federal government


A). Describe the three systems of government. Discuss the power distribution in each system. Why did the founders choose to create a federal system in 1787? Does the federal system work best for the United States or would we benefit from another system? 

B). The United States Constitution creates an institution that selects the president of the United States. We can say that Americans do not directly vote for the president, that is the job of the Electoral College. Describe the Electoral College process. Why do we use this system? Is there a better alternative for electing the president? 

C). Federalism is based on shared powers between a national government and the states, this can create conflict between the two levels. Discuss in detail the current debate in the United States regarding medical Marijuana. What does federal government law state about medical Marijuana? Discuss how states that allow for the use of medical Marijuana can do so with current federal laws in place. This discussion is not a debate nor shall this discussion be about personal opinions, we are only discussing medical Marijuana as it relates to federalism. 

HUS4352 Multicultural Psychology



Watch the following video and respond to the prompts:

Describe one interesting fact you learned about Nelson Mandela from this video clip? Explain your thoughts about it.

What do you think would be the mental health impact on people living in Apartheid?

How do you think a person who lived under Apartheid would feel about seeking traditional mental health care or social services in the United States?

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Original Discussion Post – Due Saturday before the assigned Canvas Discussion due date
  2. Fully respond to the questions being asked.  
  3. Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing. 

Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). 

You must have a minimum of 150 words. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect your grade, so be sure to proof your work before submitting it.

You must have an in-text citation from our course textbook to support what you are saying. You will need a reference for your in-text citation. Any information taken from a source (other than your classmate or professor) must include an in-text citation and reference to avoid plagiarism. Not including a properly formatted in-text citation and reference will affect your grade. 

Westward Expansion Movement to the Homestead Act Case study


Westward Expansion Movement to the Homestead Act

Describe how the Westward Expansion movement forged the American character and personality that led to the success and growth of the United States.  

Assess how the Homestead Act of 1864 aided the settling of the West.  

Evaluate how the railways aided Westward Expansion.  

  • Analyze how the Westward Expansion Movement was a cultural crossroad.
  • Required Resources
    In your American History course, you will utilize scholarly sources to address questions in the weekly assignments. Please be advised that History.com, Wiki, Wikipedia, or websites such as cliffnotes.com, studymode.com, coursehero.com, and the like are not deemed scholarly sources. Below is a list of resources you must choose from:
  • Textbook: Chapters 9, 10, 11, 13
  • Lesson

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources from the Chamberlain Library resources below:

The “Popular Data Bases” within the Library Guide for scholarly sources and videos via Search Popular History DatabasesLinks to an external site. or the History Library GuideLinks to an external site..



Review Questions Task 2

Chapter 5

1. Briefly identify the purpose of the survey research.

2. What two characteristics do surveys have in common, regardless of purpose?

for whom the survey was conducted?

3. You are going to conduct research using surveys. Would you choose to use a survey?

by mail, personal interviews, telephone interviews, or an online survey? ¿By


4. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of online surveys?

5. You want to assess the direction and extent of the change in the views of your participants over the course of time.

over time. Which survey research design would you choose and why?

6. Explain the difference between a mediating variable and a moderating variable.

Chapter 6

1. Describe two reasons why psychologists conduct experiments.

2. You notice that there is a selective loss of participants during your experiment. ¿What

What preventative measures could you take to minimize or prevent this problem?

3. How can the use of a placebo and double-blind minimize and demand effects of


4. Explain what a statistically significant result says about the effect of the variable

in an experiment.

5. Briefly describe four ways in which we establish the external validity of research results.

250 words


FILM: War Pony Directed by Riley Keogh, Gina Gammell, co-written by Bill Reddy & Franklin Sioux Bob (2022)

War Pony is available for rent or purchase through Amazon Prime https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/amzn1.dv.gti.6231e85a-c7bb-4012-87ad65dd14373623?ref_=imdbref_tt_wbr_ovf__pvt_aiv&tag=imdbtag_tt_wbr_ovf__pvt_aiv-20Links to an external site.

It is also available for rent via Apple TV

https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/war-pony/umc.cmc.4k59qm6avml2h5d1g5qs1z4qgLinks to an external site.

Film response
In the Week 9 Module Discussion page please contribute a response to the film you have viewed this week, making connections to the lecture content and key concepts, along with reflexive observations on what you have viewed and its socio-cultural relevance.

Weekly Readings (required) Links provided to Pdf download of each article

Ranco, D. J. 2006. Toward a Native Anthropology: Hermeneutics, Hunting Stories, and Theorizing from Within Wicazo Sa Review Vol. 21(2): 61-78. (On Canvas) Ranco Week 9.pdf

Blanchet-Cohen, N., V, Picard, F, Robert-Careau & C, Gray-Lehoux. 2023. ‘We are slowly reclaiming for ourselves’: The generative possibilities of Indigenous youth voices. Journal of Youth Studies (On Canvas) Blanchet Cohen et al Week 9 .pdf

Community and public health program analysis


The Leading Health Indicators (LHI) addresses such issues as: food insecurities, suicide, substance abuse, health care, health insurance, underaged drinking, HIV, underaged drinking, obesity, maternal/child health issues.

