Keller Précis



Keller Précis

A précis is a concise, accurate exposition of the author’s view(s) in a particular essay (such as a chapter, or a key portion of a text). For the purposes of this assignment you will synthesize and summarize the content of each chapter in “The Reason for God”, and then interact with the argument(s) made in ONE chapter of your choice on the subsequent page. This is to be your work, not the work of the collective powers of the internet. Read it, think about it, summarize it  The first three pages are to be limited to exposition, and page four is to be limited to your interaction with, and assessment of, the author’s views in ONE chapter of your choice. In the first three pages, use the title of each chapter as a heading to introduce the chapter as a new section on the page. In the fourth/fith page, be careful not to merely give another summary of what the author is saying. Your interacWon with the content should include a brief statement of why you chose that particular topic/chapter with which to interact. Four total pages is sufficient, but five is permited.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you with argumentative writing. It will (1) help you concisely, yet accurately, represent an author’s views, and (2) help you assess them. Being both concise and precise are more challenging than it seems, and is an important skill. You do not need to use footnotes, but if you quote some material (this takes up a lot of space, so do only on a limited basis), give an in-text page reference in parentheses; e.g., (95). A simple heading is fine: just your name, then “Précis” followed by the author’s name and the book’s title. Use just 2 lines to do that. You will need the space.

Answer the question form the reading


The reading :

Authoritarian Regimes •Types of Authoritarian Regimes & The Logic of Authoritarianism

o Milan W. Svolik, The Politics of Authoritarian Rule (New York: Cambridge University Press,
2012), Chapters 1 and 2, pgs. 1-45.

o Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way, “Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of
Competitive Authoritarianism,” Journal of Democracy. 2002, Vol. 13, No. 2, pgs. 51-65.

o Barbara Geddes, Erica Frantz, & Joseph G. Wright, “Military Rule,” Annual Review of
Political Science. 2014, Vol. 17, pgs. 147-62.

• Studying Authoritarian Regimes

o Yuhua Wang, “Institutions and Bribery in an Authoritarian State,” Studies in Comparative
International Development. 2014, Vol. 49, No. 2, pgs. 217-241.

o Sebastian Hellmeier and Nils B. Weidmann, “Pulling the Strings? The Strategic Use of Pro-
Government Mobilization in Authoritarian Regimes,” Comparative Political Studies. 2020,
Vol. 53, No. 1, pgs. 71-108.

and here is the questions that you should answer 

1. What is an authoritarian regime? What are the different types of authoritarian regimes we have read this week?
2. Is an authoritarian regime different from a competitive authoritarian regime? If yes, how does it differ?
3. What are the two entrenched problems of authoritarian rule regarding the regime stability discussed by Svolik (2012) in his book?
4. How do the inherent dilemmas make a regime crisis in a competitive authoritarian rule?
5. How will you define military rule as one of the forms of authoritarian governance? Do military dictatorships act differently than civilian-led dictatorships?
6. Do the military strongmen behave differently than the military regimes to tackle the crisis in governing the states?
7. Please explain which institutional factors we have read in Wang’s (2013) article influence bribery between firms and public officials in an authoritarian state? Can we generalize the findings of Wang’s (2013) study to other parts of the world?
8. How do the pro-government rallies in authoritarian rule maintain the regime stability? What are the costs and risks of pro-government mobilization faced by the authoritarian rulers?

SPD-581-O500: Research Based Instruction, Remediation, and Intervention in ELA (Intervention Plan)


Professors Instructions:

When teaching ELA, teachers must be mindful of the varying literacy skills and abilities each student possesses and create instruction and learning opportunities that can help students practice their skills, particularly when they are struggling with reading and writing. The ability to structure activities that allow students repeated practice in deficit literacy skill areas can lead to improvements and allow students to become proficient in reading and writing.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Part 1: Applying Intervention and Remediation Strategies

With the students you identified previously, implement the literacy intervention and remediation activities you designed in “Clinical Field Experience C: Research-Based Intervention and Remediation Strategies.” You should meet with the students at least twice, once to conduct the intervention activity and again to conduct the remediation activity with them so they can improve in the skills deficit areas.

