Research and critical thinking


To explore the mechanism of eutrophication

What dilemma do scientists scramble with as it is well documented that eutrophication/nutrient enrichment triggers Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and deteriorates water quality?

  1. To suggest solutions for overcoming challenges (possible consequences of eutrophication). Solutions can involve individual actions, economic or political strategies.
  2. # Guidelines:
  3. Read the two articles from the links below, one from Environment Education Victoria and the other a release from a Nature Education-Knowledge Project that relate the dead zones mediated by eutrophication to indiscriminate use of insecticides, pesticides, and fertilizers.

# Answer the following two questions-Thoroughly justify your answer by examining both your position and the opposing viewpoint:

How do changes in the ecosystem due to nutrient enrichment impact the health and wellbeing of species, including Homo sapiens?

How can advances in scientific understanding of eutrophication be applied to manage and mitigate the effects of multiple anthropogenic pressures?

Articles recommended for this assignment:……

# Your answers should be approximately a page (single-spaced; 12 fonts; Times New Roman) in length per question. The answers should be 850-1000 words for each question.

# Make sure to cite your sources in-text and include a full reference list at the end of the assignment. 

  1. # Both in-text citations and reference lists should be in APA format.  For help on APA formatting please see

# Please see the grading rubric below to indicate the required number of sources and quality.  Please do not use encyclopedias, Wikipedia as your sources.  Rather base your work on a combination of our textbook, academic journals, educational and or organization websites. 

# Make sure to clearly indicate the number of the questions you’re addressing.

ANTH3001P-1 Indigenous Peoples in Mod


Review the assigned chapters in the Omohundro course text.

Review the indigenous group that you selected in Week 2.

  • Choose two elements of culture from your selected indigenous group. (Note: Elements of culture might include rituals, religious beliefs and practices, marriage customs, gender roles, celebrations, birthdays, holidays, economic, government or social systems.
  • Welsch, R.L. & Vivanco, L.A. (2021). Cultural anthropology: Asking questions about humanity (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.

Chapter 2, “Culture: Giving Meaning to Human Lives” (pp. 33-45)

  • This is already discussed in Chapter 1 of the text.

Peters-Golden, H. P. (2012). Culture sketches: Case studies in anthropology (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

  • Chapter 3, “The Basseri: Pastoral Nomads on the il-Rah” (pp. 40-59)

Chapter 8, “The Minangkabau: Matriliny and Merantau” (pp. 142-157)

Chapter 10, “The Ojibwa: ‘The People’ Endure” (pp. 177-193)

  • The chapters from this text provide case study analyses of individual groups around the globe.
  • Reyes-García, V., Guêze, M., Díaz-Reviriego, I., Duda, R., Fernández-Hamzares, A., Gallois, S., Napitupulu, L., Orta-Martínez, M., & Pyhälä, A. (2016). Reading Focus: Pages 761-763. In “The Adaptive Nature of Culture,” Dr. Reyes-García shares fieldwork findings relative to three key hunter-gatherer societies: The Tsimane of the Amazon region; the Baka of the Congo Basin; and the Punan of Borneo.

Submit a paper in which you do the following:

Reflect on the indigenous group that you identified in Week 2.(The indigenous group I have chosen for this work is the Mayas, who are mainly located in the southern parts of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador)

  • Describe the two elements of culture that you researched about the group.
  • Identify any key symbols, stories, myths, and origins (history) about the indigenous group.

Key Term Discussion


Choose a written artifact that would be found in a workplace (an email, memo, workplace policy document, process instructions, etc.). Do not select an artifact that has sensitive or private information.

Use your chosen term from the forum to analyze how your selected written workplace artifact is functioning rhetorically or describe the rhetorical situation to which the artifact responds.

  1. Based on #2, evaluate the merits of the term you selected. What makes it helpful for evaluating your selected artifact of workplace writing?
  2. Review the assignment instructions for the Topic 8 Practical Theory: Application of Rhetoric Theory to a Workplace assignment. What makes your selected term helpful for describing a rhetorical situation that you might use in your upcoming rhetorical analysis? Would you like to use your term in your upcoming rhetorical analysis, or would you rather choose something else? Why?
  3. To what extent is the term you evaluated useful for students in a writing course? How can this term help them, and why? What could the term do to enable learners in a writing course to do?
  4. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
  5. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

This assignment does not use a scoring guide or a rubric.

