 

B). Political socialization is the process by which we acquire our political beliefs and attitudes. The three agents of political socialization are family, school, and peer groups. Using the three agents of socialization as a guide, describe in detail how the process of political socialization takes place.

C). Go to the following link, Once you click on the link, scroll down and analyze the graph. What does the graph show? Do you see a trend in the polling data, and what do you think explains the data? Based on the polling data why did Donald Trump win the Presidential election and not Hillary Clinton?