DRAMA (Stage Play): Glengarry Glen Ross OUTLINE
Must write a essay outline on Glengarry Glen Ross while answering the question: Compare and Contrast the sales techniques between Roma and Levene?
A. Title: Clear, Concise, and Creative. Type the Title of the Play (in italics), followed by a colon, followed by your clear, concise, and creative position on the prompt you chose.
B. Opening Strategy: A complete draft as a full paragraph(s) that starts with a story based example of your Opening Strategy (OS). Your Introduction paragraph must be one of the following strategies: Personal Experience (PE), Other People’s Experience (OPE), Case Scenario (CS), Hypothetical (HYPO), or Hypo-Combo (HC).
C. Thesis: Your thesis statement is the main idea and focus for the entire essay. Your thesis should end your introduction as the last sentence of the final paragraph of the introduction. Remember: Introductions should be limited to three paragraphs or less.
1. Topic sentence 1, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis.
2. Topic sentence 2, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis.
3. Topic sentence 3, minimum of three quotes, and your analysis.
You must conclude your essay with a Book End that revisits the Opening Strategy (OS) example you started your essay with in the introduction.