Part 2: Mentor Debriefing

After each of the two sessions in which you implement the intervention and remediation activities, meet with your mentor to discuss and take notes about the following. You will submit a copy of your feedback notes.

Obtain feedback on the effectiveness of your implementation of the literacy intervention and remediation activities.

Discuss the students’ responses to the activities and what was effective in helping students practice their literacy skills.

Identify potential areas for change or improvement in the literacy intervention and remediation activities based on the student response and outcomes.

  • Use any remaining field experience hours to provide support or assistance to the class as directed by your mentor.
  • In a reflection, addressing the following:
  • Describe the results of implementing the literacy intervention and remediation activities with the students.

Reflect on your execution of the literacy intervention and remediation activities and their effectiveness. Include a discussion of both successes and challenges as well as changes you would make if implementing the activities again.

Project: Activating a Revitalization Plan for the Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood


Team Assignment# 1: Five Page Briefing Note
Prepare the following: As a Planner in a municipality or provincial ministry, you have been asked to prepare a short (5 pages, single-spaced) Briefing Note on either of the two topics set out below. Building on class #1 discussions of “The Perfect Implementation Plan”, the note should contain:
• A SMART Problem/Purpose Statement
• Well-researched background (with citations)
• A creative implementation plan with SMART, numbered Recommendations
• A MECE Issue Tree (in Appendix

Project: Activating a Revitalization Plan for the Dundas-Sherbourne Neighbourhood

The Issue Tree (Outline of Plan)

SMART Problem Statement ? MECE Recommendations ? SMART Implementation Plan

What Needs to be Delivered

  • uncheckedProposed revitalization plan for Dan Harrison
  • uncheckedPlan for acquiring 214-230 Sherbourne Street
  • uncheckedFull-scale community engagement process
  • These may become 3-point plan

Task 1: SMART Problem/Purpose Statement

    • Specific, not general
    • Measurable
    • Action-oriented
    • Relevant to the issue
    • Time-bound
  • Example: To reduce bird deaths associated with high buildings by 70% within 5 years by updating bird safety guidelines.
  • To do:
    • Make sure it doesn’t turn into a sales piece for my recommendations – must remain neutral
    • Give a hint of where money/resources will come from 

Task 2: Background Research

  • How did we get here?
    • Decision history
  • Key considerations
    • Focuses on 3 things to tackle in recommendations (3-point plan)
    • Describe, in full sentences, our plan
  • Shape of the problem
  • Other relevant policies
  • History of Dan Harrison complex and 214-230 Sherbourne
  • To do:
    • Do not make it terribly long
    • Challenges here must align with rule of three in plan

Task 3: MECE Issue Tree

  • 3 recommendations
  • Mutually Exclusive, Comprehensively Exhaustive
  • Two dimensions:
    • Mutually Exclusive: each heading cannot overlap; must deal with separate issues
    • Comprehensively Exhaustive: must address the problem statement in a comprehensive and exhaustive manner; will we address the problem statement? – address minimum 80% of the problem

Task 4: SMART Recommendations

  • Must be numbered and smart
  • Recommendation 1:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding
  • Recommendation 2:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding
  • Recommendation 3:
    • 3 sub-points
    • Timeframe, resources, funding 
  • Take these off the right-hand side of the issue tree



Directions: This assignment is designed to introduce you to the breadth of the field of psychology and the diversity of topics of interest to psychologists.  Please visit the website of the American Psychological Association (APA), by clicking this link: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Then click on the “Education & Career” tab along the top.

Scroll down to, “For students interested in psychology.”  Under that, you will see several links.  Click on the “Psychology subfields” ink. to an external site.

Click on the various subfields and read about what the subfields do.  

For this assignment, please answer the following questions.  

