Types of organization charts and functions in preschool schools in the united states


Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the United States

Task Question: Research and present information about the different types of organizational charts used in preschools in the United States, as well as the functions of each position in these organizational charts. Examines how pre-schools are structured and operated in terms of leadership and staff roles, and how this influences the quality of education offered.


1. Research the common types of organization charts used in preschools in the United States. Organization charts can vary depending on school size, organizational structure, and pedagogical approach. Some examples of organization charts include the hierarchical organization chart, the functional organization chart, and the matrix organization chart.

2. For each type of organizational chart, analyze the roles and responsibilities of the following key positions:

– Director of the Preschool School

– Preschool Teachers

– Support Staff and Assistants

– Curriculum Coordinator

– Special Education Specialists (if applicable)

– Administrative staff

3. Describe how responsibilities and authority are distributed in each type of organizational chart and how this can affect decision-making and efficiency in preschool management.

4. Consider the importance of communication and collaboration between different roles within the preschool and how this can influence the educational environment and the well-being of preschool children.

5. Present your report or presentation in a clear and organized manner, using concrete examples or hypothetical cases to illustrate how different organizational charts work in practice.

6. Be sure to cite all sources used in your research.

RELG120 American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Services


7.6 Discussion: Daoism

Discussion Seven

The topic reply is due by Wednesday, March 13 at 11 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Peer replies are due by Sunday, March 17 at 11 pm Pacific Standard Time.

Discussion Topic

This week’s discussion is about Daoism.

First, please pick one of the following questions and post an answer. 

Please post your original comment by March 13 at 11 pm. 

Second, please politely respond to one other student before 11 pm on Sunday, March 17. 


“Wu Wei is the supreme action, the precious suppleness, simplicity, and freedom that flows from us, rather through us, when our private egos and conscious efforts yield to a power not their own.” – The World’s Religions, p. 208 (Escovedo) 

How does the concept of Wu Wei contrast with a Western perspective?

“In the Taoist perspective, even good and evil are not head-on opposites. The West has tended to dichotomize the two, but Taoists are less categorical.” The World’s Wisdom, p. 215. (Escovedo). 

How can the concept of yin/yang be applied to today’s national and global events?

  • Confucianism and Taoism differ because Confucianism focuses on the harmony of society while Taoism focuses on the harmony of one with nature. Confucianism was designed for conformity and the teachings emphasized the oral and traditional values that should exist in order to ensure a peaceful society. Taoism is almost the opposite of this. Taoism disregards the hope for societal order, but rather on the individual’s liberation of their imagination and being impulsive. 

HIST 15; Essentials of U.S. History


Write one (1) short essay in response to one of the prompts listed on the following

• Avoid anecdotal examples, long summaries or excessive quotations.
• Cite evidence from the course readings
o Citations should clearly state page numbers from the American Yawp,
the lecture date as listed on the rubric, or the author of the primary
source document.
• Refer to at least two (2) primary source documents assigned this semester.
• Use only course material: Lectures, Linked Videos, American Yawp, and
Assigned Primary Source readings. No Outside Sources!
Please use the following guidelines when formatting and completing the assignment:
• Heading with Name & Course Information (suggested format provided on Canvas)
• Size 11 or 12, Times New Roman or similar Font. Double Space the entire
• Structure your essay with clearly organized paragraphs. Suggested Outline:
• Write a brief, 3-4 sentence introduction including a 1-2 sentence thesis
§ The thesis statement should clearly answer the main question(s) in
the prompt. This is the argument that you will support with your
§ The prompts each contain multiple questions or points to cover so,
integrate your responses into your thesis statement.
• Write clearly delineated body paragraphs with concise sentences that
explain specific historical examples that support your thesis.
§ Start each paragraph with an argument or claim that reiterates a
portion of the thesis.
§ Provide plenty of specific historical evidence from the class material.
• Evidence means specific historical examples of things that
happened or things that people said or did in the past to
support your argument.

