2.1 Evaluate resources


ASSIGNMENT: For this essay, you will select one of the sources that you intend to support your argument. Which source you choose is up to you; however, it should be substantial enough that you will be able to talk about it at length, and intricate enough that it will keep you (and your reader) interested.

The introduction of this paper will involve introducing the source: After you recap your research paper’s central argument argument, provide the author, the title, and the context (where you found the source, where it was originally published, who sponsored it, etc.)

You will then go on to evaluate the source on two levels:

  1. Credibility (at least one full paragraph): Using the information in this unit as a guide, evaluate the source’s authenticity and reliability. Look at all the information that you can find about the source to establish the author’s (or sponsor’s) trustworthiness.
  2. Usefulness (at least one full paragraph): Using a combination of summary and analysis, examine the source on a critical level. Determine what the source’s purpose (thesis) is, and how it arrives at that goal. Examine its value to you and the project you are working on. How will it help you prove your own points? How might it come in handy to back up a claim (or address a counter-claim)?

Finally, you will include a conclusion which shows your final assessments on both counts.

TU Assessing Cultural Dimensions in Workplace Teamwork Scenarios Reflection



In this activity you will reflect upon your responses for activities 2.1 and 2.2. In doing so you will begin to develop a culturally intelligent strategy for different cultures and explore how communication differences impose barriers to cross-cultural effectiveness.

Activity Instructions

Think about the scenarios you reviewed for activities 2.1 and 2.2. First, Select one that gave you the most difficulty assessing the cultural value dimensions presented. Then reflect on why you think it did.

Please review the following resources for this activity:

Storti, Craig. Figuring Foreigner’s Out, 20th Anniversary Edition: Understanding the World’s Cultures, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2018.

Chapter 2: Building Blocks of Culture

Web Resources

Gill, C. (2017). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and differences across cultures | OUPblog. Oxford University Press.

Tips for Success

In doing this assignment think about what surprised you or perplexed you about the exercise you chose. This helps you to begin developing culturally intelligent strategies for different cultures.

  • Writing and Submission Requirements

A typical reflection is two paragraphs in length addressing the prompt/s, the textbook, materials, resources, or outside sources (news articles, videos, memes, infographics, journal articles, library resources, books, movies, music, quotes, etc.) to support your understanding of the topic/s presented.

What is a paragraph?

When should I cite a source to avoid plagiarism?

RELG 120 American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services


Discussion Topic

This week’s discussion is about Confucianism.

First, read the review of what is a superior man in Confucianism.

Second, please pick one of the following questions and post an answer.

  • Please post your original comment by March 6 at 11 pm. 
  • Third, please politely respond to one other student before 11 pm on Sunday, March 10.

Review of the Superior Man in Confucianism

  • “The gentleman, according to Confucius is simply a man of virtue. Confucius’s teachings explained the characteristics of a gentleman as a superior man, a man at his best, and a portrayer of authentic manhood. Meaning is added to the relationship between human beings referred to as Jen [human heartedness, goodness] by Confucius by incorporating the idealness of the terms of human relationships (Chun-Tzu, Junzi) [A Chun-Tzu, also spelled Junzi, is an ideal man in society]. Confucius states that there are five major characteristics that make up a true gentleman which are humility, sincerity, graciousness, magnanimity, and diligence” (Singleton, Andy). Full Reference below. 
  • Questions

What do you think of Confucius’ ideal man, the Chun-Tzu? Do you think it is possible to be an ideal man in today’s society?

Do you think that Confucian teachings are still relevant in the 21st century?

For more information about the ideal person in Confucian thought see the link.

The Ideal PersonLinks to an external site.

HST 485 History in the Wild


For this discussion board, I would like you to reflect on the following questions:

Share with your colleagues an experience you’ve had at a museum that either inspired or disappointed you.  This can be a history museum, art museum, children’s museum – any place you’ve gone that has illicited a response from you.

Now, thinking about Nina Simon’s Tedx talk and readings from the book The Participatory Museum, brainstorm at least 2 ways the experience you have might have been improved or changed by incorporating some of Simon’s ideas about opening up museums and giving guests the “right tools” to interact with the museum exhibit.  If you were inspired by a museum experience, reflect on the ways Simon’s ideas were incorporated into your experience.

Next, drawing on your readings from Wallace’s book and your experiences, describe how museums became places of exclusion and pretension?   Was this their original purpose?  How and why has this changed?

Finally, round out your discussion by sharing with the class 2 or 3 cultural institutions you’re considering for your final project, where you will be designing your own museum education/outreach program.  What attracts you to these places?  Is there are specific collection you’re interested in working with?  (You can use any local, state, or national institution that has collections and exhibits available in an online format!)

Ages 0-2 Development Presentation



Chapter 2 (pages 43-70) and Chapter 3 in Lifespan Development

“Tips for Creating and Delivering an Effective Presentation

  • Assignment Overview

For this assignment, you will be creating an 8-12 slide presentation on cognitive and physical development from ages 0-2.

  • Recommended Presentation Platforms:



Google Slides

Assignment Instructions

Create an 8-12 slide presentation on cognitive and physical development from ages 0-2. The slide count does not include the title and reference slide, so the presentation should be set up as follows: a title slide, 8-12 content slides, a reference slide. The presentation should include the following:

A QUESTION of the stages of cognitive development from ages 0-2. Be sure to address the brain and the nervous system.

