My assignmnet


Exam Content

As a clinician, it is important for you to be able to apply knowledge regarding various?client presentations?to your appraisal of mental disorders. You need to conceptualize these through both clinical and sociocultural perspectives.?In this assignment, you will demonstrate this ability by evaluating a case study addressing cognitive behavioral therapy for a refugee mother who suffers from depression and anxiety.Review the following case study: Faber, J., & Lee, E. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for a Refugee Mother with Depression and Anxiety.?Clinical Case Studies,?19(4), 239–257.Assume you are an intern at a behavioral health clinic that addresses concerns of immigrants and refugees who have crossed borders and cultures to live in the United States. You have been asked to prepare a summary of how you would assist the client in this case?with her depression and anxiety issues.?Your supervisor wants you to summarize the situation in this case,?since next week she would like you to begin assisting with actual client summaries. You need to demonstrate your knowledge of both anxiety and depression as well as clinical and sociocultural perspectives, which are applicable to all of the clients at the behavioral health clinic.Write a 1,050 to 1,400-word analysis of the case from a sociocultural perspective.Include each of the following in your?analysis: 

Appraise the sociocultural factors contributing to this client’s depression and anxiety. 

Discuss how the therapist in the case study addressed these sociocultural factors throughout the course of therapy. 

  1. Evaluate how the therapist applies clinical concepts, such as cognitive errors and cognitive restructuring, as treatment tools, without imposing their own sociocultural values or beliefs on the client. 

What do you believe were the contributory factors to the successful outcomes of this clinical case?

I need help writing a Annotated Bibiography


Final Project–Annotated Bibliography(100 points):

1. Choose one (1) topic related to sociology. You may choose something that we
have discussed in the class; or you may choose another topic of your interested
that we may not address in our short 5-week journey!
2. Find 10-12 articles, books, webpages, or other data related to that topic.
3. Create an annotated bibliography in MLA or APA format with the articles that
you have found.
An annotated bibliography is simply an [always alphabetized] works cited page
with a summary of each source situated just below the citation. Here is an
example of an annotated bibliography that is properly formatted.
This is just a sample! Remember: Strive for 10-12 sources for this assignment.

Sample Annotated Bibliography
“Assessment of the Potential Impact of Regulated Marijuana in New York State” PDF. July. 2018. Mar 12. 2019.
In the Criminal Justice and Public Safety section, the authors bring statistics from the recent years to bring into
light how people of color are disproportionally target for cannabis possession than people who are not of color. African
Americans in New York are four times more likely to go to jail than anyone else (Assessment). During a report in 2014 when
stop and frisk laws were still in effect, white people were 50 Percent more likely to have an arrest made in adjournment in
contemplation of Dismissal meaning there was no conviction (Assessment). In 2017, African Americans made up 48 percent
of marijuana arrests, 38 percent were Hispanic, and 9 percent were white (Assessment). It is also important to note that the
arrests made in marijuana possession were nonviolent and did not lead to any guns or violent crimes.
Blaszczak-Boxe, Agata. “Marijuana’s History: How One Plant Spread Through the World.” LiveSciemce. Perch. Oct 17,
2014. March 10. 2019.

Activity 44: Final Project Checkpoint #3



This activity helps you get started on your final project due week 6 where you will look at three countries or regions of the world to gain an understanding of the cultural value dimensions and behaviors that predominate there.

Periodically throughout this course, there will be a checkpoint designed to help you make some step-by-step progress toward your final paper. These checkpoints are worth 10 points and are great opportunities for you to receive feedback from your instructor about your ideas.

Activity Instructions

This checkpoint assignment helps you begin drafting your final project by presenting rationales from scholars and experts about why cultural intelligence is important to have in today’s world. For this assignment submit:

Five rationales from five different sources detailing why it is important to be culturally intelligent in today’s world. Provide citations for each source.

Three examples (stories) of situations that went awry or stalled because the people involved were unprepared for cultural differences. Provide citations for each source.

  • These rationales and examples can be quotations that are cut and pasted into the paper you submit for this assignment. This is an opportunity to begin compiling your supporting material.
  • Please review the following resources for this activity:

Week 6 Final Paper Instructions.

Textbook readings, any pertinent videos and the research you have collected to date to help you with this checkpoint assignment.

At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.



The steps at the heart of single-subject research are part of the everyday practice of social work. Each day social workers implement interventions to meet clients’ needs and monitor results. However, conducting proper single-subject research entails far more than these simple day-to-day practices. Proper single-system research requires a high degree of knowledge and commitment. Social workers must fully understand the purpose and variations of the design. They must develop a hypothesis based upon research and select the right design for testing it. They must ensure the reliability and validity of the data to be collected and know how to properly analyze and evaluate that data. 