Review the “ENG-503 Key Term Forums and Application Protocol” document, located in the Topic 3 Resources, to see how the “Key Term Selection” forum, “Key Term Summary” Forum, and “Key Term Application” assignment all fit together.

Women’s suffrage movement


part 1 :Write a post on the following topic:  Was the fight for women’s suffrage a united movement?  Base your response on  the section titled “Woman Suffrage” 

part 2 :Write a  response to a classmate that is insightful, engages the material and contributes to the overall discussion.

classmates post :

While  the fight for women’s suffrage had the common interest of women’s right  to vote, the approaches of which different groups made to achieve  liberation was not a unified effort. The movie Iron Jawed Angels  primarily follows two women’s advocate groups, the National Women’s  Party (NWP) and the National American Woman Suffrage Association  (NAWSA). Early in film the character portraying one of the leaders of  the NWP, Alice Paul, outlines the contention and apparent feelings of  precedence over NAWSA, calling them old servants of families and  societies and fighting in an outdated, overly conservative nature  whereas the suffragists of NWP are young, independent, and educated  whose hands-on tactics are more effective. There is another division in  the movement depicted by the exclusion of black women in an effort to  maintain relationships with prominent political figures.

Chapter 18 introduces Progressivism. The Progressive era took place  in the early twentieth century when social divisions afflicted America  among the economic expansion of goods that produced millions of jobs.  Women reform groups worked to protect women and children from exploition  which ignited a new fire under the movement for woman suffrage. Divided  interests led to slower progress in the movement and steps backwards as  groups worked against each other while trying to move forward in the  suffrage movement. 

Applying Cultural Relativism



Two videos (one on food and one on language) offer interesting  comparisons and will help you practice applying cultural relativism in  preparation for the final project.


Complete the module discussion before completing this journal assignment. Then, view Texans Trying to Pronounce WI City Names (2:36) and Would You Eat It? 10 Weird Foods We Dare You to Try  (6:14). Choose one of these videos to focus on as you make connections  between cultural norms, language, and personal identity. In your journal  assignment, you will explain the cultural norms and values you see  presented in the video and then note how these cultural norms and values  are different than your own. You will explain how you practiced  cultural relativism as you developed conclusions and ways that you can  apply your learning experience in this journal assignment to your film  analysis in the final project.

Be sure that your journal assignment includes each of the following critical elements:

Cultural Norms and Values: Identify the cultural norms and values with specific examples from the video.

Cultural Comparison: Describe how the cultural  norms and values you identified are similar to or different from your  own norms and values. Be sure to offer specific details and examples.

Cultural Relativism: Explain how you practiced  cultural relativism as you developed conclusions about cultural norms  and values within both the video and your own culture.

Application to Film Study: Suggest specific ways  you can apply what you learned by completing this journal assignment to  your film analysis, even if you chose other concepts for the final  course project.

Answer Questions


Use the following link to answer questions.…


1. Define and provide examples for the following terms: Variable, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Frequency Distribution, Box Plot, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variability, Co-variability, Measurement

2. Describe the 4 types of measurement scales. 

3. Teachers often use brief measures of oral reading fluency to see how many words students can read correctly from a passage of text in one minute. Describe how this variable could be modified to fit the four different scales of measurement.

4. Discuss the difference between norm referenced and criterion referenced.

5. Describe how both norm and criterion referencing could be helpful in an exam used to screen applicants for a job.

6. Provide details about a measurement application that interests you.
a. How would you label your construct? What terms can be used to define it?
b. With whom would you measure this construct? Who is your object of measurement?
c. What are the units of measurement? What values are used when assigning scores to people? What type of measurement scale will these values produce?
d. What is the purpose in measuring your construct? How will scores be used?
e. How is your construct commonly measured? Are there existing measures that would suit your needs? If you’re struggling to find a measurement application that interests you, you can start with the construct addressed in this book. As a measurement student, you possess an underlying construct that will hopefully increase as you read, study, practice, and contribute to discussions and assignments. This construct could be labeled, assessment literacy (Stiggins 1991). 

PSY 3590-Personality


Use the provided Docs to do assignment listed below:

As part of the Freudian Unconscious file exercises in this section (Exercises: The Freudian Unconscious) we asked you for a Freudian interpretation of a dream (please refer to this as Dream #1) that I have provided. In this discussion, I would like you to present your own “Freudian” interpretation(s). Also, state your reasons or justifications for your particular interpretation(s). Your grade for this discussion will be based on your addressing these two points.