  1. After looking at the Subfields, identify one that sounds most interesting to you (Provide the Subfield Name). What about this subfield is of interest to you personally?  What types of careers could be connected to this subfield?  In 1-2 paragraphs, explain what it is about this subfield that interests you.
  2. Conversations related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are occurring in all segments of society. Over the past couple decades, the APA has begun to advocate for an increased focus on multiculturalism with respect to the practice and research of psychologists. What follows is a link to the APA’s Race and Ethnicity Guidelines: Click here for APA’s Race and Ethnicity Guidelines (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Read this short summary page and then, in 1 – 2 paragraphs, explain how the subfield you selected above is addressing, or is related to, the APA’s overall focus on DEI advocacy. If you cannot find any explicit discussion of DEI issues on the subfield page, offer your thoughts on how those connections could be made and why they are important.

Theory Application 6


If you have a suggestion for what type of conflict you want to use, please let me know. However it needs to be a specific current event or experience involving a conflict. The theory needs to show how the theory might apply to conflicts.

Assignment: One of the major challenges of moving from theory to practice is developing a deep enough understanding of the theory so that you to recognize its operation in other situations. To help you practice thinking about and applying the theories covered in the course outside of class, for each Theory Application Paper you will select a current event or experience involving a conflict and write a brief, 3-page essay covering the following topics:

(a) Summarize the event or experience, with citation(s) as applicable;
(b) Summarize the main features of a psychological theory or processes covered
in the course material for the Topic associated with the Theory Application Paper, including relevant citation(s) to that material;
(c) Explain how the theory or process described in section (b) provides some insight about the event or experience summarized in section (a), e.g., how the theory or process helps to explain what happened; the implications of the theory or processes for how the conflict started, why it continues, or how one might work to resolve it constructively.

Assessment: The main requirement is that you demonstrate that you have engaged substantively with the course material on the topic and understand it well enough to be able to apply it to a novel, real-world situation. Consistent with this, Theory Application Papers will be assessed on the level of integration and analysis, the ability to demonstrate conflict resolution perspectives in your analysis the quality of writing, the accurate use of APA format, and the demonstrated mastery of knowledge and content covered in class.

I need help with my 3 discussion boards


What Can White People Do?

How White People Can Advocate For The Black Lives Matter Movement? A Conversation with Uzodinma Iweala.

NPR’s Scott Simon speaks to author Uzodinma Iweala about the role of white people in the Black Lives Matters movement. to an external site.

You can listen to the 5 minute interview while you read along with the narrative of this discussion. 

1. What was Iweala’s concern about whites at BLM protest with “White People Against Karen” signs.

2. What is the important questions that Iweala suggests we ask. What needs to be examined?

3. Why might Whites comparing their experiences to Blacks be offensive or dismissive of the experience of Blacks?

Be sure to make your first post by Wednesday; then respond to at least two more posts by Friday.

Rap Music and the Empowerment of Today’s Youth

*Travis, “Rap Music and the Empowerment of Today’s Youth: Evidence in Everyday Music Listening, Music Therapy, and Commercial Rap Music”’s_Youth_Evidence_in_Everyday_Music_Listening_Music_Therapy_and_Commercial_Rap_MusicLinks to an external site.

1. How do the subjects in this research define the idea of “empowerment”?

2. What do the authors say about the importance of connection and community?

3. According to the research, how might hip hop be valuable to individuals and communities?

U.S. Education: Still Separate but Unequal

Here is some interesting data that will give you a picture of educational attainment in the U.S. Be sure to watch the short video clip in this segment!

Cook, “U.S. Education: Still Separate but Unequal,” to an external site.

1. Identify three items in the data that reflect inequalities in education.

2. How do inequities in education impact the learning of students of color?

3. If you were head of the Department of Education, how would you change the current system of education to be more equitable?

The Abrahamic Covenant


The Abrahamic Covenant is found throughout Scripture, but specifically in the following passages:

Genesis 12:1-3

Genesis 13:14-17

Genesis 17:1-8

  • The Two-Way Covenant requires each party to commit to and ratify the terms of the covenant. In the Mosaic Covenant, God said, If you will . . . then you will be blessed” Deuteronomy 28 (ESV). All of the people gave affirmation of their willingness to obey the conditions of the Covenant “We will do everything the LORD has said” Exodus 19:8 (ESV). However, the people were unfaithful time and again, so God refused to allow anyone from the first generation, other than Joshua and Caleb, to enter the Promised Land (Numbers 14).