In this Assignment, you devise a plan to evaluate the evidence-based intervention that you are applying with your chosen client. (JAKE) In particular, you must prepare to monitor progress using measures that can be evaluated in a single-subject research design. You must also draw from the research literature to set the context and need for the study.


   Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.   



Review the work you have done thus far in Weeks 1, 2, and 3 with your chosen client, namely the identified issue, evidence-based intervention, and single-subject design. You will use this work to develop a research plan for a single-subject design study on your client.

Scan through the provided single-subject design studies in the Learning Resources again to understand the typical structure.

Download the Single-Subject Design Template from the Learning Resources and use it to complete this Assignment.

     BY DAY 7    

350- to 525-word report applying behavior modification strategies to a scenario


You are a human resource manager in a school district. You have recently received several complaints about Francis, a newly hired high school principal. Some faculty report that Francis’s leadership style includes micromanaging and constant monitoring of their lesson plans. Upon further investigation, you learn that although Francis scrutinizes some teachers, other teachers have more freedom and are permitted to conduct their duties without issue. This has led to a toxic work environment and many faculty members believe Francis favors some teachers and distrusts others. 

You have also discovered that Francis has placed a few teachers on a performance improvement plan (PIP) for minor infractions and has occasionally publicly reprimanded these teachers in front of students, parents, and other faculty. 

The school board has asked you to meet with Francis, provide some administrative coaching, and then document the results of your discussion. The documentation will be included in Francis’s personnel file.

Write a report in which you explain how the leader in the scenario you selected can apply behavior modification strategies in an ethical manner in the workplace.

Include the following in your report:

Identify unethical behavior modification strategies in the scenario.

Describe the potential drawbacks to the use of the punishments used in the scenario.

Include relevant details to explain the ethical dilemma(s) of the punishment.

Include details to explain the harm that may occur if the punishment(s) continues.

Propose 2 new positive or negative punishment strategies to modify the behavior and replace the strategies in the scenario.

Explain how the proposed strategies can be used to decrease the chances that an undesirable behavior would continue.

Explain how the proposed strategies align to ethical principles and support the well-being and dignity of the individual(s) involved.

What risk do surveillance technologies pose for private citizens, and what can be done about it?



A scholarly source is one where the information and analysis presented follow standards that ensure their truthfulness. In the past, scholarly sources were defined in part by the mode of publishing, such as refereed academic journals, major publications like The Economist that have a known high-quality editorial policy, or academic books published by university presses. However, with the advent of easy digitized production of source material, selecting credible sources has become more complex. While it is still true that the traditional ways of determining ‘scholarly sources’ remains valid, innovations such as Wikis, or the fast-paced publication on the Internet of information that far outstrips the slower pace of traditional academic publishing can also be credible sources. You, as a contemporary scholar, must be able to separate credible from non-credible sources, while remaining open to genuinely insightful ideas and information that may exist. For this particular assignment, however, you are required to choose bibliographic sources that are considered to be scholarly within the traditional definition of ‘scholarly source’.

A good, short guide to evaluating sources is given by: “Evaluating Sources” in the Purdue Online Writing Lab. This is also linked on your Student Online Services (SOS) page. You are to read this to get a sense of what is considered a ‘scholarly source’ – or at least a ‘truthful source’ in our contemporary world of an unprecedented information glut. Reading this short guide too will help you to write a better scholarly paper, as the guide in essence tells you what are the indications of a non-scholarly paper. It is both important, and intellectually satisfying, to be able to spot deceptive arguments and analyses.

Disruptive Behavior.


The second in a two-part series, this module describes interventions that can increase initial compliance to teacher requests as well as interventions that can be implemented to decrease disruptive and noncompliant behaviors. or this assignment, you are to go through the online Iris Module Addressing Disruptive and Non-Compliant Behaviors Part 2 (see link above). Then you are to answer the questions that are enclosed below. 

Online, Iris Module: Addressing Disruptive and Non Compliant Behaviors Part 2. 

Submit Your Responses to the Questions That Follo

Take some time to work through the questions below and evaluate how well you understand the information presented in this module.