  • A QUESTION of the stages of physical development from ages 0-2. Be sure to address the development of the brain and nervous system.
  • Your reference slide should include at least 2 APA formatted references (the book and at least one outside source). The references should also be cited in proper APA format in the speaker notes where used. Simply adding the website or url for your source is not proper APA formatting.
  • Presentation with Speaker Notes

Create your presentation with a minimum of 50 words of speaker notes per content slide. Any non-original content included in speaker notes must include in-text citations.

Module 4 Design and Use of a Medicine Wheel


What have we learned from each direction about this issue?

What changes will we make as a result of this discussion?

What inner qualities must be cultivated as we make these changes?

How can we stay true to our commitments?

Option 2: Introspection/imaginary group setting

Set up a quiet space and create an optimal environment for introspection. Choose a time to hold each question in mind, sitting quietly for at least five minutes and allowing responses to come to you. If it helps, you can visualize asking the questions of a group from the community. Write down your impressions afterward on a separate paper or document. You may complete all four directions at once or break them up. For the center, hold the questions above in mind as you visualize yourself standing in the center of the Medicine Wheel.

To complete the written assignment, include a title page in APA format, a QUESTION of the issue you chose to focus on, the Medicine Wheel on a separate age, all of the questions and responses to those questions from your group meeting or your introspection. Conclude with your comments on what you found valuable and challenging as you went through this process, and how you might see yourself using this method in social work practice with a colonized community.

Cultural Studies Question


The Thesis Statement
My knowledge of the cultural competence model has allowed me to highlight my self-
awareness to identify or discover differences in other cultures. Being self-aware allows more responsiveness to culturally diverse people. 

Cultural competence is based on the interactions between five main concepts: cultural desire, cultural encounters, cultural skills, cultural knowledge, and cultural awareness.  Each week, you have journaled about cultural encounters you’ve experienced and reflected on your responses during those interactions.  In a final 4-5 page paper, reflect on those experiences and others, and explain how your knowledge of the cultural competence model has influenced your cultural competency in general and in the workplace specifically.

Questions to consider as you draft (you do not have to answer all of these — they are to help you brainstorm):

How have your thoughts, emotions, or actions during cultural encounters evolved over the past several weeks?

Describe a cultural encounter that was particularly interesting–what made it challenging or successful for you?

How has your implicit bias changed (if at all) since the beginning of the course? 

What aspects of the course or the materials were most influential to the evolution of your cultural competence?  Why?

How will your cultural competency inform your interactions in the workplace? 

What will you continue to do/focus on to continue the development of your cultural competency?



PLEASE incorporate the readings uploaded in the files—and cite—Write and submit a substantive proposal (3-4 pages) for something you want to change at work, in the community, in a community group, etc. Make sure to include all pertinent proposal sections—including the possible solutions section—as well as any visuals appropriate to your purpose and audience.

There are 3 parts to this assignment:

One situational analysis, filling out the situational analysis worksheet from your course text. The situational analysis is your planning document for the next part, the actual communication.

One formal proposal. Make sure that your proposal includes all pertinent sections appropriate for your context, and that it is appropriate for the communication variables you noted in your situational analysis.

  1. Assignment Completion Questions (Note that you will answer these questions for each written assignment and you will refer to this information in W15’s discussion.)

What are the 1-2 main concepts that you learned in this module?

What challenged you in learning the concepts in this module and applying them to create your communication? What might you do in the next module to lessen the challenge?

  1. Identify a real situation that you encountered, or that you anticipate you will encounter, and explain briefly how you might apply a concept you learned in this module to that situation.

Module 5 Discussion


The discussion questions listed below are directly related to Module Learning Objectives (MLOs) for this Module and to Course Learning Objectives (CLOs).  Discussion Question Response posts must develop an argument that answers the questions posed, relate it to the course material [lecture materials, primary sources and textbook readings] as evidence, engage with your peers’ answer and reasoning, and meet the expectations for spelling, grammar, length, and citations. 

All citations in history use Turabian Manual of StyleLinks to an external site., the Chicago citation quick guide for student research papers. The Author-Date citations are sufficient for discussion questions. Please be sure to use the Discussion Board Rubric as you craft your responses to the questions and to your two (2) classmates.  This rubric 

will be used to grade your responses.

Discussion Questions:

What factors after 1939 led to U.S. involvement in World War II?

How did government, business, and labor work together to promote wartime production, and how did the war affect each group?

How did a war fought to bring “essential human freedoms” to the world fail to protect the home-front liberties of Blacks, Indians, Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans?

Describe how the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 created the framework for postwar U.S. economic and foreign policy.

Psyc 8204- Intergroup Relations


Minimal Group Paradigm

Henri Tajfel’s Minimal Group Paradigm stands as one of the classics of social psychology. Prior to his work, researchers assumed that intergroup conflict could only occur in situations where groups had real pasts, presents, or futures in which they competed over resources. The study results revealed that intergroup conflict could occur simply with assignment into “minimal” groups. This reality was paradigm-shaking because it forced social psychologists to wrestle with the inevitability, and maybe even the intractability, of intergroup conflict.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the research methodology behind and results from the Minimal Group Paradigm. Think about how it relates to other understandings of the origins of intergroup conflict, and consider any conclusions you might draw about the inevitability of intergroup conflict based on this study.

The Assignment 

Summarize the research methodology and results from the Minimal Group Paradigm.

Explain how the results from the Minimal Group Paradigm may complement and/or challenge the understanding of other sources of intergroup conflict (e.g., scarcity of resources, competition, history).

Explain influences of this research on the notion of inevitability of intergroup conflict.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.