Module 3 Case Study Postings


Standard English usage and college level compositional standards are assumed for full credit. A composite grade will be submitted for all three postings, with the original posting carrying the same weight as both of the responses.

Deductions for not meeting word minimums will be pro-rated proportionately. Answers receiving full credit may vary widely in their conclusions, but will nonetheless meet the following criteria: (a) display an accurate knowledge of ethical theory and (b) provide a coherent and adequately supported argument. The unacknowledged and/or inappropriate use of sources will be considered as plagiarism, resulting in a score of zero for this assignment, as well as other serious consequences outlined in the syllabus.

Part A:

Read the conference questions below and write an original response to each of the two questions. Your response to each question should be a minimum of 250 words in length in order to be eligible for full credit.


Revisiting Nurse Rivers (Attached) 

Then answer the two following questions:

  • What ethical principles did Eunice Rivers attempt to uphold in her long nursing practice? Explain your answer.
  • Ought she to share part of the blame for the reprehensible research project that involved withholding both accurate information and appropriate treatment? Explain your answer.

Post each of your responses to the group weekly conference.

  • Post your responses to a single conference thread.
  • Use the following naming convention in the subject line of the conference thread for your posting: First name, Last name (ex. John Smith)

Fire Protection


My name is Melecio , and I am from Kern County, California. I currently work as an Environmental Health Specialist with the Kern County Public Health Department. I decided to obtain my MS in Occupational Safety and Health in hopes to gain more knowledge and improve my abilities as an inspector. I am thinking of potentially going into the Fire Prevention program and I believe the information and lessons from the class would be very beneficial to me.

The engineers’ determination in using the foreign pump was the right decision to make due to the time restrictions that were given. If they had decided to postpone the work, the inspections, installations, permitting, or other factors may have been affected, thus causing more problems and potential financial issues. With the decision to install the foreign pump, this should have been made clear to the owner/operator of the warehouse and a work plan should have been conducted to correct the issue at a later time/date.

Short term: Installing the foreign made pump was the right decision as it temporarily adheres to the necessary safety measures and would prevent the delay of time frames.

Long term: The engineer and the owner/operator should have created a work plan to address the foreign-made pump and have it corrected at a later date, so that a certified and approved pump would be installed to meet compliance of local standards and codes.



Review Questions: Chapter 1

  • Describe two important features of the scientific method.
  • Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how sociocultural factors can influence society’s acceptance of research results.
  • Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research and suggest a way researchers can prevent this bias.
  • Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting research.
  • What are the three initial steps researchers take when starting a research project?
  • Identify two reasons why it is important to look in the psychological research literature when beginning research.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

  • What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.
  • What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?
  • What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?
  • Identify the four goals of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.
  • What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
  • Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
  • What is an intervening variable? Propose an example: a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insulting” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.

I need help on a art project



  1. Use the Textbox option: You are not using your Adobe Spark site for this assignment. Instead, please use the “textbox” option when you submit. Do not include a link to Adobe Spark. Do not upload a file. Do not submit a link to a cloud document.
  2. Consider possible themes: from the information page listed above, be sure to read the sections “Theme Criteria,” “Tips on How to Choose Your Theme,” and “Things to Consider When Choosing a Theme.”
  3. Explore the websites as needed for images: Choose three artworks to include in this submission. From the information page listed above, be sure to read the sections “Image Restrictions and Requirements” to help you make your selections.
  4. Open your assignment submission: Click on “submit assignment”
  5. Write a short paragraph titled “Museum Question:” Describe the theme you have chosen for your museum, why it is important to you and why you chose it. Be thoughtful and articulate in this paragraph (see notes below).
  6. Write a short paragraph titled “Impact Statement:” Describe the impact you want your museum to have. What do you want your visitors to experience? What ideas do you want them to leave with? What impact do you want to have on the world? Be thoughtful and articulate in this paragraph (see notes below).
  7. Include 3 images that align with your theme: (see “How to Capture and Embed Your Images” in the “Notes” section below). 