The One-Way Covenant involves one individual committing to fulfill the covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant where only God passed through the slain animal parts while Abraham was sound asleep
(Genesis 15:12, 17) is an example of a One-Way Covenant.

  • Is that significant? If so, in what way is this covenant significant?

Is there any language that states, “if you do this, then I will do that”?

  • Are there any penalties for those who do not keep the covenant?

How long is an “everlasting covenant”?

How long is “everlasting life”?

Is the Abrahamic Covenant conditional or unconditional? 

Reading :G.L. Archer. “Covenant.” in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2017.Schreiner, Thomas R. “10 Things You Should Know about the Biblical Covenants.” (July 2017). Genesis 9;15;17Exodus 6:4; 24:7-8; 19Deuteronomy 42 Samuel 72 Chronicles 21:7Jeremiah 31:31Luke 22:201 Corinthians 11:252 Corinthians 3:6Hebrews 8:8; 9:15; 12:24 

Discussion 250 words


Key concepts: Coming of age, gender, family, & belonging

Over the next two weeks we focus on the building blocks of human connection, namely, kinship, family and belonging. Kinship remains one part of the ‘currency of life’ performing a foundational role in identify construction. The anthropological study of kinship encompasses how individuals are related to one another through biological, legal and symbolic/social means. Kinship defines our universe of kin and in many cultural contexts that extends beyond the human, to include various aspects of the world. The films we view in Weeks 8 and 9 frame kinship through the lens of coming of age, and gender, offering up rich cross-cultural illustrations of what it takes to grow up through connectedness.

FILM: Lady Bird Directed by Greta Gerwig (2017)

Lady Bird is available through Swank: to an external site.

Required Tasks: Week 8 Journal Entry

Film response

In the Week 8 Module Discussion page please contribute a response to the film you have viewed this week, making connections to the lecture content and key concepts, along with reflexive observations on what you have viewed and its socio-cultural relevance.

Weekly Readings (required) Links provided to Pdf download of each article

Thelen, T. and C, Lammer. 2021. Introduction Measuring kinship, Negotiating belonging. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology Vol.64(4):1-22. (On Canvas) Thelen and Lammer Week 8.pdf

Miller, L. 2004. Those naughty teenage girls: Japanese Kogals, slang, and media assessments. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology Vol. 14(2): 225-247. (On Canvas) Miller Week 8.pdf

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4.4 Implicit Bias Test Activity #3 (GRADED ASSIGNMENT) 

Done Start Assignment

Task Explanation: Unfortunately, racial matters in the U.S. go a long way. Although socially constructed, race, racism, prejudice, and discrimination are part of the social problems we face worldwide. The task for this week is Harvard’s Implicit Bias Test, which has been administered in law enforcement agencies nationwide and the findings have been shocking. For this week’s assignment, go ahead and take the  Implicit Association Test (Links to an external site.). Although the Implicit Bias Test is usually discussed in connection with race, it can be applied to a number of groups.

This assignment will enable you to examine how you feel about certain groups (i.e., gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, religion, colorism, weight, age) and how this impacts how you view family membership. I hope you find the experience eye-opening and enlightening. Feel free to talk about this with loved ones and share the test with them as well. I hope you find this to be a learning experience. 

Assignment: Take the Implicit Association Test (Links to an external site.) examining any group of your choice. Once done, consider your test results and your perceptions towards that given group and how that may shape your current ideas and beliefs on family and relationships. This is not an easy task. Some folks introspect, but others may be in denial. You don’t have to reveal your test results to me. Simply write a couple of paragraphs analyzing how biases towards a certain group can impact our or others’ opportunities or life choices and in connection to chapter 3, write about how socialization and culture have played a role in the development of certain perspectives about certain groups.