Use “Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators?” to the following list of programs/research initiatives from the Topic Resource, Healthy People 2020 Leading Heath Indicators (LHI’s), that were designed to address various disparities in health care, choose one that you would like to expound upon. The article “Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators?” can be found in the Topic Resources.

Write a 1,000-1,250 -word essay, using APA style formatting, that provides the following:

Name of the Program/Study

Describe the Program/Study.

  1. Demographics: Location, Targeted Issue and Group.
  2. Is there a racial or ethnic group targeted for the program/study? If yes, describe the specific racial or ethnic group and discuss the health issue/disparity with regards to what is statically reported.
  3. What were the programmatic outcomes?
  4. What is your Assessment of the Program or Study. How are the Eight Dimensions of Wellness integrated in the program? How successful was the program at meeting its objectives? Explain your response.
  5. What are your recommendations for improving the program?

Asian Studies Question



For every module, you will write an analysis paper evaluating the reading materials, documents, and the film/s assigned for the previous and current week. You should not try to cover all the material; rather select one or two elements you find particularly interesting and analyze them.
Choosing a clear focus will help you write an effective response because you must do more than merely summarize.

Please make sure to look up secondary sources such as the films/documentaries, the bio and other works from the director, and any other information that will enhance your analysis.

This assignment is designed to help you evaluate and understand Japan through the analysis and evaluation of primary and secondary historic sources. Moreover, it will help prepare and decide which topics you want to select for your final projects.

You are writing your analysis papers to show your Professor and classmates your analysis skills by focusing on a specific Japanese history topic shaped by your understanding of class-related material. You must maintain an academic tone and your paper must be thoroughly and cohesively organized.

Music Theory Question


this discursive essay should talk about music and youth. then find a theorist that has a similar idea to how music affects the youth and mention how it was affecting the youth in the early decades and how it is affecting the youth in recent decades as well. word count is 1500 and i have already provided some sources but i need around 15 sources if possible. please try to include these sources:

Miranda. D. (2013). The role of Music in Adolescent Development: Much more than the same old song. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 18(1), pp. 5–22.

PEDIATRICS (2009). Impact of Music, Music Lyrics, and Music Videos on Children and Youth. 124(5), 1488–1494. Published: November 1, 2009. Available at: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/124/5/1488/72119/Impact-of-Music-Music-Lyrics-and-Music-Videos-on?autologincheck=redirected

Bennett. A (2002). Researching youth culture and popular music: a methodological critique. British Journal of Sociology. 53(3). 451–466. First published on: December 15, 2003. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0007131022000000590

Shildrick. T and MacDonald. P (2004). In Defense of Sub-culture: Young People, Leisure and Social Divisions. Available at: https://research.tees.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/…

Social Pathology, Degeneracy, and Medicalization


Reading Assignment 4

Social Pathology, Degeneracy and Medicalization

Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson /

Social Pathology: A Systematic Approach to the Theory of Sociopathic Behavior, Edwin Lemert /

Whatever Happened to Social Pathology? Conceptual Fashions and the Sociology of Deviance, Joel Best /

The Shifting Engines of Medicalization, Peter Conrad / 17. Connections: Mental Illness as Degeneracy and Disease, Victor Perez, Critical Thinking Questions /

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages

Answer two questions:

  1. 1.  Define and differentiate between Anderson’s use of the concepts degeneracy and medicalization (pp. 170-171). Do you agree with Anderson that social pathology has limited use in the study of society and deviance?  Why or why not?

2.   Summarize Lemert’s treatment of psychological/psychiatric and sociological approaches to the study of sociopathic behavior (pp.176-177).

  1. 3.    Best claims that social pathology as a viable concept “gradually fell out of style” by the 1960s, replaced by a more relativistic emphasis on deviance. Then he makes a similar argument for the “death” of the concept of deviance in the present day.  Summarize his three principles of deviance definition (pp. 181-182) which are now debated as inadequate to the task. 

writing response


Writing Response: Antigone (lines 781-1350)
1. Choose one passage of 1-3 continuous lines from Antigone and quote it.
2. Explain its meaning in context: what are the different perspectives on
Antigone’s death and how is this represented OR what are the different
explanations of her act and what does this signify? You can also use your notes
from class to help with your response, but I want to see your thoughts come
through, not just what was included in lecture.
3. Raise 1-3 questions specifically related to this reading for discussion (this
can be a question(s) related to your quote, the reading as a whole, something you
were confused about, something that stood out to you, etc.).

This is an example of you preliminarily engaging with the reading. It benefits your class
engagement and gives you another chance to think things through. It will then improve
your papers because you will have practiced organizing your ideas and creating a
I will take note of questions people ask and themes they are interested in and try to bring
them up in class. That way, the course will more closely address your concerns.