Reading Journal (450 words)


The Reading:

“Liberal nationalism An irresponsible compound?” (Ch. 6) by Andrew Vincent, in Nations and Nationalism: A Reader

“Really existing nationalisms A Post-communist view from Marx and Engels” (Ch. 7) by Erica Benner, in Nations and Nationalism: A Reader

“Masculinity and nationalism Gender and Sexuality in the making of nations” (Ch. 8) by Joane Nagel, in Nations and Nationalism: A Reader

Consider the following questions when writing your journal entry. You do not need to answer all the questions, but you should address at least one of the questions. Aim for more than a summary and use your write-up to show your understanding of the readings. Where possible, deepen your discussion by adding comparisons, addressing points of agreement or disagreement, or adding critiques (refer to comments given on previous assignments). Your answer should be in paragraph form with proofread, clear prose, 450 words.

  • The readings for this week include topics like liberal and Marxist ideologies, which are often thought to be in competition with each other, as well as gender and nationalism (specifically masculinity). 

Compare and/or contrast the arguments presented by Vincent and Benner.

Consider the ideas of liberal nationalism vs. Marxist nationalism. How are these similar and/or different?

What role does gender play in the ‘making of nations’? Explain.

How are the readings from this week (or at least one of the readings from this week) similar to or different from the readings from previous weeks?

techniques of counseling


  • Review the Psychoanalytic Case Conceptualization Example found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this document to prepare your initial Discussion post.(attached below)
  • Select one of the case studies (case of mike attached below) presented in this week’s Learning Resources, and answer the following points as if you were a person-centered counselor. Use your Learning Resources and the notes you took on language and technique from the person-centered expressive arts therapy video to support your conceptualization and integrate examples from the case to support your post. Include the following:
    • Presenting Problem
    • Hypothesis (YES, you must integrate (and cite) a minimum of 2 major constructs and/or model of human nature into the case study hypothesis area from our main textbook.)
    • Treatment Goals (YES, you must still integrate (and cite) 2 sources from our main textbook section that discusses goals of the theory )
    • Identification and explanation of at least two techniques and interventions (YES, you must integrate (and cite) 2 sources from our main textbook section that discusses goals of the theory- One for each intervention should suffice, but if you want to integrate more, than you are welcome to do so.)
    • Expected Outcome (YES, you must integrate (and cite) 2 sources from our main textbook section that discusses expected outcomes of therapy.)
    • Here is a YouTube link to a part of the videohttps://youtu.be/AtaFR2J2uEI?si=-PxQGOZAPiDrc9N3
    • https://youtu.be/kvkk1EhKEO0?si=b5dnxltYC3AOUO0o

      Psychotherapy.net (Producer). (2008c). Person-centered expressive arts therapy

PSY 4190: Child Development


IF you use any other scholarly resources, make sure to cite them! 

In Chapter 9 of your textbook, you’ve been learning about Carol Dweck’s Theory of Self-Attributions and Achievement Motivation and different types of achievement motivations (p. 330-332). The provided doc has pages 330-332 from the textbook. 

Discuss the two different patterns of achievement motivation described by Dweck and the different attributions children make about themselves regarding their self-esteem.

Then, recall your own attributions for academic successes and failures when you were in elementary school. What are those attributions like now? What messages from others may have contributed to your attributions?

  • What recommendations could you make to parents and teachers of toddlers/preschoolers to foster a mastery orientation and incremental theory of intelligence in children? How should praise and criticism be worded? Use the information in the textbook to frame and formulate your answers.
  • What recommendations could you make to parents and teachers of young school age children to foster a mastery orientation and incremental theory of intelligence in children? How should praise and criticism be worded? Use the information in the textbook to frame and formulate your answers.
  • What recommendations could you make to parents and teachers of middle school children (7th graders) to foster a mastery orientation and incremental theory of intelligence in children? How should praise and criticism be worded? Use the information in the textbook to frame and formulate your answers.