DD 1.


You will read and prepare a brief presentation summarizing the relevant points of information contained in a Diving Deeper article. In this submission you will be graded based upon the quality of your slides. In your Diving Deeper Presentation you will be graded based upon the quality of your presentation. 

Learning Objectives

The student will demonstrate their ability to read, understand and identify key points in a reading. 

The student will write a presentation that demonstrates their ability to communicate and reteach key points that they have learned in an article. 

  • First

Sign up for your Diving Deeper topic.

  • Second

Go to the module you selected and review the Diving Deeper readings.

Select a reading that interests you. 


  • Return to your Diving Deeper sign up page above. Click on the dots on the right hand side for your group.

Select the option for your Group Homepage.

On the Group Homepage write your name and the title of the article you have selected. 

Each article may only be selected one time by one student.

If someone has already selected the article you wanted, you must choose a different article. 

  • Article preference will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. If you create slides for an article that someone else has “dibs” on first, you will not receive full points for your assignment, so be sure to sign up early, and double check that your article is available. 


  • Read your article and take notes, identifying the most important points in the article. 

Write your Powerpoint presentation about your article (12 slide minimum) (reference page is on the 12th page). Follow the format below:

Introduction to the article

What is the title? 

  • Who is/are the authors? 

Who published the article? 

  • Briefly tell us what the article is about in 1-2 sentences. 

Important information in the article

  • 5 points

Synthesize the article with other class material

  • Consider other concepts that you have learned either in this module or in past modules. 

Discuss how this article relates to that learning and increases our understanding of the past and present learning


Summarize what you have told us in the introduction and body of your presentation

Summarize your synthesis

write a response


write a reply of what you agree with of what the person wrote.

 There are numerous connections between the Enlightenment and critical  thinking. To give you some history, the Enlightenment was a period of  time between the seventeenth and eighteenth century when people were  able to change the way they thought and adopt new beliefs about how to  live. the capacity to reconsider long-standing customs and either  improve or abandon them in favor of better ones. Humans started to gain  the ability to think rationally instead of based on emotion, which  allowed them to apply reason to solve issues and advance as a species. A  prime example of the Enlightenment is Sor Juana, who more than anyone  else cleared the path for women to accomplish numerous accomplishments  and significantly influenced the “Civil Rights” movement by realizing  that the antiquated notion that women should stay at home and lack  education was absurd. This was the start of the time when women started  to respond, create novels, and accomplish a lot of other amazing things.  Given that she believed that an educated woman is equal to an educated  man, Sor Juana proposed that “women are to teach and learn”. In the  text, there was a passage that caught my attention since it stated, “If  God had given all human beings reason, then women were just as entitles  to develop and exercise their minds as their male counterparts.” It  caught my attention because, in my opinion, everything about it—from the  words to the philosophy it presents—is absolutely correct. It was quite  wonderful how the ladies started to grasp this and take action after  being given the same capacity but being kept back. In conclusion, I  think Sor Juana used rhetorical devices in her writing because she  didn’t obey the rules or the conventions of the time and instead wrote  what she wanted to say. Her ability to articulate oneself and write well  enables her to put her ideas on paper and influence readers’  perceptions.

Milestone Project


Organization: BayPath Elder Services Marlborough MA. 

Legislation :The Older Americans Act of 1965.

Your Position. In this section, you will lay out your organization’s position on the specific legislation being considered. It should be evident from your analysis that you have reviewed a full copy of the legislation and have researched the related issues and debate. Specifically, you should address the following points:

Is your organization for or against the legislation? Why? Your answer should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the legislation in terms of potential effectiveness, cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility. In other words, how might economic, social, or political factors (including other legislation) help or hinder the policy’s implementation and effectiveness? What specific concerns does your organization have?

  1. How might cultural, socioeconomic, and other diversity issues impact the quality and equity of services provided under the selected legislation? What concerns does your organization have? Provide examples to support your position.

What legal or ethical matters related to the legislation is your organization concerned about, if any? Explain your answer and provide examples, if appropriate.

Based on your analysis, how could the legislation in question be redesigned to better address the needs of intended beneficiaries? Be sure to address the following points and provide evidence to support your recommendations.

  1. How could the legislation better address diversity in meeting the needs of intended beneficiaries?

How could it better address legal or ethical concerns in meeting beneficiaries’ needs? If there are no concerns specific to this legislation, make suggestions for how the legislation might help prevent legal or ethical concerns in future policies. Support your suggestions with evidence.

  1. What other changes to the legislation would make it more effective in serving intended beneficiaries? Consider the cost, public acceptance, and political feasibility issues you identified above in making your suggestions.

Be sure to use language and communication strategies appropriate for political or organizational leaders in explaining your organization’s position and recommendations. Remember the goal is to convince your audience that your analysis is credible without burdening them with undue detail.

