Two philosophy questions


General instructions: Please answer two of the following questions. Label your essays withthe number of the questions you are answering. Do not re-write prompts in your essays. You may hand in up to 1500 words total of writing (excluding cover page, bibliography, etc.) for this assignment. Will attach needed documents for context but familiarity is preferred. Gross grammatical, spelling and typographical errors will be penalized. You may use any sources you wish, but all sources must be properly acknowledged. Feedback may be given that may required edits. Tips for this assignment available!!!! No use of ChatGBT or any AI tools.


1. Stroud uses the passage on dreaming in Descartes’ First Meditation to construct a skeptical
argument against knowledge of ordinary propositions like “There is a piece of paper in my
hand”. (a) How does the argument go? (b) What might Wolgast say about this argument?
Explain how she might object to it.

2. At the beginning of Meditation II Descartes doesn’t hesitate to ask himself questions about his

own existence and thinking. And he doesn’t hesitate to think about–reason about—thinking and
existing. He says, e.g., “if I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed. But there is a
supremely powerful and cunning deceiver who deliberately deceives me all the time! Even then,
if he is deceiving me I undoubtedly exist: let him deceive me all he can, he will never bring it
about that I am nothing while I think I am something.” [M2, p. 4] And, in Reply to an Objector
who complains that Descartes can be certain that he exists only if he knows what thinking and
existing are, Descartes replies that he does know these things, and that his knowledge of these
things “precedes” knowledge from reflection or demonstration. [Objections and Replies, p. 147]
What does this show us about how Descartes conceives of skeptical questions or doubts?
Does, e.g., feeling hesitant (or resistant) to some claim constitute skeptical doubt? (b) Is
Descartes right to concede that raising questions—in that sense, doubts–requires knowledge?
(c) Supposing Descartes is right, what does that teach us about the scope or extent of skeptical
questions and doubts? Can we, e.g., raise skeptical questions and doubts about everything

ENG-112 Writing /Research in the Disc


Read and watch the materials on the Plagiarism tab of the LibGuide. A list of the LibGuide readings and videos is below along with an estimate of the amount of time each video or reading should take:

Plagiarism Definition = 2 minutes to read

Forsyth Tech Student Code of Conduct, especially the Definition of Academic Dishonesty section = 5 minutes

  • Plagiarism Overview from the Owl at Purdue  = 5 minutes
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism activity from Rutgers = 15 minutes
  • What Is Plagiarism video from Scribbr = 4 minutes
  • Plagiarism 2.0 video = 22 minutes
  • Estimated time to read and watch all resources = 51 minutes
  • These readings and videos meet the following course outcome: 

Course Level Outcome 3: Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources

Click here to access your LibGuide: forum has been created for me to gauge your current understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. Post a summary of the information that you learned from the assigned web sites this week. In doing this, be careful that you do not plagiarize! Make sure that you do not just post what the web sites say. Instead, explain the information and then note what impact it has had (or will have) on you. You may give an example if that helps prove your point, but it needs to be one that you create, not one that you take from another location. Your initial posting should be a minimum of 200 words.

When you have finished making your post, read through your peers’ posts and reply to two of your peers.  Your replies should be a minimum of three meaningful sentences each.  “Meaningful” means your replies move the conversation forward as if you were talking to your peer in class. In other words, comments like “great job” and “I agree” are nice comments to make, but they will not count toward the three sentence minimum.
Estimated time to complete this discussion board = 45 minutes
This discussion board meets the following course outcomes:
Course Level Outcome 1: Used a recursive writing process to produce documents for audiences in various disciplines, including business, science, and the humanities.
Course Level Outcome 3: Located, critically examined, and evaluated sources.
Course Level Outcome 5: Produced documents using Standard Edited English.
Course Level Outcome 6: Collaborated actively in a writing community.

SOCI: Moral Panics hw


I would appreciate it if you could refer to the reading files I attaached or search; for the meaning and explanation of the *materials and *thing to consider below. 

1. Panics of the Past (moral panics before moral panic studies)

           Four Faces of Moral Panic (very basic)

                       Movie Panics (Nickelodeons)

                       Comic Book Panics

                       Music Panics

                       Pin Ball Panics

                       (Plus the Momo Challenge)

2.  Roots of Moral Panic Studies (where did moral panic studies come from?)

Radical Criminology and the Skeptical Movement

Social Construction of Social Problems (subjective/objective approaches)

Constructionist Approaches to Deviance

Labeling Theory/Hierarchy of Credibility/Howard Becker

Moral Crusaders and Moral Entrepreneurs (are they different?)