1.      Explain how high-p requests work and why they increase the probability that a student will comply with a teacher’s request.  (1 point)

2.      Imagine that you have a student in your class who acts out during independent math activities. Would you use high-p requests or choice making with this student? Explain your answer. (1 point)

3.      For what types of behaviors would you implement a DRL procedure? Give two examples. (1 pt.)

4.      List two guidelines for teachers who implement DRI. (1 pt.)

5.      Mary Jo often spends time talking to her table group about topics not related to the instructional task. Design a DRO procedure to decrease non-instructional talk and to increase instructional talk. (1 pt.)

After completing this, watch this video about RULER, how can this strategy help teachers guide students to:

Recognize emotions in oneself and others

Understand the causes and consequences of emotions

Label emotions with accurate words

Express emotions differently depending on context, and

Regulate emotions with helpful strategies

CRISIS AND TRAUMA Module 3 Discussion


Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student will post one original thread of 400-450 words of the assigned module. For each original thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly citations from peer-reviewed journals in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include course texts, other scholarly texts, or peer-reviewed journal articles.

Before you post, be sure to read carefully the Discussion Board Assignment Instructions and review the Discussion Grading Rubric, so that you understand the specifics and details of what is required. A very large part of your grade will be determined by how well you fulfill the instructions and grading rubric requirements.

Also, please note that direct quotations are not allowed; graduate level writing expects a student to incorporate ideas and terminology from the readings into the student’s own analysis and words. Short Bible verses are ok to quote directly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ee your manual for when to use italics in journal articles. Also, drop the place of publication in Levers as APA-7 doesn’t do that anymore.

Discussion Thread: Assessment in Trauma Counseling

Discuss the nature and role of assessment in trauma counseling. Compare and contrast different methods of assessment discussed by Briere & Scott and Levers, (Chapter 26) or other approaches that you are familiar with, identifying strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and benefits for treatment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Text books:

Briere, J. & Scott, C. (2015). Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781483351247.

Levers, L. L. (2022). Trauma counseling: Theories and interventions for managing trauma, stress, crisis and disaster. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780826150844.

Jewish Studies Question


After watching the lecture What is Jewish Ethics? What it is not? In your own words define Jewish ethics providing an example from the lecture.

Then, look up the responses to these questions which can be found at under the link “Jewish Law.” Choose one of the following questions and think how Rabbi Byron Sherwin might respond. Draw on his lecture What is Jewish Ethics? What it is not? and draw on the reading in Chapter 1 in Sherwin, Byron L. Faith Finding Meaning: A Theology of Judaism. .

  • May infertile couples use donor insemination, egg donation, or surrogate mothers to have children?
  • Is abortion of a defective fetus permitted in Jewish law? May couples use pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to test embryos for genetic diseases before they are implanted?
  • May machines and medications be withdrawn from a dying patient? May artificial nutrition and hydration be withdrawn?
  • May a Jew have his or her skin tattooed or body pierced?
  • May a minor read from the Torah? May a blind person?
  • Are all cheeses kosher?
  • Are all gelatins kosher?
  • May Shabbat services be videotaped?
  • Should a Jew follow Jewish mourning practices for a non-Jewish parent?
  • Is it permissible to distribute condoms to Jewish adolescents because of fear of AIDS?
  • To what extent must people protect themselves and others from intrusion in cyberspace, and under what circumstances may information communicated in cyberspace be disclosed to other people?
  • What should happen to donations that are accepted, and then later understood to come from ill-gotten gain?
  • May a Jew play violent or defamatory video games?

Activity 33: Reflection



In this reflection, you will reflect on the types of cultural values or behaviors that you express as well as where you find yourself on various cultural value dimensions and what makes you uncomfortable with those values and behaviors that are significantly different from your own.

Activity Instructions

Reflect on the types of cultural values you predominantly exhibit: direct/indirect; low/high context.

Discuss where you fall on these cultural dimension value scales and what makes you most uncomfortable about the cultural values that are at odds with your values?

What can you do to make sure the person you are talking to understands you?  For instance, if you are a direct context speaker, what can you do to better understand someone who comes from a culture where indirect communication is the dominant cultural value?

Please review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Storti, Craig. Figuring Foreigner’s Out, 20th Anniversary Edition: Understanding the World’s Cultures, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2018.

Chapter 3: Styles of Communication

At the end of your submission, include a brief Design Statement explaining the process and tools you used to develop your work. Your statement should be about a paragraph or so, in your own words (rather than formally written), and unique to this assignment. Why are we asking for this? Find out more about Design Statements.

Tips for Success

  • Reflect on the scenarios you have read in your textbook. Consider your reactions to the positions of the speakers in the scenarios. This will help you determine which values you most strongly hold and to consider your points of view to cultural value dimensions that are different from the ones that shape your perceptions.