Given that there may be a limited number of such interpretations (and that other students might have already presented your interpretation), you may also choose the following dreams to interpret. In order for us to keep things straight, please refer to the specific Dream # in your posts. Thanks.

Dream #2 (female respondent):“Had gone with a friend to a church I had never visited. I accidentally left my purse on one of the pews after going to sit and talk to someone I recognized a few pews in front of me. When I realized I had left my purse, I went to go get it and realized that my money had been taken. I thought how could this have happened in church? I acted in a very ugly manner (voice-wise) and I woke up. (Strange right!?)”

Dream #3 (male respondent):“I had a wreck on a motorcycle. It cut off my left foot and my right toes completely. The next day, I went to work with casts on both legs.”

interview with a mental Health ptofessional


This assignment involves asking question of  an LMFT, LPC or LMHC, depending on your state license, and NOT a LCSW, Psychologist, or Psychiatrist.
I do prefer someone who hold one of the aforementioned degrees in the state of MD or TX but its not an absolute must. The simply have to answer these questions listed below.

Part 1: The Organization (level one heading) 

What is      the name of the organization?

What is      its mission and primary goals?

Who      does it serve?

What      services and programs does it provide?

What is      the administrative structure of the organization?

What      other types of professionals are employed in this organization?

  1. How is      it funded? What Insurance does the organization accept?
  2. What      types of opportunities for staff development are available?
  3. How      does it determine its clients’ needs and how does it evaluate its services      and programs?
  4. Part II: The Person (level one heading) 
  5. What is      the professional counselor’s job title?
  6. What      does he or she do/ types of services or programs offered?
  7. What      does a typical day look like? (number and types of clients, administrative      activities)
  8. What      are the challenges of the counselor’s position?
  9. What      are the benefits of the counselor’s position?

What      types of knowledge and skills are critical to performing well in this job?

How      does the counselor think his/her workday is similar to or different from      other mental healthcare professionals who work with the same client      population?

What      are some of the things the counselor does as a mental health counselor      that he/she never expected to do?

What      does the professional counselor do to prevent burnout?

  1. What insurance panels does the individual      use for reimbursement? 

Liberty University Online FORMATION: Module Article review



According to Gulpinar and Gucal Glucu (2014), reviewing literature is important so a “readable
synthesis of the best resources available” can be created (p. 44). At this stage, it is also
imperative to establish the research gap that you as a researcher will explore in your dissertation
This assignment is designed to aid you in your navigation of scholarly, peer-reviewed journal
articles that may inform your dissertation. You will complete this assignment three times.
Instructions and procedures are the same for all three instances.

Using the included template document, indicate your topic. Then select 10 scholarly, peer-
reviewed journal articles related to your dissertation topic and answer the included questions.
Submit the template document with all 10 templates completed.
The assignment will be completed three times; 10 articles each time (30 total). They must be
research journal articles published within the past 10 years (five years is better). No books, web
sites, dissertations, or government reports, etc., allowed. These articles may also be used as part
of the Preliminary Dissertation References Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Gulpinar, O., & Gucal Guclu, A. (2014). How to write a review article? Türk Üroloji
Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology, 39(1), 44–48.



Review Questions: Chapter 1

1. Describe two important features of the scientific method.

2. Provide an example of (1) how social and cultural factors can influence  psychologists’ choice of research topics and (2) how psychologists Sociocultural factors may influence the acceptance of the results of the  research by society.

3. Describe how ethnocentric bias can be a problem in research, and  Suggest one way researchers can prevent this bias.

4. Describe two ethical dilemmas that psychologists may face when conducting  Research.

5. What are the three initial steps researchers take when starting a research project?

6. Identify two reasons why it’s important to look in the research literature  psychological feedback at the beginning of the investigation.

Review Questions: Chapter 2

What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable? Provide an example of each that could be used in an experiment.

What is the main advantage of using operational definitions in psychology? What two criticisms have been made of the use of operational definitions?

What is the difference between the validity and reliability of an instrument?

Identify the four goals of the scientific method and briefly describe what each is intended to achieve.

  1. What is the difference between the nomothetic approach and the idiographic approach?
  2. Identify the three conditions required for a causal inference.
  3. What is an intervening variable? Propose an example: a factor that serves as an intervening variable between “insulting” and “aggressive responses” in children. Explain how these variables can be related by proposing a hypothesis that includes the influence of the intervening variable.
  4. Note: Include citation and reference .