3.  Satanic Ritual Abuse Panics

                       McMartin Daycare 1983

                       Master Symbols

                                   Vulnerable Children, Menacing Devil, Trauma

Processual Stages (inventory, innovation, diffusion)

Signification Spirals

Moral Entrepreneurs/Motivations? (interest group, elite engineered, grassroots)

           Role of (Tabloid) Media

Some limitations of Conventional Moral Panic Theory (that emerged from the Satanic panics—“innovations” in moral panic theory)

4. Video Nasties (depending on how far we get in class on January 24)

                       Conditions of Emergence

Processual Stages

Signification Spirals

           Expanding range of folk devils

Moral Entrepreneurs/Motivations? (interest group, elite engineered, grassroots)

           Role of Newspaper Media

           Nested Panics

                       Two Episodes (possible 3): 1981-2, 1982-4, and possibly even 1981-4

Things to Consider

1.         Identify and differentiate three conventional motivations behind moral panic episodes. Offer classical examples of each motivation. Do you think that they are discrete or mutually exclusive motivations?

2.         What is conventional moral panic theory? What is the purpose of conventional moral panic theory?

3.         What is labeling theory and radical/skeptical criminology (or radical approaches to deviance)? What influence did they have on the rise of moral panic studies? How did the social constructionist approach to social problems influence moral panic studies? What is the main difference between labeling and moral panic theory?

5.         Explain how Simon Watney’s work on male homosexuality influenced moral panic research. What kind of moral panic theory did Watney help to popularize?

6.         Explain the video nasties and/or Satanic ritual abuse panic(s) using Cohen’s processual/stage model of deviance amplification.

7.         A friend asks you why people in the 1980s believed that Satanic ritual abuse was taking place in and around daycares. How would you explain this to your friend by drawing on the master symbols of the period?

8.         What is a signification spiral? Drawing on material covered in the module, identify and and explain two different significant spirals we have encountered in our case studies.

Black Radicalism (XCOR-3010-02) – Reading review 4 & 5


Reading review 4: please answer the following questions in a separate word document. Your answers must be in your own words. Any quotations taken from the source must be cited in parentheses. The purpose of the reading review is not to have every question answered correctly — this is a learning exercise. The purpose is to demonstrate that (1) you have completed the reading assignment, (2) you have thought about the assignment critically, and (3) you have answered the questions to the best of your ability.

Readings for this assignment:

  • Week 4 
  1. Based on your reading of chapter 4 of Slavery’s Exiles, describe some of the living quarters that borderland maroons found or made for themselves. 
  2. Based on chapter 4 of Slavery’s Exiles, how did borderland maroons obtain food? How did they obtain other supplies that they needed to survive? 
  3. What surprised you the most from chapter 4? 
  4. What similarities do you see between the maroons that Diouf is describing and those who followed Queen Nanny?S

The only source to use to answer this assignment-


Reading review 5: please answer the following questions in a separate word document. Your answers must be in your own words.Any quotations taken from the source must be cited in parentheses. The purpose of the reading review is not to have every question answered correctly — this is a learning exercise. The purpose is to demonstrate that (1) you have completed the reading assignment, (2) you have thought about the assignment critically, and (3) you have answered the questions to the best of your ability.
Readings for this assignment:
Week 5
What are some of the primary sources that Diouf used in chapter 5 of Slavery’s Exiles? Are these reliable sources? Why or why not?
What differences do you see between the borderland maroons and hinterland maroons. Do you think the distinction is significant or minor? Explain.
What is the evidence that hinterland maroons grew their own food?
What most surprised you from the story of St. Malo (chapter 6)?
Based on what you’ve learned so far from the Slavery’s Exiles book, would you describe marronage as an example of black radicalism? Why or why not?

The only sources to use to answer this assignment-

Global Studies Question


Write two brief summaries and a concluding paragraph for:
– Yang, Shiming. 2022. Growing Apart: China and India at the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. – Select one of the two following readings: Ivanova, 2021, UNEP, the Untold Story. Ch.1: UNEP Introduction; Ch. 2: Deliberate Design and Function; or Batra, G., J. Uitto, and O. Feinstein. 2021. Environmental Evaluation. A Case of the Global Environment Facility.
To repeat! you must write on Yang, but you have a choice for your second summary.

For each of your summaries:
– Capture the key argument you believe the author makes in your own words.
– Highlight one or two facts or examples the author mentions.
Concluding thoughts:
– What is your take-away from reading the two articles? Is there a way you can link them thematically and in their broader findings? (I am not looking for a specific connection, just try to think how the readings may each contribute to the larger question of how international cooperation helps address global environmental problems).

