Georgia Gwinnett College Loneliness Essay


  1. First, find a news story, a current one, you can use any news outlet you like, NYT, or CNN, really any reporting agency that is free to access. Then, on that website, find a news story related to psychological research, maybe a report on depression and teens, the brain and aging, or how the presence of dogs in our life increases our lifespans. Tell us why you chose that piece of research to write about, what the research results are, and then, to the best of your ability, what research methodology was used to get the results reported.
  2. Then, if you can, find the original study online, you can google it and find the abstract or the original study itself. You might even ask one of eCore’s embedded librarians for help with this. Do your best, this will help you learn how to “get to the source” and how to check results yourself instead of relying just on the news report.
  3. Finally, write how the research you found has weaknesses and strengths and how we might overcome these weaknesses by suggesting another methodology. Tell us a personal experience, a reflection you feel safe to share, related to the research you have reported on.

Abstract and Bibliography-Neo colonialism in Africa


This assignment is in 2 parts: Abstract and Bibliography

Abstract: It will summarize research question, preliminary thesis, evidence to be used, and relevance of final project (thesis) to a field of study (conflict and dispute resolution, mediation). Length should be around 500 min-800 words max.

Bibliography: This annotated bibliography is meant to help you prepare for project completion. It must include at least five secondary academic sources. Do not use Wikipedia. Your sources need to be published in peer-reviewed venues. You can have a maximum of two primary sources, such as literature, newspaper articles, blogs. You can have a maximum of two sources read in class (Halfie, and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, U of Manitoba, 2019-2020 Report). Follow APA, Chicago or MLA as style guides. Each entry (article) will include the following information:

1. Summary of the source
2. What does it contribute to your project? (In other words, does it provide necessary context, an important analysis, new insight, an important question for you, a counter-argument, and/or a case study to analyze, etc?) Each entry should be 250 words, minimum-400 words, maximum. Only use the article attached or sent to you.

This might be beneficial to use for understanding: How to Create An Annotated Bibliography? Here are useful guidelines:…

HUS4352 Multicultural Perspective


Watch the following video and respond to the prompts:

Identify one example of microagressions provided by Dr. Sue.

Why do you think this kind of microagression is hurtful to marginalized people?

Discuss one antidote to implicit bias provided by Dr. Sue.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Original Discussion Post – Due Saturday before the assigned Canvas Discussion due date
  2. Fully respond to the questions being asked.  
  3. Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing. 

Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). 

You must have a minimum of 200 words. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect your grade, so be sure to proof your work before submitting it.

You must have an in-text citation from our course textbook to support what you are saying. You will need a reference for your in-text citation. Any information taken from a source (other than your classmate or professor) must include an in-text citation and reference to avoid plagiarism. Not including a properly formatted in-text citation and reference will affect your grade. 

Discussion Replies – Due by the assigned Canvas Discussion due date

Demonstrate content knowledge from our course textbook. Refrain from oversharing.

  • You must reply to two different students. You cannot reuse your reply or in-text citation to respond to another student.
  • Fully spell out all words (it is, does not, etc.). 

Writing after documentary about human rights



Documentary options:

– Argentina 1985, by Santiago Mitre. Argentina | 2022 | 81 minutes | Available on Amazon Prime.

– Home From School: The Children of Carlisle, by Geoff O’Gara | Wyoming Connections | 2021 | 78 minutes |

Available on YouTube

– They Call Me Muslim, by Diana Ferrero. Italy/France/Iran | 2006 | 27 minutes | Available on Kanopy via

UCI Library website remember to be on the VPN!

– Massacre at the Stadium, by Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt | 2019 | 64 minutes | Available on NetflixNicolas 9

Documentary options:

– Argentina 1985, by Santiago Mitre. Argentina | 2022 | 81 minutes | Available on Amazon Prime.

– Home From School: The Children of Carlisle, by Geoff O’Gara | Wyoming Connections | 2021 | 78 minutes |

Available on YouTube

– They Call Me Muslim, by Diana Ferrero. Italy/France/Iran | 2006 | 27 minutes | Available on Kanopy via

UCI Library website remember to be on the VPN!

– Massacre at the Stadium, by Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt | 2019 | 64 minutes | Available on NetflixNicolas 9

Give a detailed answer based on the info provided


The midterm report is a paper written by the student about the course material covered so far. This assignment serves as a reflective or analytical piece where the student summarizes, discusses their understanding of, engages critically with, and communicates their thoughts on the course content. Here are the key components and considerations for this assignment:Introduction:

• Begin with an introductory section that explains the purpose of the report and provides context for the reader.

Course/Material Overview:

• Provide a detailed review of the course material covered up to the mid-term point.

• Summarize the main themes, topics, and objectives of the course.

• Discuss key concepts, theories, readings, and assignments.

• Include examples or illustrations where relevant to clarify your understanding.


• Reflect on your learning experience in the course so far. What have you found most interesting or challenging?

• Discuss any insights or realizations you’ve had about the subject matter.

• Consider how the course material relates to your interests or future goals.

• Discuss your goals for the remainder of the course. What do you hope to achieve or learn by the end of the semester?


• Summarize the main points discussed in the report.