Final Scenes


You will again assume the role of the film company educational psychologist consultant. Remember that they are producing “The Other One,” a coming of age film about the early years of fraternal (non-identical) twin sisters. One is gifted, while the other is not. As the gifted twin struggles to fit in while thinking years ahead of her friends and sister, the parents struggle to provide what each daughter needs. The director, the actress playing the gifted twin, the sister, and the parents are 2 months into shooting the film but have recognized several missing elements that require your expertise as they reach the twins’ teen years. Specifically, they have identified the following issues:

What struggle or conflict might there be in the relationship of Emma (gifted twin) with her gifted African-American neighbor, Crisna, who goes to a public school where she has not been identified as gifted?

As the parents try to learn about providing support and opportunities to Emma, how might they handle Emma’s perfectionism that appears to be an overwhelming burden that threatens her ability to have a “normal childhood?”

  • Though Emma’s passionate school teacher is untrained for working with gifted students, what advice might he obtain from a famous educational psychologist who helps him identify plans and strategies he can implement with Emma to meet her need for achievement, to guide her in honing her abilities, to differentiate her learning, and in teaching her to be a self-regulated learner?
  • As Emma (age 13) begins having anxiety (panic) attacks that cause increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and feelings of intense fear and dread that seem to appear “out of nowhere,” what issues should be considered and what actions should be taken to help her?
  • In a scene where Bekah, now a 14-year-old basketball star, begins to fully realize the giftedness of her twin, what understanding and advice might she offer Emma from her experiences leading her team to a state title while playing on the varsity squad under an unrelenting coach?

1.2 Write a Research Question, Thesis, and Outline


ASSIGNMENT: Following the Topic Selection Guidelines below, choose an argumentative topic to research. This will be your topic throughout the entire course (excluding Touchstone 3.1), so the activities required for this assignment will provide the foundation for your future Touchstones. The topic for an argumentative research paper must be an arguable topic, meaning that it involves a stance that advocates for a concrete course of action and at least three supporting reasons which are defensible with credible sources. Additionally, it must take a stance that someone could hypothetically disagree with. You will need to take a firm position on the topic and use evidence and logic to support the position. Touchstone 1.2 includes a research question, a working thesis, a detailed outline, and a reflection on this pre-writing process.

A. Topic Selection Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the stance is arguable and the supporting reasons are defensible with evidence. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 6-8 page essay.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.


1. Rather than ending at age eighteen, compulsory education in the United States should be lifelong in order to improve civic engagement, teach new skills, and stave off cognitive decline, thus extending life expectancies.

2. Local governments, businesses, and property owners should replace conventional grass lawns with clover lawns in order to create habitat for pollinators, save water, and reduce maintenance, which will also lower carbon emissions.

3. Colleges and universities should prioritize academic freedom for students because sensitive discussions on difficult topics are necessary for students to learn, confidence in their own expertise is essential to teachers being effective, and students should be prepared to be exposed to many different opinions.

Learning Needs: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture Part III


Learning Needs: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture Part III

Performance Task: Narrative Overview 

In Task 1, you are required to demonstrate you will be focusing on a group of colleagues (minimum of three) with whom you worked on a specific task or project and who reflect different stages of career development, different backgrounds, and different perspectives. Consider how you will be/were able to apply strategies of adult learning across your teacher leadership activities with this group in order to promote collegiality and improve instruction and student learning.  

Depending on where you are in the planning vs implementation stage in terms of this requirement, your narrative may come from a variety of perspectives: 1) projecting/forecasting 2) current process or 3) full review of completed project. Even if you have not officially started this process, you are expected to be able to articulate your understanding of the requirements by predicting how you will successfully meet the prompt response. 

Use the Assignment Title Page Template (Module 0), make appropriate changes to the title page and be sure to change the header on page 2. Then begin your assignment on page 2. Start w/ title page as page #1. This will begin page #2. Your paper will begin with the title above. Add a reference page to cite any sources used to inform elements of your work. Intext citations are not required.

Narrative Essay Part II:

Paragraph #1

What was the overall impact of applying adult-learning strategies with the individuals within the group? How did the process differ across the individuals? Was the impact similar or different across the team members?

Paragraph #2

How did you build an environment of trust and a sense of ownership among your colleagues? (hint: what research/evidenced-based strategies did you employ)  Did you encounter any obstacles or resistance to the process? If so, how was this addressed? 

Paragraph #3

What impact did your work with your colleagues have on student learning? Be specific, provide examples. 

SNHU Effects of Genetically Modified Organisms Question


In the previous interactive writing templates, you  chose your issue and your research question. Now it’s time to find and  evaluate three sources for your Planning Document and Presentation. 

1a.) What is the title of your first source?

b.) Describe the first source you will use to  answer your question. This source should be academic in nature and  relevant to your issue. In your response you should include why you  chose this source, why you think it’s appropriate and relevant to your  issue, and how it compares to your other sources. Be sure to write at  least one full paragraph.

c.) Enter a properly formatted APA Style reference  for your first source. (You don’t need to use double-spacing and a  hanging indent in this template—that formatting will automatically be  applied when you download your assignment as a Word document.)