You must be selective and go for big picture: These texts are very different in character and scope and cover considerable ground. Read the texts first, and then decide what to focus on in your summaries.

Structure: your essay will have three parts:
– 2 short summaries,
– 1 final concluding section.
Total length: Your essay in total should be at least 1200 and no more than 1600 words. The three sections do not need to be the same word count, which will depend on the complexity of the reading.

Try to stick to the word count. If you end up above it, edit it down: delete, rephrase, condense, consolidate. Avoid repetition and redundancies.
For reference, this assignment prompt is 450 words long.
Write the total word count in the top right corner of the first page.

Style and format: – Use full bibliographical reference as title for each summary (copy from syllabus). – If you use direct quotes, do so sparingly and reference with page number (Yang 2023, 15). GRADING will be based on:
1) Effort to identify key arguments and synthesizing concluding thoughts.

2) Organization, clarity of writing and grammar! Be concise and precise. 

3) Avoid vague language and repetition. Proof read before turning in.

Kathleen O’Connor “Jeremiah, Pain and Promise”


critical review of Kathleen O’Connor’s book, Jeremiah:

Pain and Promise

Your review should evaluate O’Connor’s approach to reading the book of Jeremiah and express your critique of it

based on what you learn in this course about reading the Bible through the lens of trauma. A hard-copy of this

assignment is due in-person during Week 11 for Peer Review (Thurs Mar 21). After making edits and revisions based

on your peer reviewer’s comments, you will submit your paper for a grade (Tues Mar 26).

This book is approximately 190 pages, so please plan accordingly to complete this assignment. I will be assigning

chapters over the next few modules so that you complete the book before the due date, but you can also read ahead

as you are able.

Reviewing critically means thinking carefully about the strengths AND weakness of the author’s argument.

  • Make sure you clearly and concisely explain the methods that O’Connor uses to interpret Jeremiah, her
  • definitions of trauma, and how her approach to Jeremiah is applicable or relevant to modern-day readers.

Provide some specific examples but remember that this is NOT a book summary assignment. Explain how the

  • example(s) you use demonstrate the strength or weakness of her approach to understanding Jeremiah. If you

need to summarize some of O’Connor’s main points, make sure you explain why you think these points are

important (helpful/unhelpful) to the reader.

Some questions to consider in your critique:

What kind of approach(es) does O’Connor use in her biblical interpretation? How is her approach unique?

  • How do modern concepts of trauma apply when interpreting ancient biblical passages?
  • What aspects of O’Connor’s biblical interpretation are helpful to you as a reader/student? What aspects are
  • not as helpful? Do you think her approach limits understandings of the book of Jeremiah?

See ‘Critical Review – Questions to Keep in Mind’ in the Assignment Guidelines module for more questions to

consider as you write your critical review. Demonstrates a clear

understanding of the

important points of the book,

includes critical and balanced

evaluation of the strengths

AND weaknesses of author’s

points. Provides specific examples

(cites page numbers) to

support claims of strengths

AND weaknesses. Makes a strong case for how

the author’s approach applies

to modern readers. Well-written, organized,

concise, strong topic

sentences and transition

sentences, length of paper

within assignment parameters

Week 3 Discussion global terr


Part 1

Answer one of the following:

  1. In the introduction to his book Man and Aggression, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), Ashley Montagu writes that “In the case of man it is possible to say that in spite of attempts to saddle him with instincts, all such attempts have thus far failed. The most notable thing about human behavior is that it is learned.”  Further “it is within the dimension of culture, the learned, the man-made part of the environment that man grows, develops, and has his being as a behaving organism.”  The argument about “nature” v. “nurture,” and whether we are born aggressive or learn it from our social environment, continues to vex scholars. What do you think? Are terrorists (think of the attackers on 9/11, the Taliban, or the January 6 rioters, for example) born or made so by the environment?
  2. In our reading for this week, Karl Mannheim’s Ideology and Utopia, the author describes the general camps, the modes of thought, within which we are raised and through which our historical and political thinking coalesce. On Page 118 he lists and then describes the most important representative categories constituting the political and social determinants of knowledge of the 19th and 20th century. These “ideal types” are five (here he is thinking of Europe, I believe):  Bureaucratic conservativism; Conservative historicism; Liberal-democratic bourgeois thought; the Socialist-communist conception; and Fascism. If he is correct, and adjusting for the present day, within which such category do most terrorists abroad fall, in your opinion? Most terrorists here in the United States? The majority of Americans?
  3. Emile Durkheim developed the idea of anomie, normlessness. When changes occur, traditional norms may weaken or even disappear. These breaks may bring on a lack of order and civility. In ancient and Medieval times, many cultures had periods or bursts of carnival, wild behavior, ecstasy, drunken revelry, Dionysian revels and orgies. Do we need norms to live a civilized life? Is violence a deviation from settled patterns? Can terrorists be brought into civility, do you think? Or are some of these global terrorists simply ignorant, violence-prone and close-minded.

