Week Project


For the next few weeks, you will be working on a test development project. The goal of this project is to demonstrate your understanding and application of concepts related to the technical aspects of tests and assessment by creating a new (hypothetical) test.

This week, you will begin by choosing a psychological characteristic on which people differ. A simple, narrow characteristic works best for this assignment. 

Conduct a brief literature review of the psychological characteristic you chose, learning more about it and how it has been defined and measured in the past. Then, answer the following questions about your test. You may use the attached template to help organize your paper.

Test Topic:

What is the name of your test?

What is your test designed to      measure? Be specific.

How do you define the construct      being measured? Remember, that to create a test the construct should be      defined in ways that can be quantified and measured.

What is the purpose of your test?      What real-world behavior will it predict?

  • Background:
  • How has your construct been      tested in the past? Include a focused review of the literature in this      area, discussing information on specific measures.
  • Is there a need for your test?      How will your test benefit society? How will your test be better or not      better than previous tests?
  • Conceptualization:

What is the content of your test?      Explain why it is covering this content.

Who are the proposed test users?      Be specific.

In what setting(s) will the test      be used? Be specific.

  • Who are the proposed test-takers?
  • What cultural factors might      affect test-taker response?

EDUC 180 Orientation to Community Engagement


GalleryWalk: Community Engagement Action Plan Project Handout

Students will create and share a handout/infographic that focuses on their Community Engagement Action Plan.  The purpose of the handout/infographic is to provide information about the various community engagement pathways and spread awareness for a particular issue, community organizations, community engagement practices in a more accessible and creative format/platform. Although there is no formal presentation during the Gallery Walk, individuals should prepare a very brief statement about their handout and be prepared to answer questions from the audience.

What to bring?  Please choose one of the following ways to share your Handout/Infographic in class: 

Print out your whole handout/infographic; OR

Print out a QR Code to your handout/infographic. Your name and title of the project must be on the QR Code page: OR

Use your laptop/tablet to display a QR code of your handout/infographic. Your name and title of the project must be on the QR Code page.


The Handout/Infographic must be submitted as a PDF or link to google slides and provide a concise overview of the main sections of the Community Engagement Action Plan [ Please review  Community Engagement Action Plan assignment page for instructions on each section]. Include the following information: 

  • Title and your name 

Section 1: Community Engaged Pathway

  • Section 2: Explaining and Justifying the Social/Environmental Justice Issue

Section 3: Evaluation of Community Organization in Los Angeles

  • Section 4: Reflection and Action 

Section 5: Reference Section and Resource Section 



Review Questions: Chapter 1

1. Describe two important characteristics of the scientific method.
2. Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how sociocultural factors can influence acceptance of research results by psychologists. part of society.
3. Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research and suggest a way researchers can prevent this bias.
4. Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting research.
5. What are the three initial steps that researchers take when beginning a research project?
6. Identify two reasons why it is important to search the psychological research literature when beginning research.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

1. What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.
2. What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?
3. What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?
4. Identify the four objectives of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.
5. What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
6. Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
7. What is an intervening variable? Propose an example of a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insult” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.



Read this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the strengths and weaknesses of different organizational structures. In addition, consider how organizational characteristics, such as size, position in the organizational life cycle, the degree of departmental separation that exists, and the amount of work process coordination that is required, may help to determine which type of structure would be most effective.

Bring to mind the type of strategy you recommended for the organization that you selected in Module 1.

  • Identify the type of structure you would recommend for the organization, based on the recommended strategy and the organizational characteristics addressed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Consider challenges associated with the type of structure you identified and how you would address each.
  • Submit a paper that addresses the following:
  • Identify the type of strategy you recommended for the organization that you selected in Module 1. 

Describe the type of organizational structure that you would recommend, and explain why. In your response, be sure to address why the structure would be most effective given the strategy that you recommended and specific organizational characteristics (e.g., size of the organization, position in the organizational life cycle, degree of departmental separation, and degree to which work process coordination is necessary). 

Explain the degree to which the decision making within the structure that you proposed will be centralized or decentralized. 

Explain the advantages and advantages of the structure you proposed. 

  • Describe at least one challenge associated with the structure that you proposed. Explain how you would mitigate the challenge. Be specific. 

SWK 4480 Pre-Practicum


The Pandemic has certainly opened our eyes to the need for self-care! Even our Code has been updated to include a section on Social Workers self-care. It’s about time we take a proactive approach to balancing the tough work that we do, with our own health and life stability. Keep in mind that self-care looks different for each of us. Some of us prefer a physical activity like running, taking a hike, going to the gym, etc. Some of us unwind with a good book, getting pampered at the spa, or just listening to our favorite music. Self-care doesn’t have to be a huge time or energy consumer! Sleep is also a very important part of self-care. Many of us struggle to get good sleep when our brains are full of all that we have to do. However you unplug, and unwind, just be sure you are doing it!! As school, work, and life get busy, it’s easy to push it off. However, I assure you that you will be more productive, happier, and more relaxed in all of these areas if you are practicing self-care!

Listen to this week’s podcast:

Creating a Nighttime Ritual

Creating a Nighttime Ritual Transcript

Drink the Stupid Water

Drink the Stupid Water Transcript

Answer the following questions:

  1. What do you do for self-care?
  2. How might you change your nighttime routine after listening to the podcast?
  3. How much time per week do you spend engaged in self-care? Is it enough?

title deviance


Sociologists use the concept “relativity of deviance” to describe how acts of deviance can vary among groups, often within the same society. Thus, it is not the act itself, but rather how a group labels and responds to an act that determines if the act is deviant in society. Consider the recent policy from the National Football League (NFL) regarding players standing for the national anthem.