2a.) What is the title of your second source?

b.) Describe the second source you will use to  answer your question. This source should be academic in nature and  relevant to your issue. In your response you should include why you  chose this source, why you think it’s appropriate and relevant to your  issue, and how it compares to your other sources. Be sure to write at  least one full paragraph.

c.) Enter a properly formatted APA Style reference  for your second source. (You don’t need to use double-spacing and a  hanging indent in this template—that formatting will automatically be  applied when you download your assignment as a Word document.)

3a.) What is the title of your third source?

b.) Describe the third source you will use to  answer your question. This source should be academic in nature and  relevant to your issue. In your response you should include why you  chose this source, why you think it’s appropriate and relevant to your  issue, and how it compares to your other sources. Be sure to write at  least one full paragraph.

psy 120 ve


Many have argued that language is a uniquely human ability. So as the title says, what’s your opinion on the evidence for and against the idea that animals are capable of language? You may have noticed from the readings this week that I lean more on the side that animals don’t truly use language. Even the chimpanzees and gorillas that have learned sign language may not be really using it as a language or understanding that what they are doing is language.

I want not only your opinions but some evidence. Is there hard evidence of animals truly grasping the concept of language? Do a little research and present some findings. What case can be made for, or against, the notion that animals have the ability to acquire and use true language?

By the way, don’t get too hung up on the physical aspects of language production. A parrot mimicking words likely does not have a grasp of the language. But someone who is mute, although unable to produce spoken words, can still understand them. That person may also use sign language or writing to convey their own ideas. So, language does not require speech. Online courses really highlight this point. Even though I’ve never heard many of you speak, I know you have language abilities because you can write. Likewise, writing is not a required aspect of language. In fact, until fairly recently the majority of people could not read or write. Yet, they were still fluent in their spoken languages. There are also a number of cases where the spoken language differs a great deal from the written language, even some languages with no written form at all. 

After your initial post presenting your ideas and evidence, comment on what a few of your classmates presented on this topic. Do you agree wit their assessments? Did you find the evidence they cited credible?

Leadership Formatio


Pastoral or Designated Leadership Interview and Report
In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to talk about spiritual authority with a church leade


Step 2: Once the interview has been conducted, discuss your findings in a written 3-4 page report (not counting the title page). Use the Interview Report Template. Include the following sections. (Each section should be a ½ page in length.)

1. Introduction: Introduce the person you interviewed. Share basic background information regarding their role as a leader in your local church body.

2. Body: Incorporate information from the interview responses.
a. Paragraph 1: Leadership Styles
i. Which type of the four following leadership styles do you feel that you primarily operate in (spiritual, visionary, intrapreneurial, or servant)? Why?
ii. Which leadership style do you feel is most effective in supporting spiritual authority in the setting of a church body?
b. Paragraph 2: Church Governance
i. What are some of the responsibilities of a Spirit-Led leader?
ii. How do these responsibilities correlate to church governance?
iii. What are some of the delegated authorities in your local church body?
c. Paragraph 3: Rebellion and Obedience
i. Have you ever had an experience where blatant rebellion affected your local congregation? If so, what were some of the repercussions of that situation?
ii. How can those who are followers avoid the pitfalls of rebellion against spiritual authority?
iii. What is the value of an obedient “follower” or saint to a man of God or church leadership?
d. Paragraph 4: Practical Application of Spiritual Authority
i. In his book, Spiritual Authority, Watchman Nee makes the statement: “The church suffers from many who do not know how to obey, but she is likewise damaged through some who have not learned how to be in authority.” What are your thoughts on this?
ii. What are some ways that I can be a blessing to my local assembly in support of the spiritual authority of this church body?

PSY1010 Touchstone 31- Personality Development


Touchstone 3.1: Personality Development

SCENARIO: Monica is a single mom who has a 16-year-old son named Jordan. Monica and Jordan were close at one point. As of late, Monica has been noticing that Jordan spends a lot of time focusing on what his friends think about him. Without his mother’s permission, Jordan recently crawled out of his bedroom window and went to a party when he was supposed to be studying for an exam. Upon his return home, Jordan reeked of alcohol and marijuana and was caught by his mother. Shocked and appalled by her son’s recent behavior, she grounded him for two weeks.

What advice would you give Monica about her son’s recent behavior?

ASSIGNMENT: Using what you learned about the adolescent brain and social development, you will answer questions related to this case study assignment below. Your goals are to help Monica understand why her son makes the choices he does and recommend some strategies that may help solve the problem.

Assignment (use the touchstone response template to answer the questions)

DIRECTIONS: To complete the assignment, you will answer the following four questions in 5-7 sentences each:

  1. What happens inside the brain of a teenager that makes it difficult for Jordan to weigh the risks and rewards of his behavior? Describe how the adolescent brain weighs risk and reward.
  2. Why does it appear that Jordan values the opinion of his peers more than the opinion of his mother? Explain the psychological concepts that may account for why Jordan places value on his peers’ opinions.
  3. What advice would you give Jordan’s mother, Monica, that would teach him how to make better choices and decisions? Discuss a specific strategy that Monica may implement to help her son make better decisions. 
  4. If you were in Monica’s shoes, how would you feel? Explain why a better understanding of Monica’s perspective could result in more constructive advice.