• Reiterate the significance of the course and its relevance to your academic and personal growth.

arizona university Psychology Questionb


  1. Answer the following questions:
    1. Define learning.
    2. Explain classical conditioning. In your explanation include: the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. Provide an example of classical conditioning.
    3. Explain the application of classical conditioning in the research done with “Little Albert.”
    4. Provide examples of extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination.
    5. Describe the process of operant conditioning.
    6. Distinguish between positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment. Provide examples. Include an example of shaping.
    7. What are the major problems or objections in using punishment to decrease the occurrence of undesirable behavior?
    8. Distinguish between continuous and partial schedules of reinforcement. Explain which is most effective for conditioning behavior initially, versus which is most useful for maintaining behavior that is resistant to extinction.
    9. Explain Counterconditioning, Flooding and Systematic Desensitization.
    10. Explain Bandura’s observational learning.
    11. Explain the effects of media violence on behavior.
    12. Define cognition and identify the building blocks of cognition.
    13. Explain the tools/problems utilized in cognition such as algorithms, heuristics, mental sets and overgeneralization.
    14. Explain how language develops and include the various theories of language.
    15. Explain the key theories of intelligence including Factors Theory, Spearman and Multiple Intelligences.
    16. Explain the relationship between creativity and intelligence.
    17. Explain some major measurements of intelligence including the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, The Weschler Scales, and Group tests.
    18. How do genetic and environmental influences affect a person’s intelligence?

Professional Pursuits


Then, complete the following:

Select an applied branch of social psychology: psychology and the law, forensic psychology, military psychology, health psychology, environmental psychology, etc. In your initial post,

Discover relevant theoretical perspectives.

Discuss basic research applicable to solving real-world problems in this domain.

Explain a minimum of three specific, relevant social psychological concepts.

Predict cultural considerations that may impact the application of this insight to diverse contexts.

Formulate original ideas for the application of insight from social thinking, social influence, or social relations to a career proceeding from your selected branch of applied psychology.

Your initial post should include an explanation and analysis of applied social psychology. Structure your post using complete Body ParagraphsLinks to an external site., and consider using headings to organize the various required components of the prompt. (See APA Style ElementsLinks to an external site. for guidelines regarding the use of headings in your writing.) Your initial post should reference, at minimum, three scholarly sources in addition to any applicable course resources. Additional Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. are encouraged.

Textbook: Aronson, E. (with Aronson, J.). (2018). The social animal (12th ed.). Worth.

Activity 32: Non verbal Gestures



This forum activity looks at the communication mishaps that transpire through nonverbal gestures and how you might avoid such mishaps by being aware of how nonverbal gestures convey cross-cultural meanings that are not universally recognized. This ties into this week’s learning goal to explore how communication differences impose barriers to cross-cultural effectiveness.

Initial Post Instructions 

Watch a Youtube video on nonverbal gestures around the world. Post a link to the video and discuss gestures you found differed the most from the meaning of nonverbal gestures used frequently in your culture. such as the thumbs up gesture and its various meanings.

Please review the following resources for this activity:

You may select a video of your choice to watch on nonverbal gestures around the world. Or you may watch one of the videos listed below.

The Secret Language of Culture

The Definitions of Hand Gestures Around the World

  • At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

M3: JOURNAL – Chapter 5.1-5.3


Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. 

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response. Do NOT use any other sources besides the textbook

Are you bothered by the thought of a rigidly determined existence? Does the idea that all your actions are determined disturb you– or reassure you?

How would a personal belief in determinism affect your view of crime and punishment? Do you think that people are generally responsible for their crimes, or are they not responsible due to deterministic forces beyond their control? 

Do you believe that every event has a cause and that free actions are possible? If so, are these beliefs compatible?

Does it matter to you whether you have free will? Would your behavior change if you believed (or didn’t believe) that all your actions were determined by forces beyond your control?

Are free acts, as Stace and compatibilists say, “those whose immediate causes are psychological states in the agent?” Would such acts still be free if the “psychological states” were secretly controlled by someone else through hypnosis?

Incorporating feedback/reflecting writing process are skills you will continue to refine as a graduate student.


RES-Finalizing and Reflecting on Scholarly Writing

(Pal I will be uploading Module 4 as soon as it’s graded with feedback)I have uploaded the paper not scored yet.

Scholars engaged in academic discourse must be receptive to and able to learn from feedback. Incorporating feedback and reflecting on the writing process are skills you will continue to refine as a graduate student.

For this assignment, you will use the feedback provided by your instructor and peers to edit and refine your theoretical framework paper developed in Module 4. This final 5- to 7-page paper will include all elements from the Module 4 paper with the addition of a reflection paragraph. This final paper will use APA conventions and citations and should be error-free.

Step 1. Review
Review the feedback provided on your Module 4 paper from both your instructor and peers.

Step 2. Edit
Correct any grammar or APA errors identified. Clarify, add, and refine as encouraged by the feedback you have been given.

Step 3. Reflect and Write
Reflect on the process of receiving and using feedback to improve your paper.

Add a one-paragraph reflection to conclude your paper. Comment on the use of peer and instructor feedback and how you used it to improve your paper.