Nutrition discussion & Art Disuccion & English Discussion


In 200 words or more:

Briefly describe your reaction to this video. 

Why is this type of diet not recommended?  Use specific information from our textbook to support your answer.

The eBook and/or lesson 4 lecture is a required reference.

Be sure to include the health effects of a diet high in saturated fat and refined grains and the pro-inflammatory nature of this type of diet in your post:

  1. See Smith section 5.6 on saturated fat and cholesterol,

section 5.7 on “the development of cardiovascular disease” and

  1. section 10.1 for clarification on the inflammatory response.

Would you eat at this facility? Why or why not? 

  • Would you let your children eat there? Why or why not?
  • Why do you think this type of restaurant is popular in the U.S. now?

Do you think most Americans relate their food decisions to their risk for disease?   What evidence is there for your thinking on this?

  • Do you have experiences where it seems evident that people you know have decided to eat unhealthily despite the possible consequences?  How do we all “pay” for this? 
  • Answer all 7 questions fully with insight,
  • Back up your ideas with reliable evidence, with references (our textbook is a great reference, include section or page numbers).
  1. Please read and reply to at least 2 other posts, at least 50 words each.
  2. End each reply with a thoughtful and relevant questio
  3. Standard MLA style format 
  4. 1,000 words plus works cited page. 
  5. Works Cited page with one source citations must be included for a passing grade 
  6. the assigned source that was annotated and discussed in Unit 1
  7. Assignment – Structure and Development should reflect the QUESTIONs below.

Essay #1 involves research on the assigned humanities topic. Refer back to Lesson 2.5 for the topic of the essay and the required reading.

  1. In Corridor’s video “New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete,” Corridor video illustrates the combat skills of a robot through various tests and combat situations. Corridor. “New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital).” Youtube. 
  2. In your essay, analyze the details of the following,
  3. the humans’ actions and behaviors
  4. the robot’s actions and behaviors
  5. the text captions 

Japans history discussion


Hello for this assignment I need to engage in a discussion about Chapter 3 of my book. Here are the instructions

Teamaster must evaluate the week’s reading, movie, and documentary . Your team should select features that you found particularly interesting and engaging to talk about. Do not try to cover the whole reading, information on all documents, film or documentary in one thread. Choosing a clear focus will help you host an effective Tea Meeting because you must do more than merely describe what you saw and read about; you must get your classmates to engage analytically with the content, bringing the discussion to a deeper level.

Research: Please make sure to lookup any related information that is worth
adding, whether it reinforces or contests the readings’ position what matters is
your justification for its inclusion.
Add background history of the documents you are analyzing, the director of the
films and authors of readings background, and any other information that will
enhance the discussions.Hello for this assignment I need to engage in a discussion about Chapter 3 of my book. Here are the instructions

Readings and Links


Analyze documents: from Modern Japan: A History in Documents

Chapter 3: Confronting the Modern World: 1868-89…


After doing the readings and when assigned movies and documents, please join the conversation with the TeaMasters!
Remember we are all learning from one another, expand on the conversation, provide facts and links 🙂
Do not summarize readings here, the idea is to analyze them by discussing them.

More than just thinking about the plot, you need to look at every detail so that you can compare how characters dress, do elders and youth dress alike?
Consider the architecture, how are spaces designed, what spaces are occupied by whom?
Is there a difference between genders, authorities, young/elders or do they all occupy the same place? Who gets up first at the table, who serves?
Are characters taking turns to speak, which lines does each say, who has the last word, etc?
& finally… what does it all mean?
How do your observations relate to the content of the course



Most everyone has seen criminal trials (both fictitious and real) on TV. You know, then, that the trial starts with opening statements and ends with closing arguments by the prosecution and defense, respectively.

For this Discussion, you will examine the advantages and disadvantages of schemas.


  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the advantages and disadvantages of schema.
  • Imagine you are a juror. Exactly how do opening statements and closing arguments function as schemas? In particular, what impact would opening statements have on how you, as a juror, would interpret evidence proffered at trial?


Post how your preconceptions (i.e., your schema) might supersede the schema (i.e., theory) of the case as presented by attorneys for the state and for the defendant during opening statements. How might the strength of your preconceptions cause you to reject the attorneys’ attempt to provide a schema for the case?

Required Media