NFL owners have unanimously approved a new national anthem policy that requires players to stand if they are on the field during the performance but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they prefer. (The policy is currently on hold as of July 2018).

The policy subjects teams to a fine if a player or any other team personnel do not show respect for the anthem. That includes any attempt to sit or kneel, as dozens of players have done during the past two seasons to protest racial inequality and police brutality. Those teams also will have the option to fine any team personnel, including players, for the infraction.

This discussion will require you to apply three sociological concepts and/or theories related to deviance to analyze the existing tension regarding the National Anthem during NFL games. How can the policy be viewed as “deviant” from multiple sides of this discussion. Consider the perspective of the thirty-two team owners, the players and the fans who purchase tickets to the game and subscribe to football packages each season.

ENG 1102 LAVC Chris Hughes Speech Rhetorical analysis



Before you start working on your own research argument essay, you will spend some time studying the arguments of others, to better understand how they successfully structured and presented a persuasive project. The rhetorical analysis is a foundational assignment to introduce you to the “rhetorical situation,” as a concept. The goal is for you to take what you learn about successful argument, and apply it to your own writing in this course.
For this rhetorical analysis assignment, you will analyze a speech (see the options below) to gain a better understanding of “the rhetorical situation”- the audience, purpose, medium, and context–within which the speech was created. In addition to dissecting the speech’s rhetorical situation, you will also identify and discuss the author’s choice of rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) or evidence. *This is the one and only assignment that is not driven by your personal topic selection, as all the following assignments build on each other starting with the Annotated Bibliography and concluding with the Research Story.


As a foundational assignment, the rhetorical analysis will help you to:
Identify and analyze the rhetorical elements of a piece of communication
Assess the effectiveness of a speaker’s choices, in relation to the rhetorical situation
Build a foundation for future argument writing based on the skills and strategies identified and analyzed in this assignment 

Need help


Operant extinction procedures are frequently used effectively in ABA treatment plans. However, as you observed in the interactive media presentation you completed, they can also be incorrectly implemented. This improper implementation can result in unknowingly reinforcing the very behavior we want to decrease. As a future ABA professional, it is important for you to learn how to correctly identify maintaining antecedents and consequences that reinforce unwanted behavior, and to correctly apply extinction techniques that effectively reduce the target behavior.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, you will first identify a behavior frequently exhibited by yourself or by someone close to you, to which you would like to apply an extinction procedure.

Define the behavior operationally.

Describe the antecedent to the behavior.

  • Describe the consequences of the behavior.
  • Describe positive and negative reinforcement contingencies that occur as a result of engaging in the behavior. (Hint: Think about what is maintaining your identified behavior and what you will be withholding when you implement the extinction procedure.)
  • Identify procedures that can end up reinforcing the unwanted target behavior, and explain the potential results of improperly implementing these procedures that were meant to help extinguish the unwanted target behavior.
  • Identify the extinction techniques that you feel will most effectively reduce the target behavior, and explain why you feel these will be most effective. (Hint: Think back to your identified positive and negative reinforcements to help you identify what you should be withholding to change the behavior through an extinction procedure.)

Critical Thinking


PART ONE: Which is better for determining the ethical quality of an act: the Motives (what you meant to happen, but may not actually happen), or the Consequences (what actually happens, but you may not mean for them to)?  In other words, is it better to live by principles (like “honesty is the best policy” and be honest all the time, regardless) or is it better to live by outcomes (doing things that cause happiness, like letting kids eat cake and ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until that doesn’t make them happy anymore, then move on to the next thing)?  Is it always good to do what it seems will produce the greatest happiness for most (not all), or should another approach be found?  Is it always good to live by an inflexible code of conduct?  

PART TWO: In a trolley car emergency–If there were a scientist who would discover a cure for all cancers tied up on one track, and all the family members of everyone in Critical Thinking class tied up on another track, and the trolley was barreling down the track, and it could not be stopped, and it had to proceed on one track where the scientist was tied up, or the other track where the family members were tied up, and you were at the switch to determine which track the trolley would race down, which choice would you make?  Why?

Final project



Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan

Final Project Outline

Front page

(Example presented by the instructor)

Table of Contents

(Order of each part of the work according to page number)


Provide an overview of the purpose and structure of your Comprehensive Health Plan.

Inclusive education

II. Children with Special Needs

(Write information that is notable and investigative about 3 special needs)

For example: The categories of special needs according to the Federal IDEA are:

1. hearing impairment

2.  speech or language impediment

3. emotional disorder


III. Educational strategy design

1. Lesson Plan (A 1-week plan will be made that includes the strategy

educational, evaluation method and adaptations. The teacher will provide the format of the

table to comply with the Lesson Plan)

to. Topic (The topic of the lesson that you are going to develop during the week)

b. General Objectives (2 or more)

c. Educational strategy (the diversity of activities)

d. Evaluation method (the attempts made or how mastery of the


and. Adaptations (The way to modify the environment, materials for a child with

special need)

IV. Collaboration Strategies

(Prepare a writing of the strategies for collaboration and communication with family and

professionals who work with children with special needs)

V. Conclusion

(Development of a writing that expresses the importance of promoting the inclusion of children

with special needs in educational organizations and content closure)


(This part should have all citations in the content and documents reviewed to help you in

the writing of this final project. References must be written according to APA 7th
